Entitlements and Natives


Factory Bastard
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Good post by a Canadian at another board. I thought I would share it.

I'm late getting onto this thread. I'm not sure why but for some unknown reason, it was ghosted. Anyway, for the two on this site who are trying (and failing) to defend the abo's and their deplorable behavior, here is a bit of advice for you.


But you are not alone in the great brown land. We in the frozen bits are also having a lot of trouble with the natives as well. And, as expected, the people who try to defend their "culture" don't realize what a horrid culture it was/is. Years ago, we had a friend (RIP) who was a native Eskimo born in Alaska. She and her white husband moved to Alberta where we met them. At a party one evening, one of the boors in the room asked her if she ever missed the old ways. She replied with "The old ways? You mean like starving for weeks on end waiting for the men to find a seal to steal from the polar bears? You mean like waiting in agony for perhaps months while the medical people in Ottawa are trying to get a plane to get you to civilization for a kidney stone removal? You mean like living at minus 60 degrees in a snow house that is barely bigger than the bathroom I have in my nice warm house now? If I am cold now, I go to the wall and turn up the thermostat. If I am hungry now, I get in my nice warm car and go to the grocery store where I can buy anything I want from almost any area of the world that I want. My kids go to a very nice school. The only lump in my oatmeal right now is the fact that my husband has to work shift work but he does earn more money in a year than my entire tribe did back home in a year.

Yeah. I sure miss the old ways."

There you have it. One of the natives who managed to adapt to the white mans' ways.

BTW, her daughter ended up as a doctor working in a burn unit. Her son was a pressure welder who worked on some fairly exotic metals. Between the two of them, they earn well over a million dollars a year.

Or they could have stayed with the old ways and starved waiting to steal a seal away from a polar bear.

OTOH, we still do have a lot of natives here who get far too much gubmint money and destroy their lives because of it. Many don't make it past thirty or so.


Factory Bastard
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I'll be honest... We shoud've wiped them out when we had the chance to do so...

They are an Asian race unable to adapt to modern conditions... A primitive, troublesome people.

They now only exist sucking on the tit of the White man...
There was a big stabbing spree in Saskatchewan the other day.

2 Native men killed 10 people.


I guess the warrior still lurks in them.


Factory Bastard
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I'll be honest... We shoud've wiped them out when we had the chance to do so...

They are an Asian race unable to adapt to modern conditions... A primitive, troublesome people.

They now only exist sucking on the tit of the White man...

Couldn't agree more.

Obviously we can't do that so you have to come up with a plan B.

This is my plan B.. hang on a minute...


Factory Bastard
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People MUST change the native and I have written this out to be repeated everytime anyone drags out the racist mantra.

The native Indians in the USA and Aus. are citizens with the EXACT same rights and obligations as EVERY OTHER citizen.

Move along.

the Canadian guy said my mantra won't work but it WILL WORK.

Our laws are universal... don't steal, don't murder, don't lie.... obey the laws of your country.

Either the natives are CITIZENS or they are not. Which is it?

senior penor

Factory Bastard
I'll be honest... We shoud've wiped them out when we had the chance to do so...

They are an Asian race unable to adapt to modern conditions... A primitive, troublesome people.

They now only exist sucking on the tit of the White man...
There was a big stabbing spree in Saskatchewan the other day.

2 Native men killed 10 people.


I guess the warrior still lurks in them.
Well, the warrior was lurking in the one that my supervisor chased off. They certainly run fast when chased by an axe-weilding angry and fat ginger.
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Factory Bastard
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When people have that much rage, (the stabbing natives) it means they were sexually abused (most likely) as children. Sexual crimes on children are rife in native communities.

People use that as an excuse to feel sorry for perpetrators evil actions but I don't.

I don't know what the answer is... It's confusing trying to come up with a solution to random violence.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
When people have that much rage, (the stabbing natives) it means they were sexually abused (most likely) as children. Sexual crimes on children are rife in native communities.

People use that as an excuse to feel sorry for perpetrators evil actions but I don't.

I don't know what the answer is... It's confusing trying to come up with a solution to random violence.
The answer is not so easy. From a White (me) perspective, they are best isolated to their reserves. This suits them best also. They can drink, drug, and fuck their daughters without much repercussion from the authorities. This also suits me best too, since our Injuns are hardly any better than American Niggers... Best to keep them contained to a small geographical area.

Injun violence is mostly Injun on Injun, so the current process of dealing with this race seems best practice, and that's to give them their reserve land and let them kill and rape each other. It really is what they want.

Attempting to integrate these people into White culture ended in the 1950's... Already then we realized it couldn't be done. They are a different race, with different genetic behavioural patterns.

