Biden's press secretary's brother is a partner at one of the hedge funds which was doing naked short selling on gamestop. People got before and after shots of White House people editing her wikipedia page to remove all references to her relationship with her brother.
Isn't it funny how Democrats treat their followers as if they were stupid?
Yeah. And their followers will vapidly attack you if you try to show them how they are getting played. No matter how kind and respectful you are about it, they will insult you are get angry if you criticize their glorious overlords. This is exactly why these bags if shit never face ANY accountability.
I often compare it to battered spouse syndrome.
Isn't it funny how you two bitch about Dems doing exactly the same thing CONs do? ALL partisanship is hackery. Grow some braincells, you two.
I hate the majority of the political establishment and slam them all on a regular basis when I say "the establishment".
You can go ahead and give up on trying to make me a Republican apologist or "partisan", you seem to use that when I have particularly roasted democrats. Absolutely no one has said Republicans are awesome heros, I see right leaners regularly slamming establishment Republicans.
In fact most of the Trump base has relentlessly slammed them for betraying the people. And THAT is something you will NEVER see democrat voters do ever. In fact when you point out the enabled epic shit baggery from the democrats? Instead of holding their gotdamn elected officials accountable ....they dismiss it and whine "but reppuuubbllicaans"
So nothing ever changes because democrats refuse to hold their elected officials accountable for fuck all. They dont even care how left leaning media spreads divisive bullshit.
Most of the problems we have, and the problems people bitch about are a direct result of Democrat policies and Republicans never do shit. No one overlooks that. Democrats will keep voting for the same shit bags and same harmful bullshit while complaining about it.
I wonder how more money big box corporations make now endorsing and donating to BLM? Especailly watching those riots destroy all their small business competition. It's such a disgusting act of terror and violence on regular people all for billions of dollars.....but that gets defended and allowed because white college students enjoy feeling revolution high and corps/politicains get loaded.
That's just not true, though. Because you're engrossed in your rightie bubble, you don't understand that there are also many anti-establishment Dems. Most of my friends despise Biden. There are a lot of people like me, but the difference is they are too chicken to vote third party, whereas I am not.
Do you know how to follow campaign contributions to candidates? My philosophy is: follow the money. I have news for you: Almost all of the big corporations donate to BOTH parties. Why do you think they do that?
What did I say that wasnt true?
See you make these assumptions all the time. I'm not in a damn "bubble" everyone can clearly see people voting for democrat politicains and completely overlooking everything they do. I saw this shit with Obama. I voted for fucking Obama.
You just WANT to see me as "partisan" because I voted for Trump(who isnt a Republican btw) and I slam the democrats a bit more. Basically because it's been them completely off the rails. And it's been THEIR terrible policies that created the conditions that won Trump the WH.
People voted Trump because they were sick of establishment politicains. He did exactly what he was voted in to do. He wasnt exactly well loved by the Republicans in there either so.....I think many of you guys miss the "fuck politicains" nature of his election and really try to force some partisanship in there. Tons of his supporters were for former democrat voters.
And I have screen shots of a whole Twitter thread from the depths of establishment hell of women going on and on that they dont care if Biden is a rapist, or raped 100 women, one woman said if he raped her own DAUGHTER she would vote for him.
The fact is, if these mentally weak media puppets really cared about the issues they claim they care about, they would have passionately opposed the riots, pressured BLM to donate their billions to rebuilding communities and businesses that were destroyed in their propaganda fueled rampages, and rejected Biden who fucking wrote the crime bill that caused these conditions.
They would go after the damn politicains responsible.....not continually vote for them because of some bullshit political identity. They are low info hypocrites who are most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! and happy enough to fake it but no where near uncomfortable enough to see how REAL it is. They dont truly CARE about long as it's nice and quiet and the media tongue baths make them smile.
I mean Lotus.....we have DOGGOs in the WH again! Isnt that just LOVELY? And how about Kamalas powder blue suit?! I mean it's just so nice to have "class and dignity" back....i mean if it costs some rural trash or working classes some jobs, that's not too big a deal yanno? And it's not like those low insulin prices came with medicare for all so it was crap anyway. Scrap it. All or nothing and if a poor diabetic dies from hoarding it can be ignored until an election year when his/her face can be used on a sign for M4A. Win!
Democrat voters will NEVER, EVER....hold democrat politicains accountable. EVER. They delusionally believe they can push them further left. And while they hump this disgusting cycle of shit......they harm thousands and thousands of people. People SUFFER because of this.
All you have to do is go join a few right leaning pro Trump boards and some left leaning Bidophile boards. You will see Trumps supporters SLAMMING republicans and railing against the establishment......verses a bunch of a fucking hipsters/hipster parents talking about "well now dems have control we can get some work done" and doggies in the White House while Biden redeploys troops to Syria and puts 70k people out of work and raises energy costs.
And yes I do check campaign funding. Bidens campaign was bailing out rioters. And its funded and supported by all the elites his voters condemn through one side of their mouth while the corporate dick gets slurped on the other side.