

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The lily bends with the wind but does she come out smelling like a rose?

The oak stands fast in a storm but does sometimes take a break?

The lotus has a long stem, but is it visible beneath the water's surface?

Can omnipotent deities survive theodicy?

Can we ever plead "no cuntess" in a battle of wills?

And who let the jeannie out of the bottle? :GiggleBitch:

Was Ariel Sharona nasshole?

Do succubi ever incubate an incubus?

Are old marsh coots too pooped to woo swamp ducks?

So many questions. So few answers.

I'm intrigued that you included Oak there. I mean, considering she doesn't post here any more. :GiggleBitch:


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
idk. i suppose she hates that other user and doesnt dare get duped by them

She does seem to hate.

There's my Oak!
take a crayon and fill out where she hurted u the most

That's pretty funny. I almost wish I could have seen it myself.
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
idk. i suppose she hates that other user and doesnt dare get duped by them

She does seem to hate.

There's my Oak!

Why do I get the feeling that no matter what I post, you're going to say that?

I should post a US weather report, it should be good. "See how she said "inclement", that's Oak!":Excited5:

Nah. I only call it when I see it. If you're not Oak, you're her doppelganger.

You call it a lot and over the most innocuous of comments. You do what you need to do to get through the day. I'm done discussing this topic with you.

Okay. See you later, oak.

Farewell, Omnipotent.


Was I bad?
Am I the only person that has to post "nice" or I'm Oak? So, if I'm to understand a lot of people here, Oak and I are the only ones that have to post "kind" things when there are insults flying around this forum like a lotus, oops, locust infestation in Africa?

Do I have that right?

Yeah. No one said that, either. If you weren't so self-absorbed, you'd notice that most people here don't post nice. The thing about your posts is this: They are very, very similar to posts Oak composes. How not-nice they are isn't the point. The point is, you could be her twin. Every post you make reinforces that opinion for me.

Sure thing, Omnipotent.

But, wait. I thought you weere done discussing this topic with me. How very Oak of you to announce that you're done, and then post another [attempted] zinger.

Omnipotent for the win!

Cognitive disconnect is strong in you.

But you won already. What's the problem now?

What'd I win?

The Oak allegation of course.

Ah. So you admit it, finally. I don't know why you're so afraid to just come here as Oak.
Oak came here as Oak...

I didn't know she had here. Thanks for trying, you're clearly wasting your time trying to convince her of what you seem to know. I don't know how you know I'm not Oak. It's a relief that not everyone here is that confused.
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
idk. i suppose she hates that other user and doesnt dare get duped by them

She does seem to hate.

There's my Oak!
take a crayon and fill out where she hurted u the most

That's pretty funny. I almost wish I could have seen it myself.
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
idk. i suppose she hates that other user and doesnt dare get duped by them

She does seem to hate.

There's my Oak!

Why do I get the feeling that no matter what I post, you're going to say that?

I should post a US weather report, it should be good. "See how she said "inclement", that's Oak!":Excited5:

Nah. I only call it when I see it. If you're not Oak, you're her doppelganger.

You call it a lot and over the most innocuous of comments. You do what you need to do to get through the day. I'm done discussing this topic with you.

Okay. See you later, oak.

Farewell, Omnipotent.


Was I bad?
Am I the only person that has to post "nice" or I'm Oak? So, if I'm to understand a lot of people here, Oak and I are the only ones that have to post "kind" things when there are insults flying around this forum like a lotus, oops, locust infestation in Africa?

Do I have that right?

Yeah. No one said that, either. If you weren't so self-absorbed, you'd notice that most people here don't post nice. The thing about your posts is this: They are very, very similar to posts Oak composes. How not-nice they are isn't the point. The point is, you could be her twin. Every post you make reinforces that opinion for me.

Sure thing, Omnipotent.

But, wait. I thought you weere done discussing this topic with me. How very Oak of you to announce that you're done, and then post another [attempted] zinger.

Omnipotent for the win!

Cognitive disconnect is strong in you.

But you won already. What's the problem now?

What'd I win?

The Oak allegation of course.

Ah. So you admit it, finally. I don't know why you're so afraid to just come here as Oak.
Oak came here as Oak...

I didn't know she had here. Thanks for trying, you're clearly wasting your time trying to convince her of what you seem to know. I don't know how you know I'm not Oak. It's a relief that not everyone here is that confused.
I honestly wish poarkkzilla would come crashing into this thread right now!

