Prison sex victims


Factory Bastard
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Rape of inmates commonplace in prison system. A warden in California raped women at a prison called "The Rape Club".

Thank goodness the Senate investigative committee is run by the party in power. No recent investigations when the GOP was in power as far as I'm aware.

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the things you own end up owning you
Rape of inmates commonplace in prison system. A warden in California raped women at a prison called "The Rape Club".

Thank goodness the Senate investigative committee is run by the party in power. No investigations when the GOP was in power as far as I'm aware.

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Could you confess to me why crypto-cons curmudgeonly condone cruel non-consensual convict rape?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not saying all, but there is this thing called being nick bent, nick bent is when your only gay in prison, they have to have a relationship going on, maybe makes them feel less alone, I dunno, but they do come out and say they was abused in prison, bollocks they was up for it.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Rape of inmates commonplace in prison system. A warden in California raped women at a prison called "The Rape Club".

Thank goodness the Senate investigative committee is run by the party in power. No recent investigations when the GOP was in power as far as I'm aware.

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The point is there should NOT be males in female prison. Period. Not even dick having inmates.

Women are at a biological disadvantage and can end up pregnant or dead.

Yeah so glad the party in power who made the situation worse in finally caving to the pressure of human rights and feminists groups and investigating this or else you wouldnt give a fuck about it. Maybe they should be passing bills instead of "yeah yeah we will look into that. No really. We will iNvEsTigAte"

NORMAL people with empathy oppose the rape of abuse of women. YOU are cool to be quiet on it when it involved male inmates who say they are female.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Could you confess to me why crypto-cons curmudgeonly condone cruel non-consensual convict rape?

It's honestly disgusting and disturbing that issues like this are nothing but politcal and you guys dont even talk about it until you see what your shit party has to say.

This is what I mean when I say you've lost touch with humanity. You dont have a single fucking thought or stance of your own and you just mindlessly bark at anyone who isnt spewing the narrative you were given.

Are you sure it's just "cons" who have been opposing the male erasure of women? Are you just labeling everyone "cons" ?

Imagine being such a hate filled puppet that you spew bullshit at everyone who doesnt want biological males in sex segregated spaces.....including forcing women to share prison cells with males. Most of which are in prison for a sex offense.

It is fucking stunning that response to this is "OMG women get raped anyway"