Example of how government is always less efficient and more costly.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So the city of San Francisco spent $16.1 million to buy 262 tents off of Amazon. The tents retail for $45 each. That means, before sales tax, the gross price for the tents was $11,790. The remaining $16,088,210 was all government overhead and contractor costs. So basically the city government paid $61,450.38 per tent on tents you can buy off of Amazon for $45.

Even if you count so called "wrap around services" which doesn't really do much for anyone other than to drain money from taxpayers to politically connected organizations this is just outrageous.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Libs need to be identified and strangled at birth

oh wait.. that's what planned parenthood is for.

that organization is really starting to grow on me.


Domestically feral
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United states
People who support these shitbags dont really care about that.

They dont genuinely care about anything that doesnt directly impact them. They just wanna look like they do and feel superior to others.

Have you seen how these people even talk about the poor when they are not on some revolution soap box?

I would rather starve than take bread from hand that looked at me like they do. Of course I'm not poor and in need.....but I have been. Fuck them. They cause the issues they pretend to want to fix.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Indeed it should. The problem is politicians have designed such a corrupt system of kick backs in exchange for bribes/campaign donations that it has become absurd. The government procurement system needs a top to bottom over haul to restore sanity.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The Military should be armed and equipped by the lowest bidder.

Why do you hate Capitalism?

Is the whole crony corporate capitalism vs free market capitalism lost on you?

Are you really this one dimensional?

You support policies and regulations that created the "capitalism" you hate so much. Now you pretend that's the end all be all of capitalism. And those who say otherwise are big facist(irony much?) dumb dummie dumbs right? It's always easier to attack someone's intelligence, isnt it? If you stick to insults....you dont have to expose the fact that you have no clue what you are talking about in trying to "enlighten" others on your position.

Your solution is to make us all state property and have the government dictate every aspect of our lives. Which somehow in your mind is the opposite of totalitarianism and fascism and if I wasnt so dumb I'd know that.

Right? Right.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
So the city of San Francisco spent $16.1 million to buy 262 tents off of Amazon. The tents retail for $45 each. That means, before sales tax, the gross price for the tents was $11,790. The remaining $16,088,210 was all government overhead and contractor costs. So basically the city government paid $61,450.38 per tent on tents you can buy off of Amazon for $45.

Even if you count so called "wrap around services" which doesn't really do much for anyone other than to drain money from taxpayers to politically connected organizations this is just outrageous.

Unreal, I honestly can't fathom walking down a city highstreet with rows of tents lined up full of homeless folks.

I wonder how much of that tax payer money went straight into the pockets of the corrupt Democrat politicians?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So the city of San Francisco spent $16.1 million to buy 262 tents off of Amazon. The tents retail for $45 each. That means, before sales tax, the gross price for the tents was $11,790. The remaining $16,088,210 was all government overhead and contractor costs. So basically the city government paid $61,450.38 per tent on tents you can buy off of Amazon for $45.

Even if you count so called "wrap around services" which doesn't really do much for anyone other than to drain money from taxpayers to politically connected organizations this is just outrageous.

Unreal, I honestly can't fathom walking down a city highstreet with rows of tents lined up full of homeless folks.

I wonder how much of that tax payer money went straight into the pockets of the corrupt Democrat politicians?

Most of it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So the city of San Francisco spent $16.1 million to buy 262 tents off of Amazon. The tents retail for $45 each. That means, before sales tax, the gross price for the tents was $11,790. The remaining $16,088,210 was all government overhead and contractor costs. So basically the city government paid $61,450.38 per tent on tents you can buy off of Amazon for $45.

Even if you count so called "wrap around services" which doesn't really do much for anyone other than to drain money from taxpayers to politically connected organizations this is just outrageous.

Unreal, I honestly can't fathom walking down a city highstreet with rows of tents lined up full of homeless folks.

I wonder how much of that tax payer money went straight into the pockets of the corrupt Democrat politicians?

I took my family to SOCAL and we all saw it first hand. Now I knew it was bad and had seen the pictures, but you cant believe just how bad it is until you see it first hand. I'm willing to bet there's 200,000 to 500,000 homeless in SOCAL MINIMUM!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It is inexcusable to spread false information like this. It's really easy to find the truth.

Yes, they are spending 61,000 per year "per tent," which is way overpriced and should be addressed, BUT, that 61k is not just for a tent, it is for the entire program -- food, a place to put the tent, services, etc.

The malignant capitalist system is why there is a need for tents like that in American cities to begin with. I have never seen a single tent or cardboard box village in Portugal. Not one.

Capitalism needs to be part of a socialist system that deals with people's lives -- like the US used to do.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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We can be winners if we can just keep our enemies form voting!

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
Amazon could tackle the homeless problem overnight, solve the crisis at the border and rebuild the infrastructure faster and cheaper than Biden or Trump. Amazon for president! vote Amazon!

Fuck unions it's not even illegal to cross a picket line.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I agree with the part about Amazon having the dugh to solve the problem. Fuck Amazon. They need to be broken up, and Bezos should be in prison.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
So the city of San Francisco spent $16.1 million to buy 262 tents off of Amazon. The tents retail for $45 each. That means, before sales tax, the gross price for the tents was $11,790. The remaining $16,088,210 was all government overhead and contractor costs. So basically the city government paid $61,450.38 per tent on tents you can buy off of Amazon for $45.

Even if you count so called "wrap around services" which doesn't really do much for anyone other than to drain money from taxpayers to politically connected organizations this is just outrageous.

that is CRAZY

any contract for the government requires 3 bids, which means THIS was the lowest

this is criminal


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I know they are going to say the cost wasn't just the twnt but also security and wrap around services but the services often mean just once or twice a month for 15-30 minutes someone gets to speak to a councilor or a housing navigator or a case manager, etc... There are a whole lot of middle men getting their tickets punched and feeding off of the government funds but not really solving homelessness for their clients in an efficient manner. In fact, most of them tend to drag their feet because they want to make as much money as possible off each homeless person via the over sized government grants.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
They built storage sheds out here and called it a tiny house community... 1 million dollars and it didn’t come close to solving the problem.