Why they *actually* hate Scott Ritter...


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Because he's a turncoat working for Putin, you poor mans Ron Jeremy!




Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

Biden has to go eh @Garraty_47 ?

Hes clearly a man in a stare of mental decline

Sports teams regularly retire once great superstars past their prime & replace them with younger players.

So why shouldn't this apply to aging politicians as well?

If the Democrats keep Biden on they're stupid.

Rather than the public turning on the Democrats their popularity will probably go up if they take the tough, difficult but necessary step. It's the same thing to do.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I don't like predators of innocent teens. Nor would I advance the words of any.

If a person preys on minors, IDGAGDF about their politics.

The only person at this forum that actually amplifies the voice of a predator.



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I don't like predators of innocent teens. Nor would I advance the words of any.

If a person preys on minors, IDGAGDF about their politics.

The only person at this forum that actually amplifies the voice of a predator.

Maybe Gary_45 is trying to say something.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I don't like predators of innocent teens. Nor would I advance the words of any.

If a person preys on minors, IDGAGDF about their politics.

The only person at this forum that actually amplifies the voice of a predator.

Trump did it too @Lily to some teeny bopper.

But got away with it.

Its who a person knows.

Clearly Ritter agitated a lot of people made enemies with the wrong people so they nailed him.

Anyway the Republican justices on your nations Supreme Court have completely exonerated Trump for all time so hes become a citizen above US law now.

Special privileges and immunity granted to a Criminal all in the name of protecting their own.

And perhaps poisoning the us justice system for all time

What a price you Americans will pay to protect 1 man


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Trump did it too @Lily to some teeny bopper.

But got away with it.

Its who a person knows.

Clearly Ritter agitated a lot of people made enemies with the wrong people so they nailed him.

Anyway the Republican justices on your nations Supreme Court have completely exonerated Trump for all time so hes become a citizen above US law now.

Even if it was a trap, he walked right into it by looking to solicit sex from minors from a law enforcement agent.

Trump is a piece of shit and I've always said so.

I would rather have a pickled turnip in a jar in the Oval Office than any of these pieces of shit.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Even if it was a trap, he walked right into it by looking to solicit sex from minors from a law enforcement agent.

Trump is a piece of shit and I've always said so.

I would rather have a pickled turnip in a jar in the Oval Office than any of these pieces of shit.
I'm just pointing out that Trump allegedly raped a 13 year old girl and got away with it.

And now his cronies on the ussc have provided him with lifetime immunity . A sure corruption of your nation's justice system


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh no...this topic has made the BC gossip thread, can Sheriff please delete my post from this thread.

What's there to defend about Scott Ritter? All you have to do is Google his name. This pops up, including the part that says "Criminal status: Paroled in 2014."

No one made it up. Anyone that wants the truth can read more about it for themselves.



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the things you own end up owning you
What's there to defend about Scott Ritter? All you have to do is Google his name. This pops up, including the part that says "Criminal status: Paroled in 2014."

No one made it up. Anyone that wants the truth can read more about it for themselves.

Why are there so many Child moleters in Florida?



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
He never should have been there to begin with.
To be fair, Biden was good for a time but now he's past his best due date.
That's self-evident.

And Democrats who cower around Biden trying to protect him are just as bad as Republicans who do the same and overlook his transgressions as if nothing happened. The way that USSC shielded Trump in their ruling recently - they were just playing favorites not doing their duty as impartial Justices of the Law.

there's too much cronyism on both sides of the political aisle in your country @Garraty_47


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the things you own end up owning you
To be fair, Biden was good for a time but now he's past his best due date.
That's self-evident.

And Democrats who cower around Biden trying to protect him are just as bad as Republicans who do the same and overlook his transgressions as if nothing happened. The way that USSC shielded Trump in their ruling recently - they were just playing favorites not doing their duty as impartial Justices of the Law.

there's too much cronyism on both sides of the political aisle in your country @Garraty_47
I disagree, Trump is an existential threat to the American society as we know it. Joe is drifty now and then


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I disagree, Trump is an existential threat to the American society as we know it.
May be too late to stop him now.
It would appear that your USSC has validated him with their ruling of immunity. Those are enablers not Justices.
Stooges serving their Republican Masters.
Rule by decree rather than precedent.
Throw out 250 years or court rulings and common sense overnight.