One man's personal catastrophe is another man's personal investment opportunity

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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what is a "catatrophe"

Is that when you're tits turn into saggy little balls of rice because of your bitter gene?

We already know you're a heartless cuck. No need to keep reminding us, Little Weenie.

Spare me your hypocricy. These dead beats are still getting $3000 a month per person ($6000 a month per couple) plus they got three stimulus checks and yet they chose not to pay their rent and they alone is responsible for that. Further more, the actions by the democrats with this evil moratorium was completely one sided and robbed people of their property and income without any compensation which robbed small family landlords of all their legal rights.

Meanwhile the bitch didn’t hesitate to sell her property at an inflated cost during the last bubble

Pay the shit talking mule no mind


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
what is a "catatrophe"

Is that when you're tits turn into saggy little balls of rice because of your bitter gene?

We already know you're a heartless cuck. No need to keep reminding us, Little Weenie.

Spare me your hypocricy. These dead beats are still getting $3000 a month per person ($6000 a month per couple) plus they got three stimulus checks and yet they chose not to pay their rent and they alone is responsible for that. Further more, the actions by the democrats with this evil moratorium was completely one sided and robbed people of their property and income without any compensation which robbed small family landlords of all their legal rights.

And here, I dont get fuck all from the government but they go ahead and yeet whatever they want from my families income. Gotdammit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am hoping when the dead beats get kicked out I might be able to pick up a unit or two.

Of course you are. And you'll charge the highest rent you can squeeze out of people, and then you'll bitch and moan about California, the state that allows you to take your renters to the cleaners.

I charge market rate and if you communists want lower rent then maybe you should stop blocking all new housing construction so that supply can catch up with demand.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
what is a "catatrophe"

Is that when you're tits turn into saggy little balls of rice because of your bitter gene?

We already know you're a heartless cuck. No need to keep reminding us, Little Weenie.

Spare me your hypocricy. These dead beats are still getting $3000 a month per person ($6000 a month per couple) plus they got three stimulus checks and yet they chose not to pay their rent and they alone is responsible for that. Further more, the actions by the democrats with this evil moratorium was completely one sided and robbed people of their property and income without any compensation which robbed small family landlords of all their legal rights.

Meanwhile the bitch didn’t hesitate to sell her property at an inflated cost during the last bubble

Pay the shit talking mule no mind

The thing is I have met third worlders who make $800 a month yet still manage to save because they are smart with theor money, budget, don't buy things unless they truly need it, and they work their tails off to improve their situation. Then you have the arrogant and entitled people who are getting handed everything yet refusing to help themselves or be honest enough to pay their bills even though they have the money coming in. Yes, people like that do need to get kicked out and a huge part of why we will no longer be renting units to subpar applicants is because the far left has made it so difficult to get rid of a dead beat.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Getting 3k a month from the government and NOT paying your rent is disgusting bullshit and that person deserves to be evicted.

It's almost as disgusting as me failing to remind everyone that I used to ride Bigs face like a carnival tilt a whirl until I puked.

How the fuck.... is it disability? Are they on disability? My mother doesnt even get that and shes on disability AND socail security. Shes not allowed to end the month with 2k in her bank account.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, just unemployment in California (the standard $1800 per month plus $300 per week bonus for a total of $3000). In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher for a total of $4200 per month per person (couples got $8400). Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021. So the whining that somehow no one has helped them or they were unable to pay is all hogwash.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, BTW they are also giving parents, for each school aged child, $365 per month in p-ebt no matter their income. Yes, they can also get regular food stamps at up to 200% of the poverty rate of $235 per person. No, pandemic bonus for unemployment isn't counted in that income calculation so an unemployed family of four currently gets $6000 a month cash, plus $940 in regular ebt (food stamps) plus another $730 in p-ebt for a total of $6000 cash and $1670 to spend on food including hot food at restaurants which take ebt.

That doesn't count any other welfare goodies like section 8, or wic, or free lunches at school, or free medicaid, or free molina (dental insurance), or grants for children's sports, or utility payment assistance (which also includes cable TV, internet, cellphone bills, gas and electric, and water), and God knows what else.

But Lotusbud says they haven't been given enough free shit. She is out of her mind and clueless. They get more than most honest people who actually worm.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?

You normally only get 24 weeks here but they have had unlimited extensions since March of 2020. This will continue until at least September of 2021 and may go longer if Dems keep extending it. That is 19 month at a minimum.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.

Compared to 3rd world poverty, American poverty is luxury.

And I'm not diminishing poverty here. I'm just stating a fact.

America has a lot of shallow vanity and too many who want to look a certain way. So they waste a lot of money doing so. I live below my means, I buy in bulk, and I use as much reusable things as I can. That's mostly because I'm a low waste person and it's a lifestyle choice.

