Howscum Everyone But Trumputinists Know That Trump is a Typical Authoritarian?


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Trump checks all the boxes for history’s authoritarians, noted Ben-Ghiat, who last year published the book
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For one thing, they never leave the stage gracefully.

“I just predicted that he [Trump] wouldn’t leave in a quiet manner” after he lost the election, said Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history and Italian studies at New York University. “He’s an authoritarian, and they can’t leave office. They don’t have good endings and they don’t leave properly.”

Trump’s “Big Lie” lie that the election he definitely lost was rigged protected his brainwashed followers from “having to reckon with the fact that he lost,” said Ben-Ghiat. The tale “maintains him as their hero, as their winner, as the invincible Trump — but also as the wronged Trump, the victim. Victimhood is extremely important for all autocrats,” she noted. “They always have to be the biggest victim.”

Now Trump has changed the entire nature of the Republican Party into an “authoritarian far-right party” that’s as hard on its own members as on foes, said Ben-Ghiat. “Not only do you go after external enemies, but you go after internal enemies. You’re not allowed to have any dissent,”


Domestically feral
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United states
Because you're an idiot.

Thread over.

I asked him what policies Trump tried to pass or passed that were authoritarian.

He had no answer at all. Started blathering about personalities. Then started with the insults.

This guy literally supports bigger more infringing government and was in favor of government coercing and forcing a medical intervention and justifying it by saying liberty doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

EVEN knowing the vaccine does not stop spread of Covid. It only benefits the one getting it

I'm not gonna take a guy seriously who is accusing Trump of being an authoritarian based on weak parallels without proper nuance with absolutely no examples of policy who thinks my fucking BODY belongs to some collective and that I should be denied the right to make my own medical decisions.

And a guy who has swallowed so much propaganda that he cant even respectfully communicate with people who disagree with him who claims he hold other people in contempt because they have a different world view.

A guy who wanted people arrested because they protested while being in the "wrong" politcal party.

It's incredible to see people who want a one party authoritarian government actually try to paint their opposition....that they want forced compliance the authoritarians.


An Claidheam Anam
Because you're an idiot.

Thread over.

I asked him what policies Trump tried to pass or passed that were authoritarian.

He had no answer at all. Started blathering about personalities. Then started with the insults.

This guy literally supports bigger more infringing government and was in favor of government coercing and forcing a medical intervention and justifying it by saying liberty doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

EVEN knowing the vaccine does not stop spread of Covid. It only benefits the one getting it

I'm not gonna take a guy seriously who is accusing Trump of being an authoritarian based on weak parallels without proper nuance with absolutely no examples of policy who thinks my fucking BODY belongs to some collective and that I should be denied the right to make my own medical decisions.

And a guy who has swallowed so much propaganda that he cant even respectfully communicate with people who disagree with him who claims he hold other people in contempt because they have a different world view.

A guy who wanted people arrested because they protested while being in the "wrong" politcal party.

It's incredible to see people who want a one party authoritarian government actually try to paint their opposition....that they want forced compliance the authoritarians.

Ask him about the "crimes" the Bad orange Man committed. I've asked that one and always get variations of some "Trump University" thingie they think anyone ever cared about.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because you're an idiot.

Thread over.

I asked him what policies Trump tried to pass or passed that were authoritarian.

He had no answer at all. Started blathering about personalities. Then started with the insults.

This guy literally supports bigger more infringing government and was in favor of government coercing and forcing a medical intervention and justifying it by saying liberty doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

EVEN knowing the vaccine does not stop spread of Covid. It only benefits the one getting it

I'm not gonna take a guy seriously who is accusing Trump of being an authoritarian based on weak parallels without proper nuance with absolutely no examples of policy who thinks my fucking BODY belongs to some collective and that I should be denied the right to make my own medical decisions.

And a guy who has swallowed so much propaganda that he cant even respectfully communicate with people who disagree with him who claims he hold other people in contempt because they have a different world view.

A guy who wanted people arrested because they protested while being in the "wrong" politcal party.

It's incredible to see people who want a one party authoritarian government actually try to paint their opposition....that they want forced compliance the authoritarians.

Ask him about the "crimes" the Bad orange Man committed. I've asked that one and always get variations of some "Trump University" thingie they think anyone ever cared about.

I have. He had nothing. He just spewed shitty nonsense and went to insults like they always fucking do.

These people do not care about the country. They just hate a heckle everyone who does. That's about it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Because you're an idiot.

Thread over.

I asked him what policies Trump tried to pass or passed that were authoritarian.

He had no answer at all. Started blathering about personalities. Then started with the insults.

This guy literally supports bigger more infringing government and was in favor of government coercing and forcing a medical intervention and justifying it by saying liberty doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

EVEN knowing the vaccine does not stop spread of Covid. It only benefits the one getting it

I'm not gonna take a guy seriously who is accusing Trump of being an authoritarian based on weak parallels without proper nuance with absolutely no examples of policy who thinks my fucking BODY belongs to some collective and that I should be denied the right to make my own medical decisions.

And a guy who has swallowed so much propaganda that he cant even respectfully communicate with people who disagree with him who claims he hold other people in contempt because they have a different world view.

A guy who wanted people arrested because they protested while being in the "wrong" politcal party.

It's incredible to see people who want a one party authoritarian government actually try to paint their opposition....that they want forced compliance the authoritarians.

Ask him about the "crimes" the Bad orange Man committed. I've asked that one and always get variations of some "Trump University" thingie they think anyone ever cared about.

If you hold to the FACT that it is against the law to use the office of POTUS as an economic opportunity, then you understand that Trump committed crimes every day he was in office, as did all the members of his family who also pimped the office. He SHOULD have been impeached for that, but the pimping dems like Pelosi didn't want to threaten their own gravy trains. Fucking crooks. Trump was simply the worst.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because you're an idiot.

Thread over.

I asked him what policies Trump tried to pass or passed that were authoritarian.

He had no answer at all. Started blathering about personalities. Then started with the insults.

This guy literally supports bigger more infringing government and was in favor of government coercing and forcing a medical intervention and justifying it by saying liberty doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

EVEN knowing the vaccine does not stop spread of Covid. It only benefits the one getting it

I'm not gonna take a guy seriously who is accusing Trump of being an authoritarian based on weak parallels without proper nuance with absolutely no examples of policy who thinks my fucking BODY belongs to some collective and that I should be denied the right to make my own medical decisions.

And a guy who has swallowed so much propaganda that he cant even respectfully communicate with people who disagree with him who claims he hold other people in contempt because they have a different world view.

A guy who wanted people arrested because they protested while being in the "wrong" politcal party.

It's incredible to see people who want a one party authoritarian government actually try to paint their opposition....that they want forced compliance the authoritarians.

Ask him about the "crimes" the Bad orange Man committed. I've asked that one and always get variations of some "Trump University" thingie they think anyone ever cared about.

If you hold to the FACT that it is against the law to use the office of POTUS as an economic opportunity, then you understand that Trump committed crimes every day he was in office, as did all the members of his family who also pimped the office. He SHOULD have been impeached for that, but the pimping dems like Pelosi didn't want to threaten their own gravy trains. Fucking crooks. Trump was simply the worst.

He is literally the only president in years who DIDNT use the office to get wealthy.

He literally LOST wealth in office.

You cant just CLAIM this and expect it to be truth. There has to be specific ways he apparently did this. Not just some general claim he did it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So in Orwerlian opposite land that H lives in, fucking small government supporters and deregulation is "authoritarianism"

And censorship, government force and stripping Constitutional rights by criminalizing protest the government doesnt like, attacking opposition as "terrorists" and calling free speech the establishment doesnt like "hate speech" and shit like THIS



Is "liberty". I mean pumping hateful and intentionally divisive propaganda with the goal of influencing the outcome of our elections and having a "shadow cabal of wealthy and powerful people" working behind the scenes to "save" and "reinforce" the 2020 election is fucking FREE DEMOCRACY!!!

