Trump Caves



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President Trump complained for nearly a week about a "disgraceful" $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and 2021 spending package Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin helped negotiate, "only to
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and get nothing in return?"
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. "Trump got taken to the cleaners."

After this "bizarre, embarrassing episode," all Trump proved is that "he had no discernible strategy and no hand to play,"
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. "He folded, and got nothing besides a few days of attention and chaos. ... Zip. Zero. Zilch." Trump issued a statement
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, they note, but "he'll never get the spending rescissions he's asking for — like, zero chance" — and his support for a vote on $2,000 stimulus checks will only "split the Republican Party on the way out the door."

"This is probably the most fitting coda to Trump's presidency, and a neat encapsulation of his relationship with Congress,"
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. "He never cared to understand the place and was disengaged from its work. They'll be laughing — er, scratching their heads — at your genius about this one for a while, Mr. President."

Palmer also noted the terrible optics of Trump sitting on relief checks, unemployment benefits, and rental aid from his golf resort in Palm Beach, while Vice President Mike Pence is
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, Colorado, and Mnuchin
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near Cabo.


At least I can go ahead and order those two other river Smallie spinning rods now.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.


Factory Bastard
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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.
It's not about legal immunity, it's about making El Trumpty feel sad, get over it bootlickers, we are not a Theocracy.


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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.
The issue about liability has been the GOP not wanting employers held accountable for employees contracting Covid19 due to their negligence.
Carry on thought.
Tell us in full detail about McConnel's opposition to corporations not being held accountable for their actions.


Factory Bastard
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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.
It's not about legal immunity, it's about making El Trumpty feel sad, get over it bootlickers, we are not a Theocracy.

Actually, section 230 is explicitly about immunity from lawsuits on the grounds that they are not editors but simple common carriers like the phone company. Except it is very clear companies like Facebook, youtube, and Twitter all edit material as well so they shouldn't have immunity from lawsuits.


Factory Bastard
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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.
The issue about liability has been the GOP not wanting employers held accountable for employees contracting Covid19 due to their negligence.
Carry on thought.
Tell us in full detail about McConnel's opposition to corporations not being held accountable for their actions.

You are confusing an old proposal which never got passed with the section 230 issue. I am all for regular people being able to sue corporations

You should be too.


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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.
It's not about legal immunity, it's about making El Trumpty feel sad, get over it bootlickers, we are not a Theocracy.

Actually, section 230 is explicitly about immunity from lawsuits on the grounds that they are not editors but simple common carriers like the phone company. Except it is very clear companies like Facebook, youtube, and Twitter all edit material as well so they shouldn't have immunity from lawsuits.
So are you saying he doesn't want propaganda edited?


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. Ball in McConnell's court
How interesting

. He can go along with what will seem agreement with Trump, and earlier with the likes of Bernie and OAC
or maintain his position that the GOP is in the Post Trump failure era.

. So fascinating.

Reportedly McConnell wants to tie it in one bill with a repeal of section 230 from the 1996 internet regulation act. I'd be fore this, everyone should be for this, because big tech shouldn't have legal immunity. They act like editors not common carriers so they should lose section 230 protections and let everyone they wrong sue them in court.
The issue about liability has been the GOP not wanting employers held accountable for employees contracting Covid19 due to their negligence.
Carry on thought.
Tell us in full detail about McConnel's opposition to corporations not being held accountable for their actions.

You are confusing an old proposal which never got passed with the section 230 issue. I am all for regular people being able to sue corporations

You should be too.
Oh, I am. One of the many reasons I had little regard for Obama, you know,
being the partisan hack I am and all.


Factory Bastard
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Which protections from lawsuits are you speaking about wrt Obama?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Something is better than nothing at all! Maybe he wanted to go ahead and pass something while the house and senate argue over the $2k deal. He knows the American people need money now and there's no sense in them waiting any longer. Is $600 much? Fuck no. It wouldn't catch anyone up on the bills that they owe but guess what? $600 is better than $0 all day long!


Something is better than nothing at all! Maybe he wanted to go ahead and pass something while the house and senate argue over the $2k deal. He knows the American people need money now and there's no sense in them waiting any longer. Is $600 much? Fuck no. It wouldn't catch anyone up on the bills that they owe but guess what? $600 is better than $0 all day long! a lot of sinkers, circle hooks and braid, aye CaseyK?


Factory Bastard
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If he he just wanted to get people the money he could have signed it last weds instead of 8pm the following Sunday. I believe the reason he reversed course is McConnell made it clear the Senate was just going to over ride his veto and thus humiliate him in public. Trump would have deserved it too as his team negotiated the deal and pushed stimulus payments down to just $600.

It was only after the legislation had passed that Trump stupidly started whining about what his own people had agreed to.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Something is better than nothing at all! Maybe he wanted to go ahead and pass something while the house and senate argue over the $2k deal. He knows the American people need money now and there's no sense in them waiting any longer. Is $600 much? Fuck no. It wouldn't catch anyone up on the bills that they owe but guess what? $600 is better than $0 all day long! a lot of sinkers, circle hooks and braid, aye CaseyK?

I guess so.....seeing as Biden may possibly be the next president....I'm probably gonna need to buy more outdoors gear like that. Roflmao.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Something is better than nothing at all! Maybe he wanted to go ahead and pass something while the house and senate argue over the $2k deal. He knows the American people need money now and there's no sense in them waiting any longer. Is $600 much? Fuck no. It wouldn't catch anyone up on the bills that they owe but guess what? $600 is better than $0 all day long!
THese fuckheads will find a way to cry no matter what he does


Factory Bastard
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Even CNN is admiting Dems don't want to have to vote for or against an enlarged stimulus check if they also have to vote to remove immunity from lawsuits for big tech. Dems love to suck big tech's cock as they are a big three donor lobby (after banks and drug companies). They know the public wants the checks and hates big tech monopolies but the Dems don't want to offend one of their largest donors.

Hehe he. Good move by Mitch. Make the Dems show their true colors on the record for everyone to see. I can almost hear the 2022 campaign attack ads now.

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Even CNN is admiting Dems don't want to have to vote for or against an enlarged stimulus check if they also have to vote to remove immunity from lawsuits for big tech. Dems love to suck big techs cock as they are a big three donor lobby (after banks and drug companies). They now the public wants the checks and hates big tech monopolies but the Dems don't want to offender one of their largest donors.

Hehe he. Good move by Mitch. Make the Dems show their true colors on the record for everyone to see. I can almost hear the 2022 campaign attack ads now.

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