Happy New Jear Bastard Cracktory

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
How am I butthurt by pointing out that you're a bloke?

It's been common knowledge for ages.... the only tards who deny it are you and your fellow handful of FT mongoloids.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
How am I butthurt by pointing out that you're a bloke?

It's been common knowledge for ages.... the only tards who deny it are you and your fellow handful of FT mongoloids.

Sure pal! And your pictures aren't FAKE.

By the way, did you post this:

Aryan begging said:
You could actually vouch for me here, but I know you won't. Apparently my pics are fake, LMAO.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Another thing, you like poker, right? Yeah thats definitely a common hobby among females. LOL

Why don't you look up Pro Female Poker Players fake picture guy.

By the way, did you post this?

Aryan getting owned said:
You could actually vouch for me here, but I know you won't. Apparently my pics are fake, LMAO.


Domestically feral
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United states
Don’t get salty, Dovid.

You wernt nothing special.

Like really? All this because I thought you were a dime a dozen broad? Your problem is you think way too highly of yourself and I just showed you were you stood in the pecking order.


But, I’m done rehashing this shit. It was great content. Now, not so much.

Just because I have a low opinion of you doesn’t mean there’s some fool out there who doesn’t (giggles)

Just one more year and you might believe it, eh?
That your nothing but a shit poster?

Darling, I thought that from the jump.

Well, here is the thing.

Have I ever expressed any interest or concern over what kind of poster i am?

Why do you keep telling me this as if I care about it?
Your stupid.

You wouldn’t care

Well, this post says it all.

Perhaps one day I will come to my senses and realize how important it is to make sure my posts at BF do not fall into Poofer's "shit post" column. Lest he again tell me "Your stupid"
If it makes you feel better, your posts on any forum wernt anything above a shit post.

How did we go from

"Your stupid, you wouldnt care"(lol)

To me needing to "feel better" over something my something is too stupid to care about?
That’s a stupid question

Am I too stupid to care that you think I'm a shit poster?


Do I need to feel better about the fact you think I'm a shit poster?
Those are questions only a stupid person can answer.

So which is it?
Are you asking yourself and typing it out so you can read it back?

This is really challenging for you, isnt it?
Pointing out your stupid?



So am I too stupid to care about my post quality or do I need to feel better about it?

You want to point my stoopy out, right?
You point out your stupid every time you hit the send tab, stupid.

So you know you are a fucking retard and you are hoping by avoiding the question about your retarded contradiction in favor of repeating yourself it will just stop.

Got it lol
No, I’m just pointing out your stupid.

Dovid, say something interesting.

Name one hair metal song you hated back in the day, but appreciate now.

No, you are not. You are contradicting yourself and calling me stupid over and over trying to deflect from your stupid contradiction.

It shouldnt be hard to be clear and concise while calling someone stupid. Yet you cant do that.

I'm gonna go with Poison "Talk dirty to me". I used to hate it. But now I appreciate it. Mostly for nostalgia reasons.

It's pretty catchy AF.
No, I’m calling you stupid because you are stupid. There’s no debating it.

Funny you mentioned Poison tho. My esteemed and I were having a discussion the other day about how bands first records are their best.

Motley Crew? Fell off after the first one.
Poison? Same thing.
Kiss? Ditto
The Doors? Same
GnR? Yup

Very few bands get better with age.
Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Led Zep. But they all hit their stride then fell off.

Tools one record is a masterwerk, Lateralus. They’re new one is bad.

You should talk more about music, no offense

You are trying to call me stupid but contradicting yourself, because you are too stupid to effectively call other people stupid.

Look how you think being asked for clarity is some debate attempt. That's stupid, P.

Absolutely NO bands get better with age. Some peak after a while and then just kinda keep going long after they should have stopped. Like Rolling Stones. I was never a fan in the first place. But they are in their 80s and still touring. I was recently invited to see them in concert and I was going to go, but the Squish started puking so I stayed home with her.

I wasnt gonna go because I like the Rolling Stones....it was more for the novelty.

Few mainstream artists are incredible through their entire existence. Bowie was. Cohen was.

I talk about what I feel like talking about. If someone doesnt like it....they dont have to read it. You know I come here to amuse myself. :ThumbsUp1:
No, I have enough self control not to argue/debate with a stupid person. You, dear, are a stupid person.

No, Bowie wasn’t good his entire career. His work in the 80’s and 90’s especially was weak. I love Bowie, but to call The Next Day anything but bad is lip service. Black Star redeemed his legacy with one of the most heart breaking albums ever created. He went out on a high note.

I’ll disagree on the Stones. Blue & Lonesome is a brilliant album. I don’t think they should be touring, but you gotta make money somehow.

You should focus on what you know, but that’s just my opinion. The only time I found you interesting was when you talked about music because you actually have a valid opinion on certain genres.

Hope that helps.

Sure, P. But here is the issue. No one was trying to argue or debate with you. You made two contradictory statements and you were being asked for clarity, is all.

And this seems to have confused you greatly.

