Hi guis!

Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
Hi there! welcome. Im pushing for an arcade and ink colored member names

Hello! Nice to meet you. I thought something was missing here. It would be nice to have a few games. Nothing elaborate but a lil something.

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
Site Supporter
Cant get enough of GTA

There needs to be another one made before it die
Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
Cant get enough of GTA

There needs to be another one made before it die
Isn't there a 6th one coming out next year?
what platform do you play on? I'm on xboxone. I haven't played GTA in a few months but eventually I will get back into playing it. Lately I've been spending most of my time playing SIMS 4 on pc.
Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
Hi Iggy. Here as promised.
There you are! About time. I thought you showed up a few day ago but I guess it wasn't you. LOL 1
I might have made it a little more obvious, but I'm pretty sure the other name I'm currently fornicating peoples heads with is a little too longwinded for this forum.

But anyhow, "nice place here."

For being up and running only a short time, it's pretty decent. Interesting people and it's pretty laid back. Mods and Admin don't say much at all and if they do it's usually for a fair enough reason. This site gets Teh Iggy McLulz seal of approval Thumbs Up 3


Not Impressed.
Hi Iggy. Here as promised.
There you are! About time. I thought you showed up a few day ago but I guess it wasn't you. LOL 1
I might have made it a little more obvious, but I'm pretty sure the other name I'm currently fornicating peoples heads with is a little too longwinded for this forum.

But anyhow, "nice place here."

For being up and running only a short time, it's pretty decent. Interesting people and it's pretty laid back. Mods and Admin don't say much at all and if they do it's usually for a fair enough reason. This site gets Teh Iggy McLulz seal of approval Thumbs Up 3

Do you want to borrow my snorkel?


Not Impressed.
I just wanted to make sure that our old lizard commander and chief could breathe down there.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Hi Iggy. Here as promised.
There you are! About time. I thought you showed up a few day ago but I guess it wasn't you. LOL 1
I might have made it a little more obvious, but I'm pretty sure the other name I'm currently fornicating peoples heads with is a little too longwinded for this forum.

But anyhow, "nice place here."

For being up and running only a short time, it's pretty decent. Interesting people and it's pretty laid back. Mods and Admin don't say much at all and if they do it's usually for a fair enough reason. This site gets Teh Iggy McLulz seal of approval Thumbs Up 3
I'm pretty sure you probably won't remember my views on the subject and it's probably good to get any spurious notions of a burgeoning case of USI where I am concerned out of the way from the get-go. I know what the deal is when it comes to the mods and admin duties, I've had occasion to perform such janitorial duties myself in the day. In a perfect world they are the people who represent the person who pays the bills on a forum, providing the framework for cheapass lazy bastards such as myself to come along and play in. And yeah, I'll give some of the high and mighty subset of that otherwise diligent and cautious group a hard time under the wrong conditions. I excel at that.

I also excel at admitting error under the right conditions, though it's less common I find them presented to me. Traditionally it's been a case of "I AM THE LAW!!!!" which (forgive me) is just begging for me to monkey with, especially in flame and troll venues. A gentle (if firm) nudge from a genuinely concerned staff member however is usually a good precursor to a speedy admission of "my bad" and an effort on my part to avoid potential problems before they become actual ones. It's why you and I got along so famously at Reject Haven. I have my fingers crossed that despite it's name, this place will live up to that same benchmark.

And if it doesn't, that's cool too. LOL 1

ahtaC yddaM

Oh boo-fucking-hoo.

Who let this book posting son of a fuck in? Jesus Christ, kill me already.


aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
I did of course, motor skills and figuring out which tiles have street signs and cars in them isn't as difficult as you may have found them my blue-balled friend.

Would you care for a cookie first or would you prefer to skip straight to the poo-poo platter?

ahtaC yddaM

Resulting to the childish rudimentary insults, are we? BRB getting my trusty thesaurus and encyclopedia!


Not Impressed.
Resulting to the childish rudimentary insults, are we? BRB getting my trusty thesaurus and encyclopedia!

