I'm Callin' It, Folks

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Things are lookin' good!


Factory Bastard
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Los Angeles
It certainly wasnt a landslide..or blue wave...our country is divided almost 50/ 50....its kind of sad :`(

The real takeaway from this election is that no one better ever say again, "This is not who we are." FFS, it's exactly who we are and who we've always been. 50% thieves, 50% idiots.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Fucking China released this fucking virus to do EXACTLY what it did

The US electoral system is RETARDED

I'm sorry to say that

Even here in Brazoo we know better.

Voting only in person. Lots of bureaucracy in the process and even when the leftards filled the electoral justice and bureaus with commies, the simple fact that random, common people are picked every year to oversee the whole process and help during the process ensures it to be fair and square.

We have a whole penal code for messing with the elections. Messing with it in any way will put you in jail.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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I'm actually looking forward to seeing how much Biden fucks up, this is gonna be a train wreck... The Dons a boss and he will die a boss, Biden will die a failure but I have no animosity towards him, hope he does well for the sake of Americans but he won't, this is a disaster lol
You won't see senile Biden do shit

He'll just step away for a mountain of cash and Kalimala Harris the demon goddess will bring a reign of terror never seen in the US

mark my words

The US will never recover from this

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
If anybody needed proof of just how despicable and dirty the left is and the criminal depths which the anti-American Marxists will sink to, then here it is.

Fortunately, the widescale fraud is so transparent that even a toddler could see it, so there is a chance a thorough investigation will be carried out.

Hopefully Trump will get a re-count in certain states with dubious outcomes and have trusted officials monitoring the count.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
What was it? 160,000 ballots or something magically appearing at 4am in either Michigan or Wisconsin and they were all votes for Biden? :LMAO2:

Who the fuck are these people kidding?

I suspect that if justice isn't served, the recent BLM/Antifa riots will seem like Holligay and Jake having one of their limp wristed, purse swinging, lover's tiffs in comparison to how gun toting Trump fans are gonna react to being shafted.

A loss is one thing, but being cheated out of a win is something completely different.


Factory Bastard
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Los Angeles
So much fucking voter fraud, so much. FUCK.
Yeah, it was okay when it was just Chicago Dimocraps vs. Old South Rekluxicans doing it, and it sorta balanced out. But then the Rekluxicans bought all the voting machine companies and the balance shifted. So, everybody went back to paper ballots and now the thing is voter SUPPRESSION it seems.


Factory Bastard
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Biden the communist sympathiser...weaving a web of twisting lies & deceit in his hay day.

I am always amazed by anyone who thinks |Democrats are communist sympathizers. That is indicative of your complete and utter ignorance about what's really going on. Biden's a neolib -- the opposite of a communist.

I don’t give a fuck what you assume or what title you award Biden, the bloke has supported a terrorist regime of communists; the fact of the matter is that he’s a bumbling old fool that won’t be doing America any favours.

You have no idea what a communist is, do you? SMH


Factory Bastard
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So much fucking voter fraud, so much. FUCK.
Yeah, it was okay when it was just Chicago Dimocraps vs. Old South Rekluxicans doing it, and it sorta balanced out. But then the Rekluxicans bought all the voting machine companies and the balance shifted. So, everybody went back to paper ballots and now the thing is voter SUPPRESSION it seems.

Yes, on the dem side in primaries and on the con side in the generals.


Factory Bastard
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So much fucking voter fraud, so much. FUCK.

Any proof? In reality your claim is another conspiracy theory. I’d have more then an open ear with legit proof. Naturally youre listening to the non truth teller Trump.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
So much fucking voter fraud, so much. FUCK.

Any proof? In reality your claim is another conspiracy theory. I’d have more then an open ear with legit proof. Naturally youre listening to the non truth teller Trump.

I'm pretty sure there was some cheating on both sides, but the vast majority of any cheating is going to be RepubliCON, because that is what they believe is their right. They cheat in every possible way.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Biden pulled ahead in PA. Not by much, but it's a growing lead.
FYI, The joint chiefs already asserted they are committed to the constitution as are the armed forces, so that's that as far as the civil war BS.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Biden pulled ahead in PA. Not by much, but it's a growing lead.
FYI, The joint chiefs already asserted they are committed to the constitution as are the armed forces, so that's that as far as the civil war BS.



Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
So much fucking voter fraud, so much. FUCK.

Any proof? In reality your claim is another conspiracy theory. I’d have more then an open ear with legit proof. Naturally youre listening to the non truth teller Trump.

Oh man there is so much proof. Its been a busy few days. I've seen videos, actual proof. Here is a short list by this one guy....

Larry Correia, bestselling novelist and erstwhile auditor, notes the panoply of red flags surrounding the fraudulent 2020 presidential election:

Before I became a novelist I was an accountant. In auditing you look for red flags. That’s weird bits in the data that suggest something shifty is going on. You flag those weird things so you can delve into them further. One flag doesn’t necessarily mean there’s fraud. Weird things happen. A few flags mean stupidity or dishonesty. But a giant pile of red flags means that there’s bad **** going on and people should be in jail.

Except for in politics, where apparently all you have to do to dismiss a bunch of red flag is be a democrat and mumble something about “fascist voter suppression” then you can do all sorts of blatant crime and get off.

I’ve been trying to keep up with the firehose of information about what’s going on during this cluster**** of an election. Last night I was on Facebook talking about the crazy high, 3rd world dictatorship level voter turnout levels in the deep blue areas of these swing states was very suspicious. Somebody gas lighted me about how “I’d have to do better than that”, so this was my quick reply, listing off the questionable bull**** I could think of off the top of my head:

The massive turn out alone is a red flag.
But as for doing better…
The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.
The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.
The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.
The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.
Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.
The poll observers being removed. Red flag.
The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.
The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)
The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.
The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.
USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.
The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag.

Any of those things would be enough to trigger an audit in the normal world. This many flags and I’d be giggling in anticipation of catching some thieves. And it isn’t that I have to do better. I’m just an gen pop observer who happens to be a retired auditor with a finely tuned bull**** detector. This is going to the courts.

He goes into more detail on several of the specifics at Monster Hunter Nation. Read the whole thing there.
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And as to why this unprecedented level of fraud has taken place, the answer is that because there was a Trumpslide. Donald Trump is on track to receive 10 percent more votes than he did to win the Presidency in 2016. Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012 with 5.2 percent fewer votes than he received in 2008. Bill Clinton was reelected in 1996 with 5.5 percent more votes than he received in 1992.

Donald Trump's reelection was shaping up to become the biggest landslide since Reagan... which is why millions of fraudulent ballots were produced to try to provide the media with a means of overturning the election results.

and much much much more.


Factory Bastard
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So far no legit back up. The link looks pretty shaky as well. Kinda like your conspiracy theories about the dollar bill. Best scrutinize this Stuff before buying in. Larry Corriea is a fantasy fiction author. So far, based on several news outlets on TV, Internet, public radio, the is no proof of voter fraud. Happy to post links.
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Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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American is better fighting another civil war against demonrats than allowing these maggots to steal the election

When people start behaving the way liberals are, there's no more dialogue.

It's too obvious that these people are working against the US


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
American is better fighting another civil war against demonrats than allowing these maggots to steal the election

When people start behaving the way liberals are, there's no more dialogue.

It's too obvious that these people are working against the US
What an utter bullshit! Let's wait for the result of the elections and let's talk then again about "behaviour"...


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
American is better fighting another civil war against demonrats than allowing these maggots to steal the election

When people start behaving the way liberals are, there's no more dialogue.

It's too obvious that these people are working against the US
What an utter bullshit! Let's wait for the result of the elections and let's talk then again about "behaviour"...
Yeah, and I hope the cons finally lose their patience and start dropping liberal like the shit-loving-flies they are.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
American is better fighting another civil war against demonrats than allowing these maggots to steal the election

When people start behaving the way liberals are, there's no more dialogue.

It's too obvious that these people are working against the US
Fight a civil war with what?
The military has already weighed in. They are loyal to the constitution. End of.
Any insurrection would be treason.