Enough with the Blue Cashew threads


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Moving forward, BF should be a place that isn’t so hung up on The Who abouts of handles.

If grown ass adults are that butt hurt over getting their teeth chipped by a poster that they need to go snooping out IP’s, let them. Who gives a fuck?

This witch hunt is all about butt hurt. Flynn and yours truly can tell you over and over we aren’t the same person but it’s you morons who need to understand that, and honestly, if we actually were using the same handle it’s not like either of us would deny it by now and would be claiming “trullz yuuuz tee hee “ already but i degrees.

These are Canadian idiots, which is possibly the worst kind of idiot. Canada as a country, has Bret fucking Hart, a pro wrestler as one of the greatest Canadians in its history. Think about that one. That would be like Sargent Slaughter being anointed the head of defense in the states.

These idiots need this place more then this place needs those idiots. When all of their hot threads are dedicated to posters here there’s something in the water that I sure as shit don’t want to drink.

Let’s be trend setters instead of wonky followers.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Im not Canadian tho
Of course your not. But you are acting like one. A white Canadian.

Come on Flea, your better then running back to BC with a “lolz at whatz they didz to my AV” pity thread. You brought moar traffic here with that then traffic to your mini forum.

And, I’m going to point out how for years they put pillows around Rotwang, who isn’t the most savory of characters, unless the whole looking for little boys on messenger is in the forgive and forget garbage bin and you and all the Canadians are looking past that.

Don’t be a hypocrite, Flea. You know just how dirty all of those morons are and the lengths some of them will go to for a gotcha. Even the ones who claim they don’t or never did.

My interest waned when one post of mine was deleted for no reason. If I can’t have free speech, I’m not following a heard of incompetent morons around looking for likes and e-hugs. You guys can do that, not me.

But do me a solid and have my account deleted there. I don’t want to be associated with the obsessive dorks on that eye sore nor do I think a “ Us VS Them” inter board purse swinging contest is something that will suddenly bring interest into this stagnant community.

What I am going to do, is fix this forum. It’s going to take time and effort, but surely the results will happen. That one lifer getting banned is step one into creating a better environment here and the end goal is getting new members and keeping them.

You guys can talk about it from the cheap seats.


Domestically feral
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United states
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Flea is good ppl. Always has been.

When the BC cult of retardation starts eating itself, she always has a place here.

If she posted a selfie holding maraca’s I’d retire for good.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.


Domestically feral
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United states
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.

Its cringey how Plynntini will complain about shit that only he is doing. And project his issues onto other people. It's why I call him an unhinged delusional psycho.

I think it's a level of narcissism that makes him believe if he posts it and people read it, theyll believe it because he said it.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.


Still obsessed with Martini. Who would have thought?

I put the idiot on ignore.

It obviously wants my attention, I refuse to reciprocate, and for the betterment of this forum have put the “if the dumb bitch got on all fours and shut up you’d still put that broken table out on the curb on garbage day” loser on iggy.

But, she isn’t alone. Anybody who keeps going full blown nascar laps with shit posts is getting put on the list, also. Since ppl don’t understand they are not wanted here, you have to do the next best thing and unwant them from your timelines yourself.

As for content, The Community Trilogy, a three part mini series is being worked on exposing three well known members of this community that, posted here, will not be edited because of hurt feelings. One of which, is a rather sick fuck that some of you are e-buddies with.

Fresh new content. Coming soon.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.

Its cringey how Plynntini will complain about shit that only he is doing. And project his issues onto other people. It's why I call him an unhinged delusional psycho.

I think it's a level of narcissism that makes him believe if he posts it and people read it, theyll believe it because he said it.

Pity he only "retired" for about 3 days...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.


Still obsessed with Martini. Who would have thought?


Only you would think it, ya fucking psycho.

Says the perennial victim that wants Martini to leave her alone, yet juts her big fat fucking nose into every one of his threads.

Try again you obsessed hypocrite.

Now that you don't have Biggie Shits providing you cover, you don't have much to say now you fucking cowardly cunt.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.

