Who is the 'Hawk Tuah' Girl & why is she so popular?



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
They are making that broad into some sort of celebrity. People are pathetic.
A Star is Born!

Welcome to the New Age of Social Media @The Prowler

Fame isn't what it used ta be controlled by Hollywood Bosses or Big Music executives eh? Not like the kind we grew up with.

Stardom originates in YouTube, Intagram & Tik Tok Now. The river no longer flows from West to East. It did an about face & goes from East to West.

Paradigm Shift eh.

That's what Hawk Tuah Girl represents.

The masses control/determine fame with their likes and views & less the executives.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I do not care.

Fame is an illusion.

It tends to result in nasty conditions like severe depression, drug/alcohol dependency, lack of self-awareness, etc. etc.

Following people the way fans and admirers do is pathetic. It is one of the reasons I look down on you, Senile @Joe. You idolize people based on very limited knowledge of their true self.

You do you, Senile @Joe. But I see your life as a wasted life. Watching other people, when you could be participating in your own life.

For example, I would rather play touch football with a bunch of slow, out-of-shape average people than spend every Sunday glued to the TV watching the NFL.

I say this to help you, Senile @Joe.

And now, I must go. I am off to walk dogs at The Shelter.

Later I will be playing my acoustic guitar to stretch out the new strings. I will be playing an acoustic show on Friday (6:30-9:30pm...in case you want to spectate) so the guitar needs to be ready, and I will not have a chance to on Thursday because I play an electric show for 3 hours on Thursday.

On Saturday I will be playing a baseball game, then visiting with a buddy of mine who has been going through family stuff (elderly folks), then we are having a couple over to play cards and board games in the evening.

I give you these details because I want you to realize that you could be DOING things, Senile @Joe, instead of watching other people do things....

I say this to help you, Senile @Joe.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I do not care.

Fame is an illusion.

It tends to result in nasty conditions like severe depression, drug/alcohol dependency, lack of self-awareness, etc. etc.

And yet you appear to have no shortage of mental issues & insecurities Lex @The Prowler. You are addicted to these forums because they provide you with validation. attention & praise you don't otherwise get in your own home, Lex.

IMHO, you are a deeply insecure man who needs to bait and badger others to feel less insecure about himself.

Actually, you remind me of George in one episode of Seinfeld where he boasts about his new toupee or wig.

In many respects, the facade and the lies you behind are your 'wig' Lex. Like George, you feel inadequate and insecure so you buy overpriced cars, trinkets & baseball bats just like the professional baseball players use. You imitate them to a tee. What you can't have or attain, you copy/mimic. And just like him, you're bald too, Lex.

Following people the way fans and admirers do is pathetic. It is one of the reasons I look down on you, Senile @Joe. You idolize people based on very limited knowledge of their true self.

If that be the case, why do you boast/brag that you had 10,000 followers on Twitter @Lex.

I just hit 10K Followers.

I wonder if any of you follow me.

You disparge others that follow, but evidently you do it yourself & want others to follow you in order to feel validated.

Meanwhile that 21 year old Hawk Tuah Girl acquired 10,000 followers in less than a day while it took you years to get to 10,000. You must be jealous, Lex.

You do you, Senile @Joe. But I see your life as a wasted life. Watching other people, when you could be participating in your own life.

... says the overgrown Middle Aged immature Brat who needs to insult 50 something women just to get their attention. And face the truth, those are the only women you'll ever get attention from, Lex.

For example, I would rather play touch football with a bunch of slow, out-of-shape average people than spend every Sunday glued to the TV watching the NFL.

....of course you would, because you can't compete on a level playing field with your own contemporaries. You waste your life & everybody else's time on these forums sizing yourself up to others thousands of miles away from where you live because you can't compete or measure up to other Real Men in your own backyard

I say this to help you, Senile @Joe.

And now, I must go. I am off to walk dogs at The Shelter.

Stay close to your ugly dog, Lex. He's about the only true friend who accepts you for all your defects, Lex. The Dog understands you like no human would or be willing to tolerate. I've often observed that dogs often provide comfort to those afflicted with disabilities.

Later I will be playing my acoustic guitar to stretch out the new strings. I will be playing an acoustic show on Friday (6:30-9:30pm...in case you want to spectate) so the guitar needs to be ready, and I will not have a chance to on Thursday because I play an electric show for 3 hours on Thursday.

On Saturday I will be playing a baseball game, then visiting with a buddy of mine who has been going through family stuff (elderly folks), then we are having a couple over to play cards and board games in the evening.

I give you these details because I want you to realize that you could be DOING things, Senile @Joe, instead of watching other people do things....

I say this to help you, Senile @Joe.
zzzzzzzz. Man are you ever boring Lex.

Such an uneventful life

Make yourself useful and git a job.

McDonalds or Tim Hortons would be a good start, Lex.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
And yet you appear


If that be the case, why do you boast/brag that you had 10,000 followers on Twitter @Lex.

You disparge others that follow, but evidently you do it yourself & want others to follow you in order to feel validated.

I Follow 16 users on Twitter because I find their content interesting. I am by no means a "fan" of any of them.

I have over 11,400 Followers now. I am sure there are a few pathetic do-nothings like yourself, Senile @Joe, but most are quite intelligent and seeking wisdom.

Meanwhile that 21 year old Hawk Tuah Girl acquired 10,000 followers in less than a day while it took you years to get to 10,000. You must be jealous, Lex.

You are so weird, Senile @Joe. I am not competing with that broad.

Such an uneventful life

I do more interesting things in an average week than you do in a year.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is it true or is it just the idea of being spit with that "sound" that is funny?

I think it's the combo of the silliness and enthusiasm that made people love this video enough to turn it into a meme.

Not so much what she said...but how she delivered it. She seems like a lot of fun to hang with.