This thread is not about Dovey!


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!
Is that what I did?

Or was I creating drama for views thru out this entire community?

Quit while your behind, reject


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Put the goddamn ball gag back in your mouth and go back to your gimp cage.

Or what, will you threaten me with Poppy and her uber commandoes of poetic despair??

I will fuck dem up, as easily as I do you.

poetry and writing clubs are not filled with middle aged men claiming to be "flamers" who "fuck people up" on troll forums.

you daft cunt

Could you imagine this idiot in a poetry and writing group?

Someone would express emotions and thoughts that violate his anti theist, communists sensibilities and he would start with the sentence fragments and bragging about flame boards.

this is is just a few more manifesto pages short before going full 4 chan crazy and ending up on the BBC breaking news


I check my notifications and it's all this 5 Blandscape and a bunch from Flyntard :LOL3:

Like a retarded machine gun firing out a regular stream of stupid and hate.

But it's okay when it's you, Aryan and Biggie Gimp; right?

Shut up you pile of steaming Raven shit, go read a book or something.

It's okay that you post, it's just that your posts are fucking stupid and you cant follow anything.

So maybe instead of like ten consecutive incoherent and angry puddles of runny shit that make up your "contents" you have some cooth and put some space in between these episodes?

Thanks for your permission to post.

Now explain to me the difference between "racism" and "tribalism."

I'll understand if you run from this as well. Afterall, accusing people of being bigots and racists doesn't fit very well as you and Aryan are such good buddies.

See. It's easy seeing through your contradictory behavior, you fucking bat shit crazy whore.

How the fuck does anyone that is friends with Aryan call anyone else a "racist"? You literally have to have shit for brains.

Good question!

After all that preaching Dovey does! It turns out she IS what she IS preaching about!

I call that irony.

Soon she'll post another screed about how she "understands" them and it's everyone else's fault (by that I mean leftists) that they are the hateful pieces of shit that they are...
So lemme get this straight…

A stupid person who buddies up with a wannabe Nahhzi is calling others “hateful “ and “racist”?

Is this really what’s being said?

Yes. Her team does it all the time.
I’m not gonna lie, this is “post this on social media along with her avatar pic” worthy.

talk the talk, walk the walk

it’s not that serious. Cmon now

I did a really good break down of NPD and why everything IS very serious to these people.

It's very serious for these psycho morons. They are free to make whatever choices they want. It's their consequences as well.

They basically say the same dumb shit over and over, get all pissed off, start lying and then moving onto PI idiocy and threats. Wash rinse repeat.

Does anyone actually give a fuck? Lmao.



EVERYONE agrees with it.


Literally EVERY person here thinks you're fucking stupid.


Kinda like how EVERYONE is a "racist" except you Aryan and Jokemar???


Bland and Lily are EVERYONE?

You really are experiencing a lot of heightened drama this evening.

You okay?

So now you're picking and choosing your audience?

Really dummy?

The fuck?

Fucking idiot.

I thought you said you were literate? Does the Burger King menu confuse you as well?

Dumb ass, I said you were fucking stupid.

You are fucking stupid.

Rage away. We enjoy it


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!

Because she never shuts the fuck up. Just how stupid are you?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Mexico looms large
So does your soggy gut but that doesn't mean it's a good thing, cow

Literally no one cares about Puerto Rico, least of all Americans. Shiiiiit, white people think your people are immigrants...lmao!
The only reason anyone cares about Mexico is because you insects keep hoping across the border with the US.

Whatever makes you feel better, Biggie Tampon.
tell us moar about how racist you are, Jupiter


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
That's what I thought

Fucking retard psychopaths.


Are we no longer "racists" and "bigots?"


Reading is hard, isnt it?

So are YOU confessing you are a bigot and racist?
So far I've only judged you as a NPD misogynist.

Is that Glassnot shoved deep inside your misogynist fuck hole real good right now?

It's actually, "Glasnost."

You make this waaaaaay too easy.


It's your fucking step dads dick up your ass is what it is.


Wait. Are you letting Lokmar use your account???



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!
Is that what I did?

Or was I creating drama for views thru out this entire community?

