It's Votin' Day, Pilgims


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Look, faggotry is not natural, if the entire human race was gay, it would become extinct. That's all there is to say on the matter.
But... the whole human kind of not homosexual. So that is not a valid argument.
Homosexuality is everywhere.. Not only with humans, also cases of homosexuality between animals has been observed. It is there, why deny it? If you are so against it, nurture yourself with the idea that it will last only one generation, since homosexuals cannot reproduce with their partner

Why would you be happy becoming a minority in your own country?
You failed in making that a valid option. It is not going to happen in recent times.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
It hasn't happened anywhere yet, but the US is set to become a country where whites have become a minority in just a couple of decades.
Here you actually have a good example of migration that has completely fucked up a country: america. But... in this case it were the white dudes that fucked up everything. The scum we did no longer want to have in Europe and that we have put on boats to go to the "New land".
Think about it, does that sound like a reasonable scenario in current times?


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Libtards and Commie sympathisers are basically the same thing these days; Antifa soy-soldiers.
In your vision there are 2 groups of people: the good and the bad. And the good share your opinion, the rest is all bad. And somehow you justify or yourself that the "bad" group are all the same.
Life is not that simple. Every human being is different.
Unfortunately you group people with very different opinions all in your "bad' group, for which you only have one word: "libtards". This is incorrect.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Communist countries have very tight borders. You think you can just waltz this way and that in and out of a communist country? What the fuck was the Berlin wall all about, dummy?
They do not embrace multiculture at all, ninny.
Uniformity/anti individualism is the rule. What the fuck are you talking about? Have you taken to making my points for me?
LoLz at AiryAnn.

Communists/far leftists argue for open borders because they believe that everyone has the right to the resources in a country and that border control is a breach of their human rights.

Their ultimate goal is a worldwide Communist revolution where borders are eradicated and all nations are merged together as one. They also wish to apply the same rule to the human race, by promoting miscegenation and creating a bland mixed mono race devoid of any individual racial identity.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Interestingly, Stalin would have been considered 'homophobic'
That, AiryAnn, is because he was a conservative.
Conservative - selfish, avaricious, fearful, intolerant, exclusive.
These are the hallmarks of all conservatives and conservative systems.

A Conservative Communist? :LMAO:

You're hilarious. Do you do stand up?
Of course it is conservative.
Does it promote self determination?
Does it ensure individual rights?
In a Liberal Democracy the government protects the rights of individuals
In the communist system it is people who support the state.
Polar opposites, AiryAnn.

Monarchy, Commieism, unrestrained Capitalism where oligarchs rule and the people are no more than slaves, dictatorships - all authoritative, anti-liberal, and therefore conservative.

In that case, why are there so many Communist sympathisers on the left?
You mean like Trump who loves China and Putin?
I don't know any.
Secondly - you get all tangled up in the words left and right.
You are describing polar opposites as both being "left".
Quite frankly - Unrestrained Capitalism and communism are more closely related than Liberalism.
Party leaders like Stalin live well on the backs of the proletariat as do wealthy capitalist swine like Trump.

Putin isn't a Commie ffs, we've already been through this.

Some examples of Commies on the left;
..and I showed you that he is,
or rather
I gave you the opportunity to read and learn what is well known about him.

If they are commies - then they are not liberals,
but remember, AiryAnn
Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Libertarians and Liberals for example, agree on many things.

Putin has spoke out against the west's suicidal mass immigration policies and multiculturalism in general, that isn't very Communist-like is it? If he was a Communist he would be preaching for the eradication of borders, whereas in contrast, he has repeatedly voiced sentiments which suggest that he has sympathy for Russian Nationalism and preserving his nation's identity.

I understand the authoritarian nature of Communism, but it's undeniable that the modern left is choc full of individuals who support both liberalism and Communism.
Look - I do not regard "Libs" or progressives as Liberals. You could look it up,
maybe ask someone who has posted on boards with me for many years.

Let me say this again,
and I'm going to use the big lettering and type slowly



Yet both are on the political left and hate the right who they regard as 'Nazis'.

You never did answer my question about your ethnicity?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
It hasn't happened anywhere yet, but the US is set to become a country where whites have become a minority in just a couple of decades.
Here you actually have a good example of migration that has completely fucked up a country: america. But... in this case it were the white dudes that fucked up everything. The scum we did no longer want to have in Europe and that we have put on boats to go to the "New land".
Think about it, does that sound like a reasonable scenario in current times?

