The Dinky Dianna Tell-All Thread Extravaganza Extreme


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Heeeeey…don’t get angry with me! It was your husband that threw you under the bus , saying that you were a piss-poor drinker, and that it only took two to get you paralytic to the point of passing out. Hahahahahaaa

Yeah, because I'm not an alcoholic. That's his point, it doesn't take much drink for me to feel tipsy. If I were an alcoholic, I could drink like you. You need AA


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Yeah, because I'm not an alcoholic. That's his point, it doesn't take much drink for me to feel tipsy. If I were an alcoholic, I could drink like you. You need AA
You said you were a teetotaller…another lie. And I choose to drink on the weekend if the surf is up to shit. Usually one night is quite enough.

Like I said before, just because your Texan padre was a queer and a raging drunk that took it out on his family, doesn’t mean that you have to get all bitter and twisted about it.

Just drop your slacks and relax…a few drinks might be just the leg-opener that you need to get your sex life back on track!



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You said you were a teetotaller…another lie. And I choose to drink on the weekend if the surf is up to shit. Usually one night is quite enough.

Like I said before, just because your Texan padre was a queer and a raging drunk that took it out on his family, doesn’t mean that you have to get all bitter and twisted about it.

Just drop your slacks and relax…a few drinks might be just the leg-opener that you need to get your sex life back on track!


I have said "basically a teetotaler". I probably drink alcohol 2-4 times a year. And it's one drink max...cocktail, wine, or some sips from a beer.

So, not technically a teetotaler, but basically am one.

Why can't you cope with nuance? It's not black or white, it's a very pale shade of grey.

I'm not bitter or twisted. You act like an idiot here all the time when you're wasted. Everyone sees it. You need a drink every night. You can't go without it. The only reasons I notice is one, you make a fool or yourself. Two, YOU accuse me, of being drunk when clearly it's YOU with the problem.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
I have said "basically a teetotaler". I probably drink alcohol 2-4 times a year. And it's one drink max...cocktail, wine, or some sips from a beer.

So, not technically a teetotaler, but basically am one.

Why can't you cope with nuance? It's not black or white, it's a very pale shade of grey.

I'm not bitter or twisted. You act like an idiot here all the time when you're wasted. Everyone sees it. You need a drink every night. You can't go without it. The only reasons I notice is one, you make a fool or yourself. Two, YOU accuse me, of being drunk when clearly it's YOU with the problem.
I personally don’t give the slightest fuck about you or your drama… but like Skidmarkmajor, you’re great fodder for the audience, and I sure as hell don’t mean the delusional karenesque crew you seem to need comfort from.

You’ve blown it time and time again with others over several forums. And we all know that they warned me about you from the outset. I think you’re the only numbskull that just doesn’t see your own pattern.

But hey…birds of a feather and all dat!

Now fuck off and stay in your own lane fatty boom-boom!




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I personally don’t give the slightest fuck about you or your drama… but like Skidmarkmajor, you’re great fodder for the audience, and I sure as hell don’t mean the delusional karenesque crew you seem to need comfort from.

You’ve blown it time and time again with others over several forums. And we all know that they warned me about you from the outset. I think you’re the only numbskull that just doesn’t see your own pattern.

But hey…birds of a feather and all dat!

Now fuck off and stay in your own lane fatty boom-boom!



So, you spew nonsense because you "hate".

The only pattern is a simple one. You show me disrespect and you're going to get it back. I don't care if it's friend or foe.

Honestly, my REAL friends don't talk to me like online shitheads. Now, none of you have to like it, but I'm not putting up with crap.

As for YOU, your problem is that you're a control freak and make everything about you.

It wasn't too long ago that you made the effort to patch things up. I hesitated, but I'm not a complete jerk, so I agreed. We talked about our mutual interest in plants. I told you about some classes I'd just finished and my interest in taking more. I was simply participating in a non-controversial topic...or so I thought.

You sent me a subsequent PM quizzing me. I chose to ignore the PM. I had just finished a course and never asked YOU to help ME. I didn't ask for quizzing, homework, research...I asked for nothing.

I thought it best to just let that go by. You flipped out and said I fucked up. All I wanted was to be left to my own devices. I do things when I want, with whom I want and IF I want. I don't owe you or anyone a damn thing.

So, you felt rejected. How dare you not cope with your own feelings of rejection. I didn't reject, I simply didn't engage. I was not wanting to engage in quiz activities here. Why would I come to BF for quizzes?

And this is why you've been on a rampage. What in the holy fuck is wrong with you?
Last edited:


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
So, you spew nonsense because you "hate".

The only pattern is a simple one. You show me disrespect and you're going to get it back. I don't care if it's friend or foe.

Honestly, my REAL friends don't talk to me like online shitheads. Now, none of you have to like it, but I'm not putting up with crap.

As for YOU, your problem is that you're a control freak and make everything about you.

It wasn't too long ago that you made the effort to patch things up. I hesitated, but I'm not a complete jerk, so I agreed. We talked about our mutual interest in plants. I told you about some classes I'd just finished and my interest in taking more. I was simply participating in a non-controversial topic...or so I thought.

You sent me a subsequent PM quizzing me. I chose to ignore the PM. I had just finished a course and never asked YOU to help ME. I didn't ask for quizzing, homework, research...I asked for nothing.

I thought it best to just let that go by. You flipped out and said I fucked up. All I wanted was to be left to my own devices. I do things when I want, with whom I want and IF I want. I don't owe you or anyone a damn thing.

So, you felt rejected. How dare you not cope with your own feelings or rejection. I didn't reject, I simply didn't engage. I was not wanting to engage in quiz activities here. Why would I come to BF for quizzes?

And this is why you've been on a rampage. What in the holy fuck is wrong with you?
Whoa…settle down pork chop!

