SCOTUS is out of control



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
To be honest, now that The American Bald Eagle has recovered form near extinction, I think we all realize they're essentially just flying rats like Seagulls a nuisance fuck em, break out the DDT now, for Patriotic farmers!

I am really happy now that the SCOTUS is making America great again by relegating women to second class status as citizens.

Who knew they were looking out for me like that?


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
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the things you own end up owning you
I am really happy now that the SCOTUS is making America great again by relegating women to second class status as citizens.

Who knew they were looking out for me like that?
Our Daughter's will soon no longer have to be burdened with making those tough decisions about their health and their bodily autonomy. #Blessed

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
To be honest, now that The American Bald Eagle has recovered form near extinction, I think we all realize they're essentially just flying rats like Seagulls a nuisance fuck em, break out the DDT now, for Patriotic farmers!
.. You know one was right over me today, sitting they crunching away on a fish. Sloppy eater, dropping bones everywhere making a racket while I was trying to enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility. Damn bird huggers. :Pissed5:

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
What gets me is how they go on about "democracy" and then openly say they hope there will be backlash against everyone in the country who has opposing views to them.

They don't even understand the reasons why people disagree with them. Why they want less government.

Did the definition of "democracy" get changed? Because they are like "democracy!!! Let's terrorize and burn down communities until everyone is too afraid to oppose is as we force our ideas onto everyone!"

They really don't see how authoritarian they are.

America is a Republic....not a democracy. But even if it was a's only valid to them when it's their ideas. No one else gets a say. Just them.
They will be the first to go......weak ones.......easy pickings, and they wont know what hit them because they think everything is OK........and some will be too fat to escape the Revolution....

One thing is for sure.......The Revolution will not be televised......



Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
They will be the first to go......weak ones.......easy pickings, and they wont know what hit them because they think everything is OK........and some will be too fat to escape the Revolution....

One thing is for sure.......The Revolution will not be televised......


Lasagna overdose on table #9

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I heard that when she give birth to each of her kids they weighed 300lbs each. Damn gigantic burdens the world. Can imagine how big they are now? they eat 23 out of 24 hrs a day. 1 hour of non stop shitting. Disgusting subhumans and live actual caves...
Like Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers movies?

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Why worry about it? The menfolk will make the best decisions for us!

You sound like a very desirable woman to be really sound likecevery bitter fat woman I have had the misfortune to meet

Fat......smelly.......blaming everyone and everything for their problems..........discusting


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
You sound like a very desirable woman to be really sound likecevery bitter fat woman I have had the misfortune to meet

Fat......smelly.......blaming everyone and everything for their problems..........discusting
Don't you have a luxury all you can eat weekend luxury cruise you are supposed to be on?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
.. You know one was right over me today, sitting they crunching away on a fish. Sloppy eater, dropping bones everywhere making a racket while I was trying to enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility. Damn bird huggers. :Pissed5:
I was playing along there, Oak. @Lily
. The fact though is that one did land not 30 ft from me and no more than 20 of those feet in the vertical.
. The Shad are dying off post spawn, and the Eagles are feasting.
Surely this one knew I was there. They see everything, but since I am known to the local wildlife, they are w/o fear of me....except the fish, and rightly so.
It really was something - I was able to watch at close hand as the Eagle consumed it's meal.
. Quite a treat for me.
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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Heres an article about an issue very local to us here in NJ.......

Now you say......."TAP this exactly proves the point of the bedwetters"

Well, not see this article dates back to 2009.......15 years ago and points out the natural recovery the Mighty Passaic has made......with practically no effort other than let it be, and stop shitting in fact, the fear is the EPA will make it worse.

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Here is the timeline of grift by lawyers, activists and bureaucrats........over 40 years worth.......

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While the EPA serves a purpose.......its history of overreach and bureacracy taints the organization.......and is the darling of non-profits engaging in another level of grift.

You bedwetters that believe the country will revert back to a era of environmental ignorance once again display your mental deficiency and weakness bourne by by fear......yes fear and mental weakness.

