Homelessness: An American Problem


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

St. Petersburg, FL


Bastard of the Century
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Drug addiction and mental illness have no political affiliations.

Poverty and structural inequalities do tend to plague the south, though.

If we're talking cities, homelessness is universal. Anywhere in the world, really. The unhoused go where the services are closest.

Folks in rural areas tend to take care of their own; communities being smaller and more tightly knit, people usually know their neighbours better.

And yet, while charity may be fine and dandy, it's still only a stopgap measure.

Also, there's the matter of geography. Nobody wants to be living on the streets in Fargo, ND, in the middle of February. Homeless folks migrate to the west coast in the winter, where the weather is more clement and temperatures milder.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Also, there's the matter of geography. Nobody wants to be living on the streets in Fargo, ND, in the middle of February. Homeless folks migrate to the west coast in the winter, where the weather is more clement and temperatures milder.

The west coast is also looking some sort of heaven bum these days, let's be honest.

Drugs plenty and legalized, lawlessness, a lot of people willing to pay and feed these people.

A ton of middle class kids leaving Brazoo to experience the hobo jamborees. They say it's like a neverending Woodstock. Not to mention all the criminals enjoying the risk-free looting and filling boxes with stolen goods to send down here.


Bastard of the Century
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You make it sound worse than it is, Rancy.

Decluttering the dockets of petty misdemeanors allows the legal system to be more responsive in its handling of serious criminal offenses. Sure, it sucks when some petty thief makes off with a pair of Air Jordans without paying for them as the theft cuts into the profits of mega-corporations who then inevitably pass off the shrinkage cost to consumers but, really, men that covet their neighbour's ass is as old as the Sinai Desert itself. Laws aiming to curb men's greed will never be as effective as the moral components of a sound education, a liberal education (in the traditional sense of the word "liberal"). The courts are better off not being stuffed with, and police work not being choked by, these minor legal irritants.

Conservatives are strange in this regard; they wish to wrest the responsibility of providing a formal education to their children from the school system because "CRT" and "inclusivity" and "diversity" but lay the blame squarely at the feet of the local AG when their attempt at home-schooling their brood produces nitwits who don't know right from wrong (and forget to address the judge as "Your Honor").

As for homelessness and abusive drug use, it's a proven fact that Housing First and Harm Reduction principles occasion a far smaller economic (and social) toll on society than outright "displacement" and interdiction, respectively, by, again, disengorging the courts. As an added bonus, applying these principles also relieves a tremendous amount of pressure on an already taxed health system (well, such as it is, in the U.S., anyway). In the end, everybody wins.

But don't take my word on this. Look it up. Do your own research. Or don't.


Factory Bastard
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Here in California it is mostly a drug problem. As in 80% of street homeless are chronic drug abusers who refuse treatment or shelter space which is free and available.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Here they put dinghy-riding illegal immigrants in 4 star hotels while British homeless people are left on the street.

Upto a 1000 of these opportunistic fucks are arriving daily in Dover and very few if any are being deported.

If that isn't bad enough, it's come to light that many of these grown men of fighting age are Albanians and what with the recent monopoly Albanian orgnised criminal organisations have gained within the drugs trade, these so called refugees are going to disappear into England and start dealing drugs.

You honestly could not make this shit up. Our forefathers must be turning in their graves.