LOL I just realized I never did an introduction.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
So my bad.

I am jack. That's actually my real name and I've used it in all my messageboard postings. I have been involved in messageboarding since AltNet and have been entranced with all things computer (especially gaming and video games) since about 1982.

I come from Troll Kingdom which I have been posting at (on and off) since 2005. I have about 140,000+posts there. TK used to have a very rich spot in the messageboard world. It's pretty much a shell these days (which I may get into at some point) which is why I'm glad I'm here.

I've been married for 45 years and have 3 kids (all grown) and 2 grandkids. Great family.

I've had a successful and rich life and am in the glow of retirement which promises so much more. I figure I have another fifteen good years before this body starts to really break down, so my plan is to enjoy it to the max until I fall gasping, clutching my heart. Or get run over by a truck.

My real passion is music. I am an accomplished drummer/percussionist/performer and am a slave to the rhythm (and melody/harmony) unconditionally. I have been in many bands, and have played stages large and small. Never been signed, but don't care about that. Currently in a group called the Sound Immersion, which is a remarkable sound bath meditation that has to be experienced to explain.

Oh and I'm also a pretty decent troll, when necessary.

The Question

Ideas Are Bulletproof
Site Supporter
Arizona Bay
As it happens, Jack and I go as far back as his joining Troll Kingdom, which was partially my fault*. Over the span of time since then, we have established a sort of 'frenemies' thing; our politics differ significantly, but our enjoyment of "fuckery 'n' LOLz" is sympatico.

Partially, that's my own fault for not explaining my perspective properly. Partially, it's his fault, for being a goofy old shithose. :KMA:

*Trollkingdom, in its heyday, made a community sport out of invading other boards and antagonizing their denizens while leaving "accidental" traces back to TK, thus triggering counter-invasions which enlarged our own board's population. Notable examples include the comics-centric board Jack was a member of, as well as StripperWeb, which I really hope I don't have to explain the theme of.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Cool stories, TK Bros. I don't really care, but it is true that Troll Valhalla of everlasting internets glory had it's nascence at the very forum of which you speak, Troll Kingdom. Troll Kingdom was a haven for the refugees from a tits-up 404 forum called Troll Wars that came about during the slow death of the Legendary Yahoo Message Boards, (may the fates ever damn Neil Budde or whatever that stupid jag offs name was who killed those beloved boards).

Anyway, thanks for letting us all use your stable when we needed a place to gather and plot.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
Cool stories, TK Bros. I don't really care, but it is true that Troll Valhalla of everlasting internets glory had it's nascence at the very forum of which you speak, Troll Kingdom. Troll Kingdom was a haven for the refugees from a tits-up 404 forum called Troll Wars that came about during the slow death of the Legendary Yahoo Message Boards, (may the fates ever damn Neil Budde or whatever that stupid jag offs name was who killed those beloved boards).

Anyway, thanks for letting us all use your stable when we needed a place to gather and plot.
I liked Cranky Bastard and his wife. That's where I met Wizer and RANCIDMILKO. Oh and Bad Dog, who I heard passed a few years back, sadly.


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Site Supporter
So my bad.

I am jack. That's actually my real name and I've used it in all my messageboard postings. I have been involved in messageboarding since AltNet and have been entranced with all things computer (especially gaming and video games) since about 1982.

I come from Troll Kingdom which I have been posting at (on and off) since 2005. I have about 140,000+posts there. TK used to have a very rich spot in the messageboard world. It's pretty much a shell these days (which I may get into at some point) which is why I'm glad I'm here.

I've been married for 45 years and have 3 kids (all grown) and 2 grandkids. Great family.

I've had a successful and rich life and am in the glow of retirement which promises so much more. I figure I have another fifteen good years before this body starts to really break down, so my plan is to enjoy it to the max until I fall gasping, clutching my heart. Or get run over by a truck.

My real passion is music. I am an accomplished drummer/percussionist/performer and am a slave to the rhythm (and melody/harmony) unconditionally. I have been in many bands, and have played stages large and small. Never been signed, but don't care about that. Currently in a group called the Sound Immersion, which is a remarkable sound bath meditation that has to be experienced to explain.

Oh and I'm also a pretty decent troll, when necessary.


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Site Supporter
If you're too much of a lazy, feckless cunt to read, then be too much of a lazy, feckless cunt to reply.
But feckface, did you see that ? It’s like a retarded Charles dickens novel ffs


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Site Supporter
Is that from your grinder profile ?


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
But feckface, did you see that ? It’s like a retarded Charles dickens novel ffs
Guess who has to go now look up "feckless" to prove he understands what it means?