Actually, it was Jews that fucked the US with the 1965 Hart Cellar Immigration Act and destined the nation to eventually become a non-white majority.


It hasn't happened anywhere yet, but the US is set to become a country where whites have become a minority in just a couple of decades.
Here you actually have a good example of migration that has completely fucked up a country: america. But... in this case it were the white dudes that fucked up everything. The scum we did no longer want to have in Europe and that we have put on boats to go to the "New land".
Think about it, does that sound like a reasonable scenario in current times?
And what of Australia fercreissake?


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Communists/far leftists argue for open borders because they believe that everyone has the right to the resources in a country and that border control is a breach of their human rights.

Their ultimate goal is a worldwide Communist revolution where borders are eradicated and all nations are merged together as one. They also wish to apply the same rule to the human race, by promoting miscegenation and creating a bland mixed mono race devoid of any individual racial identity.
Ehhm... NO. From where do you get this nonsense?


Site Supporter
1. Marriage is a promise 2 people make to each other. How would gay marriage mock this?
2. Do you really believe migration will make people in their homeland a minority?
2.1 If so, what is the problem?

1) Marriage is a celebration of the bond between a man and a woman and the love they have for each other, not the unnatural act of sodomy between members of the same sex.
2) Yes if immigration is not adequately controlled.
2.1) Are you serious? I assume you're white Dutch of European ancestry? Would you not have a problem with white Dutch becoming a minority in The Netherlands?
1. How can you state that homosexuality is unnatural? Humans are 100% part of nature. This means homosexuality is also natural.
1.1 Who gives you the right to interfere with other people's sexual intercourse? You also have problems with a sodomy between a man and a woman?
2. How would this happen? Where did this already happen or where is it likely to happen?
2.1 I am serious. You did not provide any arguments, just a question. Please provide soms valid arguments.

I hope yer moms tubes are tied thus ending the line of super retards



Dictator of the Bastard Factory
It hasn't happened anywhere yet, but the US is set to become a country where whites have become a minority in just a couple of decades.
Here you actually have a good example of migration that has completely fucked up a country: america. But... in this case it were the white dudes that fucked up everything. The scum we did no longer want to have in Europe and that we have put on boats to go to the "New land".
Think about it, does that sound like a reasonable scenario in current times?

Actually, it was Jews that fucked the US with the 1965 Hart Cellar Immigration Act and destined the nation to eventually become a non-white majority.
1492 was the year if I remember correctly. Some dude on his ship "found" a country? And then he and his friends simply took possession over it, even though there were people living there that actually owned the country?
Not long after that, jusy a few hundred years, around 1776 they even sent people to the "new country" to start living there (migration!!). And those assholes completely took over as if the original inhabitants didn't even live there.
Doesn't sound like many jews were involved.

But indeed a case where migration completely fucked up the country. But again: how likely that this will happen again in the current time?


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
It hasn't happened anywhere yet, but the US is set to become a country where whites have become a minority in just a couple of decades.
Here you actually have a good example of migration that has completely fucked up a country: america. But... in this case it were the white dudes that fucked up everything. The scum we did no longer want to have in Europe and that we have put on boats to go to the "New land".
Think about it, does that sound like a reasonable scenario in current times?
And what of Australia fercreissake?
I removed that from my text, because I didn't want to make it too complex to follow.

But indeed :)


Put your glasses on!
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HeilFarter is really burnin now.

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Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “
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” a central part of his
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. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.

A new database of
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in the United States since 1994 includes just one attack staged by an anti-fascist that led to fatalities. In that case, the single person killed was the perpetrator.

Over the same time period, American white supremacists and other rightwing extremists have carried out attacks that left at least 329 victims dead, according to the database.

More broadly, the database lists 21 victims killed in leftwing attacks since 2010 , and 117 victims of rightwing attacks in that same period – nearly six times as much. Attacks inspired by the Islamic State and similar jihadist groups, in contrast, killed 95 people since 2010, slightly fewer than rightwing extremists, according to the data set. More than half of these victims died in a a single attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016.