I'm either too stupid to care.....or I'm not too stupid to care and need to "feel better". It cannot be both, can it?

Now I know you're slow and all and you've learned an exciting new insult....but in order for it to work, you've got to be coherent.

I disagree about Bowie. I love ever era. Ever era was consistently good and had it's own unique flavor.

I dont think the Stones need money. Clearly they are working off their debt to satan. Perhaps they now have to tour or else die. Who knows. They really need to stop :D

I can talk about a variety of topics with people depending if it's a mutual interest. I'm confident I can discuss a good amount of topics that would make your eyes glaze and your head hurt. Im not going to take that as a sign that IM uninteresting ;)
Actually, you tried baiting and I didn’t bite. It’s a stupid mistake, but….

Bowie himself said he would like to erase a few of his albums. Tin Machine was horrible. His take on industrial was more Reznor then Bowie and you can’t blame Reznor. Bowie being Bowie is epic. Bowie trying to be somebody else, isn’t.

But see, here’s your problem; you cant talk within a variety of topics, your stupid. And when you try and spew any type of knowledge about anything other then drugs or music, you are either unreadable or you read out of place.

That equals a shit poster.

Your closer to Benzo then you think.

Answer this one, do you think Benzo is a good poster?

Nope. Nope I didnt. Just asking for clarity.

Okay fair. I'll concede one that. And I LOVED NIN. Still do. I love that Reznor is still at it. That whole collaboration was interesting and fun. But you are right on that.

I did see them both together during the Downward Spiral tour and it was awesome.

Even when Bowie was bad by Bowie standards...the was still better than most :D

I think Benzo is a retard. But I dont whine when people post who I find to be shit posters. I just dont read them. Pretty irrelevant what I think. It's also irrelevant what you think but you are kinda struggling there.
Well here’s the problem;

You are nothing better then Benzo. In that vapid mind of yours, you might think you are, but your really not.

And that’s the problem many of you can’t seem to comprehend and honestly, why should you? You are surrounded by a bunch of morons and the actual intelligent, witty posters like myself, Fox, and Blandscape stick out like sore thumbs amongst the trash this community has become.

See, you fit right in with the rest of, in your very own words, retards, thankfully, I don’t.

But back to Bowie, it’s actually hard to listen to him and most of his 90’s material after listening to Black Star. There was also a time where he refused to play the hits and focused on the material he was making during that time until he figured out people came to concerts to hear the hits.

If I paid the money and didn’t hear Suffergette City, I’d feel jyppd. No Rebel Rebel, I’d ask for a refund.

There’s an industrial version of Fame on YouTube that he actually performed that’s horrible. That’s not Bowie. And if Reznor produced that, he should have a year taken away from living for ruining a classic.

But, that’s just my opinion

Well that maybe a problem for you, but its definately not a problem for ME, is it? People are allowed to have different preferences and they dont have to read posts from posters they dont like.

I'm not coming on here concerned with what sort of content you personally find amusing. You think I'm a shit poster. My posts suck. You view me as some Benzo type poster. I hear ya. Sounds rough. Oh well, though.

The important thing is I enjoy my posts fully. And I'm here for that purpose. I come here for MY amusement. Other people who like to engage with and read me are more than welcome to join in.

So why would I alter anything about that?

I would say who I would call the retards here is much different from who you call the retards....and im afraid that ain't gonna change, P. My opinions have authority and value for me. I've already decided who the tards are. And attempts to convince me otherwise is just reinforcing that. Proving my assessment right.

Surely you arent expecting me to place your opinion above MY OWN? If you are.....I really hope you have a helmet and spit cup because you are gonna have a bad time. I'm not concerned with where you place yourself, here.

I love Earthling. Sure some of Bowies work was better than others, absolutely. But I love that there are so many decades of Bowie music. There is a Bowie song for literally any mood. Not all of it was bound to be awesome, you know?

I haven't seen this industrial version of Fame. That was never a song I liked very much as it was, to be honest.
Ah, and there it is.

If you have no problems with being stupid, then don’t get upset when others point it out. Simple.

Like…. You said Bowie was great all the time, yet here, in this post, you contradict what you said previously by saying not all was bound to be awesome.

This is why you are stupid.

Learn from it. Write a book about it and sell it on Amazon books.

Here, I’ll even give you a title idea or two;

At least I’m stupid

I’m with stupid (with a picture of you looking in a mirror)

Here’s to stupid

At Least David Bowie wasn’t as stupid as me.

My battle with Stupidity- Real Talk

I was an addict addicted to Stupidity

Those are all free, of course.

You are not very literate, Poof.

If I do write a book about being stupid, I will absolutely make sure to include pictures. I got your back.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Don’t get salty, Dovid.

You wernt nothing special.

Like really? All this because I thought you were a dime a dozen broad? Your problem is you think way too highly of yourself and I just showed you were you stood in the pecking order.


But, I’m done rehashing this shit. It was great content. Now, not so much.

Just because I have a low opinion of you doesn’t mean there’s some fool out there who doesn’t (giggles)

Just one more year and you might believe it, eh?
That your nothing but a shit poster?