I told you not to waste your money on horticultural courses because I was higher qualified than anyone that you might choose to learn from. And I was willing to give you that information for free. I started off with a simple question pertaining to plant pathology and you chose to completely ignore it.

I gave you a single word in response to your rudeness: “Okay…”

Now if you feel that I “freaked” out and felt “rejected” over your discourtesy…you would be mistaken.

In fact…the very next time that I joked about your fatnessnessness (because we all know that’s your Achilles lard) you went absolutely feral on me and almost completely lost the plot!

I’ve said it before…you need to drop your slacks and start drinking alcohol (in moderation) because you’re a bit of a cunt when you’re sober!

Hahahahahahaaa…fucking control freak!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Whoa…settle down pork chop!

I told you not to waste your money on horticultural courses because I was higher qualified than anyone that you might choose to learn from. And I was willing to give you that information for free. I started off with a simple question pertaining to plant pathology and you chose to completely ignore it.

I gave you a single word in response to your rudeness: “Okay…”

Now if feel that I “freaked” out and felt “rejected” over your discourtesy…you would be mistaken.

In fact…the very next time that I joked about your fatnessnessness (because we all know that’s your Achilles lard) you went absolutely feral on me and almost completely lost the plot!

I’ve said it before…you need to drop your slacks and start drinking alcohol (in moderation) because you’re a bit of a cunt when you’re sober!

Hahahahahahaaa…fucking control freak!


I never asked you for anything. And yes, if you act like a rude asshole, I will come down on you or ANYONE.

I don't come here to put up with insecure fucks. Never have and never will.

YOU pipe down. Shrink that massive ego that clearly comes from some very insecure place inside of you. Get some fucking therapy. This place isn't it for you to act out your fucked up mental issues and expect to be treated with kid gloves, you fucking crybaby.

Man up, you god damn pussy.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
I never asked you for anything. And yes, if you act like a rude asshole, I will come down on you or ANYONE.

I don't come here to put up with insecure fucks. Never have and never will.

YOU pipe down. Shrink that massive ego that clearly comes from some very insecure place inside of you. Get some fucking therapy. This place isn't it for you to act out your fucked up mental issues and expect to be treated with kid gloves, you fucking crybaby.

Man up, you god damn pussy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.

Nah. The honest truth is that I have the most stable partner that talks to me like an equal. I never have to walk on eggshells with him. He doesn't get butthurt over anything and I can talk to him about anything.
I come here and what I seem to bump into, a lot, is mentally ill males full of macho bravado and little boy angst.

It's exhausting.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Nah. The honest truth is that I have the most stable partner that talks to me like an equal. I never have to walk on eggshells with him. He doesn't get butthurt over anything and I can talk to him about anything.
I come here and what I seem to bump into, a lot, is mentally ill males full of macho bravado and little boy angst.

It's exhausting.
You’re a control freak Karena…he’s the one that has to walk on egg shells around you! Lol.

Play back that Vocaroo recording that you did basically demanding that he tell everyone that you’re a teetotaller. When he said that you drank…you were clearly flabbergasted and started stammering and carrying on like a Karen. You then made him parrot everything you said after that, guiding him along like some authoritarian!

“What? But when I drink I only drink two drinks yes? And then afterwards I go to sleep…yeah?”

It was funny as fuck actually…tragic…but funny nonetheless!




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
You’re a control freak Karena…he’s the one that has to walk on egg shells around you! Lol.

Play back that Vocaroo recording that you did basically demanding that he tell everyone that you’re a teetotaller. When he said that you drank…you were clearly flabbergasted and started stammering and carrying on like a Karen. You then made him parrot everything you said after that, guiding him along like some authoritarian!

“What? But when I drink I only drink two drinks yes? And then afterwards I go to sleep…yeah?”

It was funny as fuck actually…tragic…but funny nonetheless!



I asked him a couple of questions. He thought it was weird that people accuse me of being a drunk because it is 180 opposite of his experience with me. He often offers me a sip of a new bourbon, scotch or whiskey that's he bought. Nine times out of 10, I pass. You don't know what he was thinking or feeling. I do, I was here.

He says and does what he wants. He hardly walks on eggshells. Stop projecting your life onto me. I don't tell him what to do. I don't tell him to drink or not.

That's your wife controlling your weed intake. You need your high, take it up with her and quit acting out with women online that don't do what you think they should.

You are a wimp of a man. It's not my fault and it's certainly not my problem.

Crybaby. You're over 50 years old, for fucks sakes, stop crying!


Factory Bastard
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I think you need another treatment DD. You are losing ground when it comes to testosterone


Domestically feral
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United states
I never asked you for anything. And yes, if you act like a rude asshole, I will come down on you or ANYONE.

I don't come here to put up with insecure fucks. Never have and never will.

YOU pipe down. Shrink that massive ego that clearly comes from some very insecure place inside of you. Get some fucking therapy. This place isn't it for you to act out your fucked up mental issues and expect to be treated with kid gloves, you fucking crybaby.

Man up, you god damn pussy.

You are an insecure fuck, though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are an insecure fuck, though.
Look Dove. DD does such a good job being a women. You’ve never noticed? She’s proved it 500 times. You know…. The 2 kids that she had. She’s all women and likes sex. Likes the way Frank takes her on the dryer. You know. You can read.


Factory Bastard
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Was your transformation difficult DD? I read you’re not feeling well. Naturally you chose an almost doctor to operate. Cheap poor woman. Clearly you reap, what you sow


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
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Was your transformation difficult DD? I read you’re not feeling well. Naturally you chose an almost doctor to operate. Cheap poor woman. Clearly you reap, what you sow

What's that about? He injure his feet trying to walk around gripping cigarettes between his toes?