SCOTUS is out of control


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Trump fucked us up the ass with his SCOTUS choices.

That alone should disqualify him from ever being in the Oval office.

Chevron precedent overturned - limiting power of federal agencies to approve regulation...kiss our environment goodbye, bringing 3rd world environments back

Limiting obstruction laws against treasonous bastards from January 6th

Allowing cities to ban homeless "encampments"/aka "homelessness"...yeah, go ahead fine people that are poor and cannot afford homes. Conditions, the wealthy and corporations, and NIMBY libs create to begin...

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Trump fucked us up the ass with his SCOTUS choices.

That alone should disqualify him from ever being in the Oval office.

Chevron precedent overturned - limiting power of federal agencies to approve regulation...kiss our environment goodbye, bringing 3rd world environments back

Limiting obstruction laws against treasonous bastards from January 6th

Allowing cities to ban homeless "encampments"/aka "homelessness"...yeah, go ahead fine people that are poor and cannot afford homes. Conditions, the wealthy and corporations, and NIMBY libs create to begin...

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Factory Bastard
Funny, but I feel like most Americans are sleep walking to the end of democracy. The only comfort I have is that there will be a backlash, a huge one. I may not live to see it though.
Sometimes backlashes take about a decade to happen. Look at recent history. As late as the mid-90s it was still acceptable in some places to make fun of gays and by the 2010s gay marriage was legal.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
Sometimes backlashes take about a decade to happen. Look at recent history. As late as the mid-90s it was still acceptable in some places to make fun of gays and by the 2010s gay marriage was legal.

You're right. My concern is that several of of the "justices" are relatively young and the courts are fairly slow.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Factory Bastard
Yes, but people's lives are impacted almost immediately.

Look at infant mortality in Texas, it's gone up since Roe was overturned. This isn't a game.
If I can wave a magic wand and turn things for the better, I wouldn't hesitate, but events are beyond anyone's control.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I hear this song in the background of that post


Imagine if rather than the goverment creating regulations that hurt the economy and cause food and energy shortages for millions......they let the market create the environment for a healthy society.......

Are you that weak minded that you cant choose to do business with companies that share your values, and let others suffer? The answer is yes, because you, and the kind like you are weak and expect once again for the government to do the thinking for you.......

They're not even elected so you didnt even get to choose who does your thinking for you.

And.......according to information provided in other're also fat


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you

Imagine if rather than the goverment creating regulations that hurt the economy and cause food and energy shortages for millions......they let the market create the environment for a healthy society.......

Are you that weak minded that you cant choose to do business with companies that share your values, and let others suffer? The answer is yes, because you, and the kind like you are weak and expect once again for the government to do the thinking for you.......

They're not even elected so you didnt even get to choose who does your thinking for you.

And.......according to information provided in other're also fat
Besides being morbidly you're also a dumbfuck, so you have that going for you at least, which is nice.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Yes, but people's lives are impacted almost immediately.

Look at infant mortality in Texas, it's gone up since Roe was overturned. This isn't a game.
Those babies were going to die anyway Fat @Lily ............if what you say is true then the ones that had issues and would have been aborted.......just died net loss......simple math.

Now......imagine those that were spared......that someday will produce something of value to society.

And, did I mention........your fat........and sadly Assmin. Cant come up with a substantial insult.....just "fat" if I a guy thats 6' and 205#......LOL.

I can just imagine the stench near you.

Fat, and scared.......LOL


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
Those babies were going to die anyway Fat @Lily ............if what you say is true then the ones that had issues and would have been aborted.......just died net loss......simple math.

Now......imagine those that were spared......that someday will produce something of value to society.

And, did I mention........your fat........and sadly Assmin. Cant come up with a substantial insult.....just "fat" if I a guy thats 6' and 205#......LOL.

I can just imagine the stench near you.

Fat, and scared.......LOL


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Behind you
Those babies were going to die anyway Fat @Lily ............if what you say is true then the ones that had issues and would have been aborted.......just died net loss......simple math.

Now......imagine those that were spared......that someday will produce something of value to society.

And, did I mention........your fat........and sadly Assmin. Cant come up with a substantial insult.....just "fat" if I a guy thats 6' and 205#......LOL.

I can just imagine the stench near you.

Fat, and scared.......LOL
I heard that when she give birth to each of her kids they weighed 300lbs each. Damn gigantic burdens the world. Can imagine how big they are now? they eat 23 out of 24 hrs a day. 1 hour of non stop shitting. Disgusting subhumans and live actual caves...


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

Imagine if rather than the goverment creating regulations that hurt the economy and cause food and energy shortages for millions......they let the market create the environment for a healthy society.......

Are you that weak minded that you cant choose to do business with companies that share your values, and let others suffer? The answer is yes, because you, and the kind like you are weak and expect once again for the government to do the thinking for you.......