Quit while your behind, reject
:Whatevr2: You weren't creating drama... You came in here crying like a baby with pissy drawers, ffs.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Put the goddamn ball gag back in your mouth and go back to your gimp cage.

Or what, will you threaten me with Poppy and her uber commandoes of poetic despair??

I will fuck dem up, as easily as I do you.

poetry and writing clubs are not filled with middle aged men claiming to be "flamers" who "fuck people up" on troll forums.

you daft cunt

Could you imagine this idiot in a poetry and writing group?

Someone would express emotions and thoughts that violate his anti theist, communists sensibilities and he would start with the sentence fragments and bragging about flame boards.

this is is just a few more manifesto pages short before going full 4 chan crazy and ending up on the BBC breaking news


I check my notifications and it's all this 5 Blandscape and a bunch from Flyntard :LOL3:

Like a retarded machine gun firing out a regular stream of stupid and hate.

But it's okay when it's you, Aryan and Biggie Gimp; right?

Shut up you pile of steaming Raven shit, go read a book or something.

It's okay that you post, it's just that your posts are fucking stupid and you cant follow anything.

So maybe instead of like ten consecutive incoherent and angry puddles of runny shit that make up your "contents" you have some cooth and put some space in between these episodes?

Thanks for your permission to post.

Now explain to me the difference between "racism" and "tribalism."

I'll understand if you run from this as well. Afterall, accusing people of being bigots and racists doesn't fit very well as you and Aryan are such good buddies.

See. It's easy seeing through your contradictory behavior, you fucking bat shit crazy whore.

How the fuck does anyone that is friends with Aryan call anyone else a "racist"? You literally have to have shit for brains.

Good question!

After all that preaching Dovey does! It turns out she IS what she IS preaching about!

I call that irony.

Soon she'll post another screed about how she "understands" them and it's everyone else's fault (by that I mean leftists) that they are the hateful pieces of shit that they are...
So lemme get this straight…

A stupid person who buddies up with a wannabe Nahhzi is calling others “hateful “ and “racist”?

Is this really what’s being said?

Yes. Her team does it all the time.
I’m not gonna lie, this is “post this on social media along with her avatar pic” worthy.

talk the talk, walk the walk

it’s not that serious. Cmon now

I did a really good break down of NPD and why everything IS very serious to these people.

It's very serious for these psycho morons. They are free to make whatever choices they want. It's their consequences as well.

The only "psycho" here IS YOU.


Have you tried deep throating an exhaust pipe?

Surely you have, you're an expert at deep throating phalluses and phallic shaped objects.

You forgot to add that her going rate is $3.5K.

The best part of that isn't that she got money, but that he probably would have easily added at least another $1500 just to get rid of that psycho.

That's the best fucking part of the story, he was desperate to send her away, no matter what they post, his actions speak louder than their words.

Shit. I'd have given her $25,000 to stay the fuck away from me, if I were Biggie Loser. Fuck that risk having her crawl back for more money.

How desperate is a person to count on "friends" from a troll forum? God damn, god damn...

Those types of people are called...Dovey, Aryan, Lokmar, and Biggie Deer-Nuts.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
all i can say about blandscape is he sounds like an even bigger pinhead in PM's.

the guy pm's just like he posts, pages and pages of incoherent blather that reads like a drunk wrestler trying to do a match promo.

his last pm was, "if you see Cunty, tell him I still love him"



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!

Because she never shuts the fuck up. Just how stupid are you?

That's "neither". And I don't, but I'm interesting.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Put dove's name in a thread and it goes places

Her trolls bring all the liberal failure tards to the yard

and lily be like, made of nothing but lard

and admin is just a reeetard.

My dude.

Kevin literally threatened to go take my picture and get the Twitter communist mob after me because I called Bland a racist and I'm cool with Aryan :LOL3:

Now it's EVERYONE'S FAULT? I think I watched this last season.


Fucking stupid piece of retard dog shit.

Yes. I'm stupid, but I can spell "Glasnost."

