You Transphobes!!!!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
YourDaughter as you tell it is a lesbain, and you seem OK with that, a generation or so ago the gays were considered criminally insane and treated as such. Today the gays are enjoying much more freedom and acceptance than in centuries. Wake up and smell the coffee, your Daughter is living in a time of progression that is more willing to let her be who she is than ever, and yet places like Florida are trying to make it verboten for educators from even acknowledge the question or classroom discussion.

Somewhere in this country, on any given day, two women, that are someone's daughters, will marry. If they have children, why are they going to be kept from being true to their family?

When another child asks about why Mikey has two moms, what are the adults in the school supposed to do?


Domestically feral
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United states
In 2022 women and lesbians should not be facing prison time anywhere in the world for speaking up for women and saying the obvious. That biological men cannot be lesbians and lesbians should be expected to accept them as lesbians.

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The gender ideology cult is undoing progress. You are not giving ANYONE any rights. You are taking away rights from women and gay people.


Domestically feral
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These days, a woman who
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invites suspicion. Over the past 20 years, bars, bookstores, and festivals, once set aside for women attracted to other women, have rebranded themselves as “trans-inclusive” or “queer”, shut down, or gone underground. Lesbian playwrights such as Carolyn Gage
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. Lesbian role models such as Ellen (now Elliot) Page
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. Even gender-nonconforming girls and women from the past fall victim to the new gender creed. Joan of Arc — the subject of Gage’s cancelled play — has undergone a
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nearly 600 years after she was burned at the stake.

This month, media organisations and mega corporations will bend over backwards to find an LGBTQ angle to cover. But what you won’t see or hear is the underside of Pride: a culture of intense social and sexual pressure that’s pushing some lesbians
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and encouraging others to identify out of womanhood altogether"


Factory Bastard
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Just remember these are the idiots call you names. Yes, they really are that stupid.



Domestically feral
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United states
The trans cult movement is the most homophobic load of orwellian genocide I've ever witnessed

And because I have daughters and one being a lesbian, I'm never going to shut up or stop drilling on this anywhere. No matter how unpopular or dangerous it is to do so.

I know I'm far from the only woman saying this and I know my daughter isnt the only lesbian pushing back for their rights to be who they are.


Domestically feral
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United states
This is a lesbian advocacy group called Get the L Out discussing what the trans cult calls the "cotton ceiling". The cotton ceiling is in reference to a lesbians panties and the goal of males who claim they are females to bully and coerce lesbians into fucking them.

You read that right. They call coercing, bullying, shaming lesbians into sex with male bodies the "cotton ceiling" and here they discuss and show TRAs diacussing raping and harrassing lesbians

I'd like Admin to watch this and explain to me how forcing my daughter to live in the closet or just pretend to be straight to avoid this level of vitriol and hatred from men is "progress" and letting her be who she is?

Because my daughter wants absolutely nothing to do with male bodies. That IS who she is. I shouldnt HAVE to be defending this in 2022.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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My daughter is living in a time where she can be seriously attacked, lose her job, be subjected to violence for not accepting a biological male as a lesbian.

How the fuck is forcing homosexuals to accept opposite sex partners letting them be who they are, Admin?

Do you understand what homosexuality is?

Have you looked at this issue? Really looked at it and looked at the impact this is having?

Have you noticed the amount of destranitioners who were led to believe they were trans when in reality they were just gay?

There is a HUGE difference between a persons sexual orientation and a person who mentally believes they are not the biological sex they were born as. What connection do you think exists there?

Seriously can you explain what connection gender dysphoria has to sexual orientation? Do you NOT see the conflict here how this is deeply harmful to homosexual people? The entire point of homosexuality is they are attracted to the same SEX.

My own well as MANY lesbians are clearly speaking out on this. Are you listening?

We have gone BACKWARDS back to when women did not have civil rights and protections, our own accommodations.....and backwards to when people would be bullied, harrassed and attacked for NOT wanting to sleep with or date members of the opposite sex. If you cant plainly see are choosing to be blind. This is the opposite of progress.
LOL at your myopia!


Domestically feral
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United states
LOL at your myopia!

Are you insane?

So you think one utopian day is going to arrive where no one has any sexual boundaries and homosexuals dont exist and biological sex is not a thing?

Are you hearing the issues here? Because YOU are the myopic one here. Do you think women and homosexuals are just gonna live in fear and not fight back?

Does she make it clear? You are on the wrong side of history with this madness, Admin.


Domestically feral
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United states
Somewhere in this country, on any given day, two women, that are someone's daughters, will marry. If they have children, why are they going to be kept from being true to their family?

When another child asks about why Mikey has two moms, what are the adults in the school supposed to do?

Probably the same thing they have always done when someone asks why another kids family is different. Say "because families are different" and move on. Tell them to ask their mother if they press the issue. Children are not in school to learn politcal ideologies regarding sex.

