Shittiest Shit Poster Award


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predator, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to be able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know shit about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wouldnt think that dumb bitch would have enough money ITFP to run herself into bankruptcy more than once!

Y'all are going to run with this bullshit, hmm?

It isn't desperate at all. lolol
Well pig, I really DGAF if you have or havent but you tards were sure allTDS about a certain someones BUSINESS bankruptcies.

Then why are you posting about things you cannot possibly confirm since it never happened? You are desperate and it's not a good look.

As for the former occupant of the WH, he wanted to run the country like a business. When he filed for bankruptcy for his businesses 6x.

These aren't difficult concepts.
Lady, if it were biden, you'd be all "no problemo". Just look at you fuckstains ignore his kids bullshit.

Ever sit with your Priest, to explain your hate and anger.
Everyone knows I hate kweirdos and apologists like you. Simple, really.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wouldnt think that dumb bitch would have enough money ITFP to run herself into bankruptcy more than once!

Y'all are going to run with this bullshit, hmm?

It isn't desperate at all. lolol
Well pig, I really DGAF if you have or havent but you tards were sure allTDS about a certain someones BUSINESS bankruptcies.

Then why are you posting about things you cannot possibly confirm since it never happened? You are desperate and it's not a good look.

As for the former occupant of the WH, he wanted to run the country like a business. When he filed for bankruptcy for his businesses 6x.

These aren't difficult concepts.

Because YOU said it.

Do you have a brain injury?

I'm done with your troll. You're stupid.

Say and believe what you want. I don't have a kid that was removed from me. Take that bitch.

I'm not trolling and none of my children were "removed" from me.

But hey Oak? Maybe you should start hanging out at homeless encampments or going to rehabs. There are plenty of self loathing women who HAVE had children removed from them for you to shit on for your hourly dose of self esteem.

Might work out better for you there than on here with us, yeah?

How come you never talk about your son in that case?

So because I dont talk about my son on the forums (thank you again for showing no one should ever talk to you fucking people) that must mean he was REMOVED from me?

This is the part where Oak is bleeding so badly from her wounded ego that she starts doing what Murd does and grasping for real life shit to make her opponent back off.

Its that whole emotional blackmail thing I pointed out posts ago. It's a NPD favorite when they feel out of control and think they can shift focus to someone elses perceived short coming.

Pathetic, truly.

Feel free to blather about a little boy you dont know, a situation I didnt even share with you myself, that I have not discussed on the internet.

It is not going to be discussed.....but what will be discussed is your mental and emotional disfunction that causes you to act like such a cretin. So if you wanna go there, go on. Just keep in mind which one of us cares about what strangers think....its ain't me, you petty ass narc.

I don't respect you as a woman or as a mother. It's not that easy having a child removed from a parent. You're the nightmare.

As bad as you say I am, all your psycho-babble, YOU had a child removed from your life.

I am the least of your worries.

It really should be obvious right that literally no one....including myself respects you.

So you are wasting words. No one cares. We dont.

Of you want to believe I had a "child removed" because it magically makes you feel better about your toxic and shit personality I'm not even interested in stopping you.

The important thing here is you have no integrity or proper boundaries and it's truly sad you chose to loss your shit on forums everyday rather than seeking the help you need.

Probably keeps you from emotionally and mentally abusing the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis though. So there is that.

I don't have integrity or boundaries?

You posted a picture of a young man with an erection on this forum. Did he consent?

An adult who knowingly sends a group of under age girls his erect penis?

I also sent it to police and the discord people.

Maybe you and Kevin can get in PMs and discuss ways you can fight for all these sex offenders who are getting treated poorly by peoples moms.

You already support these scum bag being forced on women in prison cells so just go all the way and he the voice of rapists. Go you!

We can bump that thread to review Murd drooling over it and watch her try to claim the texts were photochopped.....that's always funny lol

Yes. You have NO integrity and proper boundaries. None. If you did? This convo wouldnt be happening.

You are just disgusting. Truly.

You should have reported him and had him charged. That doesn't give you permission to post a picture without his consent. I'm not defending HIM. I'm calling out your lack of boundaries and integrity.
HOO LEE SHIT! What a fukin retard!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I wouldnt think that dumb bitch would have enough money ITFP to run herself into bankruptcy more than once!

Y'all are going to run with this bullshit, hmm?