Fact check: left-wing violence in the United States
A new database by the Center for Strategic and International studies analyzed nearly 900 politically motivated plots and attacks in the US

Victims killed in anti-fascist attacks since 1994
Victims killed in left-wing violence since 2010
Victims killed in jihadist attacks since 2010
Victims killed in right-wing violence since 2010
Victims killed in right-wing violence since 1994

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Are you really that stupid?...This is a STUDY OF

WTF?...BAHAHA..Dude!...I have never run into someone in such complete denial of what is going on in the streets of our country....Open your eyes....THESE ARE NOT WHITE SUPREMACIST BURNING, LOOTING AND KILLING.....THIS IS YOUR PARTY!.....i can SEE IT ON VIDEO..
. FUUUCCCKKK! This proves even more that you are a complete mental case....i crown you king of TDS....youve earned it...lolol
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If they move the fuck out the road they wouldn't have to worry about that shit. How about protest from the sidelines like you've got some sense? Have you seen what some of these protesters are doing to people in their cars??? Pulling them out, beating them, shooting at them???? Are you kidding me??? I'd fucking run someone over in a heartbeat if my son was in the car and I was in fear of my life! Hands down I wouldn't hesitate! If a person is in fear of their life THEIR VEHICLE is their personal property. They have a right to shoot someone walking up to their car if they are in fear of their life. Those protesters aren't protesting. They're looking for a reason to act ignorant to suit their UNJUST cause.
Murder by Trumptard:

Fake news.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
Communist countries have very tight borders. You think you can just waltz this way and that in and out of a communist country? What the fuck was the Berlin wall all about, dummy?
They do not embrace multiculture at all, ninny.
Uniformity/anti individualism is the rule. What the fuck are you talking about? Have you taken to making my points for me?
LoLz at AiryAnn.

Communists/far leftists argue for open borders because they believe that everyone has the right to the resources in a country and that border control is a breach of their human rights.

Their ultimate goal is a worldwide Communist revolution where borders are eradicated and all nations are merged together as one. They also wish to apply the same rule to the human race, by promoting miscegenation and creating a bland mixed mono race devoid of any individual racial identity.

^^^ Load of utter bullshit, gleaned from listening to low-IQ wingnuts and regurgitated everywhere you post. Not only do you not know shit about real commies, you are unable to listen when an adult like Holliday is trying to correct your woeful ignorance. Listen up, or fuck off.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
that would mean i have 2 read his posts, what hes repying 2, yada yada ugh

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Looks as though we've got an infestation from a Commie bored, otherwise known as CBT (Cucks Badly Triggered).

There's gonna be Hammer and Sickles and tributes to Stalin all over the place...

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
In that case, why are there so many Communist sympathisers on the left?
You claim this, but based on what?
My eyes...
No evidence? Then all we can do not is shout "true" and "false" to each other, because you claim things you imagined yourself.

Please base your opinion on facts

Have you not seen the images I posted?

There are literally hundreds of images online of Commie flags being waved at Antifa/BLM demos.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Looks as though we've got an infestation from a Commie bored, otherwise known as CBT (Cucks Badly Triggered).

There's gonna be Hammer and Sickles and tributes to Stalin all over the place...
some r alts

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^^ Load of utter bullshit, gleaned from listening to low-IQ wingnuts and regurgitated everywhere you post. Not only do you not know shit about real commies, you are unable to listen when an adult like Holliday is trying to correct your woeful ignorance. Listen up, or fuck off.

Care to elaborate on your defence of Communism and your reasoning behind this?

A SJW defending Communism, who wouldda thunk it? :LMAO:


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
You never did answer my question about your ethnicity?
What does it matter?
Because HomoHolliday doesn't mind the US becoming majority non-white. If he isn't a white guy, no wonder he doesn't care.
Because only white people can discriminate?

We all know that is:
1. discrimination
2. not true

And by the way, someone who does not agree with you is not a homosexual due to this.
Homosexuals are people having amorous feelings for people of the same gender. This is completely unrelated to agreeing/diagreeing with you.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
In that case, why are there so many Communist sympathisers on the left?
You claim this, but based on what?
My eyes...
No evidence? Then all we can do not is shout "true" and "false" to each other, because you claim things you imagined yourself.

Please base your opinion on facts
Have you not seen the images I posted?

There are literally hundreds of images online of Commie flags being waved at Antifa/BLM demos.
"hundreds of images online" is no proof at all. Please use reliable sources