My dog died


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
My dog Sandy had to be put down a month or two ago. She developed what is known in layman's terms as "doggie dementia" which is the canine equivalent of human Alzheimers.

She was doing all sorts of wacky things- stepping right through the e-fence around the property as if she didn't even feel the shock, even after I cranked it up to the maximum level that should bring an elephant to it's knees. She'd walk into the house and just stand there confused. She acted like she was ravenously hungry even though she got fed regularly. But when she started walking and pooping at the same time, and then doing it in the house regularly, it was time for the vet who concurred that she was literally on her last legs, not only was she "out of it" but she had large masses in her abdomen that would likely prove to be cancer should I decide to waste even more money on useless tests. Heck she was over 13, and her breed usually lasts only 12. A difficult but easy decision if that makes sense.

Anyway $500 later and she was gone. I felt sad about it for a few weeks, and once in a while I have a moment but it's mostly guilt because after having 2 dogs spanning over 20 years, I realize how much simpler life is without a dog. Having been there, done that, TWICE, I can't even remotely comprehend how having a 4 legged companion is even worth all the downsides. Here's all the ones I can think of:

Your daily life is limited to a window of time, you need to be back home to take the dog out within whatever the particular bowel/bladder limitation might be, something like 9 hours. Of course you can always get a sitter, but that's the next negative.

Dog sitters are expensive, not always reliable, might not treat your pet very well. If they come to you they have access to your house, and if you have to bring your dog to them, it's inconvenient. Typical daily rate for a sitter or walker might be $50. So add $3-400 bucks for a short vacation unless you take the dog with you and then you're limited to "pet friendly" lodging and those tend to be rather subpar for obvious reasons.

Vet bills are astronomical. A yearly physical with typical vaccinations tends to run at least $500, which was what Sandy's last visit cost and resulted in nothing but a pile of ashes.

Food is expensive. You can save some by getting it in bulk but those 50-60 lb bags of dry food are freaking HEAVY to lift and cart around and carry in the house. Can't tell you how many times while trying to fill the bucket out of the big bag I spilled the crap all over the floor.

Treats and toys are crazy expensive. Try getting a decent chew toy that might last a week for less than $20.

Flea and heartworm meds are expensive.

You gotta walk the dog at least twice a day. Even when it's raining or there's 2 feet of snow on the ground in the middle of a blizzard or flash flood with high winds. No thanks.

Most dogs need grooming. Or you can do it yourself, by washing the dog in your tub and getting fur all over the place and clogging the drain and sometimes wrestling with a wet slippery dog. And you gotta cut those nails without severing the "quick" which is the nerve in the nail and that's tricky.

Dogs are dirty and messy they track all sorts of bugs especially ticks into the house, into the rugs, on the furniture etc. Their nails scratch wooden floors, their piss turns grass brown and makes it grow in weird piles around where they squatted or lifted their leg.

Dogs typically have behavioral problems. They chew things. They damage furniture. They don't always stay housebroken and you walk in the front door and there's that SMELL and you gotta go find the inevitable pile or puddle, and clean it. Even then there's typically stains and odors that never go away completely. They drool, they slobber, they jump on houseguests. Unless you take the time to train them- and we're talking a LOT of time to properly train a dog.

They get hurt and you have to put on that stupid cone around their head, and treat whatever injuries they might have and get all sorts of medications.

That's just off the top of my head based on my own experiences. I'm sure there are more.

I have come to the rather belated conclusion that no one in their right mind owns a dog.


Domestically feral
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United states
Awww..... sorry about your dog :/

Nothing to feel guilty about. Dogs are a lot of work, and unless you really enjoy that work it's fine to be relieved to have that off of you.

I prefer cats. They are probably just as expensive(especially in my house where I'm rescuing the fuzzy little shits and getting them fixed, dewormed deflead and vaccinated and then adopting them out) but they dont come with the high demands dogs do or the mess dogs make.

They are very clean, independent creatures. So to me it's worth it to have them.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I had 4 Rhodesian Ridgebacks... loved them like children... they are buried in my yard. I'll never get another dog again. Their lives are too short and their is only so much tearing my heart can endure.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I had 4 Rhodesian Ridgebacks... loved them like children... they are buried in my yard. I'll never get another dog again. Their lives are too short and their is only so much tearing my heart can endure.

I've only had one dog. He was a pitbull and nothing but a big baby. I called him Jaws....because he was this cute puppy with these huge jowls.

Unfortunately when I got pregnant he became very protective and wouldnt really even let my husband near. Which I honestly didn't ....but it was concerning.

