Okay. Its time for civil war.



Domestically feral
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United states
Topics I've had PLENTY to say on

1. Mass shootings. Everytime a mass shooting gets exploited, I go off about gun regulations and gun laws ONLY hurting the POOR. It is a racist and classist move.....but these leftists here wont discuss that. It's just "Oh look! A gun crime! That means poor people shouldnt have guns!" and they dont go deep into this issue at all.

But Lotus will claim I've had nothing to say on this topic? I've typed paragraphs. I'm just not saying what she wants to hear so I may as well say nothing.

2. Poverty. I've pointed out policies having a terrible impact on the poor. I've pointed this out several times discussing the riots.....which are basically going to drive the poor into deeper poverty. Progressives dont want to talk about poverty in anyway other then what they believe should be done. Again.....echo their stance or you may as well say nothing.

3. War. I've openly opposed war on several occasions. We went from having the first president in decades to keep our country OUT of conflicts to a president who literally voted for the Irap war. But while these people trash Trump and Trump supporters nonstop.....the best you can force out of them is "I didnt vote for Biden". But you NEVER see them trashing Biden or Biden voters who straight up voted to put a bunch of war mongers back in office. Oh did I say office? Its Democrats......so they are in power. Democrats are never in office. They are in power.

Claiming that I never say anything about these topics is complete fucking bullshit. But that's what happens. If you dont say or think the same way they do .....then you may as well say nothing.

So now that gets said in some effort to dismiss and minimize a very real PROBLEM of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children. This isnt just a man dressed as a woman. It's a full blown, blatant sales pitch to minor children for the world of Drag....an adult entertainment venue known for raunch of all kinds.

I honestly cannot fucking believe this is being spun as just some form of dress up.

Why don't we go ahead and learn what drag is all about then? Because Lotus you are either being intentionally dishonest OR you are just very niave and sheltered regarding drag queens and what drag IS. You guys never discuss these topics either. You just try to beat us over the head with them....disregard or ignore what we say. You guys are extremely closed minded and not interested in any other views or solutions except your own.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lotus considers it 'progression' and 'tolerance'.

There is nothing immoral in that video. It's just a guy dressing up like a woman. Who the fuck cares? You people who get all worked up about something so benign are the ones who need serious help. You are so worried about forcing everyone to be what YOU think they should be. That's tyrannical, fascist, control freak bullshit. You whine and wail about a drag queen and say NOTHING about war, poverty, mass shootings, racism, and climate change. You sure know how to focus on priorities.

Leave our kids OUT of your lib world.

It's not a LIB world. It's THE world. There are people who dress in drag. There have ALWAYS been. There's nothing to be afraid of. WTF? The fear of it makes it much worse than it actually is. What you fear-riddled control freaks refuse to understand is that when people have to go underground, THAT creates the breeding ground for unhealthy perversions. Get it out in the light and get the fuck over it.

I'm not talking about sexual stuff. I am just talking about the gender things. Not everyone is distinctively male or female. That has been true throughout the history of human beings. You see hermaphrodites in ancient mythologies and art work. It's just a fact. Learn to live with it.

I am so over the fears that are borne of ingorance.

I absolutely agree with you, it isn't about politics BUT Dove is 100% right it is still PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children. It should not have anything to do with kids.

We grew up watching Cowboys and Ichy bums. Men were men and women suffered them but we had defining gender rolls. I don't think that is a bad thing necessarily.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lotus considers it 'progression' and 'tolerance'.

There is nothing immoral in that video. It's just a guy dressing up like a woman. Who the fuck cares? You people who get all worked up about something so benign are the ones who need serious help. You are so worried about forcing everyone to be what YOU think they should be. That's tyrannical, fascist, control freak bullshit. You whine and wail about a drag queen and say NOTHING about war, poverty, mass shootings, racism, and climate change. You sure know how to focus on priorities.

Leave our kids OUT of your lib world.

