These billionaires certainly care about working Americans


Shake it off.
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Factory Bastard
Down by the seashore.
If I were a rich man
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum
If I were a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work hard
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
If I were a biddy biddy rich
Idle-diddle-didle-didle man



Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That's why they are giving the people's candidate millions of dollars.

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God, Muricans are fucking stupid.
I heard another perspective from a successful Canadian-American Wealth Fund Manager who tho erudite is himself not terribly progressive. Dr. Jim Thorne, who has his PhD in Business/Economics. He manages investment portfolios for large institutions and millionaires.

Listen to what he has to say around 44:25 minutes into the video about Elon Musk @LotusBud:

Thorne has stated that if Trump is elected, Musk would facilitate the mass-firing of civil servants and re-make the government in Trump's image.

Perhaps more than anyone else, Musk would facilitate Project 2025 with AI.

Interestingly, the pro-business interviewer of the channel cuts Thorne off at that point before he has a chance to elaborate.


Shake it off.
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Factory Bastard
Down by the seashore.
I heard another perspective from a successful Canadian-American Wealth Fund Manager who tho erudite is himself not terribly progressive. Dr. Jim Thorne. He manages investment portfolios for large institutions and millionaires.

Listen to what he has to say around 44:25 minutes into the video about Elon Musk:

Thorne has stated that if Trump is elected, Musk would facilitate the mass-firing of civil servants and re-make the government in Trump's image.

Perhaps more than anyone else, Musk would facilitate Project 2025 with AI.

Trump is a threat to the entire world. Russia is possibly 5-10 years away from being geared up enough to steamroll Europe...facilitated by America withdrawing from NATO, on Putin's behalf.


Shake it off.
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Factory Bastard
Down by the seashore.
Trump is really rich he doesn't need anybody's money, that's why Apartheid Elmo and a couple of his buddies gave Trump over 200 Million Dollars for his campaign. Yes that's right an immigrant is trying to buy the election.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
I heard another perspective from a successful Canadian-American Wealth Fund Manager who tho erudite is himself not terribly progressive. Dr. Jim Thorne, who has his PhD in Business/Economics. He manages investment portfolios for large institutions and millionaires.

Listen to what he has to say around 44:25 minutes into the video about Elon Musk @LotusBud:

Thorne has stated that if Trump is elected, Musk would facilitate the mass-firing of civil servants and re-make the government in Trump's image.

Perhaps more than anyone else, Musk would facilitate Project 2025 with AI.

Interestingly, the pro-business interviewer of the channel cuts Thorne off at that point before he has a chance to elaborate.

It's a terrifying thought.


Apparatus Of Satan
Factory Bastard
Your House

You know what, you're right! This Billionaire that I've never met and never will meet is ruining my life by owning a social media company that I don't use!

On another note, if what a billionaire says/does on his social media platform ruins your life, you really need to rethink it and make some changes: starting with talking to people face to face instead of through a Twitter thread.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It's a terrifying thought.
Especially for Bedwetters like you.....

Elon Musk was the darling of progressives when he served the purpose of the climate loon's agenda. How dare he think for himself. Imagine if the brilliance demonstrated in the private sector could be employed in goverment!

Why shouldn't civil servants enjoy the same privilege of mass firings like common workers? After all.......many of the jobs being lost today by common workers are as the direct threat posed by goverment regulation and policy.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You know what, you're right! This Billionaire that I've never met and never will meet is ruining my life by owning a social media company that I don't use!

On another note, if what a billionaire says/does on his social media platform ruins your life, you really need to rethink it and make some changes: starting with talking to people face to face instead of through a Twitter thread.
Are you pretending that they aren't influencing millions and millions of idiots that, in turn, impact our societies?

You don't have to have accounts on these sites to feel the impact of their influence in your life.
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Shake it off.
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Factory Bastard
Down by the seashore.
Sure they do, to a marginal extent. Actions online can only go so far as to impact the real world.
Do you approve of the continual transfer of wealth from the bottom of our caste system to those on the top?

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The Reasons hundreds of thousands of Americans are living under blue tarps isn't simply because Americans suddenly got lazy or addicted.
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Apparatus Of Satan
Factory Bastard
Your House
Do you approve of the continual transfer of wealth from the bottom of our caste system to those on the top?

Are you talking about a specific scenario?

In the US, to the extent economic mobility has decreased in recent years, and considering how much of that money is locked up in non-capital assets/ speculative assets. no.

However, fundamentally, yes. Welcome to economics 101. That's how circular flow works.



Shake it off.
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Factory Bastard
Down by the seashore.
Are you talking about a specific scenario?

In the US, to the extent economic mobility has decreased in recent years, and considering how much of that money is locked up in non-capital assets/ speculative assets. no.

However, fundamentally, yes. Welcome to economics 101. That's how circular flow works.

