Is it true


Put your glasses on!
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Yes lol.

My ex was always jealous of it lol. She said it was true.

Last time I purposely tried to lose weight, I lost 30lbs in 2 months. Got down to 143lbs lol.

The Countess

Hood with it
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I’m in ketosis and he’s not. Yet his ass lost 10 pounds in one month and my ass lost 5. Wth.

I feel like taking my heffer ass to Carl’s Jr. lol


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
Men lose weight so much faster... and if you’re a woman over 40, it’s even harder.

You might want to try to the Clean 30, which is Keto friendly. My aunt lost 14 lbs the first month and she is old af lol


Put your glasses on!
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I’m in ketosis and he’s not. Yet his ass lost 10 pounds in one month and my ass lost 5. Wth.

I feel like taking my heffer ass to Carl’s Jr. lol

Hahaha, I love that place, its called Hardees here. I just had a Big Chicken over the weekend lol, had a coupon.

Are you exercising, or just dieting? You drink water, or you still drinking MOdelos? Any soda? Sup?


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I did
Dumped my bitch
107 pounds lighter :rightON:


Put your glasses on!
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Hahhaa, my first wife weighed the same. I fed her good though lol.

My las gal weighed slightly more than me, but it was all in the right places.

The Countess

Hood with it
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Aging ain’t no joke.
I’m in ketosis and he’s not. Yet his ass lost 10 pounds in one month and my ass lost 5. Wth.

I feel like taking my heffer ass to Carl’s Jr. lol

Hahaha, I love that place, its called Hardees here. I just had a Big Chicken over the weekend lol, had a coupon.

Are you exercising, or just dieting? You drink water, or you still drinking MOdelos? Any soda? Sup?

Water, no soda or alcohol. walking every day 2damn long ass miles lol. No sugar whatsoever. Made some keto waffles the other day with almond flour. Using grass fed butter and sugar free syrup. Damn, those are good


Put your glasses on!
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Aging ain’t no joke.
I’m in ketosis and he’s not. Yet his ass lost 10 pounds in one month and my ass lost 5. Wth.

I feel like taking my heffer ass to Carl’s Jr. lol

Hahaha, I love that place, its called Hardees here. I just had a Big Chicken over the weekend lol, had a coupon.

Are you exercising, or just dieting? You drink water, or you still drinking MOdelos? Any soda? Sup?

Water, no soda or alcohol. walking every day 2damn long ass miles lol. No sugar whatsoever. Made some keto waffles the other day with almond flour. Using grass fed butter and sugar free syrup. Damn, those are good

Almond flour and grass fed butter, damn, your white privilege is showing hahaha :Grin3:

Only messin lol.

Damn, that all sounds extreme.

Check that sugar free syrup, prolly has the bad fake sugar in it.

Supposedly, doing mixed days of low carb, and regular carb, also helps. Something about good fats.

What area you trying to work on, your muffin top lol? Try doing situps, like not just forward and back, but every other one lean to one side or the other. It words your sides, not just your core.

I hate walking. Instead I do 10 minutes of stretching, and 10 minutes of exercise. If Im in the mood I do another 10 minutes of weights. I would rather go for a hike than walk. You get more exercise out of it, and its not the same ol' shit to look at every day. Which keeps you motivated.

Also, dont forget to increase your protein since you decreased carbs. It will give you energy.

Lemon also helps fight fat. I use these flavored Natural Lemon packets, has 1 gram of stavia sugar.

Just trying to help ya. Cause I can tell you getting frustrated with it all lol.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I was going to the gym before the pandemic. Honestly, I feel like as I’m getting older, it’s harder to keep the weight off. 4 years ago, I could eat anything and not gain. So I have not gained a grip of weight, I’m just trying not to, if that makes sense.


Put your glasses on!
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I was going to the gym before the pandemic. Honestly, I feel like as I’m getting older, it’s harder to keep the weight off. 4 years ago, I could eat anything and not gain. So I have not gained a grip of weight, I’m just trying not to, if that makes sense.

Yup, older you get, the harder it is. I get ya lol.

Another thing I thought about, is sleep. Not getting enough sleep impacts weight loss/gain BIG time, trust me.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Aging ain’t no joke.
I’m in ketosis and he’s not. Yet his ass lost 10 pounds in one month and my ass lost 5. Wth.

I feel like taking my heffer ass to Carl’s Jr. lol

Hahaha, I love that place, its called Hardees here. I just had a Big Chicken over the weekend lol, had a coupon.

Are you exercising, or just dieting? You drink water, or you still drinking MOdelos? Any soda? Sup?

Water, no soda or alcohol. walking every day 2damn long ass miles lol. No sugar whatsoever. Made some keto waffles the other day with almond flour. Using grass fed butter and sugar free syrup. Damn, those are good

Keto is a good way to go. Especially for people over 50. The weight loss is one thing. The real benefit to me is eliminating joint pain, stiff muscles etc. Sugar, carbohydrates can be hard on your body. I do miss beer.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I think it is more that men weight more in general. It probably takes about the same to lose, say, 2% of body weight wrt gender. Where this idea probably came from is woman weight 120, tries to diet, loses two pounds in a week. Guy weights 220 loses 3 pounds in a week. Girl gets mad yet she actually lost a higher percentage of weight.


Factory Bastard
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I was a fat kid, lost shitloads of weight when I got teh di-beetus, keep it off for the most part by eliminating sugar and practicing enough portion control to keep me from having sugar reactions, other than that I eat what I want. Lots of fried foods, I live in NOLA so we have great (but fatty) foods here. I'm still a bit pudgy, but I'm happy with me.