Underground Pipelines are the safest way to move petrochemicals they said.


Domestically feral
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United states
It is the safest. There is so such thing as risk free energy just risk minimized. If you weren't so low I.Q. you'd have figured that out by now.
Don’t give up on your ESL classes

HOW did you not understand what he said?

Admin.....this doesnt prove it isnt the safest. There is a risk with all of it. This has the LEAST amount.
Sounds like an Op-Ed Duh'v.

So the risk:benefit ratio just isnt a thing now?
Asking for that risk benefit analysis is the gist of my query. Please try reading to understand not just to respond.

So to clarify your OP, this is evidence to you that this ISNT the safest way based on this accident?

That's what you are saying?
The Republican Party has been fighting The D people tooth and nail against rebuilding worn out roads and bridges and pipelines etc, yanno build back better????? now here we have oil pipelines so corroded they're springing leaks.....while all "you people" want to do is drill more holes and lay more pipe....while ignoring what you already have.

No they havent. Where do you get that?

Because the infrastructure bill Trump wanted was shoved to the side until democrats could add tons of PORK?

Do you guys ever pay attention to what's in these bills and what people actually have a problem with? Do you DO democracy?

Show me where Republicans are fighting "tooth and nail" against infrastructure bill.
PS, stop being dumb, please at least do it for your babies!

I asked you to SHOW me.

I already know the infrastructure bill was overloaded with pork.

That's a common tactic. Something we need gets presented, and a shit ton of pork gets added so that when the others object, they get blamed for "fighting" the needed thing.

And YOU are falling for this. And everytime you guys are asked a question like this to show your claims, you insult people. Was I insulting you?

Go ahead and show where Republicans are fighting infrastructure bill? Like the infrastructure part. Please?

Do you honestly not realize both parties do this? Republicans do every single thing you accuse Democrats of doing, yet you are still 100% anti-Democrats and pro-Republicans. You never call out Repulicans for any of their crimes.

And in THIS discussion we are discussing the infrastructure bill.

What does this point have to do with this bill? I'm discussing what the Republicans are actually fighting and it's not the infrastructure.

You are projecting right now. We criticize Republicans as well. You only criticize Democrats when pushed and it's never specific.

Give an example of Republicans trying to pass a partisan bill using something critical as a way to force their own pork. We will talk about it. Seriously give an example....I do it all the time when I see inconsistency.

This specific exchange is directly about the infrastructure bill where democrats are the ones being pricks. Anytime we come with a specific example of Democrats behaving badly, instead of agreeing and criticizing them, you always water it down by saying "Republicans do it to!!". And you ONLY criticize "cons".

If a Republican did something stupid and insignificant (like belching on the floor) you would start a thread about that instead of the democrat doing something massively horrible like the Afganistan exit.

I'm just saying.

Focus on THIS issue here. We are open about our disdain of establishment Republicans.