The Fivehead Falafel Favela Consortium need to learn how to construct a creative post of entertaining prose instead of no yuo's and endless "idiot/moron" regurgitations...
...and learn personal hygiene.
There's no doubt that the soiled mat Mumbai gang smell like old papadums, rodent urine, and cumin farts...
As opposed to your bastardized Hindi and Marathi? Might as well throw English in there as well.
I mean how many fucking posts does it take to butcher the Hindi language? How many times will you throw up some slop that reeks of some stupid Slum Dog Millionaire inspired prose?
You wanna talk about "old and stale?" Seamajor could fall asleep and bang his head on the keyboard and come up with better material than you. Hell, BEnzo's colostomy bag can post more creative content than you.