Darling, I thought that from the jump.

Well, here is the thing.

Have I ever expressed any interest or concern over what kind of poster i am?

Why do you keep telling me this as if I care about it?
Your stupid.

You wouldn’t care

Well, this post says it all.

Perhaps one day I will come to my senses and realize how important it is to make sure my posts at BF do not fall into Poofer's "shit post" column. Lest he again tell me "Your stupid"
If it makes you feel better, your posts on any forum wernt anything above a shit post.

How did we go from

"Your stupid, you wouldnt care"(lol)

To me needing to "feel better" over something my something is too stupid to care about?
That’s a stupid question

Am I too stupid to care that you think I'm a shit poster?


Do I need to feel better about the fact you think I'm a shit poster?
Those are questions only a stupid person can answer.

So which is it?
Are you asking yourself and typing it out so you can read it back?

This is really challenging for you, isnt it?
Pointing out your stupid?



So am I too stupid to care about my post quality or do I need to feel better about it?

You want to point my stoopy out, right?
You point out your stupid every time you hit the send tab, stupid.

So you know you are a fucking retard and you are hoping by avoiding the question about your retarded contradiction in favor of repeating yourself it will just stop.

Got it lol
No, I’m just pointing out your stupid.

Dovid, say something interesting.

Name one hair metal song you hated back in the day, but appreciate now.

No, you are not. You are contradicting yourself and calling me stupid over and over trying to deflect from your stupid contradiction.

It shouldnt be hard to be clear and concise while calling someone stupid. Yet you cant do that.

I'm gonna go with Poison "Talk dirty to me". I used to hate it. But now I appreciate it. Mostly for nostalgia reasons.

It's pretty catchy AF.
No, I’m calling you stupid because you are stupid. There’s no debating it.

Funny you mentioned Poison tho. My esteemed and I were having a discussion the other day about how bands first records are their best.

Motley Crew? Fell off after the first one.
Poison? Same thing.
Kiss? Ditto
The Doors? Same
GnR? Yup

Very few bands get better with age.
Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Led Zep. But they all hit their stride then fell off.

Tools one record is a masterwerk, Lateralus. They’re new one is bad.

You should talk more about music, no offense

You are trying to call me stupid but contradicting yourself, because you are too stupid to effectively call other people stupid.

Look how you think being asked for clarity is some debate attempt. That's stupid, P.

Absolutely NO bands get better with age. Some peak after a while and then just kinda keep going long after they should have stopped. Like Rolling Stones. I was never a fan in the first place. But they are in their 80s and still touring. I was recently invited to see them in concert and I was going to go, but the Squish started puking so I stayed home with her.

I wasnt gonna go because I like the Rolling Stones....it was more for the novelty.

Few mainstream artists are incredible through their entire existence. Bowie was. Cohen was.

I talk about what I feel like talking about. If someone doesnt like it....they dont have to read it. You know I come here to amuse myself. :ThumbsUp1:
No, I have enough self control not to argue/debate with a stupid person. You, dear, are a stupid person.

No, Bowie wasn’t good his entire career. His work in the 80’s and 90’s especially was weak. I love Bowie, but to call The Next Day anything but bad is lip service. Black Star redeemed his legacy with one of the most heart breaking albums ever created. He went out on a high note.

I’ll disagree on the Stones. Blue & Lonesome is a brilliant album. I don’t think they should be touring, but you gotta make money somehow.

You should focus on what you know, but that’s just my opinion. The only time I found you interesting was when you talked about music because you actually have a valid opinion on certain genres.

Hope that helps.

Sure, P. But here is the issue. No one was trying to argue or debate with you. You made two contradictory statements and you were being asked for clarity, is all.

And this seems to have confused you greatly.

I'm either too stupid to care.....or I'm not too stupid to care and need to "feel better". It cannot be both, can it?

Now I know you're slow and all and you've learned an exciting new insult....but in order for it to work, you've got to be coherent.

I disagree about Bowie. I love ever era. Ever era was consistently good and had it's own unique flavor.

I dont think the Stones need money. Clearly they are working off their debt to satan. Perhaps they now have to tour or else die. Who knows. They really need to stop :D

I can talk about a variety of topics with people depending if it's a mutual interest. I'm confident I can discuss a good amount of topics that would make your eyes glaze and your head hurt. Im not going to take that as a sign that IM uninteresting ;)
Actually, you tried baiting and I didn’t bite. It’s a stupid mistake, but….

Bowie himself said he would like to erase a few of his albums. Tin Machine was horrible. His take on industrial was more Reznor then Bowie and you can’t blame Reznor. Bowie being Bowie is epic. Bowie trying to be somebody else, isn’t.

But see, here’s your problem; you cant talk within a variety of topics, your stupid. And when you try and spew any type of knowledge about anything other then drugs or music, you are either unreadable or you read out of place.

That equals a shit poster.

Your closer to Benzo then you think.

Answer this one, do you think Benzo is a good poster?

Nope. Nope I didnt. Just asking for clarity.

