Now I'm Starting To Get Pissed


Mr. Excitement
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If memory serves I've touched on this before. It has to do with the lack of English speaking cab drivers in my city. I like to think that I'm a fairly easy going guy but my patience is running out with these foreign cab drivers, mainly from the middle east. I'm sick and tired of having to repeat myself so much because half of them don't speak a fucking word of English. I had to say Walmart west like four times to the driver today ffs.

Also, I pride myself on not judging all Muslims based on what terrorists have done because I truly believe there are decent and honest people of that faith, but I'm getting a little nervous seeing cab drivers with Arabic texts and other stuff on their phones. I take cabs a lot and these drivers get tons of calls on their phones only for them to answer and say something quiet and quick to the caller in a language I can't speak.

I'm beginning to fear for safety. I really am. This is no way to live.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
If memory serves I've touched on this before. It has to do with the lack of English speaking cab drivers in my city. I like to think that I'm a fairly easy going guy but my patience is running out with these foreign cab drivers, mainly from the middle east. I'm sick and tired of having to repeat myself so much because half of them don't speak a fucking word of English. I had to say Walmart west like four times to the driver today ffs.

Also, I pride myself on not judging all Muslims based on what terrorists have done because I truly believe there are decent and honest people of that faith, but I'm getting a little nervous seeing cab drivers with Arabic texts and other stuff on their phones. I take cabs a lot and these drivers get tons of calls on their phones only for them to answer and say something quiet and quick to the caller in a language I can't speak.

I'm beginning to fear for safety. I really am. This is no way to live.
Bro, noone takes cabs anymore but if you do you gotta chat them up and get their personal numbers, I got mines and I even tip them big on holidays..

Here's a tip for choosing , find a place you frequent and ask about flat rates and then never pick the lowest cuz they'll jack you pretend to be drunk or sleepy and see if they'll take you


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
Bro, noone takes cabs anymore but if you do you gotta chat them up and get their personal numbers, I got mines and I even tip them big on holidays..

Here's a tip for choosing , find a place you frequent and ask about flat rates and then never pick the lowest cuz they'll jack you pretend to be drunk or sleepy and see if they'll take you
How about I just put a knife to the driver's neck and say: "Take me to Walmart west for free you fucking sand nigger." Would that be more effective you think?


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
How about I just put a knife to the driver's neck and say: "Take me to Walmart west for free you fucking sand nigger." Would that be more effective you think?
Maybe but maybe once you get there.. if you get caught make sure you tell the police you identify as victim and they need to leave before you press charges


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
Maybe but maybe once you get there.. if you get caught make sure you tell the police you identify as victim and they need to leave before you press charges
It's just so frustrating bro. Seriously


Factory Bastard
Paradise Lost and FFound
You could always walk to your destination. Or better yet seen if X will ride you on his bike to wherever you need to go. He needs all the money he can get. Seen him begging for change downtown this past week. Real talk

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
When it comes to dealing with foreign types that seem like they have trouble understanding you just simply pull out your gun and point it at their skull.

You'd be surprised how quickly they pick up language when under severe duress.

Just another helpful tip from your good friend Larry.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If memory serves I've touched on this before. It has to do with the lack of English speaking cab drivers in my city. I like to think that I'm a fairly easy going guy but my patience is running out with these foreign cab drivers, mainly from the middle east. I'm sick and tired of having to repeat myself so much because half of them don't speak a fucking word of English. I had to say Walmart west like four times to the driver today ffs.

Also, I pride myself on not judging all Muslims based on what terrorists have done because I truly believe there are decent and honest people of that faith, but I'm getting a little nervous seeing cab drivers with Arabic texts and other stuff on their phones. I take cabs a lot and these drivers get tons of calls on their phones only for them to answer and say something quiet and quick to the caller in a language I can't speak.

I'm beginning to fear for safety. I really am. This is no way to live.

When I was 14 I was attacked by two Arabic men. Taken to a motel and raped.

And it gave me a racist phobia of Arabic men. One I'm mostly over.....but I stay away from Dearborn and Detroit and I'd never get into a cab with Muslim men.

I mean...I can't help it. I'll have full blown panick attacks that make me feel like I'm dying.

There is just something about them. I dated an Arabic man for a few years....once I moved in with him, he became controlling and condescending....he would have slowly became abusive had I stayed with him.

That being said ive met Arabic people that I just love to bits. So for me it's more about vibes then race....but I totally get you.