It isn't desperate at all. lolol
Well pig, I really DGAF if you have or havent but you tards were sure allTDS about a certain someones BUSINESS bankruptcies.

Then why are you posting about things you cannot possibly confirm since it never happened? You are desperate and it's not a good look.

As for the former occupant of the WH, he wanted to run the country like a business. When he filed for bankruptcy for his businesses 6x.

These aren't difficult concepts.

Because YOU said it.

Do you have a brain injury?

I'm done with your troll. You're stupid.

Say and believe what you want. I don't have a kid that was removed from me. Take that bitch.

I'm not trolling and none of my children were "removed" from me.

But hey Oak? Maybe you should start hanging out at homeless encampments or going to rehabs. There are plenty of self loathing women who HAVE had children removed from them for you to shit on for your hourly dose of self esteem.

Might work out better for you there than on here with us, yeah?

How come you never talk about your son in that case?

So because I dont talk about my son on the forums (thank you again for showing no one should ever talk to you fucking people) that must mean he was REMOVED from me?

This is the part where Oak is bleeding so badly from her wounded ego that she starts doing what Murd does and grasping for real life shit to make her opponent back off.

Its that whole emotional blackmail thing I pointed out posts ago. It's a NPD favorite when they feel out of control and think they can shift focus to someone elses perceived short coming.

Pathetic, truly.

Feel free to blather about a little boy you dont know, a situation I didnt even share with you myself, that I have not discussed on the internet.

It is not going to be discussed.....but what will be discussed is your mental and emotional disfunction that causes you to act like such a cretin. So if you wanna go there, go on. Just keep in mind which one of us cares about what strangers think....its ain't me, you petty ass narc.

I don't respect you as a woman or as a mother. It's not that easy having a child removed from a parent. You're the nightmare.

As bad as you say I am, all your psycho-babble, YOU had a child removed from your life.

I am the least of your worries.

It really should be obvious right that literally no one....including myself respects you.

So you are wasting words. No one cares. We dont.

Of you want to believe I had a "child removed" because it magically makes you feel better about your toxic and shit personality I'm not even interested in stopping you.

The important thing here is you have no integrity or proper boundaries and it's truly sad you chose to loss your shit on forums everyday rather than seeking the help you need.

Probably keeps you from emotionally and mentally abusing the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis though. So there is that.

I don't have integrity or boundaries?

You posted a picture of a young man with an erection on this forum. Did he consent?

An adult who knowingly sends a group of under age girls his erect penis?

I also sent it to police and the discord people.

Maybe you and Kevin can get in PMs and discuss ways you can fight for all these sex offenders who are getting treated poorly by peoples moms.

You already support these scum bag being forced on women in prison cells so just go all the way and he the voice of rapists. Go you!

We can bump that thread to review Murd drooling over it and watch her try to claim the texts were photochopped.....that's always funny lol

Yes. You have NO integrity and proper boundaries. None. If you did? This convo wouldnt be happening.

You are just disgusting. Truly.

You should have reported him and had him charged. That doesn't give you permission to post a picture without his consent. I'm not defending HIM. I'm calling out your lack of boundaries and integrity.
HOO LEE SHIT! What a fukin retard!

Oak...a peice of shit who doesnt blame predators for predatory behaviour but rather blames the victim and/or their family. People like this are literally the reason girls are AFRAID to tell someone. Because their EGO and trying to feel superior to others is more important than anything.

This kind of shit triggers the shit out of me because when I was attacked at 15 I DID blame myself for YEARS. I suffered in silence for YEARS. I felt like it was MY fault and that I didnt deserve any help or to talk about it because I never should have gone with those men to begin with.

Let's give a big thanks to the shitlib fake feminists who make life easier for predators and harder for rape victims. Oak only cares if it helps slam Republicans.....outside of its everyone elses fault but the rapist. They are just a fact of life. Its WOMEN and GIRLS who are to blame.

This November OAK will be voting PRO PREDATOR. And viscuously attacking anyone who opposes her PRO PREDATOR voting habits.


Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predatory, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to he able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.

This is why we don't need "flame" matches!

Fukkin content bitches!


Site Supporter
the short dumb and ugly :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

Thanks for the heads up Dovey. It allowed me to switch to skim mode whereby I got the salient points without having my eyes bleed.

Obviously I'm in total agreement with the public execution of sexual deviants but it reminded me of a choice I had to make at work recently regarding HR decisions as I was interviewing prospects for a newly created management position.