Okay fair. I'll concede one that. And I LOVED NIN. Still do. I love that Reznor is still at it. That whole collaboration was interesting and fun. But you are right on that.

I did see them both together during the Downward Spiral tour and it was awesome.

Even when Bowie was bad by Bowie standards...the was still better than most :D

I think Benzo is a retard. But I dont whine when people post who I find to be shit posters. I just dont read them. Pretty irrelevant what I think. It's also irrelevant what you think but you are kinda struggling there.
Well here’s the problem;

You are nothing better then Benzo. In that vapid mind of yours, you might think you are, but your really not.

And that’s the problem many of you can’t seem to comprehend and honestly, why should you? You are surrounded by a bunch of morons and the actual intelligent, witty posters like myself, Fox, and Blandscape stick out like sore thumbs amongst the trash this community has become.

See, you fit right in with the rest of, in your very own words, retards, thankfully, I don’t.

But back to Bowie, it’s actually hard to listen to him and most of his 90’s material after listening to Black Star. There was also a time where he refused to play the hits and focused on the material he was making during that time until he figured out people came to concerts to hear the hits.

If I paid the money and didn’t hear Suffergette City, I’d feel jyppd. No Rebel Rebel, I’d ask for a refund.

There’s an industrial version of Fame on YouTube that he actually performed that’s horrible. That’s not Bowie. And if Reznor produced that, he should have a year taken away from living for ruining a classic.

But, that’s just my opinion

Well that maybe a problem for you, but its definately not a problem for ME, is it? People are allowed to have different preferences and they dont have to read posts from posters they dont like.

I'm not coming on here concerned with what sort of content you personally find amusing. You think I'm a shit poster. My posts suck. You view me as some Benzo type poster. I hear ya. Sounds rough. Oh well, though.

The important thing is I enjoy my posts fully. And I'm here for that purpose. I come here for MY amusement. Other people who like to engage with and read me are more than welcome to join in.

So why would I alter anything about that?

I would say who I would call the retards here is much different from who you call the retards....and im afraid that ain't gonna change, P. My opinions have authority and value for me. I've already decided who the tards are. And attempts to convince me otherwise is just reinforcing that. Proving my assessment right.

Surely you arent expecting me to place your opinion above MY OWN? If you are.....I really hope you have a helmet and spit cup because you are gonna have a bad time. I'm not concerned with where you place yourself, here.

I love Earthling. Sure some of Bowies work was better than others, absolutely. But I love that there are so many decades of Bowie music. There is a Bowie song for literally any mood. Not all of it was bound to be awesome, you know?

I haven't seen this industrial version of Fame. That was never a song I liked very much as it was, to be honest.
Ah, and there it is.

If you have no problems with being stupid, then don’t get upset when others point it out. Simple.

Like…. You said Bowie was great all the time, yet here, in this post, you contradict what you said previously by saying not all was bound to be awesome.

This is why you are stupid.

Learn from it. Write a book about it and sell it on Amazon books.

Here, I’ll even give you a title idea or two;

At least I’m stupid

I’m with stupid (with a picture of you looking in a mirror)

Here’s to stupid

At Least David Bowie wasn’t as stupid as me.

My battle with Stupidity- Real Talk

I was an addict addicted to Stupidity

Those are all free, of course.

You are not very literate, Poof.

If I do write a book about being stupid, I will absolutely make sure to include pictures. I got your back.
See, that’s the narcissist in you coming out.

You forget I read the papers you wrote while you were aceing nursing exams. You should be donating to Wikipedia for all the help you got.

It’s ok, Dovzo, it’s not some secret you are stupid.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Don’t get salty, Dovid.

You wernt nothing special.

Like really? All this because I thought you were a dime a dozen broad? Your problem is you think way too highly of yourself and I just showed you were you stood in the pecking order.


But, I’m done rehashing this shit. It was great content. Now, not so much.

Just because I have a low opinion of you doesn’t mean there’s some fool out there who doesn’t (giggles)

Just one more year and you might believe it, eh?
That your nothing but a shit poster?

Darling, I thought that from the jump.

Well, here is the thing.

Have I ever expressed any interest or concern over what kind of poster i am?

Why do you keep telling me this as if I care about it?
Your stupid.

You wouldn’t care

Well, this post says it all.

Perhaps one day I will come to my senses and realize how important it is to make sure my posts at BF do not fall into Poofer's "shit post" column. Lest he again tell me "Your stupid"
If it makes you feel better, your posts on any forum wernt anything above a shit post.

How did we go from

"Your stupid, you wouldnt care"(lol)

To me needing to "feel better" over something my something is too stupid to care about?
That’s a stupid question

Am I too stupid to care that you think I'm a shit poster?


Do I need to feel better about the fact you think I'm a shit poster?
Those are questions only a stupid person can answer.

So which is it?
Are you asking yourself and typing it out so you can read it back?

This is really challenging for you, isnt it?
Pointing out your stupid?



So am I too stupid to care about my post quality or do I need to feel better about it?

You want to point my stoopy out, right?
You point out your stupid every time you hit the send tab, stupid.

