We Are Not Alone.


Factory Bastard
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Horseshit? So many indicators pointing to the opposite, and obvious.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Horseshit? So many indicators pointing to the opposite, and obvious.

Idk...I mean, whose to say that some foreign country....or even the US doesn't have the ability to make flying objects such as that....until I see an actual "alien" caught from one of those things..I'm just hesitant to believe. I'm not saying its impossible for aliens to exist. I believe in flying saucers....I just question their "origin" so to speak.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Horseshit? So many indicators pointing to the opposite, and obvious.

Idk...I mean, whose to say that some foreign country....or even the US doesn't have the ability to make flying objects such as that....until I see an actual "alien" caught from one of those things..I'm just hesitant to believe. I'm not saying its impossible for aliens to exist. I believe in flying saucers....I just question their "origin" so to speak.

To me there are too many indications all thru ancient history. On all continents. Something had to have passed certain knowledge and reason why some of these things exist. The obvious things are pyramids that exist in the Middle East and in the Americas. I Find it all super interesting, and I’m an atheist. I wonder if there is an existing thread that discusses this.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Horseshit? So many indicators pointing to the opposite, and obvious.

Idk...I mean, whose to say that some foreign country....or even the US doesn't have the ability to make flying objects such as that....until I see an actual "alien" caught from one of those things..I'm just hesitant to believe. I'm not saying its impossible for aliens to exist. I believe in flying saucers....I just question their "origin" so to speak.

To me there are too many indications all thru ancient history. On all continents. Something had to have passed certain knowledge and reason why some of these things exist. The obvious things are pyramids that exist in the Middle East and in the Americas. I Find it all super interesting, and I’m an atheist. I wonder if there is an existing thread that discusses this.

Interesting point. I'm a conspiracy theorist for the most part. There is a reason and a person behind everything that happens.... the government wants you to look over here....while they're doing something over there, type of shit. Look at everything that's going on now...all the havoc over the covid shit....they're just now bringing the UFO topic up again on the news to try and use it as a decoy...get peoples attention focused elsewhere instead of their attention being focused where need be. Just my opinion. Having schitzophrenia doesn't help much but oh well....is what it is....lol.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......

You're referring to yourself, no? Love how that song justifies everything about you, precious! You know, you coulda just came out and told us but you're so imaginative! No wonder @Bastard Factory has kept you around. You're very entertaining! Two thumbs way way up! BTW, how much do you charge for head? Jw....Love to ride that gorgeous face of yours! ;)