I didn't know which of a guy or a woman to promote and to assist had taped the interviews to discuss with my wife before i decided. The stumbling block was this part of the guy's interview which as he had more business experience I was willing to overlook as it just seemed like what a guy might say but my wife said it made him a predator. He was referring to his previous work experience at a sales company and he said:

“It's like with the girls locker room. You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the manager of the office. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,”

I thought he was just being one of the boys and should get the job (which would give him widespread powers) but my wife said it made him a potential molester.

What do you think?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

Thanks for the heads up Dovey. It allowed me to switch to skim mode whereby I got the salient points without having my eyes bleed.

Obviously I'm in total agreement with the public execution of sexual deviants but it reminded me of a choice I had to make at work recently regarding HR decisions as I was interviewing prospects for a newly created management position.

I didn't know which of a guy or a woman to promote and to assist had taped the interviews to discuss with my wife before i decided. The stumbling block was this part of the guy's interview which as he had more business experience I was willing to overlook as it just seemed like what a guy might say but my wife said it made him a predator. He was referring to his previous work experience at a sales company and he said:

“It's like with the girls locker room. You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the manager of the office. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,”

I thought he was just being one of the boys and should get the job (which would give him widespread powers) but my wife said it made him a potential molester.

What do you think?


He sees himself as above the boundary and is concerned about his excuses over the womens comfort.

What does that tell you?

His first concern should be making sure when he goes in there are no women or girls in there. That's respect.

Women dont need a man to come in and make sure they are doing alright in the damn locker room lol

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

Thanks for the heads up Dovey. It allowed me to switch to skim mode whereby I got the salient points without having my eyes bleed.

Obviously I'm in total agreement with the public execution of sexual deviants but it reminded me of a choice I had to make at work recently regarding HR decisions as I was interviewing prospects for a newly created management position.

I didn't know which of a guy or a woman to promote and to assist had taped the interviews to discuss with my wife before i decided. The stumbling block was this part of the guy's interview which as he had more business experience I was willing to overlook as it just seemed like what a guy might say but my wife said it made him a predator. He was referring to his previous work experience at a sales company and he said:

“It's like with the girls locker room. You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the manager of the office. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,”

I thought he was just being one of the boys and should get the job (which would give him widespread powers) but my wife said it made him a potential molester.

What do you think?


He sees himself as above the boundary and is concerned about his excuses over the womens comfort.

What does that tell you?

His first concern should be making sure when he goes in there are no women or girls in there. That's respect.

Women dont need a man to come in and make sure they are doing alright in the damn locker room lol

Really? I'd like to get a second or third opinion on that as It's a really responsible position and I need to get it right.

Check you PM in about 5.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

Thanks for the heads up Dovey. It allowed me to switch to skim mode whereby I got the salient points without having my eyes bleed.

Obviously I'm in total agreement with the public execution of sexual deviants but it reminded me of a choice I had to make at work recently regarding HR decisions as I was interviewing prospects for a newly created management position.

I didn't know which of a guy or a woman to promote and to assist had taped the interviews to discuss with my wife before i decided. The stumbling block was this part of the guy's interview which as he had more business experience I was willing to overlook as it just seemed like what a guy might say but my wife said it made him a predator. He was referring to his previous work experience at a sales company and he said:

“It's like with the girls locker room. You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the manager of the office. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,”

I thought he was just being one of the boys and should get the job (which would give him widespread powers) but my wife said it made him a potential molester.

What do you think?


He sees himself as above the boundary and is concerned about his excuses over the womens comfort.

What does that tell you?

His first concern should be making sure when he goes in there are no women or girls in there. That's respect.

Women dont need a man to come in and make sure they are doing alright in the damn locker room lol

Really? I'd like to get a second or third opinion on that as It's a really responsible position and I need to get it right.

Check you PM in about 5.

Oh yes.

He should be punched directly in the peen.

Let me know what you decide :D


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh yes.

He should be punched directly in the peen.

Let me know what you decide :D


I know youre talking about Trump :D

Yeah he should have been punched in the dick for that. But his policies are what we voted for.

Right now we have an actual finger rapist who removed sex based rights and protections from women and girls. So thanks to can come into any female space as long as they say they idenity as women.

