How do you stop snoring?



Domestically feral
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United states

Likes to Talk a Lot = Big Snorer

They caint really be separated y’know

They go hand in hand, eh ;)

I actually don't talk a lot in person.

It's always funny to see how other people on forums view me and how they imagine what I'm like.

Thinking I'm super talkative or that I share all the details of my life.....neither of which is true at all. I have friends who come and check on me and see what's going on because I can really be a recluse. Only a few people in my life even know I'm separated.

A guy who had a crush on me way back in high school who used to hang out with me wrote me this morning and said "sorry about your separation". I asked him how he knew.....he flat out said my socail media posts seemed out of character so he came profile stalking and saw my relationship status. I set it as seperated.....that's how I tell people stuff lol.

I'm guessing he is gonna ask me out. He was divorced from his wife of 10 years a few years ago and has two kids.

I think it's funny thar I turned out to be such a trainwreck and decent men still want to date me lol. And when I say that it seems to make them want to date me MORE. So far men seem to get hooked on emotional unavailability. They love that chase. This guy remembers that so much he flat out said "I wanted you so badly....and you wanted Peter Steele" LOL

He ain't wrong!
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