Madonna....the trafficker


Domestically feral
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United states

So she bought kids from their families, some were given back even.

She is under serious investigations. Wow.

And she wrote about fucking a minor boy in her Sex book. So shes a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

She harmed poor African families and abused African children. Will her progressive look the other way? How horrible is this fucking woman? She exploited 3rd world families. What a fucking scum bag.


Factory Bastard
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I’ve thought this about her for years, she thinks she’s some sort of saviour, she chooses children like you would a new puppy. One of the boys mother died, his father was a poor farmer and earned £50 a YEAR, he couldn’t afford to send his son to school, or even feed him, so he had to leave him at the children’s home ! Now if you had all them millions wouldn’t you think of setting up an allowance for the dad so his son could live at home ?or would you take him to use as a clothes horse so you look like some sort of Jesus in the eyes of the world.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Madonna used to do some horny shit in the 80’s. She had this book going around with a metal book cover. Some dodgy shit in there. Black dicks I think. Lol


Domestically feral
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United states
Madonna used to do some horny shit in the 80’s. She had this book going around with a metal book cover. Some dodgy shit in there. Black dicks I think. Lol

She wrote about sex with a young boy who barely had pubes.

Boys get pube hair at 12. So....yeah.


Domestically feral
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United states
Madonna was always saying the same thing "WAH I was Catholic and sexual boundaries are oppressive so now everyone needs my basic and immature sexuality shoved into their faces!! And I'm gonna write about child rape and mock religious people because I'm a huge piece of shit!!"

Weird Al killed me mocking her

From the 3 minute point on....its just fucking gold LOL

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I’ve thought this about her for years, she thinks she’s some sort of saviour, she chooses children like you would a new puppy. One of the boys mother died, his father was a poor farmer and earned £50 a YEAR, he couldn’t afford to send his son to school, or even feed him, so he had to leave him at the children’s home ! Now if you had all them millions wouldn’t you think of setting up an allowance for the dad so his son could live at home ?or would you take him to use as a clothes horse so you look like some sort of Jesus in the eyes of the world.
She's part of the Peadoewood elite so chances are she will have had to indulge in noncery whether she wanted to or not as part of her initiation into the club.


Put your glasses on!
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She wrote about sex with a young boy who barely had pubes.

Boys get pube hair at 12. So....yeah.

Well...... I had 2" pubes by 4th grade, lulz. Soooooo..... could be younger. Hell, I had fully grown by the age of 12.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Madonna was always saying the same thing "WAH I was Catholic and sexual boundaries are oppressive so now everyone needs my basic and immature sexuality shoved into their faces!! And I'm gonna write about child rape and mock religious people because I'm a huge piece of shit!!"

Weird Al killed me mocking her
It's not hard to understand the sad state plaguing the western world these days.

How could it be any different when the current generations grew up with people like that being pushed as idols?


Factory Bastard
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So she bought kids from their families, some were given back even.

She is under serious investigations. Wow.

And she wrote about fucking a minor boy in her Sex book. So shes a "BabyPumperAlert!".

She harmed poor African families and abused African children. Will her progressive look the other way? How horrible is this fucking woman? She exploited 3rd world families. What a fucking scum bag.

And yet, if she actually gave them a better life and didn't exploit them, then maybe there's an upside too @Dove
If you think about where they came from, some 3rd world crapholes where the Kids didn't have a future anyway.
And if their lives improved significantly and extended their lifespans beyond anything imaginable where they come from, then maybe there was something positive that came out of it eh?


Domestically feral
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United states
And yet, if she actually gave them a better life and didn't exploit them, then maybe there's an upside too @Dove
If you think about where they came from, some 3rd world crapholes where the Kids didn't have a future anyway.
And if their lives improved significantly and extended their lifespans beyond anything imaginable where they come from, then maybe there was something positive that came out of it eh?

Nothing positive came out of it.

Joe try to have a wider perspective are speaking as a first worlder. We always assume we have it better here. All we have is more stuff.

We also have better sanitation and living conditions.....but we would learn a lot more about being human from the people we view as below us.

Madonna exploited those families and could easily helped them but chose to purchase humans. She is disgusting trash and she probably molested them.

It brings me no joy to shit on a woman.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Nothing positive came out of it.

Joe try to have a wider perspective are speaking as a first worlder. We always assume we have it better here. All we have is more stuff.

We also have better sanitation and loving conditions.....but we would learn a lot more about being human from the people we view as below us.

Madonna exploited those families and could easily helped them but chose to purchase humans. She is disgusting trash and she probably molested them.

It brings me no joy to shit on a woman.
Joe is kinda starting to sound a little too much like seamajor here

They were peasants anyway so why not sexually exploit them for 3 bowls of rice a day!? Back in their home countries they only got 1 !