I have my eye on DeSantis. He is the future of the MAGA movement if he wants it.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Fat lilly is the future of the mouth breather movement if she wants it


Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predator, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to be able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know shit about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.

She ran from this poast like it was Dr. Atkins himself...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predator, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to be able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know shit about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.

She ran from this poast like it was Dr. Atkins himself...

And even more civility.

I don't read her posts when they are longer than 2-3 sentences. She isn't that interesting to me.


The Goat
Site Supporter ☠️
We're in the soup now.
Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predator, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to be able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know shit about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.

She ran from this poast like it was Dr. Atkins himself...
So you've done the Weight Watcher's and Atkin's, Jenny Craig and paleo, low carbs, low fats etc and so on, have you ever thought about getting off your ass and movig around just a little bit everyday to start?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predator, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to be able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know shit about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.

She ran from this poast like it was Dr. Atkins himself...
So you've done the Weight Watcher's and Atkin's, Jenny Craig and paleo, low carbs, low fats etc and so on, have you ever thought about getting off your ass and movig around just a little bit everyday to start?

He's not fat. He's a mandilón.
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The Goat
Site Supporter ☠️
We're in the soup now.
Predators are a fact of life. It is a mother's job to protect her children. Posting on forums shouldn't take priority over that.

Seriously you should find an incel forum. You have many common beliefs as them.

They could use a progressive loud mouth to help lead the charge.

Go tell all the dumb little skanks it's their fault they were approached or raped because "predators are a fact of life"

I don't blame the girls. I blame parents, moms and dads when they fail to protect their kids. Kids should have firm established boundaries, that is what average parents do...provide parameters for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. There should be consequences when they fail to follow rules.

One of my kiddos, way back when there was myspace, broke our agreement. I made the kid take down the account. It's as simple as that.

I couldn't change the world around me. But I could engineer the environment in my home.

****Scroll Bomb Bitch out alert!! Sum Dove style rant*****I fucking hate victim blamers so I'm slightly triggered AF*****Read on if find Oak disgusting****TLDR at the end*****

No, you DID blame the girls. You literally said "well why was she talking to older men?" as if it was HER fault for TALKING to someone.

Than you start with this "the mother failed to protect her" bullshit. Clearly you are delusional about the world around you. Than you had the vile audacity to wax sympathetic towards a PREDATOR because I posted his gross and unsolicited dick pic that HE HIMSELF inflicted on a group of 15 years. Cry a fucking river for a sex predator, you revolting fat ass pig.

I know a woman who is a very over protective parent. Her kids have no cell phones and they only have the tablet right at the table.

She PRIDES herself on "protecting" her daughters.

Her oldest daughter (friends with my daughter) has secret cell phones, secret socail media accounts, secret discord, secret tik tok. She talks to all kinds of people and its SCARY and the mother will not hear it. She refuses to believe her daughter would ever do these things. The girl even has a "secret" boyfriend who she has given secret oral sex to and this mother has yet to even have a sex talk with her kids because "shes 15...let her have her childhood". I know about this because she confides in my daughter and MY daughter confides in ME.

Since I have NOT rooted my self worth into how I LOOK as a still connected to reality and I know the technology age is going to introduce them to the internet and I have made sure they are PREPARED.

I have NO idea why you and your dumb ass new bff who you were slamming a year ago because she blasts private shit online (apparently that's cool if it's someone you dont like) have this insufferable delusion that this is some testimony of my failings as a mother or why any of that was even relevant to fuck all being discussed. Who the fuck knows what YOUR daughters HID from both of you. We know YOU dont. And dont kid yourself.

My daughter isnt damaged over some dumb dick. My daughters have always been monitored on the internet in ways appropriate for their ages. Absolutely NO ONE can monitor a teenager to the level where they cannot get away with things OR perfectly insulate them....not without stunting their growth. I do not create that environment where they feel they have to hide things. The goal is to raise ADULTS who make good decisions. Who can handle situations. In order to do that you HAVE to teach them about the world and prepare them for it. Show them you have trust and confidence in them.

So when schools are lockdown and all their learning is remote and your 15 year old daughter has a group of friends from school who formed a study group on discord and shes sitting on the COUCH (not because I require it, because she likes to be out with us) doing STUDY GROUP and some pervert gets into their server and starts messaging the girls and sends dick pics....she knows to immediately screen shot, get her parents, report into police and the discord people.