I had a friend whose cousin had a farm and she took him. He lived a long happy life with tons of space to run(that I couldnt provide him, I lived in an upper level apartment. Like a duplex, it was a house.. I didnt have a yard though).

I only took him because the people who had his mom were horrible, neglectful people who lived in squalor and had a bunch of animals they couldnt properly take care of. It was like that moms 6th litter because they wouldnt just get their dogs fixed. The house was all trashed....just lazy neglectful people. They had all these puppies and Jaws kept putting his little face on my leg with that "please love me" look in his eyes. Next thing I knew I'm walking out with him lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I had 4 Rhodesian Ridgebacks... loved them like children... they are buried in my yard. I'll never get another dog again. Their lives are too short and their is only so much tearing my heart can endure.

In my married life, we had one too. The sweetest dog ever. From a wee puppy until we had to put her down. I miss Rosie every day.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Unfortunately when I got pregnant he became very protective and wouldnt really even let my husband near. Which I honestly didn't ....but it was concerning.

I forgot that one. Dogs can bite people.

Yep. And his hackles would raise if I was laying down on the couch or in my bed and my husband tried to approach me. He would bare teeth and everything... and wouldnt settle quickly if I told him to settle.

He was normally such a good dog though, when he went to the farm he was totally snapped out of it.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️
My dog passed 3 years ago and I just cant bring myself to getting anothor especially now going into it educated more but I also promised if a dog needed rescue or just vibed to me Id have to.. I see it as these amazing creatures who love unconditionally need us to provide them a good life for their 100% devotion.. Thats right only a short time so its really the least I can do..

Sorry bout your pooch @wizer imo nothing even comes close to the pain of losing a loyal pup..

Dogs deserve a good owner dont throw in the towel if its hurt thats preventing you..

Hell of alot cheaper but I feel the void


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I had 4 Rhodesian Ridgebacks... loved them like children... they are buried in my yard. I'll never get another dog again. Their lives are too short and their is only so much tearing my heart can endure.

In my married life, we had one too. The sweetest dog ever. From a wee puppy until we had to put her down. I miss Rosie every day.

I used to breed them.... I used to keep in contact with every dog I bred.... If I had a big property and money, I would have kept them all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
Dogs, in spite of all the negatives in the op, are fantastic creatures. Yes, they are work, but the returns are worth it, imo.

I miss my dog every day, too. I still cry over him sometimes, even after 2 1/2 years.


Shitposting Idiot
Factory Bastard
My dog Sandy had to be put down a month or two ago. She developed what is known in layman's terms as "doggie dementia" which is the canine equivalent of human Alzheimers.

She was doing all sorts of wacky things- stepping right through the e-fence around the property as if she didn't even feel the shock, even after I cranked it up to the maximum level that should bring an elephant to it's knees. She'd walk into the house and just stand there confused. She acted like she was ravenously hungry even though she got fed regularly. But when she started walking and pooping at the same time, and then doing it in the house regularly, it was time for the vet who concurred that she was literally on her last legs, not only was she "out of it" but she had large masses in her abdomen that would likely prove to be cancer should I decide to waste even more money on useless tests. Heck she was over 13, and her breed usually lasts only 12. A difficult but easy decision if that makes sense.

Anyway $500 later and she was gone. I felt sad about it for a few weeks, and once in a while I have a moment but it's mostly guilt because after having 2 dogs spanning over 20 years, I realize how much simpler life is without a dog. Having been there, done that, TWICE, I can't even remotely comprehend how having a 4 legged companion is even worth all the downsides. Here's all the ones I can think of:

Your daily life is limited to a window of time, you need to be back home to take the dog out within whatever the particular bowel/bladder limitation might be, something like 9 hours. Of course you can always get a sitter, but that's the next negative.

Dog sitters are expensive, not always reliable, might not treat your pet very well. If they come to you they have access to your house, and if you have to bring your dog to them, it's inconvenient. Typical daily rate for a sitter or walker might be $50. So add $3-400 bucks for a short vacation unless you take the dog with you and then you're limited to "pet friendly" lodging and those tend to be rather subpar for obvious reasons.

Vet bills are astronomical. A yearly physical with typical vaccinations tends to run at least $500, which was what Sandy's last visit cost and resulted in nothing but a pile of ashes.

Food is expensive. You can save some by getting it in bulk but those 50-60 lb bags of dry food are freaking HEAVY to lift and cart around and carry in the house. Can't tell you how many times while trying to fill the bucket out of the big bag I spilled the crap all over the floor.

Treats and toys are crazy expensive. Try getting a decent chew toy that might last a week for less than $20.

