The Nakba (The Disaster or Catastrophe) expulsion and removal of Palestinians


Factory Bastard
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It does not matter what you call them.

The PLO.

The PA.

Islamic Jihad.


They ALL want the same thing.The complete genocide of the Jews.

The fact that this needs to be stated is astonishing.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It does not matter what you call them.

The PLO.

The PA.

Islamic Jihad.


They ALL want the same thing.The complete genocide of the Jews.

The fact that this needs to be stated is astonishing.

"In addition to anti-immigration campaigners, there were antisemitic groups, notably
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, launched in 1919,
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which called for British Jews to be deported en masse to Palestine. In 1920, the
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published over 17 or 18 articles a translation of
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which subsequently formed the basis of a book,
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, to which half the paper's staff contributed. Later exposed as a forgery, they were initially accepted, with a leader in
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blaming Jews for
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and the
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and calling them the greatest threat to the
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
This is an interesting discussion from people that have spent time physically being in the Middle East and studying the conflicts in the region.



Factory Bastard
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"In addition to anti-immigration campaigners, there were antisemitic groups, notably
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, launched in 1919,
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which called for British Jews to be deported en masse to Palestine. In 1920, the
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published over 17 or 18 articles a translation of
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which subsequently formed the basis of a book,
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, to which half the paper's staff contributed. Later exposed as a forgery, they were initially accepted, with a leader in
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blaming Jews for
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and the
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and calling them the greatest threat to the
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Yes,your racism towards the British is on full show for everyone to see yet again. And what in the living fuck does that even have to do with what I posted in the first place you fucking retard.

Feel free to quote more facts from wikipedia though

:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3: wikipedia ffs.

How about posting some actual factual up to date information like this-

New York, NY, May 18, 2017 … Anti-Semitic attitudes have risen sharply in Mexico in the past three years amid challenges the country is facing with a faltering economy and growing pessimism about the country’s direction and future, according to a new poll commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

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found anti-Semitic attitudes have increased by 11 points compared to a similar poll three years ago. Today, a total of 35 percent of the adult population in Mexico – or approximately 31 million people -- harbors anti-Semitic attitudes, up from 24 percent in a similar poll in 2014.

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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yes,your racism towards the British is on full show for everyone to see yet again. And what in the living fuck does that even have to do with what I posted in the first place you fucking retard.

Feel free to quote more facts from wikipedia though

:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3: wikipedia ffs.

How about posting some actual factual up to date information like this-

New York, NY, May 18, 2017 … Anti-Semitic attitudes have risen sharply in Mexico in the past three years amid challenges the country is facing with a faltering economy and growing pessimism about the country’s direction and future, according to a new poll commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

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found anti-Semitic attitudes have increased by 11 points compared to a similar poll three years ago. Today, a total of 35 percent of the adult population in Mexico – or approximately 31 million people -- harbors anti-Semitic attitudes, up from 24 percent in a similar poll in 2014.

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Calling out British history is WAYCISSM, yo.

Facts are facts, dude. And anyone with a drop of Irish blood should have their heads on straight.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Bassem Youssef and Piers Morgan went was interesting hearing out a person from the Middle East explain the other side of the conflict.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
If Hamas is the problem in Gaza, why are Palestinians, including Christians, being attacked in the West Bank where Hamas is not a presence? Why are the soldiers and the Israeli settlers so violent in the West Bank?


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
If Hamas is the problem in Gaza, why are Palestinians, including Christians, being attacked in the West Bank where Hamas is not a presence? Why are the soldiers and the Israeli settlers so violent in the West Bank?

These attacks have been happening back-and-forth since before Oct. 7.

In fact, here are some numbers for you to understand:

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"According to the United Nations, in 2023 there were, on average, three incidents of settler violence per day in the West Bank. Since Oct. 7, that has more than doubled to seven per day, on average"

Okay, so 7 per day. In about 30 days that is about 210 acts of violence by Israelis.

"Palestinian attacks on Israelis in the West Bank have also escalated. Israeli officials say there have been more than 550 since Oct. 7, the New York Times reported."

In about 30 days that is more than 550 acts of violence by Palestinians.

Hey @Lily, here is a math question for you: What is a larger number, 210 or 550?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
"While much attention has been on the (Hamas) attacks inside Israel and the escalation of hostilities in Gaza since the 7th of October, the situation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is alarming and urgent," said Liz Throssell, spokesperson for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). She said at least 132 Palestinians, including 41 children, have been were killed in the West Bank, 124 of those by Israeli forces and some eight by Israeli settlers, since violence there intensified in the wake of Hamas' assault on Israel from Gaza."

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Calling out British history is WAYCISSM, yo.

Facts are facts, dude. And anyone with a drop of Irish blood should have their heads on straight.
I'm an ulster unionist so please shut the fuck up about something you know nothing about.Now go find me some more facts on wiki :LOL3:
:LOL3: :LOL3: .



