Why the sudden influx of Benny Hill Brits?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It might be tooth decay
Brits in general have good teeth these days, I fail to see the relevance of your "joke" either...
Did they finally add fluoride to the water?
Aye like Australians are not known for death breath... Brits founded your country the same as the US so therefore the same people, the fuck are you on about with 1950s stereotypes?
Do you know a about the white Australia policy? Only good looking white people were allowed into Australia. Look it up, WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY. Snaggle toofs weren't allowed in.
It was fucking British convicts that were sent to start building, it wasn't a modeling constest lmao idiot!
Oh, so now you're an expert on who was sent to the colonies, huh?

Research Mary Wade, Numbnuts and then get back to me.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
It might be tooth decay
Brits in general have good teeth these days, I fail to see the relevance of your "joke" either...
Did they finally add fluoride to the water?
Aye like Australians are not known for death breath... Brits founded your country the same as the US so therefore the same people, the fuck are you on about with 1950s stereotypes?
Do you know a about the white Australia policy? Only good looking white people were allowed into Australia. Look it up, WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY. Snaggle toofs weren't allowed in.
It was fucking British convicts that were sent to start building, it wasn't a modeling constest lmao idiot!

I swear, she's barking mad...

Someone needs to humanely put the old girl out of her misery with a 12 gauge.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
It might be tooth decay
Brits in general have good teeth these days, I fail to see the relevance of your "joke" either...
Did they finally add fluoride to the water?
Aye like Australians are not known for death breath... Brits founded your country the same as the US so therefore the same people, the fuck are you on about with 1950s stereotypes?
Do you know a about the white Australia policy? Only good looking white people were allowed into Australia. Look it up, WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY. Snaggle toofs weren't allowed in.
It was fucking British convicts that were sent to start building, it wasn't a modeling constest lmao idiot!
Oh, so now you're an expert on who was sent to the colonies, huh?

Research Mary Wade, Numbnuts and then get back to me.
I never implied I'm an expert but I laughed at your incredible horse shit post... hahahahaha


Put your glasses on!
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Thats what I was taught in school, criminals sent to Australia long ago. Here in the states they were sent to Georgia I think.... to let the Injuns "take care of them".

Of course, most the shit "taught" in school is horse shit.


Put your glasses on!
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Look up, convict Mary Wade you useless tumbleweeds....

On 5 October 1788 (Mary was aged eleven) she went with another child, Jane Whiting (14 years old) to steal clothing off of Mary Phillips, an 8 year old, who at the time was collecting water. Mary and Jane stole a dress, a scarf/shawl and a hat in an attempt to sell these items at a pawn store. Another child then reported the theft to an officer who searched Mary’s room and found the shawl, Mary was then sent to the Bridewell Prison where she would await her trial.

On the 14th January 1789 her trial was held and she was sentenced to death by hanging for theft and violence. Although, luckily for Mary, on the 11th of March 1789, King George 3rd was ‘cured’ from his mental illness and during the celebrations of this miracle he said that all women on death row (including Mary) were not to be killed, but sent to Australia.

Mary spent a total of 93 days in the Newgate Prison before she was transported on the ship ‘Lady Juliana’ as a part of the second fleet. Mary was onboard the first convict ship to be completely full of women and children. Mary was the youngest ever convict to be transported to Australia.

After a eleven month journey towards Australia, the ship finally docked at Sydney on the 3rd of June, 1790. Mary was then sent to Norfolk Island on the boat ‘Surprise’ and the ship arrived on the 7th of August 1790.

Man, they was gonna kill her for stealing clothes. I bet these riots would end overnight if that was brought about here lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It might be tooth decay
Brits in general have good teeth these days, I fail to see the relevance of your "joke" either...
Did they finally add fluoride to the water?
Aye like Australians are not known for death breath... Brits founded your country the same as the US so therefore the same people, the fuck are you on about with 1950s stereotypes?
Do you know a about the white Australia policy? Only good looking white people were allowed into Australia. Look it up, WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY. Snaggle toofs weren't allowed in.
It was fucking British convicts that were sent to start building, it wasn't a modeling constest lmao idiot!
Oh, so now you're an expert on who was sent to the colonies, huh?

Research Mary Wade, Numbnuts and then get back to me.
I never implied I'm an expert but I laughed at your incredible horse shit post... hahahahaha

Really? Try laughing at your own igorance about the poor white slave convicts sent to Australia, simpleton. Mary Wade was a child they shipped off to the colonies. She wasn't alone being so young.... people were sent because they stole a loaf of bread.... you are a nation of arseholes... you should own it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Man, they was gonna kill her for stealing clothes. I bet these riots would end overnight if that was brought about here lol.

Next time you see Negroes crying in self pity, show them Mary Wade.... Negroes think they were the only victims.... The establishment were really cruel in those days.... TO EVERYONE.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Man, they was gonna kill her for stealing clothes. I bet these riots would end overnight if that was brought about here lol.

Next time you see Negroes crying in self pity, show them Mary Wade.... Negroes think they were the only victims.... The establishment were really cruel in those days.... TO EVERYONE.

I really hate it how things are these days with the negroes. I blame the media and such.

Then you got whites that are just as bad, never considering that whites were slaves, or have experienced racism, or are poor, nothing. Its all "whites are privileged, rich, racists!". My ass!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And unmarried mothers had their children stolen at birth and sold off.
Very, very cruel. There is a good movie about the Irish Catholics.... "Philomena."