Ok BF, its time


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
I respond to it sometimes. Sure.
If you completely ignored him you'd be sending a much stronger message.

"He and what he says doesn't matter".

It's like dealing with a stalker. How do you make it stop (besides calling the authorities).


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
If you completely ignored him you'd be sending a much stronger message.

"He and what he says doesn't matter".

It's like dealing with a stalker. How do you make it stop (besides calling the authorities).

This is what happens. He cries and blathers about me in every post of his almost and no one ever says shit.

I the very fucking minute I address just ONE of his several comments about me? Suddenly it's BOTH of us doing it.

I will ditch this fucking board in a heart beat and occasionally post at TBC. The thought of this slimey broke abuser is disgusting even 5 fucking years later I end up wanting to douche with bleach everytime he shows up. I'm not even allowed to shit on him without stupid fucking people going "hyuck hyuck look! She likes him!"

I just won't fucking bother at all. I'm VERY happy in my life at the moment and I'm insanely in love with a man who has been my best friend for 20 years. If I can have my occasional shots at this obsessive scum bag after all the actual bullshit he brought to my REAL life? Well fine fuck it. I don't even care. And I won't bother with the board either because I'm not hanging out anywhere where I'm expected to let some idiot scream my name nonstop and I can't get my own jabs in when I'm bored without hearing about I MUST wanna fuck him again.

I would rather be literally DEAD and it took over a YEAR to scrub that disgust off myself. And I have had to read this shit for years and I deal with it. No more.

You guys better say this to him EVERYTIME he posts my screen name. I have a feeling no one will though until he finally earns a single post of mine and then it's gonna some big "lovers quarrel" somehow.

It's already a fucking challange trying to continue posting somewhere where everyone knows enough of a situation you wanna forget and constantly reminds you for years and then make some deluded issue out of it the rare fucking times I address it. Apparently it's not noticed when I ignore 98 fucking percent of it and it still keeps right on going. I drop ONE post and suddenly it's mutual. Okay yeah no.....fuck off!

I'll just stop bothering and you guys can enjoy watching him work me into every topic and do your best to pretend I'm here engaging it so you can say it's both of us. The preferred fantasy of BF. "He isn't an unhinged obsessed stalker....nope....SHE said a sentence to him months ago so this is both of them!"

I RARELY lose my temper on this but I am fed the fuck up on this stupid shit. I came 4 times this morning on the face of a man I'm fucking PSYCHO over. I shouldnt have to think about this retarded shit 5 years after i ended it. I'm about to go for round 3 and log out of this shit hole board permantly since that's the ONLY way to end this obvious "lovers quarell" with a man I met 3 times 5 years ago who made me have to get police involved.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Unbelievable.... what a fucking dosser tramp he is.

Do you EVER fucking see me posting about his scum bag ass?

I respond to it for the first fucking time in a YEAR and it's a mutual passionate lovers quarell.

I'd honest to God rather fucking kill myself than go through that nonsense with that douche bag.

He can post about my body and sex with me nonstop but God forbid I say ONE thing


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Thanks for sharing.

He fingers me until I'm siezuring too. Never had anyone effectively finger me....let alone get me off over and over. He made me call myself "daddies little finger puppet" and I did because I'm whipped.

He picked up skills since I took his virginity 20 years ago.

But yeah let's all pretend Poofer is the MAN here and I'm just DYING for another round of ROs and drama and stress in my life. Because for the thousandth time I talk about my BF.....it's the one time this year I've addressed Poofers bullshit that shows the world where my heart and mind is.


Feed his obsession and make him think there is a chance I enjoy him. That's the ticket!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
All the ignoring you do goes to shit once you take the bait and gets triggered.

Just say'en.

Be strong!

Go forth and orgasm!
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Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Do you EVER fucking see me posting about his scum bag ass?

I respond to it for the first fucking time in a YEAR and it's a mutual passionate lovers quarell.

I'd honest to God rather fucking kill myself than go through that nonsense with that douche bag.

He can post about my body and sex with me nonstop but God forbid I say ONE thing
He's easily the most irritating twat on here, "retiring" every 5 mins and then immediately coming back... shame he doesn't fuck off for good and take Poarkzilla and Flynn the shim with him.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
All the ignoring you do goes to shit once you take the bait and gets triggered.

Just say'en.

Be strong!

Go forth and orgasm!

It doesn't matter if it's ignored or not. The guy is delusional and has entire relationships made up in his head. I don't have to "be strong"....i don't give a shit what he says. It's the fucking double standard. He can blather about me nonstop for a solid year while ignore him and I'll say one thing and suddenly it's some heated mutual drama? Yeah no. It's not. You guys KNOW it's not. You guys telling him that is why he keeps doing it.

If you just let me shame the asshole without running in and giving him FALSE hope that I'm emotionally as engaged as him maybe he would feel some semblance of shame. But no. You guys can't let that happen.

I'm about to go forth and do exactly that. I need a shower and my ass cheek is killing me and he is about to write an article. I might distract him. This man looks so hot when he is writing articles that I cannot stand it. He is like a drug to me. I can feel my pupils dilate....my mouth waters. My brain becomes mush. It's ridiculous.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Pics or it didn’t happen, Dovey.

Pics of what? My ass cheek wound or my bf putting me into a coma?