What were you expecting he registered as Lord Scrotum, were you expecting pipe smoking deep conversation guy or something `\o/`

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
So was that a yes on the cookie then o Jibbly one? Don't be shy now, we wouldn't want a repeat of your less than stellar performance back from the Banned Nation days, now would we? Disagree

ahtaC yddaM

I'd like to say that B***** N***** was a complete farce and that I have nothing to do with M**** C****. Our office completely denies all involvement with the said defendants and off is the only direction in which you can fuck.

Good day, sirs.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
I'd like to say that B***** N***** was a complete farce and that I have nothing to do with M**** C****. Our office completely denies all involvement with the said defendants and off is the only direction in which you can fuck.

Good day, sirs.
Well well well, yank the string and it goes all jibbly like a motherfucker. Errr; "no can do" my excitable little woofter, cry as much as you might. LMAO 2

Lord Scrotum unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down to reveal the shapely curves of his pale, hairy glutes. Jibbles couldn't believe his good fortune and reminded himself he should open his drooling pudding muncher more often. His heart began to flutter as Lord Scrotum backed his unbleached sphincter on to Jibbles' moistly pooched out lips, an errant clagnut that dangled from Lord Scrotum's pubic tangle scritching his chin like the fingernail of a long lost lover as the pendulous phallus of Lord Scrotum's as-yet unempurpled love gladiator swung beyond.

"Open wide" commanded the Lord.

Jibbles certainly needed no urging, his lips slowly parting as Lord Scrotum's gnarled hands gripped his ears, holding him fast. A grateful whimper welled in Jibbles throat as the tip of a mudmonster began to turtle its way from within the bowels of his generous benefactor, the tendons in his legs tensing as he began to push a truly mighty log on to Jibble's waiting tongue. Nutty, yet perfectly formed... it was like someone was pushing a huge black cock down his throat, only it tasted sooooo much better. Tears began to well in Jibbles' eyes at the feast prepared for him and he blinked them away, ugly glorping and glucking sounds punctuating his moans of delight as a full foot of groganic culinary excellence slithered down his quivering oesophagus.

As Lord Scrotum's wrinkle pinched off the last of his entree, Jibbles gulped the remainder into his gullet, timidly licking at Lord Scrotum's anus. Surely there was more? He'd heard the legends that Lord Scrotum was full of shit and he was eager for another butt burrito. Sure enough that aperture seemed to be preparing for another course and Jibbles moaned in delicious anticipation as another hunk even wider than the first began to stretch that wrinkle open, the merest hint of a trickle of juice accompanying it, squirting on to Jibbles tongue like the hint of freshly prepared Moser-style creme brulee.

Lord Scrotum grunted and a cannonball of turd launched into Jibbles' mouth at speed, ricocheting off his epiglottis and wedging itself in his windpipe as a mix of hot fudge and projectile diarrhea geysered past his lips, filling his sinuses and squirting from his nostrils in twin ribbons of snot and shit. An exclamation of disgust and a few choice obscenities from Lord Scrotum greeted this latest development and with a backwards kick to Jibbles chest he propelled the hapless herpetarium dewller back six feet to lie sprawling among the bemused onlookers of Bastard Factory.

"You filthy bugger" barked Lord Scrotum, "did your mother never teach you table manners?"

ahtaC yddaM

Could you please write a brief 1 sentence (7-10 words) TL;DR?

You can't seriously expect a bunch of people to read this drivel. Jesus.

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Could you please write a brief 1 sentence (7-10 words) TL;DR?
You mean like you just didn't? ROFL How about "you are a gay little faggoty homo" or "I'll kick your ass any day of the week" or "you have the attention span of a lobotomised twitter user"? That do ya, my intellectually challenged special ed student?

Damn, a forum where in one day a forum rep extolls the virtues of communication... and the next I find some spanner head chucking a shitfit because there's too much of it for his widdle bwain to pwocess. This shit just writes itself. LOL 2