Oh Gawd... do we have to watch Martin remove his dentures and gnaw his gums on Flynn’s 4.5” clit AGAIN?!?!???
Pipe down, tubby.
At least I can wipe my whole ass without using a stick, Frankenfatty. I've seen your pictures, and I can honestly say you can't say the same thing, omega moo.
Are you drunk? Did liquid supper turn into an all day buffet? Cuz stupid comments to the BT gets your two stool sitting on ass cut off, is
I’m sure it’s easy for you to wipe when your deflated ass cheeks dangle like Danny Devito’s playing Penguin in Batman Returns and you pee sitting down.
Don't try to flame, Murdaphant. You look like Dovey when you do.
I’m 90 lbs of tits and ass... & I still have my grill.
Who the fuck are you trying to impress, freak?
God lord, @Flea come take your drunk bitch home.
he said I looked like Dovey... this is like watching monkeys use tools for the first time....
That still doesn't quench the thirst of the question. Why do you feel the need to prove yourself to a bunch of anonymous online strangers?
Do you actually think it bothers me that some assclown online who I would never give the time of day to thinks I weigh 290 lbs? You claim to be female and yet you actually think that body shaming is still a thing? Basic bitch say what?
At his age, fat jokes rank right up there with 1980s played out yo mama jokes. That’s the point... keep him going so he makes himself out to be a babbling jackass using fat lames we have heard umpteen times over when he is trying to simultaneously prove he has some coveted internet prowess this forum can’t live without.
I’m sorry that we can’t all fit in your little box of “flame” and be just like you so that we are all parrots stuck on repeat day in and day out... however have I survived on forums for the past 15 years without your anger issues to guide me?!?!?? *rolls eyes*