They're not even elected so you didnt even get to choose who does your thinking for you.

And.......according to information provided in other're also fat

What gets me is how they go on about "democracy" and then openly say they hope there will be backlash against everyone in the country who has opposing views to them.

They don't even understand the reasons why people disagree with them. Why they want less government.

Did the definition of "democracy" get changed? Because they are like "democracy!!! Let's terrorize and burn down communities until everyone is too afraid to oppose is as we force our ideas onto everyone!"

They really don't see how authoritarian they are.

America is a Republic....not a democracy. But even if it was a's only valid to them when it's their ideas. No one else gets a say. Just them.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
What gets me is how they go on about "democracy" and then openly say they hope there will be backlash against everyone in the country who has opposing views to them.

They don't even understand the reasons why people disagree with them. Why they want less government.

Did the definition of "democracy" get changed? Because they are like "democracy!!! Let's terrorize and burn down communities until everyone is too afraid to oppose is as we force our ideas onto everyone!"

They really don't see how authoritarian they are.

America is a Republic....not a democracy. But even if it was a's only valid to them when it's their ideas. No one else gets a say. Just them.
And you kind and gentle Americans want to have a civil war. GTFO of here you moron.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Behind you
And you kind and gentle Americans want to have a civil war. GTFO of here you moron.
Do you treat all women like this? asking for a friend. You come like that type if you and her were alone discussing this right now you beat her to a pulp because she doesn't share the same beliefs opinions as you. Have you always been a violent man? if so why? what is the roots of your deep seated hatred of women? did it start with your abusive mother? let us get an in depth interview with you. You would be a great case study for anyone that reads this and really respects women on every level unlike you women abuser. Go back to bed and stay there think about this and your life. Respect this and every woman or face karma's wrath


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
Do you treat all women like this? asking for a friend. You come like that type if you and her were alone discussing this right now you beat her to a pulp because she doesn't share the same beliefs opinions as you. Have you always been a violent man? if so why? what is the roots of your deep seated hatred of women? did it start with your abusive mother? let us get an in depth interview with you. You would be a great case study for anyone that reads this and really respects women on every level unlike you women abuser. Go back to bed and stay there think about this and your life. Respect this and every woman or face karma's wrath
Too morbidly obese, did not read.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
Trump fucked us up the ass with his SCOTUS choices.

That alone should disqualify him from ever being in the Oval office.

Chevron precedent overturned - limiting power of federal agencies to approve regulation...kiss our environment goodbye, bringing 3rd world environments back

Limiting obstruction laws against treasonous bastards from January 6th

Allowing cities to ban homeless "encampments"/aka "homelessness"...yeah, go ahead fine people that are poor and cannot afford homes. Conditions, the wealthy and corporations, and NIMBY libs create to begin...
This is exactly what the contards wanted. No meaningful regulation by competent and informed agencies/persons (the DEEEP STAAAATE). Prospective polluters must be pissing themselves with joy. Stupid shit like labeling laws, worker safety etc.....BYE.
Oh and this is what Mr Best Friend of the Environment ever president has wrought.

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Factory Bastard
sure hide behind emotes like so underage user would on a site like this
you've never had to face karma in your life.. if you did you would be dead.
Doesn't daily living involve facing karma? You cut someone off in traffic one day and the following day you get cut off. What goes around, comes around. Yin and yang.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
America is a Republic....not a democracy. But even if it was a democracy..
Look, stupid - it's a Democratic Republic (representative democracy). I know that's a hard concept for you. Just think of that old commercial..
. "Two, two, two mints in one"
Oh, and please stop parroting right wing radio. Maybe pick up a book and educate yourself so you won't seem so retarded.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
What gets me is how they go on about "democracy" and then openly say they hope there will be backlash against everyone in the country who has opposing views to them.

They don't even understand the reasons why people disagree with them. Why they want less government.

Did the definition of "democracy" get changed? Because they are like "democracy!!! Let's terrorize and burn down communities until everyone is too afraid to oppose is as we force our ideas onto everyone!"

They really don't see how authoritarian they are.

America is a Republic....not a democracy. But even if it was a's only valid to them when it's their ideas. No one else gets a say. Just them.

Political backlash, dumbass.

I am not talking about revenge or violence. I don't think that way. I believe in democracy and the rule of law, unlike unhinged assholes like you.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
Facing karma's wrath should be your title.

This is exactly what the contards wanted. No meaningful regulation by competent and informed agencies/persons (the DEEEP STAAAATE). Prospective polluters must be pissing themselves with joy. Stupid shit like labeling laws, worker safety etc.....BYE.
Oh and this is what Mr Best Friend of the Environment ever president has wrought.
Remember when urban rivers were free to enjoy as industrial waste disposal systems? That was great, especially when they'd catch on fire! LOL!