Flea and heartworm meds are expensive.

You gotta walk the dog at least twice a day. Even when it's raining or there's 2 feet of snow on the ground in the middle of a blizzard or flash flood with high winds. No thanks.

Most dogs need grooming. Or you can do it yourself, by washing the dog in your tub and getting fur all over the place and clogging the drain and sometimes wrestling with a wet slippery dog. And you gotta cut those nails without severing the "quick" which is the nerve in the nail and that's tricky.

Dogs are dirty and messy they track all sorts of bugs especially ticks into the house, into the rugs, on the furniture etc. Their nails scratch wooden floors, their piss turns grass brown and makes it grow in weird piles around where they squatted or lifted their leg.

Dogs typically have behavioral problems. They chew things. They damage furniture. They don't always stay housebroken and you walk in the front door and there's that SMELL and you gotta go find the inevitable pile or puddle, and clean it. Even then there's typically stains and odors that never go away completely. They drool, they slobber, they jump on houseguests. Unless you take the time to train them- and we're talking a LOT of time to properly train a dog.

They get hurt and you have to put on that stupid cone around their head, and treat whatever injuries they might have and get all sorts of medications.

That's just off the top of my head based on my own experiences. I'm sure there are more.

I have come to the rather belated conclusion that no one in their right mind owns a dog.

That fucken sucks mang.

My condolences.

Adam Hitler

Adm1n has gone to film some "action" in Ukraine
Avatar Hack'd
New Swabia
What kind? Just about the most loyal animal there is.

A pit and a lab

I don't have any experience with pitbulls, but I know they get a bad rep, which isn't fair because it's how they're brought up that counts and the family they have which shapes their personality.

Labs are one of the sweetest, most good natured breeds, until they get old, most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! and cranky Lulz.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Had my dog put down three months ago and know exactly where you are coming from, wizer.

Luigi was three-quarters English Bulldog and one-quarter Boston Terrier and was just shy of his thirteenth birthday. The last year of his life he deteriorated quickly, even going a bit deaf. My wife and I usually hangout in the rec room and there are eight fairly steep steps. Helping him up the steps was no problem but getting him to come down was a real problem. He was about 65 lbs so carrying him wasn't safe. He wanted to come down the stairs and eventually would, after whining for a while, but he'd jump about three stairs from the bottom. One Sunday morning he broke his jaw. Having to wait a day to go to the vet was tough, on top of knowing we were putting him down.

He was such a good dog too. Rarely barked, never sick, never ruined anything except his own toys ... but a dog is huge responsibility and such a creature of habit. The pandemic really messed with his schedule because workplaces would reopen and then close again. He was a big momma's boy and he started getting whiny and anxious when my wife was back to work. He was starting to stress me out.

Those furry bastards really do become part of the family. When I wake up in the morning and it's dark, I still find myself stepping around where his bed was in our bedroom and I still occasionally find myself looking at his La-Z-boy chair he commandeered in our rec room.

I console myself by thinking about what a good life he had.


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Avatar & User Title Hack'd
Hey man profound sympathies ... I've never had a Dog just for that reason, when they die, I'd suffer greatly, weak ass bitch like that .. fuck a cat, love them to death but when they expire, the next week I have a new one ... dogs get way to friendly


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My dog Sandy had to be put down a month or two ago. She developed what is known in layman's terms as "doggie dementia" which is the canine equivalent of human Alzheimers.

She was doing all sorts of wacky things- stepping right through the e-fence around the property as if she didn't even feel the shock, even after I cranked it up to the maximum level that should bring an elephant to it's knees. She'd walk into the house and just stand there confused. She acted like she was ravenously hungry even though she got fed regularly. But when she started walking and pooping at the same time, and then doing it in the house regularly, it was time for the vet who concurred that she was literally on her last legs, not only was she "out of it" but she had large masses in her abdomen that would likely prove to be cancer should I decide to waste even more money on useless tests. Heck she was over 13, and her breed usually lasts only 12. A difficult but easy decision if that makes sense.

Anyway $500 later and she was gone. I felt sad about it for a few weeks, and once in a while I have a moment but it's mostly guilt because after having 2 dogs spanning over 20 years, I realize how much simpler life is without a dog. Having been there, done that, TWICE, I can't even remotely comprehend how having a 4 legged companion is even worth all the downsides. Here's all the ones I can think of:

Your daily life is limited to a window of time, you need to be back home to take the dog out within whatever the particular bowel/bladder limitation might be, something like 9 hours. Of course you can always get a sitter, but that's the next negative.

