So who has cancer?


Rest In Peace Boyd
Factory Bastard
Bayou counrty
This can be an elite thread, for those of us unlucky enough to be tasked with this 'lil bump in the road.
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too lazy to 'splain it again.

Not a whining thread. just a call to other fuckers out there... I'm gaining some experience with it. With any luck at all, I'll be the only one here rocking out with this shit. I won't be going out easy... bring on the poison.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
I’ve never had Cancer but watched my stepfather go through multiple surgeries and treatments just to lose the battle anyway. It started in his throat and moved to his lungs. He passed on my 28th birthday. I was thankful it was finally over for him.


Rest In Peace Boyd
Factory Bastard
Bayou counrty
Treatment today is WAY better than even just 10 years ago. Other than a mild chemo hangover - I feel fine as frog hair!

INteresting fact - they are no longer allowed to tell you "You have only 6 months to live." Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
My stepdad was able to keep working during chemo after his surgery to remove his voice box. Probably was used to going to work with hangovers from drinking so maybe that’s how he managed. He kept partying and working until he couldn’t no more. I dunno how much detail you want or what you’re looking to get out of this thread. Yeah 12 years ago they were still permitted to give you a life expectancy. Might still be permitted here. Hopefully I never need to find out. Just tell me to butt out though if you don’t want to hear anymore out of me.


Put your glasses on!
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INteresting fact - they are no longer allowed to tell you "You have only 6 months to live." Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that.

That is interesting, and they told my wife 6 months without chemo. She did chemo, and lasted a shitty 9 months.


Put your glasses on!
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Maybe they didnt want to tell you in case you went postal in a "fuck it" craze :Grin3:


Rest In Peace Boyd
Factory Bastard
Bayou counrty
I'm sure they have some liability/sociological/bullshit reason for saying that. I'm thinking it was because I still had a fair chance by trying chemo. I'm betting when someone's so bad chemo wouldn't help is when they tell you that.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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I already wish you good luck and will say hope for the best and be ready(have all your personal shit in order) for the worse.
I beat skin cancer 23 years ago and now have prostate cancer and refuse treatment and keeping a eye on my PSA and last check was 3.8.
My wife had cancer and watch her go thru hell and in the end for nothing,when it's your time it's your time !
Anyways my last blood test- - - - - -
Recent Lab Results

Message body:
Dear Mr. XXXXX

Thank you for coming in to get your lab tests done. My name is Dr. Derek XXXX and I am a Diabetes Care Manager on your Diabetes Care Team. I am primarily responsible for your diabetes care. I work closely with your primary doctor, XXXX XXXXX MD.

Your A1c continues to be at your healthy goal of less than 8%! Feel free to schedule your yearly physical with your primary doctor at your earliest convenience this year.

HGBA1C % 5.1 01/04/2019

Keep up the good work!

PS- Since I lost 65 lbs feel much better and off of my meds except for the Duloxetine which is for depression.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Been clear for 22 years, I know there ain’t no god to thank, I was just lucky I suppose.
So what kind of cancer did you have? Let me guess,brain cancer and they cut most of it away- - - - - - - -!


Put your glasses on!
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I'm sure they have some liability/sociological/bullshit reason for saying that. I'm thinking it was because I still had a fair chance by trying chemo. I'm betting when someone's so bad chemo wouldn't help is when they tell you that.

Wife had brain cancer, chemo couldnt get past the blood/brain barrier. She suffered the whole time, and I tried to tell her to enjoy her sunny days she had left instead of chemo, but she felt she had to try.


Put your glasses on!
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Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most advanced form of the disease. In stage IV, the cancer has metastasized, or spread, beyond the lungs into other areas of the body. About 40 percent of NSCLC patients are diagnosed with lung cancer when they are in stage IV. The five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer is less than 10 percent.

TNM categories of stage IV

Stage IV lung cancer can be any T or N, meaning that the tumor can be any size and may or may not have grown into the nearby lymph nodes. The cancer can be categorized as either M1A or M1B. For M1A, any of the following will be true:

  • The cancer has spread to the other lung.
  • Cancer cells are located in the fluid surrounding the lungs (malignant pleural effusion).
  • Cancer cells are located in the fluid surrounding the heart (malignant pericardial effusion).

M1B stage IV lung cancer means that the cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes or to other organs such as the bones, liver, adrenal gland, kidneys or brain.

Damn dude. So has it spread to the nodes, organs and such yet?


Put your glasses on!
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Ah shit. I dont blame you on the 401k, "enjoy your sunny days" I would say, but hoping the chemo does good for you.


Rest In Peace Boyd
Factory Bastard
Bayou counrty
I sure don't feel fucked up. So far lung cancer (knock wood) hasn't been shit. Still smoking weed and vaping 12% nicotine juice. I go in for 6 hours of special poison tomorrow...


God's Holy Warrior
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After watching my dad go, I always said I'd do a few things I've always wanted to do if it happened to me. A few of those things would be likely to finish me off. Soft targets are for faggots. Not trying to encourage it or anything, and it's personal shit anyway, but I might feel differently if the day ever comes. Or I might do it anyway, before. Life is like a box of chocolates. Sorry for your troubles man, you seem like a good dude.