Very disgusting and shameful.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Something wrong with personal choices in one's sexuality?
Not for adults, no, but it was a better, vanished world when deviants remained in the closets and back alleys where pervertry belongs.

Hopefull, all this LGBTYXZ nonsense will fade away now that our glorious Orange God Emperor has taken away the tax monies that funded it all.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Not for adults, no, but it was a better, vanished world when deviants remained in the closets and back alleys where pervertry belongs.

Hopefull, all this LGBTYXZ nonsense will fade away now that our glorious Orange God Emperor has taken away the tax monies that funded it all.
Yeah, Ragey then no one will find out about all the dick you want to suck, hmm?


Eating your pancakes
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Upper US
Not for adults, no, but it was a better, vanished world when deviants remained in the closets and back alleys where pervertry belongs.

Hopefull, all this LGBTYXZ nonsense will fade away now that our glorious Orange God Emperor has taken away the tax monies that funded it all.
Dream on brother. being gay isn't deviant.

It is deviant to be so vile towards any other human being over their sexuality however.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Dream on brother. being gay isn't deviant.

It is deviant to be so vile towards any other human being over their sexuality however.
Do they have a pervert club in your local high school, jack?

Where do you think the funding for that came from?

Also, I know you people have trouble grasping that words have definitions and those definitions don't change just because you want them too. Homosexuals are "deviants" by definition. Always have been, always will be. Take it up with the dictionary people if that offends your delicate girl-like sensitivities.


Eating your pancakes
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Upper US
Homosexuals are "deviants" by definition
AI Overview
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No, the definition of "homosexual" does not inherently mean "deviant," but historically, due to societal norms and negative associations, the term has often been used to imply deviance, particularly in contexts where homosexuality is stigmatized; however, in modern, inclusive language, "homosexual" simply refers to someone attracted to the same sex without implying any negative connotations.

Key points to remember:
  • Neutral definition: "Homosexual" simply means someone attracted to the same sex.
  • Social stigma: In the past, "homosexual" was often used to label someone as deviant because many societies considered same-sex attraction abnormal or unacceptable.

  • Important to consider context: When encountering the term "homosexual," it's crucial to consider the context and the speaker's intent to understand if it is being used in a neutral or negative way.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
AI Overview
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No, the definition of "homosexual" does not inherently mean "deviant," but historically, due to societal norms and negative associations, the term has often been used to imply deviance, particularly in contexts where homosexuality is stigmatized; however, in modern, inclusive language, "homosexual" simply refers to someone attracted to the same sex without implying any negative connotations.

Key points to remember:
  • Neutral definition: "Homosexual" simply means someone attracted to the same sex.

  • Social stigma: In the past, "homosexual" was often used to label someone as deviant because many societies considered same-sex attraction abnormal or unacceptable.

  • Important to consider context: When encountering the term "homosexual," it's crucial to consider the context and the speaker's intent to understand if it is being used in a neutral or negative way.
Oh gee! You found a nice bit of LGBTQXYZ propaganda, most likely written by a homosexual activist and probably disseminated and funded with tax dollars. Well done, jack.

Now find me one that says the definitions of "pervert" and "perversion" really don't apply to homosexuals because that might be stigmatizing.


Eating your pancakes
Site Supporter
Upper US
Oh gee! You found a nice bit of LGBTQXYZ propaganda, most likely written by a homosexual activist and probably disseminated and funded with tax dollars. Well done, jack.

Now find me one that says the definitions of "pervert" and "perversion" really don't apply to homosexuals because that might be stigmatizing.
That was AI which is more unbiased than a person, it simply compiles data and assimilates said data coherently. No "person" is involved. Just the facts ma'am.

Speaking of facts, why don't you evolve a little from the cro-magnon pap you've been serving?

And speaking of ma'am you've soiled those li'l pannies again. Looks like you need some fresh ones.

Maybe the wife will help out?


Eating your pancakes
Site Supporter
Upper US
btw, the prompt was "are homosexuals considered deviant in the world?"

and that was the AI response.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
btw, the prompt was "are homosexuals considered deviant in the world?"

and that was the AI response.
And the algorithm that governs the AI response is written by a human person, jack. There was a whole scandal just last year about how AI algorithms were churning out woke bullshit based on the ideologies of the engineers writing the algorithms. People would write a prompt for a picture of the Founding Fathers and the AI would generate a picture of a bunch of niggers in colonial outfits.

Since this topic seems to trigger you bigly, I'll leave off mocking and ridiculing deviant perverts unless the conversation calls for it.

And my dear wife passed away two years ago, so please leave those lames off your lame list. Thx.

The Question

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Arizona Bay
That was AI which is more unbiased than a person, it simply compiles data and assimilates said data coherently. No "person" is involved. Just the facts ma'am.
You may want to look into the phenomenon of 'confabulation'. To boil it down: AI is known to just make shit up when it doesn't have the answer to a question.