Its cringey how Plynntini will complain about shit that only he is doing. And project his issues onto other people. It's why I call him an unhinged delusional psycho.

I think it's a level of narcissism that makes him believe if he posts it and people read it, theyll believe it because he said it.

Pity he only "retired" for about 3 days...

He always says he put me on ignore before blathering about why I'm such a shitty poster no one likes :LOL3:

I guess he just takes me off ignore everytime he comes back as himself?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.

Have you apologized to Lotusbud for posting her PI?

Have you mentioned Oak again today at BC?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.


Still obsessed with Martini. Who would have thought?


Only you would think it, ya fucking psycho.

Says the perennial victim that wants Martini to leave her alone, yet juts her big fat fucking nose into every one of his threads.

Try again you obsessed hypocrite.

Now that you don't have Biggie Shits providing you cover, you don't have much to say now you fucking cowardly cunt.

You really are a fucking idiot. Truly.

About the dumbest most unhinged spazz around.

Why dont you go dazzle us all with another tearfilled manifesto complete with offensive screen shots that hurt your bussy that absolutely no one is gonna read because your intense emotional obsession with me makes everyone uncomfortable?

Chop chop. You fucking racist.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.

Its cringey how Plynntini will complain about shit that only he is doing. And project his issues onto other people. It's why I call him an unhinged delusional psycho.

I think it's a level of narcissism that makes him believe if he posts it and people read it, theyll believe it because he said it.

Pity he only "retired" for about 3 days...

He always says he put me on ignore before blathering about why I'm such a shitty poster no one likes :LOL3:

I guess he just takes me off ignore everytime he comes back as himself?

Nobody is as irritating on here as he is, absolutely no one.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.

Its cringey how Plynntini will complain about shit that only he is doing. And project his issues onto other people. It's why I call him an unhinged delusional psycho.

I think it's a level of narcissism that makes him believe if he posts it and people read it, theyll believe it because he said it.

Pity he only "retired" for about 3 days...

He always says he put me on ignore before blathering about why I'm such a shitty poster no one likes :LOL3:

I guess he just takes me off ignore everytime he comes back as himself?

Oh many times have you allegedly put myself and Lily on ignore? Only to come back and answer our posts because you can't sleep at night knowing that what we say is true?



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Another cringey deja vu moment, where Mutantini is attempting to mould the forum into how he wishes it to be.

Fuck, this guy has easily got to be one of the most insufferable twats I've encountered online.

Hey Chintini, you're a fucking newb on here, and an unwanted one at that. Your fat ass doesn't get to tell other members how to behave or what to post.

Go back to flirting with Chank teenage boys on Discord and save us another one of your tiresome bullshitting routines.
Well look at this incoherent babble.

Please do link me to where GiGi Dolin is a trans, you hidden queer.

Nahhzi here is so consumed with lgbtq everything he sees is either gay, or like his mother, has a dick. This poor dick rider can’t even go to the old ppls home at BC because that shit hole doesn’t want him, either.

I will not let you suck my dick, you pitiful, thirsty, closet hanger. Open the fucking door to yourself and the fact you come across like the fucking guy in American Beauty who killed Spacey.

Just admit you wish you could prance naked thru a car wash with chenille pads covered in dicks consuming your entire body and move strai……er…..forward.

You act like everyone here doesn’t know your queer.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
And you act like people actually want you here.....

When will you be "retiring" again?

Because your schtick is about as welcome as a wet fart in an elevator.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.


Still obsessed with Martini. Who would have thought?


Only you would think it, ya fucking psycho.

Says the perennial victim that wants Martini to leave her alone, yet juts her big fat fucking nose into every one of his threads.

Try again you obsessed hypocrite.

Now that you don't have Biggie Shits providing you cover, you don't have much to say now you fucking cowardly cunt.

You really are a fucking idiot. Truly.

About the dumbest most unhinged spazz around.

Why dont you go dazzle us all with another tearfilled manifesto complete with offensive screen shots that hurt your bussy that absolutely no one is gonna read because your intense emotional obsession with me makes everyone uncomfortable?

Chop chop. You fucking racist.