So you know you are a fucking retard and you are hoping by avoiding the question about your retarded contradiction in favor of repeating yourself it will just stop.

Got it lol
No, I’m just pointing out your stupid.

Dovid, say something interesting.

Name one hair metal song you hated back in the day, but appreciate now.

No, you are not. You are contradicting yourself and calling me stupid over and over trying to deflect from your stupid contradiction.

It shouldnt be hard to be clear and concise while calling someone stupid. Yet you cant do that.

I'm gonna go with Poison "Talk dirty to me". I used to hate it. But now I appreciate it. Mostly for nostalgia reasons.

It's pretty catchy AF.
No, I’m calling you stupid because you are stupid. There’s no debating it.

Funny you mentioned Poison tho. My esteemed and I were having a discussion the other day about how bands first records are their best.

Motley Crew? Fell off after the first one.
Poison? Same thing.
Kiss? Ditto
The Doors? Same
GnR? Yup

Very few bands get better with age.
Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Led Zep. But they all hit their stride then fell off.

Tools one record is a masterwerk, Lateralus. They’re new one is bad.

You should talk more about music, no offense

You are trying to call me stupid but contradicting yourself, because you are too stupid to effectively call other people stupid.

Look how you think being asked for clarity is some debate attempt. That's stupid, P.

Absolutely NO bands get better with age. Some peak after a while and then just kinda keep going long after they should have stopped. Like Rolling Stones. I was never a fan in the first place. But they are in their 80s and still touring. I was recently invited to see them in concert and I was going to go, but the Squish started puking so I stayed home with her.

I wasnt gonna go because I like the Rolling Stones....it was more for the novelty.

Few mainstream artists are incredible through their entire existence. Bowie was. Cohen was.

I talk about what I feel like talking about. If someone doesnt like it....they dont have to read it. You know I come here to amuse myself. :ThumbsUp1:
No, I have enough self control not to argue/debate with a stupid person. You, dear, are a stupid person.

No, Bowie wasn’t good his entire career. His work in the 80’s and 90’s especially was weak. I love Bowie, but to call The Next Day anything but bad is lip service. Black Star redeemed his legacy with one of the most heart breaking albums ever created. He went out on a high note.

I’ll disagree on the Stones. Blue & Lonesome is a brilliant album. I don’t think they should be touring, but you gotta make money somehow.

You should focus on what you know, but that’s just my opinion. The only time I found you interesting was when you talked about music because you actually have a valid opinion on certain genres.

Hope that helps.

Sure, P. But here is the issue. No one was trying to argue or debate with you. You made two contradictory statements and you were being asked for clarity, is all.

And this seems to have confused you greatly.

I'm either too stupid to care.....or I'm not too stupid to care and need to "feel better". It cannot be both, can it?

Now I know you're slow and all and you've learned an exciting new insult....but in order for it to work, you've got to be coherent.

I disagree about Bowie. I love ever era. Ever era was consistently good and had it's own unique flavor.

I dont think the Stones need money. Clearly they are working off their debt to satan. Perhaps they now have to tour or else die. Who knows. They really need to stop :D

I can talk about a variety of topics with people depending if it's a mutual interest. I'm confident I can discuss a good amount of topics that would make your eyes glaze and your head hurt. Im not going to take that as a sign that IM uninteresting ;)
Actually, you tried baiting and I didn’t bite. It’s a stupid mistake, but….

Bowie himself said he would like to erase a few of his albums. Tin Machine was horrible. His take on industrial was more Reznor then Bowie and you can’t blame Reznor. Bowie being Bowie is epic. Bowie trying to be somebody else, isn’t.

But see, here’s your problem; you cant talk within a variety of topics, your stupid. And when you try and spew any type of knowledge about anything other then drugs or music, you are either unreadable or you read out of place.

That equals a shit poster.

Your closer to Benzo then you think.

Answer this one, do you think Benzo is a good poster?

Nope. Nope I didnt. Just asking for clarity.

Okay fair. I'll concede one that. And I LOVED NIN. Still do. I love that Reznor is still at it. That whole collaboration was interesting and fun. But you are right on that.

I did see them both together during the Downward Spiral tour and it was awesome.

Even when Bowie was bad by Bowie standards...the was still better than most :D

I think Benzo is a retard. But I dont whine when people post who I find to be shit posters. I just dont read them. Pretty irrelevant what I think. It's also irrelevant what you think but you are kinda struggling there.
Well here’s the problem;

You are nothing better then Benzo. In that vapid mind of yours, you might think you are, but your really not.

And that’s the problem many of you can’t seem to comprehend and honestly, why should you? You are surrounded by a bunch of morons and the actual intelligent, witty posters like myself, Fox, and Blandscape stick out like sore thumbs amongst the trash this community has become.

See, you fit right in with the rest of, in your very own words, retards, thankfully, I don’t.

But back to Bowie, it’s actually hard to listen to him and most of his 90’s material after listening to Black Star. There was also a time where he refused to play the hits and focused on the material he was making during that time until he figured out people came to concerts to hear the hits.