I read where the Countess talks to her. She should call down the hound of hell. It could be enlightening.

You read where the Countess talks to her? Where'd you read that?
Link? Yes

Thanks! I couldn't remember where I read it. Look at LotusBud trying to pretend she didn't know what I was talking about. Not exactly honest, is she?


You asked me where I read about the Countess talking to Oak in a conversation you participated in. Do you suffer from mild dementia?

Yes. Dementia and cognitive disconnect. And upper middle class white woman syndrome.

You are an upper middle class white woman, though.

No, I'm not in any way. SMH

So you are not an upper middle class white woman?

Well you said you are Irish. That's white.

And you lived in CA and were able to sell your house and move out of the country. So you are better off than a typical working class worker.

You may not see yourself that way because you are from CA and I swear to gawd people from CA are like they are from another country.

I would bet that if you were in my state, on what your income was in CA(you and your partner) you would definately be an upper middle classers living in Birmingham or Ann Arbor where all our upper middle white progressives are.

You don't have to be offended by that.

Good post and convincing. I might add, if she was from California and owned property, she has more money than most of the global population. Now, does that make her wealthy as in Bezos, Musk, Buffet wealthy? Course not, but she's not hurting either.

You are 100% Oak! Busted!

Hey, Oak, once more, you know NOTHING about what my situation was or is. Don't keep pretending you do.
How are you going you ol’ bat!?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.


abort unwanted presidencies
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
La La Land
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️
I honestly wish poarkkzilla would come crashing into this thread right now!

I read where the Countess talks to her. She should call down the hound of hell. It could be enlightening.

You read where the Countess talks to her? Where'd you read that?
Link? Yes

Thanks! I couldn't remember where I read it. Look at LotusBud trying to pretend she didn't know what I was talking about. Not exactly honest, is she?


You asked me where I read about the Countess talking to Oak in a conversation you participated in. Do you suffer from mild dementia?

Yes. Dementia and cognitive disconnect. And upper middle class white woman syndrome.

You are an upper middle class white woman, though.

I didn't know it was a syndrome. Is that an insult or something?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
idk. i suppose she hates that other user and doesnt dare get duped by them

She does seem to hate.

There's my Oak!
take a crayon and fill out where she hurted u the most

That's pretty funny. I almost wish I could have seen it myself.
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
wtf r u talking about

See. Don't go accusing people of things without evidence. It's a good rule to live by.
u mean like accusing lily of being an alt?

now idk this 'oak'' but if ur going 2 talk all virtuous, take your own advice

lol shes all quiet

Isn't she though? What in the world is happening with this person?
idk. i suppose she hates that other user and doesnt dare get duped by them

She does seem to hate.

There's my Oak!

Why do I get the feeling that no matter what I post, you're going to say that?

I should post a US weather report, it should be good. "See how she said "inclement", that's Oak!":Excited5:

Nah. I only call it when I see it. If you're not Oak, you're her doppelganger.

You call it a lot and over the most innocuous of comments. You do what you need to do to get through the day. I'm done discussing this topic with you.

Okay. See you later, oak.

Farewell, Omnipotent.


Was I bad?
Am I the only person that has to post "nice" or I'm Oak? So, if I'm to understand a lot of people here, Oak and I are the only ones that have to post "kind" things when there are insults flying around this forum like a lotus, oops, locust infestation in Africa?

Do I have that right?

Yeah. No one said that, either. If you weren't so self-absorbed, you'd notice that most people here don't post nice. The thing about your posts is this: They are very, very similar to posts Oak composes. How not-nice they are isn't the point. The point is, you could be her twin. Every post you make reinforces that opinion for me.

Sure thing, Omnipotent.

But, wait. I thought you weere done discussing this topic with me. How very Oak of you to announce that you're done, and then post another [attempted] zinger.

Omnipotent for the win!

Cognitive disconnect is strong in you.

But you won already. What's the problem now?

What'd I win?

The Oak allegation of course.

Ah. So you admit it, finally. I don't know why you're so afraid to just come here as Oak.
Oak came here as Oak...

I didn't know she had been here. Thanks for trying, you're clearly wasting your time trying to convince her of what you seem to know. I don't know how you know I'm not Oak. It's a relief that not everyone here is that confused.


I love this guy!