Factory Bastard
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if your child is born and riased in Africa here's what their lives might look like:



Factory Bastard
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or they grow up to be adults and end up like this trying to enter the West:



Factory Bastard
Great singer. Terrible actor. Nothing surprising here. She doesn't and will never care about any kid on any genuine level. She will torture and kill many. Nothing will happen to her though. She'll end up laughing her off all the way to the bank and grave at 100 and something. End of story.

back in hour where Chris Rock kills Will Smith in a drive by..


Factory Bastard
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And yet...even if Madonna stepped over the line, none of these kids appeared to be deprived, nor died or were tortured or prositutued out.

Contrast it with this guy:


America's past president bought a slave girl in a New Orleans auction and used her for his guilty pleasures.

Jackson also 'adopted' a Native child who later died in his care.

God knows, Jackson an Indian hater, who murdered thousands of American Natives and Blacks, did with that child.

Probably tortured, abused and beat the shit out of him for all the things he suffered at the hands of Natives when he was a child.

So...there's def been worse human traffickers that Madonna, that's fer sure.

At least all her 'victims' are still alive and leading better lives where they came from

And Jackson gets to appear on the US $20 bill.

And Donald Trump actually thought Jackson was a hero and wanted his image to remain on the bill.


Domestically feral
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United states
Joe is kinda starting to sound a little too much like seamajor here

They were peasants anyway so why not sexually exploit them for 3 bowls of rice a day!? Back in their home countries they only got 1 !

Well when I was 18 was "propositioned" by my mothers sugar daddy. Who she introduced to us when I was teenager.

Unbeknownst to me this is the person who paid for my ballet classes and my extended time in a psych unit as a teen. The fucking scary one (i was in 3...nearly two years of my life was spent hospitalized in psych care). I mean scary like the other minor patients had severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar and such. A place my insurance didnt pay for. Moms wealthy sugar daddy paid it.

So it's completely appropriate that when I hit 18 after I graduated he took me out to dinner and told me that he wanted to pay for my college....except only if I took business classes. And he would give me a car, whatever car I wanted, and a credit I could use for whatever I wanted.

But I had to date him for this. He was 66 fucking years old. He wanted me to go to all his business shit with him and go on trips with him. So he would do all this but I had to psychologically castrate myself, learn what he wanted me to learn, dress how he wanted me to dress, act how he wanted me to act, and probably fuck him.

And my friends called me stupid for saying no and being devastated. Because I kind of viewed this man as a father and here he is exploiting me. He knew my family was poor. I feel like he hung around paying my expenses waiting for me to turn 18 just he could pounce when I became "legal". I DID feel betrayed as fuck. I was NOT flattered or impressed or pleased at all. I was pissed and terrified of him.

Joe could argue my life would have been much easier. And he actually died 5 years after this and perhaps I could have just used my powers of dissociation and fucked my way into his will like a brunette Anna Nichole Smith.

But I would have HATED myself. I hated myself anyway but I would have lacked the ability to look at myself in the mirror.

So would my life had REALLY been better?

What IS success and why do we put so much emphasis on a form of trade we made up? That's all money is. It's not power really. Is millions helping Tate right now? He would be fucked if the powers that be decide to block him from his money.....which can definately happen.

My own grandma was not happy I turned this man down and I thought she would be because I was applying values SHE taught me. I guess I was for sale in everyone elses mind.

I'd rather live in a box on the streets than be "bought". I dont care how much money someone has. I care about how they view and treat other humans. If they dont share my values or see the world at least somewhat like I do, no amount of money is going to make me want them. If people think that thinking is dumb....oh well.

There is never ever a good reason to rip families apart or "keep" human beings like pets and just like I would have been miserable and my self worth would have been in the gutter......these kids are going to realize they were cheated and had their families taken away and were disconnected from their culture and used as props on the stage of the Madonna show.

Shes got that oldest one wearing dresses and make up publically. Madonna is a socail engineering experiment and she bought these kids for that reason as well. And the whole thing was unethical from the start. And no....they didnt "do better" just because they were purchased by a wealthy pervert to serve the perverts agenda. She doesnt love them the way human beings should be loved. They are objects to her.

And you cant "make up" for that with money. She told that boys family he would have a good education. He did not get a good education....he got indoctrinated.

How cold hearted do you have to be to not have taken that girl to see her dying grandmother when this woman was pleading?

Fuck Madonna and her stupid money.

Sometimes I'd love to see what the people who criticize ME as some prostitute would have done if they gotten some of the offers I have gotten. I'm sure many people are only as good as their options.


Factory Bastard
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You took ballet @Dove?