White men have frightened me with that certain "vibe". Or a certain way a man will look at you and it's just terrifying for me. I do have diagnosed PTSD and had a few years of psych treatment. It just rewired my brain for life.

I have grieved the person I never got a chance to be. Wondered what I would have been like had that never happened.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
You could always walk to your destination. Or better yet seen if X will ride you on his bike to wherever you need to go. He needs all the money he can get. Seen him begging for change downtown this past week. Real talk
I do walk if the distance is reasonable.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
When I was 14 I was attacked by two Arabic men. Taken to a motel and raped.

And it gave me a racist phobia of Arabic men. One I'm mostly over.....but I stay away from Dearborn and Detroit and I'd never get into a cab with Muslim men.

I mean...I can't help it. I'll have full blown panick attacks that make me feel like I'm dying.

There is just something about them. I dated an Arabic man for a few years....once I moved in with him, he became controlling and condescending....he would have slowly became abusive had I stayed with him.

That being said ive met Arabic people that I just love to bits. So for me it's more about vibes then race....but I totally get you.

White men have frightened me with that certain "vibe". Or a certain way a man will look at you and it's just terrifying for me.
I'm sorry to hear you went through that. Rape is a real problem for women. Many, many men from that culture have zero respect for women which is fucking ridiculous imo.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
i'd drive you but you are buying all the whisky in our travels. beer works just as good but we gotta be armed to the teeth. oh buy us pizza along the way too. NO PEPPERONI on side of the pizza though. I will gut you like a fish if you do
WOW! You're a real pal.


Factory Bastard
Paradise Lost and FFound
How's the toe? Did they give you any groovy painkillers?
Naw. Even they did I woulda just given back. I've been on two dips.. one beer and one whisky. I could handle a few gunshots right now. No keeping me down. Just annoying if I have to walk more than a few blocks. Thankfully I drive more than I have to walk right now.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm sorry to hear you went through that. Rape is a real problem for women. Many, many men from that culture have zero respect for women which is fucking ridiculous imo.

What traumatized me the most wasnt the act of was the complete disregard of my humanity.

I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes and I believed I was going to be murdered when they were done with me.

I got knocked silly against a sink and I remember seeing blood in a puddle around my head and thinking " that my blood?" And I was thinking about my grandma and where my body might be found. If it ever got found.

And I didn't fight them....because I was in shock. And I somehow knew that of I fought I would absolutely end up dead or half dead. These men were just evil....souless eyes. It would have been nothing for them to just kill me and toss my corpse in the river.

And the pain made me vomit and i was afraid of being beaten for vomitting.

And at the time I didn't really have the vocabulary to properly discuss what I was going through. I spent two weeks in a hospital and the state removed me from my families step father was investigated (I was completely unable to even speak....or write what happened). It was known from my injuries what happened but it was months before I could even start talking about it. And for years I could not get these words out. I still prefer saying "attacked".

Eventually my grandmother...who raised me anyway...was given custody after two years of me being in a psych hospital. Well in and out. I was allowed weekends, then a month here and there....I know how this is going to sound, but I did LSD and shooms in an attempt to cure myself.

I had some horrifying....yet life changing experiences and I was just a fucking kid. But things I experienced tripping actually helped me more than the host of psych meds I was put on.

I haven't been on meds in several years and im doing wonderfully. I haven't had those bad, horrid depressions that uses to plague me.

It was SO easy for me to get hooked on heroin because I just never felt happy or good. Ever. Most of my young life was just survival mode, trying so hard to just feel consistently okay.

I was very emotionally unavailable so relationships are hard for me. I don't always have the energy people need from me. Including for my own kids....they know though and they know why. When they were little they knew it as mommies brain gets sick and makes her scared a lot. Now they are adults and they know the whole story.

And I wanted them to know because these things happen and I don't want it happening to THEM. I don't want them living in fear...but common sense caution. I always say....nothing good goes on past midnight.

Everyone has said I have been much more present the past few years but I haven't been full of anxiety or depressed so....that helps lol.

Being here with my best friend....the man who has been a safe place and rock for me for 30 years, has been everything. I like to stay off medication if I can help it. He understands me better than anyone ever has. It's little things. Like my ex found it hilarious to startle me. And he made me cry a few times and I had to remind cannot startle me. It's a trigger and my brain gets stuck in that fight or flight and I end up fucked up for a few days. He always "forgot". I told him one of these days im going to respond with violence and I won't be able to help it.

My man here always moves through the house making noise. So I know he is coming.

Excersize....meditation...prayer....all does wonders. I know my warning signs where I know I'm not going to be able to fight out of a funk and I'll get on meds if I start feeling like that.