What might be the argument otherwise?..... use your brains and think clearly for a change.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I was playing along there, Oak. @Lily
. The fact though is that one did land not 30 ft from me and no more than 20 of those feet in the vertical.
. The Shad are dying off post spawn, and the Eagles are feasting.
Surely this one knew I was there. They see everything, but since I am known to the local wildlife, they are w/o fear of me....except the fish, and rightly so.
It really was something - I was able to watch at close hand as the Eagle consumed it's meal.
. Quite a treat for me.
The Passaic has made an incredible comeback practically due to natural forces with the return og Eagles as will

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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
bringing 3rd world environments back
Whats wrong with third world environments.....created by third world people?

You sound just like Trump whom you dispise.....

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Remember?'re just like him.......except for being the only person to stand up for the citizens of the United States.

I like being a first world person now living in a country that learned the perils of literally shitting everywhere

We in the US learned to be better now....while the rest of the world .....not so much.....

Its nice to have some common ground .....even though our worldview and level of fear are so drastically different.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
Whats wrong with third world environments.....created by third world people?

You sound just like Trump whom you dispise.....

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Remember?'re just like him.......except for being the only person to stand up for the citizens of the United States.

I like being a first world person now living in a country that learned the perils of literally shitting everywhere

We in the US learned to be better now....while the rest of the world .....not so much.....

It’s nice to have some common ground .....even though our worldview and level of fear are so drastically different.
Are lasagnas in the room with you now?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
The Passaic has made an incredible comeback practically due to natural forces with the return og Eagles as will

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.. The river I was speaking of though was the lovely Lenapehanna throughout which the Eagles have made a remarkable comeback do to the horrible regulations set up and enforced by evil government (Deep State) agencies and citizen actions which cleaned up and have preserved the water quality and health of surrounding lands and air.
. The Passaic runs through the formerly industrial towns of Passaic and Paterson and was once among the most polluted rivers in the country. The stretches to the northwest were less effected. I grew up near there but never fished it. My father's factory was along it's banks in Passaic. Tesla's first turbine hydro plant was at the falls in Paterson and it was also there that Alexander Hamilton's submarine was first tested. A lot of history there. Today those are two very disreputable towns as they have been for many years.
.. One of the ironies, the upside-downedness in US politics that I observe is that it's the city dwelling liberal people who champion environmental issues, while the country-folk who depend upon the land and water etc, and who are politically and socially more conservative, vilify those efforts when they are those most immediately effected by environmental degradation. How stupid they are, but then stupid is right there in the definition of conservative.
. When I was a young boy, growing up in a little town in NJ, there was a small pond adjacent to a schoolmate's family farm. That farm, as well as many others have been replaced by houses and shopping malls of course, but that little pond was for me and a friend a paradise. Frogs, icky leaches, little fishes. One day we went there and someone had dumped 50 gallon drums of waste into it. Every living thing had died. I have not and never will forget that day...the devastation we felt at the destruction of such a wonderous place.
.. That, is what Trump and deregulation conservatives want to bring back - wholesale destruction by waste dumping. THAT is part of what they mean by making America great again.
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Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I was pouring my used motor oil out in the street, when the HOA manager came by and started to tell me to stop. When I informed him that Chief Justice John Roberts said I could, he sure dropped the attitude!

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
turbine hydro plant was at the falls in Paterson and it was also there that Alexander Hamilton's submarine was first tested
John Irish immigrant...... There is an early model of his sub in the Paterson Museum.

Hamilton did identify the falls at the end of the stretch leading into Paterson as the potential energy needed for industry.

The Hydro plant is in operation of O recall.

Silk was king, and the dies wreaked havoc on the River.

In polluter did 80% of the polluting.......making Agent Orange for the military

Do you really think Trumps objective is to pollute? Those activities went on during Roosevelt, Kennedy's and Johnson's Administration......What part of the country will suffer under Trump?

The ruling said Congress makes the rules.....not Bureucrats......nor wisely.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
One day we went there and someone had dumped 50 gallon drums of waste into it. Every living thing had died.