At least I'm able to spell what I'm saying. At least I stick to what I say instead of contradicting myself each and everyday. Now that fucktard Biggie Loser is banned, I can now use your head as a fucking basketball without him trying to shield you with "admin sucks cock." Now, I'm really going to wind you up to where you will want to kill yourself, cunt.

You are the dumbest person out here and everyone knows it. Why do you think Blurt slyly makes fun of you with humor that flies way over your empty head? You also can't read as on many occasions you'll "like" a post when it was a dig directed at your stupid ass, yet you're too fucking stupid to realize this.

You will never be known for your intelligence just a lak of.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And you act like people actually want you here.....

When will you be "retiring" again?

Because your schtick is about as welcome as a wet fart in an elevator.

He also doesnt want anymore talk of BC, dangit. Never mind he is the only one blathering endlessly about BC. Lol

It's as if he broke and all he can do now is project lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.


Still obsessed with Martini. Who would have thought?


Only you would think it, ya fucking psycho.

Says the perennial victim that wants Martini to leave her alone, yet juts her big fat fucking nose into every one of his threads.

Try again you obsessed hypocrite.

Now that you don't have Biggie Shits providing you cover, you don't have much to say now you fucking cowardly cunt.

You really are a fucking idiot. Truly.

About the dumbest most unhinged spazz around.

Why dont you go dazzle us all with another tearfilled manifesto complete with offensive screen shots that hurt your bussy that absolutely no one is gonna read because your intense emotional obsession with me makes everyone uncomfortable?

Chop chop. You fucking racist.

At least I'm able to spell what I'm saying.

It's kinda cute how you always want a reward for not even meeting the bare minimum.

Maybe try composing your correctly spelled words into something that doesnt look like the confused and muddled demon spawn of a stroke and schizophrenic breakdown?

Just a thought. Dont like....KILL YOURSELF or anything.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
And you act like people actually want you here.....

When will you be "retiring" again?

Because your schtick is about as welcome as a wet fart in an elevator.

He also doesnt want anymore talk of BC, dangit. Never mind he is the only one blathering endlessly about BC. Lol

It's as if he broke and all he can do now is project lol.

I remember when he first turned up on there with his trademark cheesy 80's gameshow host routine.

The regs on there lapped it up initially, for about a week or so, but then they got sick of the twat, same as the rest of us. LOL


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Says the only guy who sat and started 3 threads about BC and has ranted several paragraphs about what was posted at BC.


Still obsessed with Martini. Who would have thought?


Only you would think it, ya fucking psycho.

Says the perennial victim that wants Martini to leave her alone, yet juts her big fat fucking nose into every one of his threads.

Try again you obsessed hypocrite.

Now that you don't have Biggie Shits providing you cover, you don't have much to say now you fucking cowardly cunt.

You really are a fucking idiot. Truly.

About the dumbest most unhinged spazz around.

Why dont you go dazzle us all with another tearfilled manifesto complete with offensive screen shots that hurt your bussy that absolutely no one is gonna read because your intense emotional obsession with me makes everyone uncomfortable?

Chop chop. You fucking racist.

At least I'm able to spell what I'm saying.

It's kinda cute how you always want a reward for not even meeting the bare minimum.

Maybe try composing your correctly spelled words into something that doesnt look like the confused and muddled demon spawn of a stroke and schizophrenic breakdown?

Just a thought. Dont like....KILL YOURSELF or anything.

This coming from the idiot that couldn't even spell "potato."

As far as killing myself, I wouldn't take that away from you as I had you almost slitting your wrists on SG.


You are soo fucking weak.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And you act like people actually want you here.....

When will you be "retiring" again?

Because your schtick is about as welcome as a wet fart in an elevator.

He also doesnt want anymore talk of BC, dangit. Never mind he is the only one blathering endlessly about BC. Lol

It's as if he broke and all he can do now is project lol.

I remember when he first turned up on there with his trademark cheesy 80's gameshow host routine.

The regs on there lapped it up initially, for about a week or so, but then they got sick of the twat, same as the rest of us. LOL

He never gets past that point.