If I paid the money and didn’t hear Suffergette City, I’d feel jyppd. No Rebel Rebel, I’d ask for a refund.

There’s an industrial version of Fame on YouTube that he actually performed that’s horrible. That’s not Bowie. And if Reznor produced that, he should have a year taken away from living for ruining a classic.

But, that’s just my opinion

Well that maybe a problem for you, but its definately not a problem for ME, is it? People are allowed to have different preferences and they dont have to read posts from posters they dont like.

I'm not coming on here concerned with what sort of content you personally find amusing. You think I'm a shit poster. My posts suck. You view me as some Benzo type poster. I hear ya. Sounds rough. Oh well, though.

The important thing is I enjoy my posts fully. And I'm here for that purpose. I come here for MY amusement. Other people who like to engage with and read me are more than welcome to join in.

So why would I alter anything about that?

I would say who I would call the retards here is much different from who you call the retards....and im afraid that ain't gonna change, P. My opinions have authority and value for me. I've already decided who the tards are. And attempts to convince me otherwise is just reinforcing that. Proving my assessment right.

Surely you arent expecting me to place your opinion above MY OWN? If you are.....I really hope you have a helmet and spit cup because you are gonna have a bad time. I'm not concerned with where you place yourself, here.

I love Earthling. Sure some of Bowies work was better than others, absolutely. But I love that there are so many decades of Bowie music. There is a Bowie song for literally any mood. Not all of it was bound to be awesome, you know?

I haven't seen this industrial version of Fame. That was never a song I liked very much as it was, to be honest.
Ah, and there it is.

If you have no problems with being stupid, then don’t get upset when others point it out. Simple.

Like…. You said Bowie was great all the time, yet here, in this post, you contradict what you said previously by saying not all was bound to be awesome.

This is why you are stupid.

Learn from it. Write a book about it and sell it on Amazon books.

Here, I’ll even give you a title idea or two;

At least I’m stupid

I’m with stupid (with a picture of you looking in a mirror)

Here’s to stupid

At Least David Bowie wasn’t as stupid as me.

My battle with Stupidity- Real Talk

I was an addict addicted to Stupidity

Those are all free, of course.

You are not very literate, Poof.

If I do write a book about being stupid, I will absolutely make sure to include pictures. I got your back.
See, that’s the narcissist in you coming out.

You forget I read the papers you wrote while you were aceing nursing exams. You should be donating to Wikipedia for all the help you got.

It’s ok, Dovzo, it’s not some secret you are stupid.
you calling someone stupid in the midst of spelling ""acing"" -- ""aceing"" is pretty fucking hysterical, Morontinin Numbnuts Network

Just saying of course


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don’t get salty, Dovid.

You wernt nothing special.

Like really? All this because I thought you were a dime a dozen broad? Your problem is you think way too highly of yourself and I just showed you were you stood in the pecking order.


But, I’m done rehashing this shit. It was great content. Now, not so much.

Just because I have a low opinion of you doesn’t mean there’s some fool out there who doesn’t (giggles)

Just one more year and you might believe it, eh?
That your nothing but a shit poster?

Darling, I thought that from the jump.

Well, here is the thing.

Have I ever expressed any interest or concern over what kind of poster i am?

Why do you keep telling me this as if I care about it?
Your stupid.

You wouldn’t care

Well, this post says it all.

Perhaps one day I will come to my senses and realize how important it is to make sure my posts at BF do not fall into Poofer's "shit post" column. Lest he again tell me "Your stupid"
If it makes you feel better, your posts on any forum wernt anything above a shit post.

How did we go from

"Your stupid, you wouldnt care"(lol)

To me needing to "feel better" over something my something is too stupid to care about?
That’s a stupid question

Am I too stupid to care that you think I'm a shit poster?


Do I need to feel better about the fact you think I'm a shit poster?
Those are questions only a stupid person can answer.

So which is it?
Are you asking yourself and typing it out so you can read it back?

This is really challenging for you, isnt it?
Pointing out your stupid?



So am I too stupid to care about my post quality or do I need to feel better about it?

You want to point my stoopy out, right?
You point out your stupid every time you hit the send tab, stupid.

So you know you are a fucking retard and you are hoping by avoiding the question about your retarded contradiction in favor of repeating yourself it will just stop.

Got it lol
No, I’m just pointing out your stupid.

Dovid, say something interesting.

Name one hair metal song you hated back in the day, but appreciate now.

No, you are not. You are contradicting yourself and calling me stupid over and over trying to deflect from your stupid contradiction.

It shouldnt be hard to be clear and concise while calling someone stupid. Yet you cant do that.

I'm gonna go with Poison "Talk dirty to me". I used to hate it. But now I appreciate it. Mostly for nostalgia reasons.

It's pretty catchy AF.
No, I’m calling you stupid because you are stupid. There’s no debating it.

Funny you mentioned Poison tho. My esteemed and I were having a discussion the other day about how bands first records are their best.