Night, Oak.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.


abort unwanted presidencies
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
La La Land
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.


abort unwanted presidencies
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
La La Land
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me
What makes you think it doesnt? Embitterment or failure to be the center of attention?


abort unwanted presidencies
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
La La Land
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me
What makes you think it doesnt? Embitterment or failure to be the center of attention?

yes… that’s it… I’m bitter that I’m not “happily” married to a man who spends day and night online despite not being able to find my clit since Clinton was in office *yawns*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me
What makes you think it doesnt? Embitterment or failure to be the center of attention?

yes… that’s it… I’m bitter that I’m not “happily” married to a man who spends day and night online despite not being able to find my clit since Clinton was in office *yawns*
LOL! ^^^ has been tramp coping mechanism engaged, warp factor 1!


abort unwanted presidencies
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
La La Land
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me
What makes you think it doesnt? Embitterment or failure to be the center of attention?

yes… that’s it… I’m bitter that I’m not “happily” married to a man who spends day and night online despite not being able to find my clit since Clinton was in office *yawns*
LOL! ^^^ has been tramp coping mechanism engaged, warp factor 1!

Why is it that 20 penises do so much damage, but one singular penis hitting it 20x produces “marriage quality” pussy?

wait… don’t tell me… I think I already know the answer:Beatdown2:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As long as a man can stand tall, shoot straight, he's good to go... If he can catch fish, that's an added bonus.

Kick them up the bum, get them outside fixing stuff. Make them useful, that's my motto!~

PS, make sure they wipe their feet before they come inside no pun intended!~


Factory Bastard
Goderator ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It's not true that all men are liars and cheats. I think all man are capable of it, as are all women. If your goal is a good man, you have to look for one with a good heart. I didn't understand that until I got wiser. Mine is flawed like everyone, but he has a good heart. That's what matters.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
I don't know if Lily really is Oak or not, but if Lily's Oak, I admire Oak's effort in having a more composed persona and trying to start anew here,

I for one welcome her new attitude


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me
What makes you think it doesnt? Embitterment or failure to be the center of attention?

yes… that’s it… I’m bitter that I’m not “happily” married to a man who spends day and night online despite not being able to find my clit since Clinton was in office *yawns*
LOL! ^^^ has been tramp coping mechanism engaged, warp factor 1!

Why is it that 20 penises do so much damage, but one singular penis hitting it 20x produces “marriage quality” pussy?

wait… don’t tell me… I think I already know the answer:Beatdown2:
Cause when everyones rode the bike, its lost its luster, moron.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
As long as a man can stand tall, shoot straight, he's good to go... If he can catch fish, that's an added bonus.

Kick them up the bum, get them outside fixing stuff. Make them useful, that's my motto!~

PS, make sure they wipe their feet before they come inside no pun intended!~

There is nothing here I could disagree with.

Plus it's just such a turn off if a man isnt outside doing man stuff and fixing shit. They gotta be doing that.

They dont need to always be inside up in our business lol.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly

What will you do in return? So far it's all about you.

what do men want? ser?
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.
Well, a dumb used up whore like you sure aint smart enough to find a respectful man. You're a cum dumpster.

single is better than stupid… and there isn’t a man alive who isn’t full of lies, limp dick
Look trampy, face the FACTS, a woman like you only attracts the pump and dump. Its too late for you cause you've gotten to the point where you've aged like moldy cheese. Muh dik werks just fine BTW ya bitter hag.

if your dick doesn’t hang past your balls when it’s soft, then lower your voice when you speak to me
What makes you think it doesnt? Embitterment or failure to be the center of attention?

yes… that’s it… I’m bitter that I’m not “happily” married to a man who spends day and night online despite not being able to find my clit since Clinton was in office *yawns*
LOL! ^^^ has been tramp coping mechanism engaged, warp factor 1!

Why is it that 20 penises do so much damage, but one singular penis hitting it 20x produces “marriage quality” pussy?

wait… don’t tell me… I think I already know the answer:Beatdown2:
Just do kegals stop making excuses your just being lazy


abort unwanted presidencies
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
La La Land
I find it rude and offensive that good dick is attached to demons.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I find it rude and offensive that good dick is attached to demons.
And here I thought your story was any dick attached to a man not tripping over his feet to bed you must be broke! LMFAO! Whats really offensive is what a self absorbed attention whore you are!


Have kink will travel.
Factory Bastard
@Sharona ~ men are lazy, inconsistent and emotionally retarded at best. The biggest mistake women have made is thinking that by acting like men that they will gain the respect of men… which is absolutely false. Men don’t respect anything… especially not the types of men you’ll find lurking on these types of forums.

Shush, whore whale...
Last edited: