It's not my fault the fucking ratchet tried to capture me like I'm some fucking prey.
I'm sorry, I'm not a fucking simp like Peggy over there hiding behind her skirt because he's been pussified like a little butch bitch.
Hoes are hoes, and Dovid, is a hoe. Don't get big mad cuz I treated her like one.
You are 50% responsible.
Q, If she's a hoe, what are you?
A, A man hoe.
No, a content creator.
You tell me, Scotus, a married tramp who had a community train ran on her isn't prime to use as content?
Come on, bruh.
Dovids a fucking loser who should have stayed in her own pathetic lane instead of trying to run away from her self inflicted gunshots by shacking up with the GOAT from these forums.
I'm sorry, that bitches forehead looked like a used IMAX screen and, what's the running total...four failed marriages already she don't have a bucket list, more like a Hefty garbage bag of life failures and a never ending chirp of "Kobe" every five years or so.
Don't hate me cuz I bang chicks then flick them like a Newport butt when their worth is burned up, holmes