Tell that to the Kiddie Theme Park bandit, Stubby. Try PLEASE ASS BOX ME! world.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Can you resist giving in, Admin? No fapping!

What reasons to drags give for wearing flamboyant womens clothes and make up? Why do our kids need it? I honestly know someone whos little boy was obsessed with the little mermaid and it pissed off his dad so much he burnt all thingd little mermaid in his house and banned his wife or son ever buying anything related ever again lol harsh or not the kid turned out ghey anyway...
admin is gonna jerk off for weeks to that pic


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think children should only be exposed to traditional family values up until they are 15 then they can learn about a wider world depending on consenting parents that is,... under ideal circumstances and of course if I am wrong, I'll welcome correction.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think children should only be exposed to traditional family values up until they are 15 then they can learn about a wider world depending on consenting parents that is,... under ideal circumstances and of course if I am wrong, I'll welcome correction.

You are not wrong at all.

The age of consent is 16......so shoving all this sexual content in the faces of children who cannot even consent to it is disgusting.

We cant just let them be children and respect their innocence. This is being done to "teach children to be tolerant". So it's nothing more than PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and brainwashing.

Look at this channel

The target audience for this channel... that center's around sexuality and political activism....it fucking 3 years to 11.

I watched a lot of videos from this channel. It's horrible, a form of political indoctrination.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lotus considers it 'progression' and 'tolerance'.

There is nothing immoral in that video. It's just a guy dressing up like a woman. Who the fuck cares? You people who get all worked up about something so benign are the ones who need serious help. You are so worried about forcing everyone to be what YOU think they should be. That's tyrannical, fascist, control freak bullshit. You whine and wail about a drag queen and say NOTHING about war, poverty, mass shootings, racism, and climate change. You sure know how to focus on priorities.


Actually, (and I know you aren't religious) the Old Testament condemns men dressing as women and I think whoever did, got stoned. It was considered a crime against God.

Dueteronomy 22 verse 5

Yeah. That was sheer ignorance, like a lot of stuff in the Bible, which was written by people. And it's also more evidence that they were cross dressing 2000 years ago. That's because gender fluidity in some is a fact of life and always has been.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Look at pedomajor on this thread defending his fellow cross dressing peds


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess


A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.

So because of all this. .. ..its okay to market the world of DRAG to children?

None of what you just said has anything to do with DRAG Queens, Lotus. None of it.

Drag is a form of adult entertainment.... it has fuck all to do with anything you just typed. And it doesnt justify selling adult entertainment like drag to children.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus considers it 'progression' and 'tolerance'.

There is nothing immoral in that video. It's just a guy dressing up like a woman. Who the fuck cares? You people who get all worked up about something so benign are the ones who need serious help. You are so worried about forcing everyone to be what YOU think they should be. That's tyrannical, fascist, control freak bullshit. You whine and wail about a drag queen and say NOTHING about war, poverty, mass shootings, racism, and climate change. You sure know how to focus on priorities.


Actually, (and I know you aren't religious) the Old Testament condemns men dressing as women and I think whoever did, got stoned. It was considered a crime against God.

Dueteronomy 22 verse 5

Yeah. That was sheer ignorance, like a lot of stuff in the Bible, which was written by people. And it's also more evidence that they were cross dressing 2000 years ago. That's because gender fluidity in some is a fact of life and always has been.

So is sex a fact of life.

That doesnt mean we expose children to it. Porn is a fact of life. Prostitution is a fact of life. All these things were being done 2000 years ago. Orgies were going on back then.

But that's not a justification for exposing and involving children to and in it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.
Let them stay in the minority but don’t go broadcasting that type of filth to the children you sick piece of shit


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
just look at freaks like admin and holiday sitting with our children


I actually know of an Kiwi arsehole who sat kids on his knee and push his erection against the kids. Later he done for paedophilia and jailed. I don't know the details.

They should be hung. They really are blights on society.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Drag is "underground" because its raunchy and sexual ADULT entertainment. Its underground along with BDSM clubs and gore/freak shows like hanging yourself from flesh hooks.