What you DONT do is launch into some screed about leftwing sexual identity politics, take them to see drag queens and give them pornographic books like "Gender Queer" and "This book is gay".

It's absolutely fucking insane what your side of politcs is doing in public schools. Insane, disgusting and abusive.


Factory Bastard
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A homeless drug addict attacked a man in San Francisco so he called the police. An idiot leftist women gets angry and claims it is unsafe to call the police on violent offenders attacking random people on the street and that the violent criminals should just be allowed to run around robbing and violently assaulting random strangers.

It is a testament to how deep the brain rot has gone for many, many leftists.


Domestically feral
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United states
A homeless drug addict attacked a man in San Francisco so he called the police. An idiot leftist women gets angry and claims it is unsafe to call the police on violent offenders attacking random people on the street and that the violent criminals should just be allowed to run around robbing and violently assaulting random strangers.

It is a testament to how deep the brain rot has gone for many, many leftists.

It's like they just hate humanity.

They think they are better than everyone, they have all the answers to every problem, and they just hate humans.

Their answer to everything is big government and death. They dont even want to talk. They just spew and hate.


Factory Bastard
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Who were the black guys in hi-viz jackets?

Probably local security that business owners have taken to hiring because the local cops aren't allowed to do much of anything by the local radical left Democrats. Plus the Democraps have defunded the police so there just aren't very many police on the streets. Between decriminalization/refusing to prosecute and defunding the police leftists have turned their cities into crime filled hell holes.
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Factory Bastard
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A gay activist and school board president of a school district in L.A. county had underage students attend an alcohol filled party where partially nude transvestite dancers performed and where there was a "dirty Santa".

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... aign=64470


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
A gay activist and school board president of a school district in L.A. county had underage students attend an alcohol filled party where partially nude transvestite dancers performed and where there was a "dirty Santa".

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... aign=64470
Sorry you weren't invited. Maybe next time.


Factory Bastard
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Sadly, the left wing media always tries to bury stories which go against the Democrats chosen narrative. They don't care if young girls are getting beaten or raped.


Domestically feral
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United states
Sadly, the left wing media always tries to bury stories which go against the Democrats chosen narrative. They don't care if young girls are getting beaten or raped.

They dont care about the abuse and rape of women and girls unless it helps them attack the other party.

Which is absurd because we want rapists and predators dealt with regardless of who they are.

They protect an established PLEASE ASS BOX ME! president. They have no line or boundary.


Factory Bastard
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Democrat Katty Porter declares that using terms like "groomer" and "pedophile" discriminates against the sexual orientation of "minor attracted people". They are now openly supporting PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.



Domestically feral
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United states
Democrat Katty Porter declares that using terms like "groomer" and ""BabyPumperAlert!"" discriminates against the sexual orientation of "minor attracted people". They are now openly supporting "BabyPumperAlert!".

Yep. This is how much they hate us. Theyll openly support anything. Anything. Anything but their own neighbors.


Domestically feral
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United states

These are the males who want to come into our spaces where we are vulnerable. Spaces that women fought to have so we could have privacy and safety from men like THIS.

This is an autogynophile. This man is NOT suffering gender dysphoria. Like most of the males claiming now to be trans. This is why distinctions are important

Listen to the way he is talking. This is kind of triggering for me. I cannot tell you how many times I've had a creepo pervert talk dirty to me in this very voice and cadence. I was an exotic dancer for many years. This is how males sound and look(its the dazed horny eye) while they are pushing boundaries and trying to grab on you.

Also this is complete delusion. I know for myself.....yeah I've been with women. If I want a woman, I want a woman. The best part of sex with a male is....he is male. Most women who want to fuck a male want a masculine man.

Not some trooned out pervert in a moo moo talking like a rapist.

Do you guys understand males like this are fucking dangerous perverts who are living out a fetish? This guy jerked off after this video. He is all turned on and talking on a tik tok about how much better he is at fucking women as a woman than "cis men"....this is a FETISH and this male is NOT gender dysphoric. This is who the establishment left supports swinging his erection in the faces of our little girls. And I'm not being hyperbolic....its literally happening a of the west and they support it.

And I'm suppose to just be okay with this cretin being called a woman? He is just like me, huh? I have to let him into a locker room with my daughters.


Domestically feral
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United states

My favorite, most beautiful lesbian(my adult human female daughter who loves other adult human females....that's what a lesbian is) in the world introduced me to this Twitter page.

Because she sees the psychotic rapey homophobia in the gender cult.

Admin should feel happy that she can be herself here and not feel pressured and coercion to accept biological males as "lesbians".

Isnt the whole "lesbian trapped in a mans body" an archaic and disturbing joke? It's not fucking funny anymore. It never actually was.