The media virus and Columbine


Domestically feral
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United states

I can't find the thread were I was telling you that guns are not the I'm starting another one.

This happened the year I graduated. I pretty vividly remember it. The media was obsessed. So obsessed we all got to watch like 4 hours worth of the shoot out these kids had with police from the library. Such an awful thing that really changed the whole landscape of public schools.

Now if a kid so much as walks out of class without a pass, the whole school goes into lockdown mode.

I really dont understand what people find so romantic about this particular shooting....even within the mainstream false narrative. But its had dozens of copycats and almost a cult formed around it. Its treated as some joke or urban legend in schools today so much so that my own daughter asked me about it and asked very detailed questions about the culture in schools during that time.

Or the irony of the Oliver Stone film "Natural Born Killers".....which was blatantly about the media making heros out of psychopaths and mass murderers, but actually made likable heros out of mass murderers.

It's not guns that are a problem. Its narcissism, lack of empathy, self centeredness. Self focus. Stress. Culture. Disregard for human life. Abuse. A bunch of spiritually sick people who view others as tools to satisfy themselves with.

Humans are broken and evil beings, Joe. That's the problem.

Think about how different the events at Columbine would have been if there had been people present who were armed? Law abiding citizens who could have squashed this?

And how about that media coverage? Columbine is "iconic". Its a legendary tragedy that is romanticized to this day. If we didn't have all this tragedy porn and political pandering we probably wouldn't have even seen Sandy Hook. wouldn't have happened. It ISNT the GUNS that lead to this violence and Columbine wasnt even meant to be a shooting.

Dylan and Eric wanted the media attention and a whole movement of violence. And they got that. The glorification and copycats. It's like a demonic seed that was planted in the minds of weak, troubled and spiritually bankrupt people.

Wouldn't we be better off addressing the actual problem? Rather than a lazy attack on a constitutional right that gives us the ability to protect ourselves? Because there are already laws against shooting people and those laws do not deter mass shooters.....why would regulations and laws against having guns stop them?

Are you aware that one of the shitbags shot by Kyle Rittenhouse had a gun illegally as he joined a mob that was descending on an innocent community? He had that gun in his hand when Kyle blew his arm off. Excellent shot, too.

It scary how little truth matters when the mainstream gets a narrative it likes, and that narrative has a powerful influence.... whether its true or not. Look at all the violence that comes from these false narratives. Shouldn't we be doing something about THAT and avoid bunk "solutions" to problems that do not exist while ignoring and feeding the real problems that do exist?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Interesting video. I hadnt heard about many of those misrepresentations of the Columbine events before.

America tossing out the Bible from school has had the biggest impact on all of this. Its the reason people tolerate faggits too. In fact, the rejection of God in mainstream society is the biggest contributor to evil and violence in America. Its even the reason todays idiots dont recognize the importance of the 2nd Amendment.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Interesting video. I hadnt heard about many of those misrepresentations of the Columbine events before.

America tossing out the Bible from school has had the biggest impact on all of this. Its the reason people tolerate faggits too. In fact, the rejection of God in mainstream society is the biggest contributor to evil and violence in America. Its even the reason todays idiots dont recognize the importance of the 2nd Amendment.

Yeah the entire narrative was false.

Its demonic honestly. All the violence it inspired.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I am going to write a letter to the Secdef and strongly suggest we no longer send are soldiers and Maureens into Combat with Guns.

So, like the US national guard patrolling DC streets? Lulz...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Interesting video. I hadnt heard about many of those misrepresentations of the Columbine events before.

America tossing out the Bible from school has had the biggest impact on all of this. Its the reason people tolerate faggits too. In fact, the rejection of God in mainstream society is the biggest contributor to evil and violence in America. Its even the reason todays idiots dont recognize the importance of the 2nd Amendment. the lack of connection of many people with their cultural and historical roots.

I noticed in places like Vancouver, where people don't have a strong or any connection with their roots, they don't know where they came from. So of course...they turn to things like drugs and eventually become homeless. And yes, part of that includes deviant lifestyles and violence.

I've seen this in Canada, where places that don't spend money on culture have got a lot more crime than those which don't.

When people don't know where they come from, they get inta trouble and do all sorts of shit.

ONe of the places in Caanada I thought was most socially stable is Quebec City.

One thing I notced about the place is how much money they spent on culture and reinforcing to the people who lived there...where they came from and who they are related to, etc. ie - a person can go down to the archives and find out who their ancestors are going back 400 years ago.

Quebec City has a really low murder rate. A person can walk around any time of the day without fear of ever getting mugged/attacked. The murder/homicide rate is negligible, and the few that occur are usually the result of domestic violence. I never saw drug addicts or drunks or even homelessness like they have in Vancouver or any other US Coast city. It was as if everybody felt like they belonged. It was so peaceful. And there minorities, black people around, etc.

So using Quebec City as an example, I think there's a lot of things wrong with the way we run our cities and society in North America. That's not just the USA, but Canada too.

Not saying Queebec City is Paradise or anywhere near perfect, but I just noticed the absence of much of the social blight we often see in North America.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I am going to write a letter to the Secdef and strongly suggest we no longer send are soldiers and Maureens into Combat with Guns.

So, like the US national guard patrolling DC streets? Lulz...

Sad you’ve lost your passport.

Projection does not suit you...

(Neither does going bra-less...)

I have no need. Besides my skin isn’t pink.

Yeah you do, mate... or at least cut down on soy products!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I am going to write a letter to the Secdef and strongly suggest we no longer send are soldiers and Maureens into Combat with Guns.

So, like the US national guard patrolling DC streets? Lulz...

Sad you’ve lost your passport.

Projection does not suit you...

(Neither does going bra-less...)

I have no need. Besides my skin isn’t pink.

Yeah you do, mate... or at least cut down on soy products!

There good for ya. Spending $24. on a pack of butts IS NOT.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I am going to write a letter to the Secdef and strongly suggest we no longer send are soldiers and Maureens into Combat with Guns.

So, like the US national guard patrolling DC streets? Lulz...

Sad you’ve lost your passport.

Projection does not suit you...

(Neither does going bra-less...)

I have no need. Besides my skin isn’t pink.

Yeah you do, mate... or at least cut down on soy products!

There good for ya. Spending $24. on a pack of butts IS NOT.

Phytoestrogen products are ace in your mammaries?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I am going to write a letter to the Secdef and strongly suggest we no longer send are soldiers and Maureens into Combat with Guns.

So, like the US national guard patrolling DC streets? Lulz...

Sad you’ve lost your passport.

Projection does not suit you...

(Neither does going bra-less...)

I have no need. Besides my skin isn’t pink.

Yeah you do, mate... or at least cut down on soy products!

There good for ya. Spending $24. on a pack of butts IS NOT.

Phytoestrogen products are ace in your mammaries?


Did you ever get you implants removed after becoming a pinky man? Did Frank become your wife?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I am going to write a letter to the Secdef and strongly suggest we no longer send are soldiers and Maureens into Combat with Guns.

So, like the US national guard patrolling DC streets? Lulz...

Sad you’ve lost your passport.

Projection does not suit you...

(Neither does going bra-less...)

I have no need. Besides my skin isn’t pink.

Yeah you do, mate... or at least cut down on soy products!

There good for ya. Spending $24. on a pack of butts IS NOT.

Phytoestrogen products are ace in your mammaries?


Did you ever get you implants removed after becoming a pinky man? Did Frank become your wife?

Dude....put some support garments on your girls before they become middle aged Alabama women!