Apply that and produce pics of me ever discussing sex with Poofer anywhere within the last 4 years when I wasn't responding to the 50th time it was brought to me.

Because that literally never happens.

You'll be weeding through A LOT of blather about the man in with though. Must mean I'm still so hot for Chi Town Kev and miss his moldy ass bathroom and all his scary drama.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Years of an unrequited crush on Big who I spent real time with and effort on.

Oh no she really just is hung up pOoFeR! Look!! She ripped on him once this year! It's limerace!

I usually ignore that stupid shit too. Not tonight I'm not.

Giving this loser false hope is what you pricks are doing. You know that right? Doesn't he embarrass himself enough?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It's all



Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Pics of what? My ass cheek wound or my bf putting me into a coma?
No, no, no.

Pics of a man who looks so hot when he is writing articles that you cannot stand it.

And please don’t post pics of Woody Allen.

:STFU 5:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
No, no, no.

Pics of a man who looks so hot when he is writing articles that you cannot stand it.

And please don’t post pics of Woody Allen.

:STFU 5:

I absolutely would. But he won't let me take pictures of him. He hates pictures and avoids them. It's ridiculous. He would rate himself a 4. If you heard him shitting on his own looks you'd come away thinking he had some phantom of the opera deformities going on. It's completely silly.

I have a picture of him I took back in 1999.....and another picture of me and him from 2012 right before I had a tube placed in my back. And it's a bad picture of both of us....which i don't mind at all lol.

There is a framed school picture of him from 6th grade where he looks like he just got bad news from a divorce attorney I could share. He was a chubby kid with glasses lol. He always looks very serious.

He kinda resembles Robert Palmer really. But better features and much bluer eyes. Not that I find Palmer so hot....but I'm VERY attracted to my person likely well beyond looks as it is.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
If you just let me shame the asshole without running in and giving him FALSE hope that I'm emotionally as engaged as him
It's sort of like why you don't date people you work with. When it's over it's not really over because you keep running into them.

Anyway it sounds like @King Martini has moved on and has a new girlfriend that he's madly in love with. He can't stop talking about her big titties.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
It's sort of like why you don't date people you work with. When it's over it's not really over because you keep running into them.

Anyway it sounds like @King Martini has moved on and has a new girlfriend that he's madly in love with. He can't stop talking about her big titties.

Right and when you took a shot at that he immediately thought "Dovid"

Uhg lol.

I didn't even date Poofer. I was going through a lot of shit and just wanted to have some irresponsible fun. I can't ever do that though because when I do it I either end up needing rehab or an RO.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Right and when you took a shot at that he immediately thought "Dovid"

Uhg lol.
They say in rebound relationships after the initial spark wears off the person starts thinking about their ex and comparing them to their new lover and suddenly realizing they don't compare to their ex.

You could be onto something. Then again look at what you're being compared to.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
They say in rebound relationships after the initial spark wears off the person starts thinking about their ex and comparing them to their new lover and suddenly realizing they don't compare to their ex.

You could be onto something. Then again look at what you're being compared to.

If I'm an ex to him?

That's SAD.

I met him 3 times. 3.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️

I was trolling.

Please don’t be tempted into posting pix of the man without his approval.

Believe it or not, I’m genuinely happy for you.

Everyone needs a little lovin’ once in a while.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

I was trolling.

Please don’t be tempted into posting pix of the man without his approval.

Believe it or not, I’m genuinely happy for you.

Everyone needs a little lovin’ once in a while.

Oh lord I wouldn't have done that at all. I don't even take pictures of him without his approval....let alone post any.

There is one he doesn't mind me showing people and that's the one from 1999 where he rates himself a 6. Lol. He can't take a compliment without saying something self depreciating. When I tell him how attracted I am to him....he says "your glasses must not work"....stuff like that. It's never said in a downer sort of way. More like a casual and snarky way. Like he knows what he is doing.

I've tried to get him visiting the boards many many times over the past 15 years. He is a wonderful writer, witty and sharp sense of humor and he would be fun on the boards.

But everytime he tells me he is not interested in joining my internet shenanigans so....he won't lol. Lately he has been working on getting his business going and freelancing.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I respond to it sometimes. Sure.

What I talk about is the man I'm with. To the point where Flea even tells me to shut up about him.

So no, Blurt. I absolutely do NOT sit here and talk about the terrible sex I had with Poofer several years ago unless I have decided to address one of the multiple times he has brought it up out of nowhere. Like this thread.

You just have a personal issue with me so no matter what the topic you always have to find a way of putting every bit of bad behavior onto me as well. This idiot could burn down my house and murder my pets and you would find a way to lay the blame half on me. Always ready with the gaslighting.

Not to belabor a point, but often when men are bad in bed for a woman, it might be that they're just trying to nut and the woman is simply the receptacle.

They're not trying to please. Or so I've been told.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Not to belabor a point, but often when men are bad in bed for a woman, it might be that they're just trying to nut and the woman is simply the receptacle.

They're not trying to please. Or so I've been told.

If that is the case.....they typically won't complain about it 5 years later.

The receptacle served its purpose and thats a wrap. There was no expectation or disappointment enough to say anything about the lack of enthusiasm showed by said receptacle. It's a total non-issue.

That's how you know.