Motley Crew? Fell off after the first one.
Poison? Same thing.
Kiss? Ditto
The Doors? Same
GnR? Yup

Very few bands get better with age.
Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Led Zep. But they all hit their stride then fell off.

Tools one record is a masterwerk, Lateralus. They’re new one is bad.

You should talk more about music, no offense

You are trying to call me stupid but contradicting yourself, because you are too stupid to effectively call other people stupid.

Look how you think being asked for clarity is some debate attempt. That's stupid, P.

Absolutely NO bands get better with age. Some peak after a while and then just kinda keep going long after they should have stopped. Like Rolling Stones. I was never a fan in the first place. But they are in their 80s and still touring. I was recently invited to see them in concert and I was going to go, but the Squish started puking so I stayed home with her.

I wasnt gonna go because I like the Rolling Stones....it was more for the novelty.

Few mainstream artists are incredible through their entire existence. Bowie was. Cohen was.

I talk about what I feel like talking about. If someone doesnt like it....they dont have to read it. You know I come here to amuse myself. :ThumbsUp1:
No, I have enough self control not to argue/debate with a stupid person. You, dear, are a stupid person.

No, Bowie wasn’t good his entire career. His work in the 80’s and 90’s especially was weak. I love Bowie, but to call The Next Day anything but bad is lip service. Black Star redeemed his legacy with one of the most heart breaking albums ever created. He went out on a high note.

I’ll disagree on the Stones. Blue & Lonesome is a brilliant album. I don’t think they should be touring, but you gotta make money somehow.

You should focus on what you know, but that’s just my opinion. The only time I found you interesting was when you talked about music because you actually have a valid opinion on certain genres.

Hope that helps.

Sure, P. But here is the issue. No one was trying to argue or debate with you. You made two contradictory statements and you were being asked for clarity, is all.

And this seems to have confused you greatly.

I'm either too stupid to care.....or I'm not too stupid to care and need to "feel better". It cannot be both, can it?

Now I know you're slow and all and you've learned an exciting new insult....but in order for it to work, you've got to be coherent.

I disagree about Bowie. I love ever era. Ever era was consistently good and had it's own unique flavor.

I dont think the Stones need money. Clearly they are working off their debt to satan. Perhaps they now have to tour or else die. Who knows. They really need to stop :D

I can talk about a variety of topics with people depending if it's a mutual interest. I'm confident I can discuss a good amount of topics that would make your eyes glaze and your head hurt. Im not going to take that as a sign that IM uninteresting ;)
Actually, you tried baiting and I didn’t bite. It’s a stupid mistake, but….

Bowie himself said he would like to erase a few of his albums. Tin Machine was horrible. His take on industrial was more Reznor then Bowie and you can’t blame Reznor. Bowie being Bowie is epic. Bowie trying to be somebody else, isn’t.

But see, here’s your problem; you cant talk within a variety of topics, your stupid. And when you try and spew any type of knowledge about anything other then drugs or music, you are either unreadable or you read out of place.

That equals a shit poster.

Your closer to Benzo then you think.

Answer this one, do you think Benzo is a good poster?

Nope. Nope I didnt. Just asking for clarity.

Okay fair. I'll concede one that. And I LOVED NIN. Still do. I love that Reznor is still at it. That whole collaboration was interesting and fun. But you are right on that.

I did see them both together during the Downward Spiral tour and it was awesome.

Even when Bowie was bad by Bowie standards...the was still better than most :D

I think Benzo is a retard. But I dont whine when people post who I find to be shit posters. I just dont read them. Pretty irrelevant what I think. It's also irrelevant what you think but you are kinda struggling there.
Well here’s the problem;

You are nothing better then Benzo. In that vapid mind of yours, you might think you are, but your really not.

And that’s the problem many of you can’t seem to comprehend and honestly, why should you? You are surrounded by a bunch of morons and the actual intelligent, witty posters like myself, Fox, and Blandscape stick out like sore thumbs amongst the trash this community has become.

See, you fit right in with the rest of, in your very own words, retards, thankfully, I don’t.

But back to Bowie, it’s actually hard to listen to him and most of his 90’s material after listening to Black Star. There was also a time where he refused to play the hits and focused on the material he was making during that time until he figured out people came to concerts to hear the hits.

If I paid the money and didn’t hear Suffergette City, I’d feel jyppd. No Rebel Rebel, I’d ask for a refund.

There’s an industrial version of Fame on YouTube that he actually performed that’s horrible. That’s not Bowie. And if Reznor produced that, he should have a year taken away from living for ruining a classic.

But, that’s just my opinion

Well that maybe a problem for you, but its definately not a problem for ME, is it? People are allowed to have different preferences and they dont have to read posts from posters they dont like.

I'm not coming on here concerned with what sort of content you personally find amusing. You think I'm a shit poster. My posts suck. You view me as some Benzo type poster. I hear ya. Sounds rough. Oh well, though.

The important thing is I enjoy my posts fully. And I'm here for that purpose. I come here for MY amusement. Other people who like to engage with and read me are more than welcome to join in.

So why would I alter anything about that?