These venues are for adults, to be enjoyed by adults and are NOT for children on any level.

Fucking shit I cannot believe this needs to be explained to adults.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess


A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.

So because of all this. .. ..its okay to market the world of DRAG to children?

None of you just said has anything to do with DRAG Queens, Lotus. None of it.

Drag is a form of adult entertainment.... it has fuck all to do with anything you just typed. And it doesnt justify selling adult entertainment like drag to children.

No, you are wrong. Drag CAN be a form of entertainment, but it is also something that some people just do all the time. Just because you only encountered it when you were a stripper and thus they were entertainers doesn't mean you know everything about cross dressing. One of my son's friends when he was in elementary school was a cross dresser. He started doing it when he was a toddler. Do you think he was doing it to pollute the mind of my son?

SMDH @ the closed-mindedness, judgment, and hatred on this forum.

Let me quote Jesus to all of you supposed Christians:

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

Matthew 5-7


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
just look at freaks like admin and holiday sitting with our children


I actually know of an Kiwi arsehole who sat kids on his knee and push his erection against the kids. Later he done for paedophilia and jailed. I don't know the details.

They should be hung. They really are blights on society.

So? He was a pe.do. That's an immoral crime. Cross dressing is not. The way a person dresses has nothing to do with whether or not that person is an evil pe.do. Plenty of heterosexuals are pe.dos as well. You are conflating two different things.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Drag music videos.

Not a single drag performance is child friendly. Not one. The world of drag involves sex and drugs as the main course. This has always been theatrics for adults.

It's not some fucking fun and innocent dress up you can involve children.

So what happens when kids see "Drag is magic" and wanna see some drag shows, eh? Gonna just throw on some Willam Belli? Maybe Detox? Bianca Del Rio?

Fucking disgusting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lotus considers it 'progression' and 'tolerance'.

There is nothing immoral in that video. It's just a guy dressing up like a woman. Who the fuck cares? You people who get all worked up about something so benign are the ones who need serious help. You are so worried about forcing everyone to be what YOU think they should be. That's tyrannical, fascist, control freak bullshit. You whine and wail about a drag queen and say NOTHING about war, poverty, mass shootings, racism, and climate change. You sure know how to focus on priorities.


Actually, (and I know you aren't religious) the Old Testament condemns men dressing as women and I think whoever did, got stoned. It was considered a crime against God.

Dueteronomy 22 verse 5

Yeah. That was sheer ignorance, like a lot of stuff in the Bible, which was written by people. And it's also more evidence that they were cross dressing 2000 years ago. That's because gender fluidity in some is a fact of life and always has been.

So is sex a fact of life.

That doesnt mean we expose children to it. Porn is a fact of life. Prostitution is a fact of life. All these things were being done 2000 years ago. Orgies were going on back then.

But that's not a justification for exposing and involving children to and in it.

Porn and cross dressing are not equivalent. Get a damn grip, you judgmental fascist.

Is this porn?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.

I am not talking about true hermaphrodites. They are really victims of nature. Most cross dresses though have mental problems not physical ones.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess


A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.

So because of all this. .. ..its okay to market the world of DRAG to children?

None of you just said has anything to do with DRAG Queens, Lotus. None of it.

Drag is a form of adult entertainment.... it has fuck all to do with anything you just typed. And it doesnt justify selling adult entertainment like drag to children.

No, you are wrong. Drag CAN be a form of entertainment, but it is also something that some people just do all the time. Just because you only encountered it when you were a stripper and thus they were entertainers doesn't mean you know everything about cross dressing. One of my son's friends when he was in elementary school was a cross dresser. He started doing it when he was a toddler. Do you think he was doing it to pollute the mind of my son?

SMDH @ the closed-mindedness, judgment, and hatred on this forum.

