Early fall children back in School, the sounds of gunfire off in the distance...getting used to it now.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I'd like to see the Democrat
Pardon me, sir. Where did I mention political party? Democrats are mostly just the other conservatives, right?
. What I said was "conservatives"...gun fondling conservatives. Dis guy gave his 14 year old son an AR-15. He should be charged with child abuse for that alone even if the kid didn't go off and kill people.

Shit, dude. You bitch the parents should be held accountable, then when they are you bitch about that.
. I'm starting to think you are just a bitch.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Yes, these contard parents
You associate conservative parents with one aspect of gun violence with the term "contard"

You're hiding behind the false notion you bedwetters and queefers consider Democrats "contards??....LOL

"Pardon me, sir. Where did I mention political party? Democrats are mostly just the other conservatives, right?
. What I said was "conservatives"...gun fondling conservatives"

No......you used the term "contard" Theses Democratic "contards".....do you speak with them in real life or your fantasies?

@The New Holliday
"Shit, dude. You bitch the parents should be held accountable, then when they are you bitch about that."

Learn to read....post where I have bemoaned parents being held responsible for the actions of thier children......

I'll stand by my post that the parents of the "teens" in inner cities be held accountable. I'll wager they are not card carrying Republicans. The folk that vote for the shit leadership in the Democrat strongholds are not conservative in any stretch of the imagination.

Try again......and pay attention next time.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
LoLzers - yo uare one confused little puppy.

You associate conservative parents with one aspect of gun violence with the term "contard"
No, I'm equating it as I always do with selfish, careless, non-thinking, angry, hate-filled, static state assholes as I always have. Conservatism and Liberalism are not simply political terms as simpletons like you believe.

Yesterday I saw a news item about a guy in in Brooklyn who shot up a barber shop over a bad haircut. Do you really not understand that that level of selfish disregard for other people's lives is anything less than rabid conservatism? That asshole is a contard no matter what party he votes for, or if he doesn't vote. His actions are purely self serving w/o regard for anyone else's welfare. That's what conservatism does.

No......you used the term "contard" Theses Democratic "contards".....do you speak with them in real life or your fantasies?
Yes, I speak to contards in real life many of whom are registered Democrats. LoLz

Learn to read
I know how to read. Why don't you learn to write and punctuate then maybe you won't continue phucktard.
You Learn to read. I said parents should be held accountable and you started whining again about them not being. Well this asshole is being held accountable. Quit yer cryin ya blubbering bitch.
I'll wager they are not card carrying Republicans. The folk that vote for the shit leadership in the Democrat strongholds are not conservative in any stretch of the imagination.
See, you just don't get it. There you are with the party stuff again. If you were a thinker...you'd be a shallow thinker. LoLz at the Atomic DungPile.


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
Cackle much?


Looks as distorted as your reality…

bravo for being a complete dipshit again


Factory Bastard
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Don't expect the resident leftoids to acknowledge this, it will be somehow Trump's fault...
I don't know whether this is true or not, but if it is. so what? Do you think we're going to defend him for killing people? No, unlike you fuckwits who defend murderers like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.

Or do you think one mass murdering transexual person means all transexuals are murderers? Honey, you know none of the previous mass murderers were transsexuals, so it must mean all Cis people are murderers, right?

A murderer is a murderer, regardless of race, nationality, gender, or any other identifier. Unlike you cons, we don't run around trying to turn criminals (eg Trump) into heroes.


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Well, not everyone is unarmed during a mass shooting.
. It hidden somewhere in the definition.
Assuming for the moment that Trump's assassination attempt was in fact real, Trump was surrounded by well trained marksmen, undoubtedly better trained in shooting than 99.9% of the knuckleheads running around with AR-15s today, who are shooting up schools and random crowds.

And Trump allegedly had his ear blown clean off anyway. So yeah lets put a gun in the hands of every brain dead misfit in America, what could possibly go wrong?
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