My Nipples Are Bursting With Desire For Trump's Incredible New Social Media Platform.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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#somuchwinning #winwinwin #winningisboring


Factory Bastard
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11,208 it the answer to Zuckerberg's Meta?


Domestically feral
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United states it the answer to Zuckerberg's Meta?
It will be even yuuger than that, and it's going to be super duper free speech as long as your speech agrees with the Trumposblob

So pretty much what you guys have been doing with the pro establishment media that lies and hating everyone who points out its lies?

You know Russell Brand pissed off a lot of people by talking about Hillary and Russiagate.

We dont get mad at people if they question anything. That's your "side".

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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what? Admin's nipples are bursting with desire for moar cock?


Domestically feral
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United states it the answer to Zuckerberg's Meta?
It will be even yuuger than that, and it's going to be super duper free speech as long as your speech agrees with the Trumposblob

We actually need more diversity anyways.

The Far Left should get theirs too.

They got Jimmy Dore who points out the same exact shit with the establishment media that we do.

It's not really the progressives. The whole "Republican/Democrat" paradigm is a farce and it just so happens to be those on the right who are calling it out and being villanized.

The establishment shills even embraced they could be like "hey look at these Republicans, these are the GOOD ones ...its all these TRUMPERS who are the problem".

The monoparty demonizes whoever is the biggest threat to their power. Convincing people conservatives or "teh right" are authoritarians and have bought into that without taking any critical look at what "teh right" actually is.

Calling everyone outside the accepted mail stream narrative "teh right" is how people get dismissed or painted as Extremists. Propaganda (and yet.. people who think this really have no examples outside of what they were TOLD by their propaganda sources).

Of course the line of thinking here is that establishment media ISNT bias, they are reporting objective facts. ....only those 5 corporations are delivering the truth. And they will say "facts and truth make you left". Regardless of the actual facts and truths that show these media sources to be cancerous liars who really are the enemy of the people.

Look how the Rittenhouse trial was spun. A basic regular kid from the lower classes who represents regular ass people from the community attacked....was charged for self defense. For something that is our RIGHT.

Countries are always easily destroyed as soon as the media gets warped into pro state propaganda.

We really have no choice but to watch it devolve and watch people dance along like puppets destroying the country.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Oak's nipples burst when she thinks about cupcakes

Your cock swells to its full and raging 3 inches when you think of Admin.
what does your big bulding tummy swell too when you think about hamburgers? A full and raging city block?
Try proofreading your posts, Dickbreath.
try checking the dicks you suck for STDs, navygurl
Have you tried this product? Looks amazeballs!

The Babes are back baby!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
admin just cries for Rosenbuam because Rosenbuam was a pedophile just like his daddy

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oak's nipples burst when she thinks about cupcakes

Your cock swells to its full and raging 3 inches when you think of Admin.
what does your big bulding tummy swell too when you think about hamburgers? A full and raging city block?
Try proofreading your posts, Dickbreath.
try checking the dicks you suck for STDs, navygurl
Have you tried this product? Looks amazeballs!

The Babes are back baby!

:doink1: <---- try that, faggot


Domestically feral
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United states


Factory Bastard
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But Trump's starting a social media company ?

Not bad for a guy who's going to prison any day now

right libs? Any day now?

Should be interesting how well Trump's project will do.

He certainly has no shortage of fans and supporters.

Will you become one of his paid subscribers, Bigly?