Once again, you make total sense.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
all i can say about blandscape is he sounds like an even bigger pinhead in PM's.

the guy pm's just like he posts, pages and pages of incoherent blather that reads like a drunk wrestler trying to do a match promo.

his last pm was, "if you see Cunty, tell him I still love him"


post his pm’s please. I need cheering up


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!


It's because they have an actual unhinged axe to grind.

They are legitimately MAD that they didnt run me off of forums. That's their whole goal here lmao.

They go into psycho frenzies of pure rage and Kevin here tries to jump on whatever hair brained idiot shit way to get back at me still to this day.

He literally said my picture should be taken to TWITTER to tattle on me to a twitter gang of commie leftards. Bahahahaha

Like I've never dealt with cyber leftards before lmao


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Are the communists in the room with your right this second? Did they bring their hammers and sickles?

Maybe she's afraid we'll try to revive Glasnost???


Dove doesn't not appreciate you confusing her with communist snot, Flynn!
Dovzo doesn’t appreciate anybody who doesn’t believe her shit.

She’s been getting dog walked for a couple days now already.

Notice how Dovey has "Terf Warrior Queen" on her profile. Gee, could it more bullshit? As no one here sees her as "tough" or a "queen" except for Aryan Fake Picture Poster and Jokemar's "6 million foot clit."

Also notice, she didn't use the word "smart" under her avatar.

Hey do you have your Glass shot shoved in your fuck hole you retarded fucking fuck?

Fuck your dog on twitter.

Someone's triggered.

Spell "empiracle" for me.


More like spastic galloping

Dovey's soo damn stupid, she'll fuck that up too and call it "Glassnost."


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!
Is that what I did?

Or was I creating drama for views thru out this entire community?

Quit while your behind, reject
:Whatevr2: You weren't creating drama... You came in here crying like a baby with pissy drawers, ffs.
Lol wat?

I created drama that’s still being played out.

How fucking stupid are you?

Second thought, stick to mediocre chops. Words don’t work for you, little fella


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Let's one and all applaud Duhv's skillset, copy and pasting from Google and declaring herself a champ!

All hail Duhv...

How about we don't and just continue putting the boots to her already stretched out anus?

Now in her mania we've become commies...lolol

...and "bigots" and "racists!"


Blandscape is BOTH.

You probably are as well. You are a leftard right? Lily is a raging ass racist.

Kevin is just a hood culture appropriator.

Now Blanscape is BOTH?

Yeah that's right.

Bland is a racist bigot. Not just NOW but for a few weeks we been saying that.

Stupid fucking idiot.

Don't be mad. Some of us are born with a fully functional brain. Maybe you can return yours to Walmart if the 90 day warranty hasn't expired yet.


Hey fuck you Flynn! Go fuck your dog on Twitter. Take that RACIST!

Am I supposed to log off when someone throws that at me?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!
Is that what I did?

Or was I creating drama for views thru out this entire community?

Quit while your behind, reject
:Whatevr2: You weren't creating drama... You came in here crying like a baby with pissy drawers, ffs.
Lol wat?

I created drama that’s still being played out.

How fucking stupid are you?

Second thought, stick to mediocre chops. Words don’t work for you, little fella

I just told her that.

She'll just call us a "biatch" now. lmao


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!


It's because they have an actual unhinged axe to grind.

They are legitimately MAD that they didnt run me off of forums. That's their whole goal here lmao.

They go into psycho frenzies of pure rage and Kevin here tries to jump on whatever hair brained idiot shit way to get back at me still to this day.

He literally said my picture should be taken to TWITTER to tattle on me to a twitter gang of commie leftards. Bahahahaha

Like I've never dealt with cyber leftards before lmao
Yeah.. Welp.. I may do that to Lily for her "Karma" post;) LOLOL.. I guess 2 can play that game :)


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Put dove's name in a thread and it goes places

Her trolls bring all the liberal failure tards to the yard

and lily be like, made of nothing but lard

and admin is just a reeetard.

My dude.

Kevin literally threatened to go take my picture and get the Twitter communist mob after me because I called Bland a racist and I'm cool with Aryan :LOL3:

Now it's EVERYONE'S FAULT? I think I watched this last season.


Fucking stupid piece of retard dog shit.