Dog sitters are expensive, not always reliable, might not treat your pet very well. If they come to you they have access to your house, and if you have to bring your dog to them, it's inconvenient. Typical daily rate for a sitter or walker might be $50. So add $3-400 bucks for a short vacation unless you take the dog with you and then you're limited to "pet friendly" lodging and those tend to be rather subpar for obvious reasons.

Vet bills are astronomical. A yearly physical with typical vaccinations tends to run at least $500, which was what Sandy's last visit cost and resulted in nothing but a pile of ashes.

Food is expensive. You can save some by getting it in bulk but those 50-60 lb bags of dry food are freaking HEAVY to lift and cart around and carry in the house. Can't tell you how many times while trying to fill the bucket out of the big bag I spilled the crap all over the floor.

Treats and toys are crazy expensive. Try getting a decent chew toy that might last a week for less than $20.

Flea and heartworm meds are expensive.

You gotta walk the dog at least twice a day. Even when it's raining or there's 2 feet of snow on the ground in the middle of a blizzard or flash flood with high winds. No thanks.

Most dogs need grooming. Or you can do it yourself, by washing the dog in your tub and getting fur all over the place and clogging the drain and sometimes wrestling with a wet slippery dog. And you gotta cut those nails without severing the "quick" which is the nerve in the nail and that's tricky.

Dogs are dirty and messy they track all sorts of bugs especially ticks into the house, into the rugs, on the furniture etc. Their nails scratch wooden floors, their piss turns grass brown and makes it grow in weird piles around where they squatted or lifted their leg.

Dogs typically have behavioral problems. They chew things. They damage furniture. They don't always stay housebroken and you walk in the front door and there's that SMELL and you gotta go find the inevitable pile or puddle, and clean it. Even then there's typically stains and odors that never go away completely. They drool, they slobber, they jump on houseguests. Unless you take the time to train them- and we're talking a LOT of time to properly train a dog.

They get hurt and you have to put on that stupid cone around their head, and treat whatever injuries they might have and get all sorts of medications.

That's just off the top of my head based on my own experiences. I'm sure there are more.

I have come to the rather belated conclusion that no one in their right mind owns a dog.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
What kind? Just about the most loyal animal there is.
Hey man profound sympathies ... I've never had a Dog just for that reason, when they die, I'd suffer greatly, weak ass bitch like that .. fuck a cat, love them to death but when they expire, the next week I have a new one ... dogs get way to friendly

Dogs are way too communicative and understanding. Sucks like hell when they die. But they are such great friends. I would have a dozen if I could.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
What kind? Just about the most loyal animal there is.

A pit and a lab

I don't have any experience with pitbulls, but I know they get a bad rep, which isn't fair because it's how they're brought up that counts and the family they have which shapes their personality.

Labs are one of the sweetest, most good natured breeds, until they get old, most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! and cranky Lulz.

Pits are also incredibly sweet and very loyal and communicative. They are comedians, too, which is awesome.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Goderator ☠️
What kind? Just about the most loyal animal there is.

A pit and a lab

I don't have any experience with pitbulls, but I know they get a bad rep, which isn't fair because it's how they're brought up that counts and the family they have which shapes their personality.

Labs are one of the sweetest, most good natured breeds, until they get old, most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! and cranky Lulz.

Pits are also incredibly sweet and very loyal and communicative. They are comedians, too, which is awesome.
Dogs are to good for us.. and Pitbulls are the most musunderstood .. they are big clumsy loyal most forgiving animals on the planet.

Yes Ive been watching to much Pitbulls and Parollees


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Avatar & User Title Hack'd
What kind? Just about the most loyal animal there is.

A pit and a lab

I don't have any experience with pitbulls, but I know they get a bad rep, which isn't fair because it's how they're brought up that counts and the family they have which shapes their personality.

Labs are one of the sweetest, most good natured breeds, until they get old, most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! and cranky Lulz.

Pits are also incredibly sweet and very loyal and communicative. They are comedians, too, which is awesome.

they also eat small humans

Adam Hitler

Adm1n has gone to film some "action" in Ukraine
Avatar Hack'd
New Swabia
What kind? Just about the most loyal animal there is.

A pit and a lab

I don't have any experience with pitbulls, but I know they get a bad rep, which isn't fair because it's how they're brought up that counts and the family they have which shapes their personality.

Labs are one of the sweetest, most good natured breeds, until they get old, most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! and cranky Lulz.

Pits are also incredibly sweet and very loyal and communicative. They are comedians, too, which is awesome.

You're the last person I would expect to see singing the praises of pit bulls, given the image they have.