It's really nice to cut out monthly purchases like paper towel and feminine products. I'm shocked at how much that is a year. I save a lot on that alone.

But I do have my things I like to splurge on.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.

People who live on $800 a month don't pay 2000 bucks and more a month for a shitty apartment, you hack. Don't lecture me about how people live in other countries. And don't give me that shit about the unemployment. Only a very few people have collected all of the benefits you describe (I know. I still have people in the US you dolt. Plenty of people have not received those payouts at all.) And even for those who have collected them, there is a sunset on it. The US economy is going to be in shambles in another year, nad it's not becuse working people got to collect unemployment for awhile.

There are plenty of people who work and don't get any subsidies, yet live hand to mouth. You can be poor AND work AND not borrow for anything other than necessities (like a car to get to work in). Sure, some people borrow too much, but many more people just make shit wages. Don't make excuses for not giving people raises to keep up with inflation for thirty fucking years. You are using extreme cases as your examples, as America-hating cons are wont to do. Traitor.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?

You normally only get 24 weeks here but they have had unlimited extensions since March of 2020. This will continue until at least September of 2021 and may go longer if Dems keep extending it. That is 19 month at a minimum.

Why do you give a shit? People are able to pay their rent because of it. Shouldn't you be glad about that? Or do you just fucking hate it when poor people get a break for a change?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.

People who live on $800 a month don't pay 2000 bucks and more a month for a shitty apartment, you hack. Don't lecture me about how people live in other countries. And don't give me that shit about the unemployment. Only a very few people have collected all of the benefits you describe (I know. I still have people in the US you dolt. Plenty of people have not received those payouts at all.) And even for those who have collected them, there is a sunset on it. The US economy is going to be in shambles in another year, nad it's not becuse working people got to collect unemployment for awhile.

There are plenty of people who work and don't get any subsidies, yet live hand to mouth. You can be poor AND work AND not borrow for anything other than necessities (like a car to get to work in). Sure, some people borrow too much, but many more people just make shit wages. Don't make excuses for not giving people raises to keep up with inflation for thirty fucking years. You are using extreme cases as your examples, as America-hating cons are wont to do. Traitor.

Omg Lotus you need to read what people are saying.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I am hoping when the dead beats get kicked out I might be able to pick up a unit or two.

Of course you are. And you'll charge the highest rent you can squeeze out of people, and then you'll bitch and moan about California, the state that allows you to take your renters to the cleaners.

I charge market rate and if you communists want lower rent then maybe you should stop blocking all new housing construction so that supply can catch up with demand.

In California, Market rate = the highest rent you can squeeze out of people. Like I said.

It's not supply and demand. It's speculators, flippers, foreign investors, etc, driving up prices, and landlords taking advantage of all the speculation. There's going to be a crash like no one has ever seen before as a result of all this bullshit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I am hoping when the dead beats get kicked out I might be able to pick up a unit or two.

Of course you are. And you'll charge the highest rent you can squeeze out of people, and then you'll bitch and moan about California, the state that allows you to take your renters to the cleaners.

I charge market rate and if you communists want lower rent then maybe you should stop blocking all new housing construction so that supply can catch up with demand.

In California, Market rate = the highest rent you can squeeze out of people. Like I said.

It's not supply and demand. It's speculators, flippers, foreign investors, etc, driving up prices, and landlords taking advantage of all the speculation. There's going to be a crash like no one has ever seen before as a result of all this bullshit.

Maybe CA needs a better government.

Didnt tiny homes that were intended for people in need if affordable housing get hit with a shit ton of regulations?

I'm in a mobile home renovation group and there are some people in CA who bought their messed up old mobile home for like.....the cost of a stick built house. I'm talking over 100k for a tin can to fix up.

That's insane to me.

You have to expect that people will take advantage of things.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.

People who live on $800 a month don't pay 2000 bucks and more a month for a shitty apartment, you hack. Don't lecture me about how people live in other countries. And don't give me that shit about the unemployment. Only a very few people have collected all of the benefits you describe (I know. I still have people in the US you dolt. Plenty of people have not received those payouts at all.) And even for those who have collected them, there is a sunset on it. The US economy is going to be in shambles in another year, nad it's not becuse working people got to collect unemployment for awhile.

There are plenty of people who work and don't get any subsidies, yet live hand to mouth. You can be poor AND work AND not borrow for anything other than necessities (like a car to get to work in). Sure, some people borrow too much, but many more people just make shit wages. Don't make excuses for not giving people raises to keep up with inflation for thirty fucking years. You are using extreme cases as your examples, as America-hating cons are wont to do. Traitor.

Omg Lotus you need to read what people are saying.

She never does. That is what makes her posts so worthless. She doesn't read anything then responds to what she thinks they might of said or what she wishes they said or wrongly imagines they said. She never responds to what they actually said. She is just lazy and dishonest like that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.

People who live on $800 a month don't pay 2000 bucks and more a month for a shitty apartment, you hack. Don't lecture me about how people live in other countries. And don't give me that shit about the unemployment. Only a very few people have collected all of the benefits you describe (I know. I still have people in the US you dolt. Plenty of people have not received those payouts at all.) And even for those who have collected them, there is a sunset on it. The US economy is going to be in shambles in another year, nad it's not becuse working people got to collect unemployment for awhile.

There are plenty of people who work and don't get any subsidies, yet live hand to mouth. You can be poor AND work AND not borrow for anything other than necessities (like a car to get to work in). Sure, some people borrow too much, but many more people just make shit wages. Don't make excuses for not giving people raises to keep up with inflation for thirty fucking years. You are using extreme cases as your examples, as America-hating cons are wont to do. Traitor.

Omg Lotus you need to read what people are saying.

She never does. That is what makes her posts so worthless. She doesn't read anything then responds to what she thinks they might of said or what she wishes they said or wrongly imagines they said. She never responds to what they actually said. She is just lazy and dishonest like that.

I know. It's crazy frustrating.

Especailly when she starts calling your posts hysterical or stupid and shes not even taking the time to understand where anyone else is coming.

I wish better conversations could be had. But you cant do that with people who come in already pitting you as an enemy who already WANT to think the worst of you.

And if DO get them talking and you make a point about something or you question what they are saying, they get pissed off.

And these are the people who freak out over "democracy dying". Like no fucking shit democracy dies when you start shouting down, demonizing and attacking all who have different and strong opinions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Nope, just unemployment in California. In Massachusetts it is $3200 per month per person. Oh, and let us not forget they got six months, half a year $1200 per month even higher. Many people have been sitting on that with endless extensions since March, 2020. It is now June, 2021 and won't end up til September 2021.

Is it any wonder companies can't find low end workers? They are getting paid more to not work then they are worth actually working at fair market value.

I used to sleep with Big regularly and I only received 22 weeks of unemployment.....but that had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was because I left my job and the reason made me able to collect(unsafe work environment due to harrassment). @LotusBud 1,004 ftw!

Do you think prog policies in CA could be the reason why you call America a "3rd world country"(Bigs penis)?
I said in 3rd world countries I have visited. Thailand, Mexico, Iraq, Jordan, most of Central America, etc... China I have not been to but many, many millions of people only make $800 (like in other developing countries) yet still manage to save by simply reusing everything and never spending cash unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
Yet in the US the "poor" use credit to buy new cars and fill their government subsidized apartments with loads of crap also bought on credit then why that they are broke. If they stopped borrowing and defaulting then they wouldn't be poor. Your average American could learn to live on a whole lot less but they'd have to learn about the difference between a need and a want which most people seem unable to do.

When you stop constantly paying most of your money to a bank to pay for things you really didn't need then you'd be amazed how much money you free up to invest. Yet half of Americans supposedly can't pay a $400 bill if they had to and less than 20% know how to write a family budget.

People who live on $800 a month don't pay 2000 bucks and more a month for a shitty apartment, you hack. Don't lecture me about how people live in other countries. And don't give me that shit about the unemployment. Only a very few people have collected all of the benefits you describe (I know. I still have people in the US you dolt. Plenty of people have not received those payouts at all.) And even for those who have collected them, there is a sunset on it. The US economy is going to be in shambles in another year, nad it's not becuse working people got to collect unemployment for awhile.

There are plenty of people who work and don't get any subsidies, yet live hand to mouth. You can be poor AND work AND not borrow for anything other than necessities (like a car to get to work in). Sure, some people borrow too much, but many more people just make shit wages. Don't make excuses for not giving people raises to keep up with inflation for thirty fucking years. You are using extreme cases as your examples, as America-hating cons are wont to do. Traitor.

Omg Lotus you need to read what people are saying.

She never does. That is what makes her posts so worthless. She doesn't read anything then responds to what she thinks they might of said or what she wishes they said or wrongly imagines they said. She never responds to what they actually said. She is just lazy and dishonest like that.

You're dissociating.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I can only wonder what living in Gods waiting room is like Stubby. No Biggie. Sedentary Dwarfs don’t live that long.
Are you not in your 90s? Seems a bit off dude...

I’d beat that child raping spaz to a pulp in less than 30 seconds
And then the oral sex?
No, I wont let you suck my cock after I kick his teeth in.

What a laugh. 8 Y Os kick your ass Stubby

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Again with the not reading?

Again with the getting busted, and in defense claiming I don't read?
again with the ignoring the fact that YOU sold property in california at what was then considered fair market value so who the fuck are you to talk about someone charging a rent that is roughly equal to what everyone else in the same area is charging for a similar type of property?