No I am not talking about the circular flow that has nothing to do with wealth allocation in society. I am talking about wealth distribution by income/asset demographics. ie the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.



Apparatus Of Satan
Factory Bastard
Your House
No I am not talking about the circular flow that has nothing to do with wealth allocation in society. I am talking about wealth distribution by income/asset demographics. ie the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Wow! Who would have thought that wealth distribution would be predicated on income?

Yes, the destruction of the middle class is a bad thing.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Get a good job.

Spend wisely and save some money for retirement.

Retire in your 40's.

It worked for my wife and me.

BTW, people like @Admin and @Lily piss and moan about rich people in one thread, and then worship them in another thread.

"Oh, Taylor Swift is so awesome!" "My second cousin's wife's son's stepfather drives a Ferrari. He is so awesome!"



Apparatus Of Satan
Factory Bastard
Your House
Get a good job.

Spend wisely and save some money for retirement.

Retire in your 40's.

It worked for my wife and me.

BTW, people like @Admin and @Lily piss and moan about rich people in one thread, and then worship them in another thread.

"Oh, Taylor Swift is so awesome!" "My second cousin's wife's son's stepfather drives a Ferrari. He is so awesome!"

Yeah that's the best thing to do.

Even if the income gap is widening, it doesn't help anyone to complain about it. Make a change or help other people make a change if you don't like something.

As far as I'm concerned, there is a widening wealth gap between the upper and lower classes. I don't care about rich people, I think the notion that taxing rich people more to help out poor people is utterly ridiculous and a great way to incentivize rich people to use more tax loopholes and stop doing business domestically.

IMO the way to solve the widening wealth gap is to make housing more affordable, make healthcare more affordable, and to make transportation more affordable. My solutions are as follows:

1: Affordable housing solution: Instituting a Georgist-style tax in urban areas in order to disincentivize firms from buying empty lots purely as speculative assets, just letting them sit there. Instead, a Georgist tax would incentivize firms to develop the lot into housing. I think putting a price ceiling on rent is a horrible idea, unless it is done temporarily and on a local level, particularly in metropolitan areas and in densely populated counties. Other solutions I can think of involve completely upending the US economy and protectionist/statist policies so that the middle class simply make more money.

2: Affordable healthcare solution: The healthcare industry is going to be very difficult to "fix". People that say that the USA can have a healthcare system like European nations fail to realize that the USA is not a European nation, or even close in any way fathomable. Also, having free healthcare would further tax the middle class.

Also, the healthcare industry has very high barriers to entry, so there is less competition in the industry. Furthermore, demand for healthcare is relatively inelastic, IE you will spend 5$ for insulin just as readily as you will spend 500$ for insulin.

The healthcare industry is a textbook example of an industry that, by and large, could use some degree of government intervention to make sure the market operated efficiently. The USA already has Medicare and Medicaid, but these programs don't solve the root problem of healthcare being too expensive, they just put a Band-Aid on it.

First off, having a healthier populace would help reduce healthcare costs drastically. Americans eat terribly unhealthily the country is one of the most obese on the planet. Some other solutions could be to reduce the time that drug patents are active for, so that the generic version of drugs could be made available quicker, and lowering licensing costs and schooling costs could help to make the market a little bit more competitive, as small firms would be able to become licensed and educated for less money.

3: Affordable transportation solution: This one is easy. First, you have a mix of public and private transportation (we already have this). Having more reliable public transportation would be great, but the best case scenario would be if, in urban areas, there where NO cars whatsover and everyone biked, walked, or used public transit. This would help create less traffic that is more streamlined, less pollution, less accidents, more jobs, and more revenue for the city to hypothetically invest into infrastructure and public transit maintenance.

As far as private transportation is concerned, the EPCA needs to be reformed. Long story short, the EPCA makes it so that light trucks are subject to lower fuel economy requirements compared to passenger cars. Manufacturers have shifted from making passenger vehicles to light trucks, which have bigger engines and lower fuel efficiency, because they can make higher profit margins from them and still pass regulations.

Remote work can also be embraced even further by corporations. Many office jobs do not and should not require you to go into the office when you can do the work from your laptop at home.

The USA also needs to NOT implement the tariffs against Chinese automobiles. This is a terrible idea and it will make life for USA citizens even more expensive.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
Are you talking about a specific scenario?

In the US, to the extent economic mobility has decreased in recent years, and considering how much of that money is locked up in non-capital assets/ speculative assets. no.

However, fundamentally, yes. Welcome to economics 101. That's how circular flow works.


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Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
Once again.......immigrants you say?

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Good god, you post a Fox "News" piece as if that is somehow going to convince anyone with a brain of anything at all. The dire economic consequences of the immigration of low income groups are ultimately a result of malignant capitalism and how it disrupts the lives of everyone who isn't in the 1%.