Yes. I'm stupid, but I can spell "Glasnost."

Once again, you make total sense.

You can shove your glass snot right up your fuckhole, you fucking retard.

Maybe when you finally take that plunge and kill yourself you can think "At least I knew Glasnost".

You fucking dipshit.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Let's one and all applaud Duhv's skillset, copy and pasting from Google and declaring herself a champ!

All hail Duhv...

How about we don't and just continue putting the boots to her already stretched out anus?

Now in her mania we've become commies...lolol

...and "bigots" and "racists!"


Blandscape is BOTH.

You probably are as well. You are a leftard right? Lily is a raging ass racist.

Kevin is just a hood culture appropriator.

Now Blanscape is BOTH?

Yeah that's right.

Bland is a racist bigot. Not just NOW but for a few weeks we been saying that.

Stupid fucking idiot.

Don't be mad. Some of us are born with a fully functional brain. Maybe you can return yours to Walmart if the 90 day warranty hasn't expired yet.


I'm not mad that some people were born without fetal alcohol syndrome and you and Kevin are not those people

Stupid fucking idiot lol

Which is why you can't spell 5 letter words.

Once again. Makes total sense.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!
Is that what I did?

Or was I creating drama for views thru out this entire community?

Quit while your behind, reject
:Whatevr2: You weren't creating drama... You came in here crying like a baby with pissy drawers, ffs.
Lol wat?

I created drama that’s still being played out.

How fucking stupid are you?

Second thought, stick to mediocre chops. Words don’t work for you, little fella

I just told her that.

She'll just call us a "biatch" now. lmao
^^^ cow, so desperate to belong :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!


It's because they have an actual unhinged axe to grind.

They are legitimately MAD that they didnt run me off of forums. That's their whole goal here lmao.

They go into psycho frenzies of pure rage and Kevin here tries to jump on whatever hair brained idiot shit way to get back at me still to this day.

He literally said my picture should be taken to TWITTER to tattle on me to a twitter gang of commie leftards. Bahahahaha

Like I've never dealt with cyber leftards before lmao
Yeah.. Welp.. I may do that to Lily for her "Karma" post;) LOLOL.. I guess 2 can play that game :)

English please. I want to understand what I'm supposed to be terrified of...thanks!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Let's one and all applaud Duhv's skillset, copy and pasting from Google and declaring herself a champ!

All hail Duhv...

How about we don't and just continue putting the boots to her already stretched out anus?

Now in her mania we've become commies...lolol

...and "bigots" and "racists!"


Blandscape is BOTH.

You probably are as well. You are a leftard right? Lily is a raging ass racist.

Kevin is just a hood culture appropriator.

Now Blanscape is BOTH?

Yeah that's right.

Bland is a racist bigot. Not just NOW but for a few weeks we been saying that.

Stupid fucking idiot.

Don't be mad. Some of us are born with a fully functional brain. Maybe you can return yours to Walmart if the 90 day warranty hasn't expired yet.


Hey fuck you Flynn! Go fuck your dog on Twitter. Take that RACIST!

Am I supposed to log off when someone throws that at me?


They let the other tards into the rec room?

You should at least duck. Feces is gross.

Fucking tard


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Kevin legit busts in here like a ghetto blue kool iad man threatening to go run to communist twitter to get cyber antifa after me because I called Bland a racist.

Because Bland IS in FACT a fucking racist, btw. Dont let that get confused. He is a racist little retarded fuck.

And here comes Kev and Flynn losing their gotdamn MINDS

And I'm having a MELTDOWN :LOL3:

Hey can I pick the picture you use when you go run to Twitter Leftardia to gather your soldiers? Bahahahaha

Notice how NOW it's everyone else's fault because Blanscape is the TRUE RACIST!

Damn. Dovey, you sound desperate!

Dovzo is a racist

But Blandscape is a racist racist?

According to Dovey, he's BOTH!



So fucking CRAZY. A RACIST and a BIGOT. Wild. That like....never happens.

Fucking idiot.

So now "both" means 3 things?!


Dear fucking gawd :LOL3:

I hope the fuckwit fairy visits you tonight and pops all the protectors off your electric outlets.