Let me quote Jesus to all of you supposed Christians:

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

Matthew 5-7

No I am NOT wrong. I KNOW the drag scene, I have hung out on the drag scene. I have friends who are drag entertainers. My husband's cousin is a drag queen. And many of them dont want children involved.

You are naive. It is ENTERTAINMENT. It absolutely isn't something people just do all the time. That's just cross dressing.

A drag queen isnt just a cross dresser, he is a professional entertainer. In ADULT entertainment. You do not understand what drag is if you are equating is with just a basic ass cross dresser. And fyi.....cross dressing is a kink. So even that still isnt child friendly.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.

I am not talking about true hermaphrodites. They really victims of nature. Most cross dresses though have mental problems not physical ones.

I don't think you are qualified to claim they have mental problems. A lot of them may have hormonal or chromosomal differences.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I object much more to Kardashian porn than I do to someone who is trying to normalize cross dressing so kids aren't afraid of it. It's fucking harmless if the cross dresser isn't a pervert. I am far, far more concerned about little girls wanting to grow up to be ike a Kardashian. Very, very few kids are going to look at a cross dresser and say, "Oooh, I suddenly know what I want to be when I grow up."

There are plenty of heterosexual perverts. Look at Brainfail, for god's sake.


Factory Bastard
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Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.
Let them stay in the minority but don’t go broadcasting that type of filth to the children you sick piece of shit

Most kids know better. Especially the ones that kick your ass


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.
Let them stay in the minority but don’t go broadcasting that type of filth to the children you sick piece of shit

Most kids know better. Especially the ones that kick your ass
Of course you come running to support child abuse. Sick motherfucker.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus considers it 'progression' and 'tolerance'.

There is nothing immoral in that video. It's just a guy dressing up like a woman. Who the fuck cares? You people who get all worked up about something so benign are the ones who need serious help. You are so worried about forcing everyone to be what YOU think they should be. That's tyrannical, fascist, control freak bullshit. You whine and wail about a drag queen and say NOTHING about war, poverty, mass shootings, racism, and climate change. You sure know how to focus on priorities.


Actually, (and I know you aren't religious) the Old Testament condemns men dressing as women and I think whoever did, got stoned. It was considered a crime against God.

Dueteronomy 22 verse 5

Yeah. That was sheer ignorance, like a lot of stuff in the Bible, which was written by people. And it's also more evidence that they were cross dressing 2000 years ago. That's because gender fluidity in some is a fact of life and always has been.

So is sex a fact of life.

That doesnt mean we expose children to it. Porn is a fact of life. Prostitution is a fact of life. All these things were being done 2000 years ago. Orgies were going on back then.

But that's not a justification for exposing and involving children to and in it.

Porn and cross dressing are not equivalent. Get a damn grip, you judgmental fascist.

Is this porn?


See you being intentionally difficult.

Porn isnt drag, but its adult entertainment. It's been going on for 2000 years....going by your logic, the fact it's been going on for 2000 years somehow means kids should be exposed to it.

Cross dressing isnt drag. It's a sexual kink mostly enjoyed by hetro men. It's been going on for 2000 years so somehow that means we should expose children to adult sexual kink.

Drag Queens are professional ADULT ENTERTAINERS. They are NOT cross dressers. They are NOT hermaphrodites. They are NOT transgender. They are NOT even always gay. They are entertainers whose content is raunchy, sexual humor. Flaming and mocking. Drugs. Its NOT for kids.

Of course you call me a "judgement fascist". You apparently dont know what fascism even is. And I suppose everytime you call people crazy, stupid, et.....that's not being judgemental at all right?

We all have to make judgements. Right now YOU are judging people as "fascists" because they dont want children being groomed and exposed to forms of adult entertainment.

This is the point where your arguments are failing, so instead of just admitting this is wrong... you will start insulting people and getting mad.

Well too bad, Lotus. Drag is adult entertainment and shouldnt be marketed to children. Mrs. Doubtfire was about a man wanting to be involved with his children.....it wasnt about drag queens or drag shows. It was about a father who loves his children.