You know without all these rules, tyrannical attacks on opposition, and wealthy elites interfering with elections we would be a dictatorship.

We need that one party authoritarian state where no one has "dangerous" views they share and where everyone has to do everything the government decides is best for the collective. Even by forcing medical interventions on the public. DUH guys.


America was much freer under TRUMP. and moar fun too. Brandon is the one who loves lockdowns and masks and mandates and bannings and doxxings and generally shutting up anyone who disagrees.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Because you're an idiot.

Thread over.

I asked him what policies Trump tried to pass or passed that were authoritarian.

He had no answer at all. Started blathering about personalities. Then started with the insults.

This guy literally supports bigger more infringing government and was in favor of government coercing and forcing a medical intervention and justifying it by saying liberty doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

EVEN knowing the vaccine does not stop spread of Covid. It only benefits the one getting it

I'm not gonna take a guy seriously who is accusing Trump of being an authoritarian based on weak parallels without proper nuance with absolutely no examples of policy who thinks my fucking BODY belongs to some collective and that I should be denied the right to make my own medical decisions.

And a guy who has swallowed so much propaganda that he cant even respectfully communicate with people who disagree with him who claims he hold other people in contempt because they have a different world view.

A guy who wanted people arrested because they protested while being in the "wrong" politcal party.

It's incredible to see people who want a one party authoritarian government actually try to paint their opposition....that they want forced compliance the authoritarians.

Ask him about the "crimes" the Bad orange Man committed. I've asked that one and always get variations of some "Trump University" thingie they think anyone ever cared about.

If you hold to the FACT that it is against the law to use the office of POTUS as an economic opportunity, then you understand that Trump committed crimes every day he was in office, as did all the members of his family who also pimped the office. He SHOULD have been impeached for that, but the pimping dems like Pelosi didn't want to threaten their own gravy trains. Fucking crooks. Trump was simply the worst.

He is literally the only president in years who DIDNT use the office to get wealthy.

He literally LOST wealth in office.

You cant just CLAIM this and expect it to be truth. There has to be specific ways he apparently did this. Not just some general claim he did it.
Lotus is a moron you can’t expect her to understand all that


Factory Bastard
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Funny :LOL3: :LOL3: Stubby thought Fatso would make him rich. He got this instead
More Americans have died under Biden than Trump and the supply chain issues continue to get worse and worse. Ford is going to have an even harder time delivering chassis this year than the previous 2 years. My wife and I have been trying to order a GM SUV for months now and they now have a constraint on ordering because of no V6 engines.

You people are a shit show.


Factory Bastard
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Funny :LOL3: :LOL3: Stubby thought Fatso would make him rich. He got this instead
More Americans have died under Biden than Trump and the supply chain issues continue to get worse and worse. Ford is going to have an even harder time delivering chassis this year than the previous 2 years. My wife and I have been trying to order a GM SUV for months now and they now have a constraint on ordering because of no V6 engines.

You people are a shit show.

And you continue to live in a shit hole. Who gives a rats ass about Fords or GM.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Only having a good chuckle Money bags. Howz the LITTLE LADY?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I really dont get how they believe Trump inherited a "roaring economy".

That's not what I lived through. I dont know anyone who recalls that.

The only people who actually think that are the laptop class that demanded lockdowns that destroyed the livelihoods of everyone who was NOT the laptop class.

I'm not sure that assigning the job losses that were directly due to Democrat pushed lockdowns to Trump is gonna be a selling point to anyone who isnt already firmly partisan bias democrats.

But I do definately wish Trump had ignored that bullshit and defied it regardless of the hysteria and attacks he got everytime he so much as mentioned how these lockdowns were BAD.


Domestically feral
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United states
And Detroit is a great example on what happens when democrats are trusted and voted in for decades.....sadly :/


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
As if we dont know that these people only hear what they want and dont give a shit about anyone else.

That's their "democracy". You know.....because they are the fighters of controlled liberty. Which isnt liberty.....but they just hear quacking in their duck brain anytime the truth is told.