So now you're just plain ridiculous on top of being a proven dipshit.

Good job!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Let's one and all applaud Duhv's skillset, copy and pasting from Google and declaring herself a champ!

All hail Duhv...

How about we don't and just continue putting the boots to her already stretched out anus?

Now in her mania we've become commies...lolol

...and "bigots" and "racists!"


Blandscape is BOTH.

You probably are as well. You are a leftard right? Lily is a raging ass racist.

Kevin is just a hood culture appropriator.

Now Blanscape is BOTH?

Yeah that's right.

Bland is a racist bigot. Not just NOW but for a few weeks we been saying that.

Stupid fucking idiot.

Don't be mad. Some of us are born with a fully functional brain. Maybe you can return yours to Walmart if the 90 day warranty hasn't expired yet.


I'm not mad that some people were born without fetal alcohol syndrome and you and Kevin are not those people

Stupid fucking idiot lol

Which is why you can't spell 5 letter words.

Once again. Makes total sense.

I CAN spell

You are a stupid drooling piece of fuck.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Are the communists in the room with your right this second? Did they bring their hammers and sickles?

Maybe she's afraid we'll try to revive Glasnost???


Dove doesn't not appreciate you confusing her with communist snot, Flynn!
Dovzo doesn’t appreciate anybody who doesn’t believe her shit.

She’s been getting dog walked for a couple days now already.

Notice how Dovey has "Terf Warrior Queen" on her profile. Gee, could it more bullshit? As no one here sees her as "tough" or a "queen" except for Aryan Fake Picture Poster and Jokemar's "6 million foot clit."

Also notice, she didn't use the word "smart" under her avatar.

Hey do you have your Glass shot shoved in your fuck hole you retarded fucking fuck?

Fuck your dog on twitter.

Someone's triggered.

Spell "empiracle" for me.


More like spastic galloping

Dovey's soo damn stupid, she'll fuck that up too and call it "Glassnost."
Dovzo is in such streamlined “me first” mode right now she’s still babbling about Twitter.

It’s like saying your stupid without saying your stupid.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Kevin legit busts in here like a ghetto blue kool iad man threatening to go run to communist twitter to get cyber antifa after me because I called Bland a racist.

Because Bland IS in FACT a fucking racist, btw. Dont let that get confused. He is a racist little retarded fuck.

And here comes Kev and Flynn losing their gotdamn MINDS

And I'm having a MELTDOWN :LOL3:

Hey can I pick the picture you use when you go run to Twitter Leftardia to gather your soldiers? Bahahahaha

Notice how NOW it's everyone else's fault because Blanscape is the TRUE RACIST!

Damn. Dovey, you sound desperate!

Dovzo is a racist

But Blandscape is a racist racist?

According to Dovey, he's BOTH!



So fucking CRAZY. A RACIST and a BIGOT. Wild. That like....never happens.

Fucking idiot.

So now "both" means 3 things?!


Dear fucking gawd :LOL3:

I hope the fuckwit fairy visits you tonight and pops all the protectors off your electric outlets.

So now you're just plain ridiculous on top of being a proven dipshit.

Good job!

Go get the Twitter antifa.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wanna know why people who claim to HATE Dovey have such an obsession with her? JFC.. Fartini damn near cries for her attention.. Seriously some cringeworthy shit.. I'd like to dig up the thread where Fartini came in here CRYING 3 years ago looking for pity on how Dovey hurt him.. boo hoo.. He was laughed right out of this place the pitiful fuck!!!
Is that what I did?

Or was I creating drama for views thru out this entire community?

Quit while your behind, reject
:Whatevr2: You weren't creating drama... You came in here crying like a baby with pissy drawers, ffs.
Lol wat?

I created drama that’s still being played out.

How fucking stupid are you?

Second thought, stick to mediocre chops. Words don’t work for you, little fella

I just told her that.

She'll just call us a "biatch" now. lmao
^^^ cow, so desperate to belong :LOL3:
It's cringeworthy :facepalm:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Are the communists in the room with your right this second? Did they bring their hammers and sickles?