No doubt that you really believe corporations will go back to these practices knowing all the ESG policies by major corporations? Ford did it in Mahwah up to the 70' you believe they would do that in 2024?

Vote with your wallet......thats the best force available.......corporations will tie shit up for years in court........the bottom line though........that will get their attention.!

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
No doubt that you really believe corporations will go back to these practices knowing all the ESG policies by major corporations? Ford did it in Mahwah up to the 70' you believe they would do that in 2024?
.. I worked in manufacturing for 40 years. That included as environmental regulation officer. Large international companies and smaller local ones. When it comes to regulations/laws governing respect for workers and environment/outside community, manufacturers do what they are required by law and no more...often less if they can get away with it. They do what is expedient and makes them more profitable. Nothing makes me more incredulous than the Libertardian notion (of course they actually know better) that companies will do what is right and what puts them in a favorable light with the consumer. You know why these laws and practices were mandated(?) Because no one did what was right, and only cared about stuffing money in their pockets. Environmental compliance and worker safety cost money. I doubt that tomorrow we will begin to see waste drums along the road side, but there will be drift in the direction of what was, and a lack of progress in a better direction.
...and the kaaahRazy idea that private individuals will have recourse in the courts when companies do them damage is a silly as things get. You know, yes, Mary Jones is going to outlast a mega corporation, their capital, and their lawyers and win the day. Yuk yuk, pal.

Some may like anarchy...I'm not a fan. I favor a short legal leash on any activity and entity driven solely by greed.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
.. I worked in manufacturing for 40 years. That included as environmental regulation officer. Large international companies and smaller local ones. When it comes to regulations/laws governing respect for workers and environment/outside community, manufacturers do what they are required by law and no more...often less if they can get away with it. They do what is expedient and makes them more profitable. Nothing makes me more incredulous than the Libertardian notion (of course they actually know better) that companies will do what is right and what puts them in a favorable light with the consumer. You know why these laws and practices were mandated(?) Because no one did what was right, and only cared about stuffing money in their pockets. Environmental compliance and worker safety cost money. I doubt that tomorrow we will begin to see waste drums along the road side, but there will be drift in the direction of what was, and a lack of progress in a better direction.
...and the kaaahRazy idea that private individuals will have recourse in the courts when companies do them damage is a silly as things get. You know, yes, Mary Jones is going to outlast a mega corporation, their capital, and their lawyers and win the day. Yuk yuk, pal.

Some may like anarchy...I'm not a fan. I favor a short legal leash on any activity and entity driven solely by greed.

My bestie is a regulatory compliance officer for a manufacturing company that makes dental devices, implants, crown, etcs.

He says his employer has lied, cheated and done the wrong thing every chance they get. He can't wait to leave that place.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
My bestie is a regulatory compliance officer for a manufacturing company that makes dental devices, implants, crown, etcs.

He says his employer has lied, cheated and done the wrong thing every chance they get. He can't wait to leave that place.
I get that, but if he has the strength and since he is a person of is where he is most needed.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I get that, but if he has the strength and since he is a person of is where he is most needed.

They won't change. He's seen nothing but fraud in all his years of compliance. He's getting out as soon as he can.

He has also been a whistleblower and they destroyed his career at the time.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That, is what Trump and deregulation conservatives want to bring back - wholesale destruction by waste dumping. THAT is part of what they mean by making America great again.
I think it's already happening in your country @The New Holliday & @Lily

Project 2025 is already underway in America.

The stooges Trump appointed to the USSC voted to overturn a Chevron Doctrine stripping the Environmental Protection Agency in your country of most of its powers:

I'm not sure why Americans (and Canadians too) are so brain-dead to allow corporations to always walk over us. Meanwhile in Europe the EU actually goes after & punishes them financially for transgressions they easily get away with in North America. eg Apple, Microsoft, Google and others.

No wonder the NeoCons in America frequently talk about destroying 'Old Europe'. Because they don't want opposition from anywhere to their Corporatist Agenda.