

Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Fuck the shitty chorus, listen to the rest and you'll have a new favorite band...

' ~ I raped your wife!
I destroyed yourlife
I am Whar Goul
I. AM. Uncool!!!
~ you fags know who that was now

You haven’t done any of that you weak cunt, take a picture of your shoes bitch!

They're lyrics my boy. It's Gwar. Few get it. Most do not.

I’m in the “do not” crowd

Be alright bud. There's a lot of good songs they do. You may eventually find one you like yet...

Best I can do

Mr. Whipple

brilliantly insane
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Upstate NY by the Adirondack mountains


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I can't think of anything funnier than the end of this video. Don't like GWAR? Skip to the 2:20 endish of this very poor quality video, the dreaded 240p *sniff* Nobody could possibly ever expect to see this horrible sin, not even God, but you HAVE too. Evil + hilarity = Dave Brockie and his marvelous band (RIP)...

Oh Jesus, I almost hit the Post reply button without including this catchy, awesome, heartwarming gem: Hate Love Songs

- go ahead and pretend you didn't at least watch the first one on mute (2:20, the hilarious beginning of the end). That second one? You must LOVE love songs you fuckin' faux romantic. Get the fuck outta Meltdown after you've knelt-down and have your breath freshened.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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This is a reeeaal honey! Nobody has really heard it, but I'll put my taste in music on the line here:

- I may have to move, Minnesota is a great state to live in right?


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I give Glenn Danzig so many thumbs up that taking shits hurts like Hell. Misfits, SAMHAIN, and Danzig.

Now, you posted a good song from an album that should place him in the HoF alone, but the song to post from it is arguably the best song ever - Devil's Plaything.

Now, you two obviously know what's up - truth. So I'm gonna drop a number from SAMMY that you either heard recently or never have. Ooh! And another from the Misfits that went unnoticed, didn't make either of the two Greatest songs albums (2! Rock Oooon).

Now get rid of the babbling trash you hang out with right after they supply some drugs and/or booze. They may be down enough to dig these two beauties:

Now that five-minute song is actually a three minute, fifteen seconds classic. It just kinda goes on for few minutes after the 3:15 mark without any more Danzig singing along.

This next one is so catchy yet ignored the two anthology albums to my surprise. Oh yeah, one more that wasn't included for some reason. The guy who chose which songs went where better have died a looooong, sloooow death in a hospital where a black male attendant wiped his ass every day...

I just came. I have a date tonight that I'm gonna hafta cancel. I mean, empty cum cannon? I ain't buyin' you dinner or anything else you annoying bitch. Now here's another Misfits jam that was hard to find because it was never put to tape, it was just on those CD sized record. And oh yeah, I can't remember it making to CD either. Dumb fucks.

That's right, before that jam began, you even heard the record take the needle with heartfelt love.

Oh fuck, the next song on my glorious TY song routine needs to be heard. I gotta throw this shit to see if sticks. Wait, it's a GG song!!!

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YT and 99% of our repellant population are honestly grossed out. YT removes his songs all the time and some saint comes along and puts it back up. No big block to click...

- Did, um, anyone catch me dancing to The Metro - Berlin? Fucking peeping Tards.
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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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You cunts are all older than me, sure. But how fucking foreign punk are you? Hey, IMO, I think all the best songs are fast, catchy, satanic, drink coffee at Starbucks now, etc. So its time for me to stop talkin' and start walkin' instead.

You shining examples of terribly, early molested orphans grown into the role as foster parents - one new kid at a time - you don't want more than one conspiring with the other one of how to kill you and your husband at night before getting the fuck out, like Jeffrey Dahmer's victims should've done despite the many opportunities to do so. I may have stayed on my free choice is asked. Who knows?

So here is some great old school English music (or not, fuck you) that can get booo'd if the following jams are universally rejected. My goddamn green might, dare I openly say, may shrink like a dick at the site of your loved ones naked. Again, fuck you.

Wif no mo impatence, 'ere you gentlemen do, 'oo akshallah drink choe/joe/whatevah da faak at Stahbooks efray day:

Not bad, not bad a'toool.

Eh, here's a pretty good song from those Brittish faggots you honestly may like, without publicly admitting it, of course. Same band, totally different sound. Which way do I pass this glorious glass pipe to with weed so good you'd kill a motherfuckah after coming back outta the bathroom and notice a small part of a holy nug missing. Rape, kill, then rape again on web cam.

Chill/cool as fuck, no? Well FUCK YOU THEN!!!

I gotta do some motherfuckin' spring cleanin' 'round these here parts. I mean, this thread by me was posted to gather like-minded folks to discuss totality and its horrifying soon-to-come consequences on the common curve savers like you.

Are you a fucking alcoholic? Well, so am I! And I'm fucking swooving to the odd-off beats that even Blasted would clinch his gums and wonder why he didn't peacefully die that one night. Good Golly Ms Molly, I wouldn't rub elbows with a fucking nigger if it meant I'd have to wait for the next trolly, or whatever the fuck.

My outlook on party music is that every song must be two minutes or less, making the crowd irate for another awesome chorus, leaving their hands on their fat girl's bra-less tit shouting cries for MORE! Example?

Ooooor Sir Orbison's standing, movement-less performances where his voice took off onto its own directions without predicting it because the ugly motherfucker does move.

Ooh ooh ooh! I'm me, so I cracked this shit. No complaints, but you'll see. Oh yes, you'll seeeeee:

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That was adlib by the krout. Good shit, really. But where the fuck would a dumbass actor Snatch his material from??? Listen and make that face (only 2 minutes of heroin):

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I hate it when I get caught with stingers. You talk while the damnation of men Patsy Cline is belting out in a saw-dust floored Texan bar. You must have ideas to tell your friends about the story of losing all yer fuckin' teeth insteada payin' the dentist too much for Texan free-bes...

- you and I will never be cool