Maybe she's afraid we'll try to revive Glasnost???


Dove doesn't not appreciate you confusing her with communist snot, Flynn!
Dovzo doesn’t appreciate anybody who doesn’t believe her shit.

She’s been getting dog walked for a couple days now already.

Notice how Dovey has "Terf Warrior Queen" on her profile. Gee, could it more bullshit? As no one here sees her as "tough" or a "queen" except for Aryan Fake Picture Poster and Jokemar's "6 million foot clit."

Also notice, she didn't use the word "smart" under her avatar.

Hey do you have your Glass shot shoved in your fuck hole you retarded fucking fuck?

Fuck your dog on twitter.

Someone's triggered.

Spell "empiracle" for me.


More like spastic galloping

Dovey's soo damn stupid, she'll fuck that up too and call it "Glassnost."
Dovzo is in such streamlined “me first” mode right now she’s still babbling about Twitter.

It’s like saying your stupid without saying your stupid.

Oh yeah I'm gonna laugh at that for a while now.

Probably until your next big unhinged demonstration of psychotic ass hurt.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Put the goddamn ball gag back in your mouth and go back to your gimp cage.

Or what, will you threaten me with Poppy and her uber commandoes of poetic despair??

I will fuck dem up, as easily as I do you.

poetry and writing clubs are not filled with middle aged men claiming to be "flamers" who "fuck people up" on troll forums.

you daft cunt

Could you imagine this idiot in a poetry and writing group?

Someone would express emotions and thoughts that violate his anti theist, communists sensibilities and he would start with the sentence fragments and bragging about flame boards.

this is is just a few more manifesto pages short before going full 4 chan crazy and ending up on the BBC breaking news


I check my notifications and it's all this 5 Blandscape and a bunch from Flyntard :LOL3:

Like a retarded machine gun firing out a regular stream of stupid and hate.

But it's okay when it's you, Aryan and Biggie Gimp; right?

Shut up you pile of steaming Raven shit, go read a book or something.

It's okay that you post, it's just that your posts are fucking stupid and you cant follow anything.

So maybe instead of like ten consecutive incoherent and angry puddles of runny shit that make up your "contents" you have some cooth and put some space in between these episodes?

Thanks for your permission to post.

Now explain to me the difference between "racism" and "tribalism."

I'll understand if you run from this as well. Afterall, accusing people of being bigots and racists doesn't fit very well as you and Aryan are such good buddies.

See. It's easy seeing through your contradictory behavior, you fucking bat shit crazy whore.

How the fuck does anyone that is friends with Aryan call anyone else a "racist"? You literally have to have shit for brains.

Good question!

After all that preaching Dovey does! It turns out she IS what she IS preaching about!

I call that irony.

Soon she'll post another screed about how she "understands" them and it's everyone else's fault (by that I mean leftists) that they are the hateful pieces of shit that they are...
So lemme get this straight…

A stupid person who buddies up with a wannabe Nahhzi is calling others “hateful “ and “racist”?

Is this really what’s being said?

Yes. Her team does it all the time.
I’m not gonna lie, this is “post this on social media along with her avatar pic” worthy.

talk the talk, walk the walk

it’s not that serious. Cmon now

I did a really good break down of NPD and why everything IS very serious to these people.

It's very serious for these psycho morons. They are free to make whatever choices they want. It's their consequences as well.

They basically say the same dumb shit over and over, get all pissed off, start lying and then moving onto PI idiocy and threats. Wash rinse repeat.

Does anyone actually give a fuck? Lmao.



EVERYONE agrees with it.


Literally EVERY person here thinks you're fucking stupid.


Kinda like how EVERYONE is a "racist" except you Aryan and Jokemar???


Bland and Lily are EVERYONE?

You really are experiencing a lot of heightened drama this evening.

You okay?

So now you're picking and choosing your audience?

Really dummy?

The fuck?

Fucking idiot.

I thought you said you were literate? Does the Burger King menu confuse you as well?

Dumb ass, I said you were fucking stupid.

You are fucking stupid.

You understand if I have trouble believing anything you say, right?

If you said the sky was blue, I'd probably have to get a second opinion or third.