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm an ulster unionist so please shut the fuck up about something you know nothing about.Now go find me some more facts on wiki :LOL3:
:LOL3: :LOL3: .

Of course someone like you would be a sell out.

You go watch your "telly" so that you can be told what to think.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Of course someone like you would be a sell out.

You go watch your "telly" so that you can be told what to think.
And of course someone like you would support a baby killing murdering terrorist group like the IRA. And you're talking to someone who is half Irish so unlike you who gets there information from wikipedia lmao. I actaully have family there and visit quite often. So I have half a clue what I'm going on about and don't need to get my first hand knowledge from wikipedia.

Why do scum like you always support the murdering,rapeing, baby killers like Hamas and the IRA.

You disgust me. /spits.

Now go find me some more facts :LOL3:
:LOL3: moron.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
"While much attention has been on the (Hamas) attacks inside Israel and the escalation of hostilities in Gaza since the 7th of October, the situation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is alarming and urgent," said Liz Throssell, spokesperson for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). She said at least 132 Palestinians, including 41 children, have been were killed in the West Bank, 124 of those by Israeli forces and some eight by Israeli settlers, since violence there intensified in the wake of Hamas' assault on Israel from Gaza."

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Oh, "The UN said...".

Never an agenda when they take a stance.

Did they also say that there has been an increase in attacks against Israelis in West Bank?

As I already pointed out, the Palestinians in West Bank are accountable for more attacks against Israelis than the other way around. More than double.

Now stick your head back in the sand, @Lily.

Irony Alert!!!!
you can be told what to think.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And of course someone like you would support a baby killing murdering terrorist group like the IRA. And you're talking to someone who is half Irish so unlike you who gets there information from wikipedia lmao. I actaully have family there and visit quite often. So I have half a clue what I'm going on about and don't need to get my first hand knowledge from wikipedia.

Why do scum like you always support the murdering,rapeing, baby killers like Hamas and the IRA.

You disgust me. /spits.

Now go find me some more facts :LOL3:
:LOL3: moron.

I don't support terrorism. I support freedom, which the Irish didn't have and the Palestinians still don't have. If it were up to me, and it's not, the Palestinians would conduct a non-violent movement the likes of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

I believe, and I saw Piers Morgan claim this in a recent interview, the IRA targeted military forces in N Ireland and not women and children. Is that a lie?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Say, any of you think that Hamas' murderous attack on Israel had anything to do with negotiations between the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel, whereby Saudi would recognize Israel as a state and open diplomatic relations?

Just curious.
Well, according to Hamas itself - that was the purpose. Some real demented fucks.

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But Hamas officials say the mounting death toll, believed to include thousands of children, has not caused the group to regret its own
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in southern Israel last month.

In fact, Hamas leaders say their goal was to trigger that very response and that they're still hoping for a bigger war still. It's all part of a strategy, they say, to derail talks over Israel
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with regional powers — namely, Saudi Arabia — and draw the world's attention to the Palestinian cause.

Hamas, these officials said, is more interested in the destruction of Israel than what it sees as the temporary hardships faced by Palestinians under Israeli bombardment.

"What could change the equation was a great act, and without a doubt, it was known that the reaction to this great act would be big," Khailil al-Hayya, a member of the group's governing politburo,
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in an interview.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't support terrorism. I support freedom, which the Irish didn't have and the Palestinians still don't have. If it were up to me, and it's not, the Palestinians would conduct a non-violent movement the likes of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

I believe, and I saw Piers Morgan claim this in a recent interview, the IRA targeted military forces in N Ireland and not women and children. Is that a lie?
The fact you think the IRA targeted military forces speaks volumes about what you know about the IRA and what it was about.They were not on the level of Hamas when it came to murdering women and children in cold blood but didn't give two hoots about collateral damage to anyone.

I've give you one instence to check out.

`IRA and the Manchester bombings`.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
‘“Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonized,” wrote the hawkish Jabotinsky in 1923. “That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing”’.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It does not matter what you call them.

The PLO.

The PA.

Islamic Jihad.


They ALL want the same thing.The complete genocide of the Jews.

The fact that this needs to be stated is astonishing.
The fact that you ignore history completely, and sweep ALL of the facts under the rug and pretend they aren't there, is astonishing.


Factory Bastard
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I don't support terrorism. I support freedom, which the Irish didn't have and the Palestinians still don't have. If it were up to me, and it's not, the Palestinians would conduct a non-violent movement the likes of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

I believe, and I saw Piers Morgan claim this in a recent interview, the IRA targeted military forces in N Ireland and not women and children. Is that a lie?
OMG. The Irish were so shat upon by the English. Give me a break.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
OMG. The Irish were so shat upon by the English. Give me a break.

Of course they were, even the Irish potato famine was a thing because the food that was produced by the Irish was taken away and given to the English. How anyone with Irish blood sees the English as anything other than oppressors is astounding.

I guess it's better to be friends with the schoolyard bully than to be it's victim for some.


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