The best thing we can do is separate them from society. Unfortunately since we didn't wipe them out, we'll have to pay to keep these drunken violent fucks alive for the rest of their lives, and pay them to shit out even more unproductive Injun offspring...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When people have that much rage, (the stabbing natives) it means they were sexually abused (most likely) as children. Sexual crimes on children are rife in native communities.

People use that as an excuse to feel sorry for perpetrators evil actions but I don't.

I don't know what the answer is... It's confusing trying to come up with a solution to random violence.
The answer is not so easy. From a White (me) perspective, they are best isolated to their reserves. This suits them best also. They can drink, drug, and fuck their daughters without much repercussion from the authorities. This also suits me best too, since our Injuns are hardly any better than American Niggers... Best to keep them contained to a small geographical area.

Injun violence is mostly Injun on Injun, so the current process of dealing with this race seems best practice, and that's to give them their reserve land and let them kill and rape each other. It really is what they want.

Attempting to integrate these people into White culture ended in the 1950's... Already then we realized it couldn't be done. They are a different race, with different genetic behavioural patterns.

The best thing we can do is separate them from society. Unfortunately since we didn't wipe them out, we'll have to pay to keep these drunken violent fucks alive for the rest of their lives, and pay them to shit out even more unproductive Injun offspring...

And sadly, that is the actual truth but seeing kids brutalized is hard to take.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And sadly, that is the actual truth but seeing kids brutalized is hard to take.
It's the Injun way...

I view them as subhumans. We tried to take their kids away, and raise them in a safe White environment...

That was 'Racist'...

So Fuck them. They can rot for all I care.

Their rot is spilling over and stabbing people. See the conundrum?


Factory Bastard
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I have two lots in my street.... well one lives down the hill on her own though and was part of "the stolen generation," so she knows how to live civilized and educated. She keeps getting large compensation payments, ($60,000) from the government.... then runs out buying antiques. She was once married to a Maori.

Ones up the hill have been quite lately. The male occupant ended up killed in a car accident in the country. I would say more but it would be pointless.

Drugs + alcohol are a lethal combination and when combined with super dumb people, you've got massive grief infliction that is largely preventable..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I saw the news earlier... one of the assailants is deceased and it was drug related and it was in the native community.

So I was instinctively intuned about the drugs being a factor.

The was this native man talking about forgiveness and the bodies weren't even cold yet.

Losing a love one isn't like misplacing your car keys. What an idiot to talk about forgiveness so early in this tragedy.

He should been condemning the drug trade.

They have to do something about the escalating drug trafficking.
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senior penor

Factory Bastard
I saw the news earlier... one of the assailants is deceased and it was drug related and it was in the native community.

So I was instinctively about the drugs being a factor.

The was this native man talking about forgiveness and the bodies weren't even cold yet.

Losing a love one isn't like misplacing your car keys. What an idiot to talk about forgiveness so early in this tragedy.

He should been condemning the drug trade.

They have to do something about the escalating drug trafficking.
If drugs are involved and they found this guy outside of a reserve, chances are they won't find the other guy alive, either. Native gangs don't fuck around when it comes to that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I saw the news earlier... one of the assailants is deceased and it was drug related and it was in the native community.

So I was instinctively about the drugs being a factor.

The was this native man talking about forgiveness and the bodies weren't even cold yet.

Losing a love one isn't like misplacing your car keys. What an idiot to talk about forgiveness so early in this tragedy.

He should been condemning the drug trade.

They have to do something about the escalating drug trafficking.
If drugs are involved and they found this guy outside of a reserve, chances are they won't find the other guy alive, either. Native gangs don't fuck around when it comes to that.

The assailants are brothers. It appears the younger brother may be the killer of the older brother. I think the killer was recently let out of jail.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I saw the news earlier... one of the assailants is deceased and it was drug related and it was in the native community.

So I was instinctively about the drugs being a factor.

The was this native man talking about forgiveness and the bodies weren't even cold yet.

Losing a love one isn't like misplacing your car keys. What an idiot to talk about forgiveness so early in this tragedy.

He should been condemning the drug trade.

They have to do something about the escalating drug trafficking.
If drugs are involved and they found this guy outside of a reserve, chances are they won't find the other guy alive, either. Native gangs don't fuck around when it comes to that.

The assailants are brothers. It appears the younger brother may be the killer of the older brother. I think the killer was recently let out of jail.

The assailant still on the loose maybe wounded.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
The assailants are brothers. It appears the younger brother may be the killer of the older brother. I think the killer was recently let out of jail.

The assailant still on the loose maybe wounded.
The killer was released on probation months ago, but failed to report to his PO. He was an actively wanted criminal for months now. This is actually a big thing, because that was hidden until now. The public never knew.

You see, Canada does a really good job of hiding the races of offenders, as do all other Western nations. Non-White criminals are to be coddled here.

Now this is changing... Ever since the Wortman shooting, the public now expects to see what the dangerous offender looks like, what his crimes are, and it's going to send the left into a craze when future warnings are flooded with mostly non-Whites doing violent things, and getting released early from prison simply because they are non-White.

