The Nakba (The Disaster or Catastrophe) expulsion and removal of Palestinians

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
It is so funny that @Lily thinks Muslims have been around for two thousand years.


Right folks, there were no Arabs in the Middle East 2,000 years ago...:Hapz2:

Some Arabs were Jews. Some Arabs were Christians.

This is not an Arab versus non-Arab conflict.

Everyone who is even slightly aware of the facts knows this is a Muslim-Jew conflict.

The areas (Israel, Gaza, West Bank) were divided based on religion, not ethnicity.

Hamas is short for "Islamic Resistance Movement".

It is so funny that @Lily is now trying to claim that this is not a Muslim-Jew conflict.
Like there are Jews fighting for Hamas and there areSunni
Muslims fighting for Israel.

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The New Holliday

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Syria became independent on 17 April 1946. Syrian politics from independence through the late 1960s were marked by upheaval.

September 23, 1932

In the process, he united warring tribes into one nation. On September 23, 1932, the country was named the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an Islamic state with Arabic as its national language and the Holy Qur'an as its constitution.

Jordan - 1946
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Lebanon - 1943
In that year France, which administered Lebanon as a League of Nations mandate, established the state of Greater Lebanon. Lebanon then became a republic in 1926 and achieved independence in 1943.

What I'm wondering with all of this is that since Arabs and Muslims where establishing nations with borders about the same time, why exactly was the idea a Jewish state so outrageous in the aftermath of the war in Europe?
Now - I've met Jews who have referenced their scripture in proposing that Jews would only be called back to the "holy land" by God (theirs) so they were not supporters of Israel as a nation, but why is it that Arab/Muslims are entitled to nation status but not Jews? Is it a scriptural understand, or just a race hate in the broader sense?

Remember please, that Islam stole and murdered it's way into prominence.

Oh and PS: If it wasn't clear - only recently established, artificially created Arab/Muslim nations attacked Israel on the eve of it's declaration as an independent nation - not the other way around..
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Factory Bastard
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This is a never ending problem. A problem within a problem. Expect the worse. Wonder why Mr. Putin has been wearing a big grin?

The New Holliday

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This is a never ending problem. A problem within a problem. Expect the worse. Wonder why Mr. Putin has been wearing a big grin?
He is to be sure. So are Trumptards. They will say if only we weren't defending Eastern Europe from Russian aggression we could defend the holy land.

The New Holliday

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Netanyahu is another Trump. For sure
Among the leadership in question, there are no good guys to support in the ME. The sadness is for the people who like you and I (and most) are just interested in living a peaceful life, making ends meet, loving their family, friends and neighbors, but warring guidoist shitheads make that impossible for them. Maybe a world run by women would be better.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Say, any of you think that Hamas' murderous attack on Israel had anything to do with negotiations between the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel, whereby Saudi would recognize Israel as a state and open diplomatic relations?

Just curious.


Factory Bastard
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I believe diplomatic negotiations are out of the question, as is peace in the ME.


Factory Bastard
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What you say is accurate, at the same time, the Palestinians can’t seem to get along with anyone. Ask the Jordanians who allowed them entry, then ousted them.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
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What you say is accurate, at the same time, the Palestinians can’t seem to get along with anyone. Ask the Jordanians who allowed them entry, then ousted them.

Well, Jordan is a kingdom and in the medieval sense of monarchy. There is no democracy and I doubt Palestinians have any real civil rights as a refugee population.

How come the Palestinians weren't a problem before Jews returned to a land they claim was given to them by God?

The New Holliday

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Just curious - how many of you are supporters of Hamas and Israel bashers because it's fashionable in Lib circles?

Any objective people here or just playbook LibiCons siding off as usual?

Probably not a bad time to point out that Gaza was under Egyptian control (how was that lost?), then later under PA control. Now under Hamas control things have gotten increasingly difficult for the people of Gaza because Hamas' objective it the utter destruction of Israel. Why would a 2 state solution be possible with a negotiation/non- negotiation partner like Hamas?
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
But Isreal created Hamas to provoke the change or have you not been paying attention, Hamas attack was a false flag

Israel certainly propped up and supported Hamas. Just like the American right supported the Mujahideen in Afghanistan so they could fight the Soviet Union...and it came back and bit us in the ass.

We play dirty, as do the Israelis as well. Not that it is a unique trait to the US and Israel, most politics is dirty. However, for the purposes of this topic, we have to try to understand what the different parties at the table are doing.

The New Holliday

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Israel certainly propped up and supported Hamas. Just like the American right supported the Mujahideen in Afghanistan so they could fight the Soviet Union...
Really? Who was Israel supporting Hamas to fight as the Mujahideen were supported to fight Russia? What is the direct analogy there?
.Maybe my understanding is scant but as I understand it, the forerunner of Hamas was under the leadership of a cleric who with Israel's support from the late 70s was feeding people in Gaza, building schools etc, but then became radicalized. When that newly formulated group took the reigns from the PA (as Hamas), and the poor tragic figure of Mahmoud Abbas, they were, and have been given funds to keep the peace, not make war. One poster, seemed to suggest that Israel funded and directed them in a false flag attack that has resulted in the current war.
The relation may now be symbiotic, or Co-dependent to a large degree, but that isn't the same as Israel being the Hamas puppet master.