Who will Dems make VP after Biden steps down?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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It doesn't matter. We're all fucked without the feeling because when Biden is out, Kamala is in and we're just fucked. That's the best way to put it. We're all just FUCKED.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Kamala will be the President.

She seems very weak and wouldn't last long in office.

The Democrats should ditch her by 2024 and choose soeone else.

Trruuummmpppppp. I hope he runs....and brings Candace Owen's with him!
The dream team right there

Let our beloved Desantis stay right here in Florida keeping it the greatest state in the Union


Factory Bastard
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Everyone knows Biden is a mental potato in pwr.inent decline. That is painfully obvious to any honest observer. I doubt he even makes it much past the two year mark and certainly not past three as the Dems will want to give Cameltoe a chance to act like an incumbent before the 24 election. The big question is who we the Democrats install as V.P. after Biden is left to rot in the old folks home?

My guess? Hillary Clinton. Kamala is a dirty current I sider to her core but she knows no one likes her. Even she knows she polled at 0% during the last Dem primary. Thus she wants a big name and she will need big money connections thus she will cater to the corrupt Clinton machine. Dems are also inherently racist and sexist and they know they need the suburban white woman vote and what better way to appeal to feelings instead of facts than a two female ticket while they like and claim the half-Asian, one quarter white lady with a Jamaican father some how represents American black women and their experiences? This will automatically appeal to low information liberals thus it is exactly what I expect them to do.

What is your guess?

It's increasingly likely that Kamala Might not be the next Presidential nominee.

She's having severe morale problems in her office:

If she caint even hold her workplace together, how is she gonna govern a country?

You fucking idiot, she got cheated in with biden. NOTHING can be done now! Bitch will be president because she's next in line when biden dies and that asshole is teetering.

Like him or not, as an American citizen, Joe Biden IS your President for at least the next 3-1/2 years, Lokmeer!

so suck it up, Buttercup!


...that's an order....Lokmeer!

I doubt Biden will last a full term.

He will. He’s doing a good job, without a bunch of fucking lies, corruption, deception, spite and stupidity

The country opened up. Duh!


Factory Bastard
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It doesn't matter. We're all fucked without the feeling because when Biden is out, Kamala is in and we're just fucked. That's the best way to put it. We're all just FUCKED.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Kamala will be the President.

She seems very weak and wouldn't last long in office.

The Democrats should ditch her by 2024 and choose soeone else.

Trruuummmpppppp. I hope he runs....and brings Candace Owen's with him!

Why do you hate America?

I love my country. I just don't like certain people that "run" our country to the ground.

I hear ya. How can you trust a crook who’s been impeached twice, and soon to be indicted for a shit load of other violations and law breaking. I’ll bet you payed more than $750. In Fed income tax. I sure as fuck did. I love the United States. I hate crooks who believe They can get away with anything
100% of that shit all because of democRAT child rape lovers like YUO!!!! PWN3D!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Everyone knows Biden is a mental potato in pwr.inent decline. That is painfully obvious to any honest observer. I doubt he even makes it much past the two year mark and certainly not past three as the Dems will want to give Cameltoe a chance to act like an incumbent before the 24 election. The big question is who we the Democrats install as V.P. after Biden is left to rot in the old folks home?

My guess? Hillary Clinton. Kamala is a dirty current I sider to her core but she knows no one likes her. Even she knows she polled at 0% during the last Dem primary. Thus she wants a big name and she will need big money connections thus she will cater to the corrupt Clinton machine. Dems are also inherently racist and sexist and they know they need the suburban white woman vote and what better way to appeal to feelings instead of facts than a two female ticket while they like and claim the half-Asian, one quarter white lady with a Jamaican father some how represents American black women and their experiences? This will automatically appeal to low information liberals thus it is exactly what I expect them to do.

What is your guess?

It's increasingly likely that Kamala Might not be the next Presidential nominee.

She's having severe morale problems in her office:

If she caint even hold her workplace together, how is she gonna govern a country?

You fucking idiot, she got cheated in with biden. NOTHING can be done now! Bitch will be president because she's next in line when biden dies and that asshole is teetering.

Like him or not, as an American citizen, Joe Biden IS your President for at least the next 3-1/2 years, Lokmeer!

so suck it up, Buttercup!


...that's an order....Lokmeer!

I doubt Biden will last a full term.

He will. He’s doing a good job, without a bunch of fucking lies, corruption, deception, spite and stupidity

The country opened up. Duh!

the guy is actually stupid enough to believe biden had something to do with that

god these people are painfully fucking dense, dumb and dyslexic

the world would be so much better off if they all suddenly croaked