The cw_ Sudden Disappearance Mystery Thread, post 2nd or 3rd hand info and conspiracy theories, advice, thoughts, prayers, naughty pics here.


Beaner coffee farmer
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To be honest, I wouldn't care much if she had found someone else and was in some romantic getaway.

CW and I were flirting, we even considered the possibility of getting together one day, but nevertheless, we got to do something really special and nice, which I'll always remember. We went well beyond some sort of e-flirting and we changed someone's life for the better.

At this point, I just hope she's fine, I don't care what she's doing, as long as she's ok.


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To be honest, I wouldn't care much if she had found someone else and was in some romantic getaway.

CW and I were flirting, we even considered the possibility of getting together one day, but nevertheless, we got to do something really special and nice, which I'll always remember. We went well beyond some sort of e-flirting and we changed someone's life for the better.

At this point, I just hope she's fine, I don't care what she's doing, as long as she's ok.
So you wouldn’t mind if I gave her a call sometime?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The Attic
Dude, she's dead. Move on already. This is one very sad display. She is with her maker now fucking each other throughout the whole universe than he'll dump her right into Hell.

I mean she is married. Get over this. She is happy with her man and kids. Yes she has kids with him too. The older ones are from another man. The bitch got around. Like 7-8 marriages? something like that. Kids? adopted ones or her own ones? she has a baby compound in Chichen Itza. Go hunt down Flynn for an ol rump in the hay or two


Factory Bastard
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To be honest, I wouldn't care much if she had found someone else and was in some romantic getaway.

CW and I were flirting, we even considered the possibility of getting together one day, but nevertheless, we got to do something really special and nice, which I'll always remember. We went well beyond some sort of e-flirting and we changed someone's life for the better.

At this point, I just hope she's fine, I don't care what she's doing, as long as she's ok.
May I ask whose life you changed?

I hope she's okay, too.