And that is EXACTLY what she did. We KNOW we taught her well because that was tested and she did the RIGHT thing. Like you said....predators are a fact of life, and I want my daughters to be able to navigate the world as smart and safely as possible. We have "engineered" our home to raise STRONG and SMART and PREPARED bad ass women.

There is literally NOTHING wrong here EXCEPT the fact that grown men will descend on young girls online. Hence why we have a protocol for when of these slimey fucks gets around safe guards and goes full moid on a group of girls. And you gross and shitty twunts literally think I should be shamed or feel low because I succesfully taught my teenage daughters internet safety and what to do if they run into this shit? Please fuck off. You are GROSS. How desperate do you need to be to pull that shit?

Trusting people like YOU is the mistake I made.

So a year later when you mindless and ignorant bitch bags couldnt deal with politcal disagreements, YOU decide that dragging in this topic....dragging something that happened with my daughter to attack me personally ....was a good way to deal with your injured egos.

Bringing that to a board is disgusting. Had I wanted to discuss it here I would have discussed it here on my OWN. It's not something I'm AGAINST talking about. Im more then willing to openly discuss it. It's the fact that it was MY business to tell, NOT yours. And not Murds. And it was brought up in a weaponized manner. Because you bitches NEED the hateful drama to distract from your politcal ignorance.

If you cant stick to the actual topics being discussed because you are too fucking stupid or low info......just leave the convo. You dont start blathering about peoples families and second hand judging shit you dont even know shit about that you were not around for just because you took a cunt punt to your ego and you need a way to degrade your opponent. Its pathetic. It does not work. GROW UP.

And dont think people dont see right through that shit because we ALL do. The ONLY "back up" you attract is other scheming scum bags with equally low levels of intelligence and integrity. Like fuckhead Flynn who you delusionally view as a "bear".

You literally support allowing predators and perverts to come right in the bathrooms and locker rooms and domestic violence shelters and prison cells with women and you probably blame the women and girls who get assaulted or raped by these fucks.

"Well you shouldnt have been in prison" or "if you didnt make bad choices in wouldnt need the domestic violence shelter" or "well you were in public bathroom. Sex predators are a fact of life"

You seriously disgust me. I cannot stand people like you. You are toxic emotional vampires who suck all the good nature out of others with your constant dramas and ridiculous need for control and validation. Do not ever even approach me with apologies or ever think we are gonna "bury the hatchet". Anything you little sleazey shit bags send me will be posted and the following mewling will be ignored or mocked.

I am a VERY soft hearted, warm and forgiving person but that's been worn out with the three of you. All you slimeballs bring to the table is drama, toxicity, hatefulness and division. You boss people around, you have tantrums, you are a complete fucking hypocrite and the sanctimony is laughable. Do NOT fucking turn to ME and try to play nice ever again. You are on your own when the drama piles up on you here and you lack the sense to log off and go meditate.

I dont ever wanna hear about your hurt feelings, your irrational fear of complete HARMLESS posters like Deport while you buddy up with actual problem posters, or how you think a forum should be ran.

Using my family to attack me as a person on a public forum with info that was given in confidence is just NOT redeemable. You are no different from that sleaze bag Kevin. The 3 of you SUCK. Just nasty, hateful, vengeful pits of toxic flubber. Cuz all 3 of you are fat as fuck and unhealthy on every level. You are all HIPPOcrites.

Maybe one day you'll chose to be a better person. For the sake of YOUR family. You know....those people in your life you like to use as props to flex your self perceived "superiority" over other mothers who dont suck your asshole? Humility is a valuable parenting tool. And you have NONE. I bet there is a whole heap of shit your kids never even told you because they were afraid of your response. God forbid they make you feel like your parenting might LOOK less than perfect and oh so better than other womens parenting. Sadly for narcissistic cunts like you, REAL life is sometimes MESSY and the strong know.

But hey fuck all that what makes motherhood so rewarding if not for socail validation, amirite?!

****End Rant***

TL;DR....all the reasons why Oak will never be able to hurt my feels.

She ran from this poast like it was Dr. Atkins himself...
So you've done the Weight Watcher's and Atkin's, Jenny Craig and paleo, low carbs, low fats etc and so on, have you ever thought about getting off your ass and movig around just a little bit everyday to start?

He's not fat. He's a mandilon.
Is that Arabic for “A Chubby Little Schlub?”