SCOTUS is out of control


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
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the things you own end up owning you
I think it's already happening in your country @The New Holliday & @Lily

Project 2025 is already underway in America.

The stooges Trump appointed to the USSC voted to overturn a Chevron Doctrine stripping the Environmental Protection Agency in your country of most of its powers:

I'm not sure why Americans (and Canadians too) are so brain-dead to allow corporations to always walk over us. Meanwhile in Europe the EU actually goes after & punishes them financially for transgressions they easily get away with in North America. eg Apple, Microsoft, Google and others.

No wonder the NeoCons in America frequently talk about destroying 'Old Europe'. Because they don't want opposition from anywhere to their Corporatist Agenda.

Because a slightly more liberal SCOTUS decided corporations are people, and people can give as much dark money in pac contributions as they want, thus buying politician's "access" laws and legislations and court decisions.


Who has more money to donate to pols sympathetic to your cause multinationals and billionaires and Big Religion, or working mom's and dads an darkies an fgts?
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
Silk was king, and the dies wreaked havoc on the River.
The Silk City it was named.
.My family, mother's side, were lace makers from Calais. That was how they came to settle in the area.
Fabrics etc were a regional industry.
. One day my sister and I were driving into NYC - there was a banner stretched over the highway (RT 3) just about entering the area of N. Bergan. It was an advertisement for some Embroidery Co and read to the effect
...something something have your stuff enbroidid. We roared - so classically NY/NJ.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The Silk City it was named.
.My family, mother's side, were lace makers from Calais. That was how they came to settle in the area.
Fabrics etc were a regional industry.
. One day my sister and I were driving into NYC - there was a banner stretched over the highway (RT 3) just about entering the area of N. Bergan. It was an advertisement for some Embroidery Co and read to the effect
...something something have your stuff enbroidid. We roared - so classically NY/NJ.
I remember that sign.....and the Silk City nickname.......grew up next to Paterson

Sad what ir is now.

Back in the 70s and early 80s there would be one or two big mill fires per year. The Colt factory is at the outlet of the Great Falls

Fun fact. The Great Falls are second only to Niagra Falls east of the Mississippi.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
I remember that sign.....and the Silk City nickname.......grew up next to Paterson

Sad what ir is now.

Back in the 70s and early 80s there would be one or two big mill fires per year. The Colt factory is at the outlet of the Great Falls

Fun fact. The Great Falls are second only to Niagra Falls east of the Mississippi.
. I was wondering if you might have seen that sign yourself since you seemed to have more than a casual knowledge of the area. What town you from? I lived in Clifton, Passaic Park later (also Lyndhurst, Carlstadt, and North Bergen), but grew up in Wayne. Worked in Elmwood Park as well as Paterson.
. Yes, those towns (Paterson and Passaic) were bustling hubs of commerce at one time and it is sad what they have become.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Funny, but I feel like most Americans are sleep walking to the end of democracy. The only comfort I have is that there will be a backlash, a huge one. I may not live to see it though.
Unfortunately @Lily I think you will be alive when there is a backlash. The pushers of this agenda know it too. But they will push the envelope as far as they can to see how much they can get away with and take from you. So if society explodes and theres a meltdown these elites will see it as a gain if the main parts of their agends get implemented. Itll be like 911 all over again. What that W Bush administration did was screw you over by hijacking democracy & introducing a fascist agends. They knew their agenda was too extreme and it wouldnt all get implemented at once. So theyd just wait for a future administration /president just as or more extreme to continue it for them.

Yeah I see a social meltdown coming in America and I believe youll be alive to witness it.

The Roberts Court is not unlike the 1860 Taney Court that voted in favor of the dred Scott decision which led to the American Civil War.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Behind you
so americA will be made GREAT aGAIN? cool but I hope there is a big plot twist Bannon and he becomes Trump's right hand man and made Vice President. Always gotta have a curveball to throw people off more than they are

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
. I was wondering if you might have seen that sign yourself since you seemed to have more than a casual knowledge of the area. What town you from? I lived in Clifton, Passaic Park later (also Lyndhurst, Carlstadt, and North Bergen), but grew up in Wayne. Worked in Elmwood Park as well as Paterson.
. Yes, those towns (Paterson and Passaic) were bustling hubs of commerce at one time and it is sad what they have become.
I grew up in Prospect Park......nestled between Paterson, Hawthorne and Haledon........Worked in Elmwood Park myself and had people in Wayne

Question......Rutt's Hut or Hot Grill?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
I grew up in Prospect Park......nestled between Paterson, Hawthorne and Haledon........Worked in Elmwood Park myself and had people in Wayne

Question......Rutt's Hut or Hot Grill?
Hardee's, White Castle, Perkins I should think.
I mentioned, alluded to, a barmaid recently with the big wallies who made loads of dough - that was in a place in Hawthorne (home of Debbie Harry), I used to lunch at. Dated a very pretty Puerto Rican girl who lived in Haledon - Great lips. Long time gf also in Elmwood Park. Ever work at Marcal?

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Hardee's, White Castle, Perkins I should think.
I mentioned, alluded to, a barmaid recently with the big wallies who made loads of dough - that was in a place in Hawthorne (home of Debbie Harry), I used to lunch at. Dated a very pretty Puerto Rican girl who lived in Haledon - Great lips. Long time gf also in Elmwood Park. Ever work at Marcal?
Ahh question about Rutt's Hutt or Hot Grill you remember what type of food Im talking about? fierce a debate in Clifton and the area, as Taylors Ham or Pork Roll between No. and So. Jersey.

Shortways in Hawthorne?.......too many of my father's friends hung out there......he did not need to know my business.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
Ahh question about Rutt's Hutt or Hot Grill you remember what type of food Im talking about? fierce a debate in Clifton and the area, as Taylors Ham or Pork Roll between No. and So. Jersey.

Shortways in Hawthorne?.......too many of my father's friends hung out there......he did not need to know my business.
The name Rutt's Hutt rings a bell, the other not. Sorrows (teardropfromcornerofoneeye smiley).
. Had you been to Aldo's Hideaway? - Lyndhurst.
One day after I'd moved there, and discovered bike riding, I was out cruising around when I came across this burned down house/building. There, barely visible was still the sign Aldo's...
Me and pal's used to go there on w/ends. I had never known what town it was in.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Dont know that one.

Here's the deal on Rutt's Hutt and Hot Grill.........and the homophobes here will go mental.........Texas Wieners!........two places with enthusiasts for each.......deep fried Thumans hot dog, onions, mustard and a thin meat only sauce. A hot dog All-the-Way!

An article about the origin which notes the best ever in my opinion.....Libby's?

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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
Dont know that one.

Here's the deal on Rutt's Hutt and Hot Grill.........and the homophobes here will go mental.........Texas Wieners!........two places with enthusiasts for each.......deep fried Thumans hot dog, onions, mustard and a thin meat only sauce. A hot dog All-the-Way!

An article about the origin which notes the best ever in my opinion.....Libby's?

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Well, that explains thins (though McBride Ave is in memory). Meat places wouldn't have been on my menu having been a vegetarian for much of that time.