For how long?

How old were u?

Yer post is really long tho...essay style. Gonna take an entire evenin ta read this one!


Domestically feral
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United states
You took ballet @Dove?

For how long?

How old were u?

Yer post is really long tho...essay style. Gonna take an entire evenin ta read this one!

12 to 20.

I took it when I was 5 until I was 8....stopped...started again at 12 and did it until I was 20.

I was good at it, too.


Factory Bastard
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12 to 20.

I took it when I was 5 until I was 8....stopped...started again at 12 and did it until I was 20.

I was good at it, too.
Another lost opportunity & wasted talent!


Domestically feral
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United states
Another lost opportunity & wasted talent!

Joe there were no solid opportunities. I qualified for a fancy and pricey dance school out of state that was going to become an apprenticeship (New York....cheesy as fuck right?) that my family absolutely could not afford and scholarships only go so far. Grant's were possible but I would have had to start and apply after. And I didnt wanna leave at all.

I got to do a lot more than most with my ballet experience. I was the lead in the Nut Cracker in a small production. Danced ballet at the Fisher Theater more than once. I was in the Troy newspaper for my dancing twice. In high school the drama club did A Midsummer Nights Dream and I played Titania (Queen fairy) and I choreographed a short and simple ballet dance for the queens fairies. And I wasnt even IN the drama that was fun. In fact I didn't even attend that school....I was in the alternative school.

Oh and you know who was there? Steven Yeun(Glenn in the Walking dead) This was Troy High. And yes I knew him lol.

I could not go any further with it than I did. I was better than average but not the best. It was something my grandma put me in so she felt that i was being enriched and doing something more "girly". (I was a serious tom boy) and I've always been athletic.

So that's pretty much all the cool stuff from my ballerina days lol

Today my feet are slightly deformed and my joints pop a lot. Not everything is forever yanno. I never wanted to persue a career in ballet.

Making 60k a year dancing ballet for Joffrey doesnt sound terrible today but back then I wanted to get drunk lol
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Factory Bastard
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Well @Dove I met the actress who played Sabrina the teenaged witch & another who played Josie & the Pussycats on American television. They were both petite and small. Especially Sabrina who was only about 5' tall. She looks so glamorous on tv but in person...well shes very small. I was their driver taking them to hotels.


Domestically feral
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United states
Well @Dove I met the actress who played Sabrina the teenaged witch & another who played Josie & the Pussycats on American television. They were both petite and small. Especially Sabrina who was only about 5' tall. She looks so glamorous on tv but in person...well shes very small. I was their driver taking them to hotels.

You mean Melissa Joan Heart?


Domestically feral
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United states

I do not miss being obsessed with my feet and my toenails turning black and falling off. Ballet is beautiful. It also is very hard on the body and is like a form of self harm.

Which is kinda what I loved about it but why I'm glad i didnt stay with it forever. Like I said my joints still pop....mostly loudly. My hips are the worst....they literally make cracking sounds that horrify my husband lol.

The things you can do with your body once you find that right head space are pretty amazing though. My dance instructor was like a spiritual mother to me. She told me to mentally pretend I'm a barbie doll with no joints....and it actually fucking WORKED.

Whenever my mother starts harping on me for stopping ballet....because my family was not happy when I stopped....I pull out videos of dance injuries and ask if she wanted me disabled.

She gushes about how talented I was. To hear her speak youd think I was some mythical creature in point shoes. She over dramatizes my abilities a lot. It was the worst when her gross husband was around and they would both get going on it and talking about what a loser I was for stopping. My reasons were valid and I dont regret it.
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Factory Bastard
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And Josie in the newer series is Black but the original Josie in the cartoons was a light skinned redhead


Domestically feral
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United states
And Josie in the newer series is Black but the original Josie in the cartoons was a light skinned redhead

I watched the Walking Dead for a few seasons before I realized Glenn was a guy I knew from high school LOL.

And he complimented my performance in a Midsummer Nights Dream and I saw him at parties and talked to him a lot. He really liked drama club but when he talked about his plans after high school none of it involved acting. He talked about neuro science. That stuck out to me because no one ever said "yeah I wanna go into neuro science" and I was pretty intrigued. How funny he is an actor when he was talking about that all through high school lol.

I felt like a fucking doof when other high schools friends had to tell me that was him. I thought the character looked familiar but I assumed I must have saw him in other shows or movies or something.

We weren't CLOSE friends at all but hung out in the same circles and were friendly.....he is a few years younger than me. I graduated in 99...he was class of 2001. He was actually a quiet sort but being a sophomore hanging with seniors would do that.

Glenn was one of my favorite characters BEFORE I knew that I knew the dude lol
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