The lefty mind is in a state of confusion over this now... Warn them and the general public about a crazed killer, or hide the actions of their violent pets from the general public?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The assailants are brothers. It appears the younger brother may be the killer of the older brother. I think the killer was recently let out of jail.

The assailant still on the loose maybe wounded.
The killer was released on probation months ago, but failed to report to his PO. He was an actively wanted criminal for months now. This is actually a big thing, because that was hidden until now. The public never knew.

You see, Canada does a really good job of hiding the races of offenders, as do all other Western nations. Non-White criminals are to be coddled here.

Now this is changing... Ever since the Wortman shooting, the public now expects to see what the dangerous offender looks like, what his crimes are, and it's going to send the left into a craze when future warnings are flooded with mostly non-Whites doing violent things, and getting released early from prison simply because they are non-White.

The lefty mind is in a state of confusion over this now... Warn them and the general public about a crazed killer, or hide the actions of their violent pets from the general public?

I just used the term "pet" earlier on memebee because that is how they are treated, like precious pets instead of equal humans who are citizens accountable to law and obligations like everyone else.

They have been getting away with it for decades and it is time to change the narrative to a more truthful one.

Be respectful though because meaningful change will benefit us all. I don't want to alienate other citizens.

Don't harp on about crims, what they are and what primitives they were, rather keep telling them what is expected of a citizen. Hammer it in. Do you see where I am coming from?

I met an aborigine girl YEARS ago adopted into a large white Uniting Church Christian family that had many adopted kids. Let's call her Jody. She was at an abo political meeting where they were bagging whites or the establishment and complaining how abos were poor and Jody (a fantastic talented vocalist) piped up and said whites were doing it tough too and she lived in a house FULL of white people. I was so proud of her for defending the very people who educated, clothed and feed her and basically telling other abos, whites had just as many hardships raising families as aborigines.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The assailants are brothers. It appears the younger brother may be the killer of the older brother. I think the killer was recently let out of jail.

The assailant still on the loose maybe wounded.
The killer was released on probation months ago, but failed to report to his PO. He was an actively wanted criminal for months now. This is actually a big thing, because that was hidden until now. The public never knew.

You see, Canada does a really good job of hiding the races of offenders, as do all other Western nations. Non-White criminals are to be coddled here.

Now this is changing... Ever since the Wortman shooting, the public now expects to see what the dangerous offender looks like, what his crimes are, and it's going to send the left into a craze when future warnings are flooded with mostly non-Whites doing violent things, and getting released early from prison simply because they are non-White.

The lefty mind is in a state of confusion over this now... Warn them and the general public about a crazed killer, or hide the actions of their violent pets from the general public?

Yeah but that guy Wortman was White.

Blonde blue eyed.

He killed 19 people with an AR15.

Nova Scotia Shooter, right?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Yeah but that guy Wortman was White.

Blonde blue eyed.

He killed 19 people with an AR15.

Nova Scotia Shooter, right?
Yep. My point is, because Wortman was White, people judged the RCMP for their actions. And maybe reasonably so...

Now we'll hopefully get the full reports on all the non-White violent bums in our society also...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The assailants are brothers. It appears the younger brother may be the killer of the older brother. I think the killer was recently let out of jail.

The assailant still on the loose maybe wounded.
The killer was released on probation months ago, but failed to report to his PO. He was an actively wanted criminal for months now. This is actually a big thing, because that was hidden until now. The public never knew.

You see, Canada does a really good job of hiding the races of offenders, as do all other Western nations. Non-White criminals are to be coddled here.

Now this is changing... Ever since the Wortman shooting, the public now expects to see what the dangerous offender looks like, what his crimes are, and it's going to send the left into a craze when future warnings are flooded with mostly non-Whites doing violent things, and getting released early from prison simply because they are non-White.

The lefty mind is in a state of confusion over this now... Warn them and the general public about a crazed killer, or hide the actions of their violent pets from the general public?

Yeah but that guy Wortman was White.

Blonde blue eyed.

He killed 19 people with an AR15.

Nova Scotia Shooter, right?

Was his drug related?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Drugs are lucrative to poor jobless people. This shouldn't be about colour it should be about making sure little kids are properly educated if you are going to split the topic off the original topic.


Factory Bastard
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Was his drug related?
No. Mental illness.

Mental illness is or should never be an excuse for mass murder or heinous crimes. These kind of people are evil. Just like that Vince Li the beheader who singlehandedly destroyed the Greyhound bus service in Canada because nobody wanted to take the bus after that.

Those types deserve to be executed with extreme prejudice.

There was a guy named Kerby Revelus in Boston who beheaded his sister. He was mentally ill. But at least in the States they didn't care. They killed him on the spot shot him dead.