All that being said.....I get very uncomfortable or nervous if I'm around arabic men I don't know and I avoid that. I don't think i would get in a cab with one either. To be fair I probably wouldn't get into a cab with any strange man.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
What traumatized me the most wasnt the act of was the complete disregard of my humanity.

I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes and I believed I was going to be murdered when they were done with me.

I got knocked silly against a sink and I remember seeing blood in a puddle around my head and thinking " that my blood?" And I was thinking about my grandma and where my body might be found. If it ever got found.

And I didn't fight them....because I was in shock. And I somehow knew that of I fought I would absolutely end up dead or half dead. These men were just evil....souless eyes. It would have been nothing for them to just kill me and toss my corpse in the river.

And the pain made me vomit and i was afraid of being beaten for vomitting.

And at the time I didn't really have the vocabulary to properly discuss what I was going through. I spent two weeks in a hospital and the state removed me from my families step father was investigated (I was completely unable to even speak....or write what happened). It was known from my injuries what happened but it was months before I could even start talking about it. And for years I could not get these words out. I still prefer saying "attacked".

Eventually my grandmother...who raised me anyway...was given custody after two years of me being in a psych hospital. Well in and out. I was allowed weekends, then a month here and there....I know how this is going to sound, but I did LSD and shooms in an attempt to cure myself.

I had some horrifying....yet life changing experiences and I was just a fucking kid. But things I experienced tripping actually helped me more than the host of psych meds I was put on.

I haven't been on meds in several years and im doing wonderfully. I haven't had those bad, horrid depressions that uses to plague me.

It was SO easy for me to get hooked on heroin because I just never felt happy or good. Ever. Most of my young life was just survival mode, trying so hard to just feel consistently okay.

I was very emotionally unavailable so relationships are hard for me. I don't always have the energy people need from me. Including for my own kids....they know though and they know why. When they were little they knew it as mommies brain gets sick and makes her scared a lot. Now they are adults and they know the whole story.

And I wanted them to know because these things happen and I don't want it happening to THEM. I don't want them living in fear...but common sense caution. I always say....nothing good goes on past midnight.

Everyone has said I have been much more present the past few years but I haven't been full of anxiety or depressed so....that helps lol.

Being here with my best friend....the man who has been a safe place and rock for me for 30 years, has been everything. I like to stay off medication if I can help it. He understands me better than anyone ever has. It's little things. Like my ex found it hilarious to startle me. And he made me cry a few times and I had to remind cannot startle me. It's a trigger and my brain gets stuck in that fight or flight and I end up fucked up for a few days. He always "forgot". I told him one of these days im going to respond with violence and I won't be able to help it.

My man here always moves through the house making noise. So I know he is coming.

Excersize....meditation...prayer....all does wonders. I know my warning signs where I know I'm not going to be able to fight out of a funk and I'll get on meds if I start feeling like that.

All that being said.....I get very uncomfortable or nervous if I'm around arabic men I don't know and I avoid that. I don't think i would get in a cab with one either. To be fair I probably wouldn't get into a cab with any strange man.
I'm at a loss as what to say because I'm a man and have never been raped. I couldn't imagine going through something so horrendous. The fact that you are willing to share on a public forum is a sign of strength and how much better you are now. You have a man who loves you, children who understand and as I said you shared this with us which takes strength. You've come a long way and have never given up. You're a tougher person than I am Dove. On a religious note, I would not want to be those two men come judgment time. How are they going to explain what they did to you to God?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm at a loss as what to say because I'm a man and have never been raped. I couldn't imagine going through something so horrendous. The fact that you are willing to share on a public forum is a sign of strength and how much better you are now. You have a man who loves you, children who understand and as I said you shared this with us which takes strength. You've come a long way and have never given up. You're a tougher person than I am Dove. On a religious note, I would not want to be those two men come judgment time. How are they going to explain what they did to you to God?

I mean I've spoke publicly about it at domestic violence shelters and such.

No one ever knows what to say....perfectly fine. What can you say?

I have no choice but to be tough. You'd be amazed what you can get through when it's forced upon you. You know?

I've attempted suicide twice and I suck at that I'm still sucking air and I may as well enjoy doing it lol.

I honestly have forgiven them and that was HARD to do. There were no legal consequences for them and I can be sure I wasn't the first or only victim.

And men certain can suffer from a sexual crime or violent attack. Men have PTSD from war. Violence is hard and damaging. Don't think because you are a can't speak on something. Men even get raped as well.
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