The meme was a dig at Libertarian Desantis having to rely on Sleepy Joe, again. Also Martha’s was not the only destination for immigrants either.
As I pointed out the meme was stupid. I'm holding out hope that you are capable of seeing this fact for yourself, but we shall see.
Here's why it is stupid. First, Floridians are tax tax paying citizens of the united states paying federal taxes like everyone else and are therefore entitled to all disaster relief provisions as is every other tax payer regardless of state boundaries. So this idea of relying on Uncle Joe is silly on it's face.
Second, your meme attempts to suggest that Desantis caused some kind of state insolvency at a time of significant financial surplus due to a publicity stunt which couldn't have possibly exceeded 100,000 dollars if I am being generous in my assessment of the realistic costs associated with flying 50 people from Florida to Massachusetts.
If I were you I would drop these silly attempts to substantiate your stupid meme as they are increasingly making you look just as stupid as the author. Unless you are the author. Then it would make sense for you to be this emotionally tethered to such spectacular failure.
Hope this helps.