I would say who I would call the retards here is much different from who you call the retards....and im afraid that ain't gonna change, P. My opinions have authority and value for me. I've already decided who the tards are. And attempts to convince me otherwise is just reinforcing that. Proving my assessment right.

Surely you arent expecting me to place your opinion above MY OWN? If you are.....I really hope you have a helmet and spit cup because you are gonna have a bad time. I'm not concerned with where you place yourself, here.

I love Earthling. Sure some of Bowies work was better than others, absolutely. But I love that there are so many decades of Bowie music. There is a Bowie song for literally any mood. Not all of it was bound to be awesome, you know?

I haven't seen this industrial version of Fame. That was never a song I liked very much as it was, to be honest.
Ah, and there it is.

If you have no problems with being stupid, then don’t get upset when others point it out. Simple.

Like…. You said Bowie was great all the time, yet here, in this post, you contradict what you said previously by saying not all was bound to be awesome.

This is why you are stupid.

Learn from it. Write a book about it and sell it on Amazon books.

Here, I’ll even give you a title idea or two;

At least I’m stupid

I’m with stupid (with a picture of you looking in a mirror)

Here’s to stupid

At Least David Bowie wasn’t as stupid as me.

My battle with Stupidity- Real Talk

I was an addict addicted to Stupidity

Those are all free, of course.

You are not very literate, Poof.

If I do write a book about being stupid, I will absolutely make sure to include pictures. I got your back.
See, that’s the narcissist in you coming out.

You forget I read the papers you wrote while you were aceing nursing exams. You should be donating to Wikipedia for all the help you got.

It’s ok, Dovzo, it’s not some secret you are stupid.

What papers?

You mean my pharmacology and micro notes?

Yeah I suppose that would remind you of wiki since wiki is the only place you've ever seen a citation lmao
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Anyone else ever been so dumb your research papers had citations?

Citations like.....wikipedia :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Has the narcolepsy news network finished crying above dovey yet ?

It's such a babyish angle. I went from such an awesome super smart poster(which wasnt really that much of a compliment to begin with, I dont give any fucks about that) to I'm a big stoopy stupid who shit posts like Benzo lol.

Gee I wonder what changed lol.

I like the plot twist with how I was always a stoopy shit poster, and pitiful and all that but he told me otherwise for.. reasons. And he played and trolled me so hard. But if post that he is a liar, he whines that I "play victim".

So basically he brags about victimizing me.....but I shouldnt "play victim" and I forced him into talking to me and meeting up with me. But he trolled and played me. Intentionally for "content." But I forced him.

Okay boomer lol.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
What fresh new hell is this?

A thread by Pooftard saying he's not going to post aymore followed by a week long, mutiple thread meltie and a thread not about Dovey on 20 pages of posts about and from..............Dovey.

Is this how the Apocalypse will look?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Pretty much, include that grotesque Rocky Horror Show e-trannie Flynn, spraying the board with his trademark verbal anal leakage and we're basically in e-hell, thanks to the FT refugees slithering in here.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What fresh new hell is this?

A thread by Pooftard saying he's not going to post aymore followed by a week long, mutiple thread meltie and a thread not about Dovey on 20 pages of posts about and from..............Dovey.

Is this how the Apocalypse will look?

Fits here too

Lmao. "Stranded at the grey hound"

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Pretty much, include that grotesque Rocky Horror Show e-trannie Flynn, spraying the board with his trademark verbal anal leakage and we're basically in e-hell, thanks to the FT refugees slithering in here.

There's actually a chick on these forums that looks like that lol

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Pretty much, include that grotesque Rocky Horror Show e-trannie Flynn, spraying the board with his trademark verbal anal leakage and we're basically in e-hell, thanks to the FT refugees slithering in here.

There's actually a chick on these forums that looks like that lol

@ The Countess.

I thought they all did behind closed doors?

@ Aryan.

Depends which spamming, junk sniffer has the keys to the nic that day.

The amount of effluent can vary wildly.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Pretty much, include that grotesque Rocky Horror Show e-trannie Flynn, spraying the board with his trademark verbal anal leakage and we're basically in e-hell, thanks to the FT refugees slithering in here.

There's actually a chick on these forums that looks like that lol

@ The Countess.

I thought they all did behind closed doors?

@ Aryan.

Depends which spamming, junk sniffer has the keys to the nic that day.

The amount of effluent can vary wildly.

not me

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@ Aryan.

Depends which spamming, junk sniffer has the keys to the nic that day.

The amount of effluent can vary wildly.

Well, I have it on good authority from numerous sources, that "Pickles" is the only person left who can be bothered to regularly keep the Flynn account going, the rest all got bored years ago.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
@ Aryan.

Depends which spamming, junk sniffer has the keys to the nic that day.

The amount of effluent can vary wildly.

Well, I have it on good authority from numerous sources, that "Pickles" is the only person left who can be bothered to regularly keep the Flynn account going, the rest all got bored years ago.

I'd have to see a cartoon before commenting on whether Poofers 'Top' is leering over the steering wheel whilst their pet gerbils work the pedals.