Your blow-in politics...

Holliday Unchained

I thought political was permanently moved to the ass box?

It was for a 1 month trial. Its still in the Sweatshops though.

Oh ok. I didn't know. I meant to say "politics". I hate the damn auto spell shit on my phone.
A woman I worked with - my partner in the lab told me a funny story about autocorrect.
She was asked to get some info to which she replied to the man she was conversing with
Just give me some secs (seconds - time).
The phone autocorrected to Just give me some sex. :ThumbsUp3:


I thought political was permanently moved to the ass box?

It was for a 1 month trial. Its still in the Sweatshops though.

Oh ok. I didn't know. I meant to say "politics". I hate the damn auto spell shit on my phone.
A woman I worked with - my partner in the lab told me a funny story about autocorrect.
She was asked to get some info to which she replied to the man she was conversing with
Just give me some secs (seconds - time).
The phone autocorrected to Just give me some sex. :ThumbsUp3:

Lucky she didn't work for Cuomo...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Why does this whiny bastard keep calling people blow ins? I used to post at the old board and even donated money back in the day. Hell, the reason I returned to a forum I had largely forgotten was because you guys emailed me trying to get people to come back. Seriously, give it a rest, if you dislike politics then spend your time in the other dozen or so subforums and stop your whining.

I get his issue. He is salty because the ones that showed up and are in politics are not posting in other topics so it feels like politics is taking over BF.
I was hoping that they would work that out, but most of the people frequenting politics are armchair politicians with no real life experiences to be giving any advice or opinion. Another factor is the group Trump up a load of bullshit to fuck us around. Mega-Nerds like that woeful cunt poofter!

Right. They all want me to leave forums. So that's why they are harping and bitching.

"Flamers" are weak as and thinned skinned. They cannot take what they dish out, and they get butt hurt and try to run their opposition off.

Its incredibly retarded but that's what it is.....lamo.

That's why I've always trolls are funner and better. No fucks given over optics, e reps or who "likes" you. They need all that validation.

I figure I'll ignore it and eventually its gotta sputter out. They've going for nearly 2 years whether I'm even online or not.

Old school flamers AND trolls are just for larfs...

It needs to be said...


When I put "flamers" in quotes it's exactly for that reason. All the good, hilarious ones are either gone or not doing it anymore.

From what I've read, the reason is shit like this. And general loss of interest.

cw, Fat Danny, scT, and I are still present... SSS too... maybe the odd old school tourist here or there... :Confused3:

Yep....but they aren't doing the flaming thing anymore.

Sometimes I go to Flametruth JUST for the "Blame Biden" threads. I love it. It's a great thread.

I won't even bother reading any of the other threads because there are always ridiculous slams on me even when I have nothing to do with anything being said and it's not worth reading. So I stopped a long time ago.

I love getting slammed or dunked on...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I thought political was permanently moved to the ass box?

It was for a 1 month trial. Its still in the Sweatshops though.

Oh ok. I didn't know. I meant to say "politics". I hate the damn auto spell shit on my phone.
A woman I worked with - my partner in the lab told me a funny story about autocorrect.
She was asked to get some info to which she replied to the man she was conversing with
Just give me some secs (seconds - time).
The phone autocorrected to Just give me some sex. :ThumbsUp3:

Lucky she didn't work for Cuomo...

I heard as of today Cuomo had no less than seven former female aids now accusing him of sexual harassment with the latest claiming he reached up her skirt and grabbed her by the pussy. Funny, libs pretended to be so upset when another guy mentioned women let rich and powerful guys grab them by the pussy but they are all silent now. I wonder what changed?

Holliday Unchained

I thought political was permanently moved to the ass box?

It was for a 1 month trial. Its still in the Sweatshops though.

Oh ok. I didn't know. I meant to say "politics". I hate the damn auto spell shit on my phone.
A woman I worked with - my partner in the lab told me a funny story about autocorrect.
She was asked to get some info to which she replied to the man she was conversing with
Just give me some secs (seconds - time).
The phone autocorrected to Just give me some sex. :ThumbsUp3:

Lucky she didn't work for Cuomo...

I heard as of today Cuomo had no less than seven former female aids now accusing him of sexual harassment with the latest claiming he reached up her skirt and grabbed her by the pussy. Funny, libs pretended to be so upset when another guy mentioned women let rich and powerful guys grab them by the pussy but they are all silent now. I wonder what changed?
He'll have his day in court.
Some of these things are political hits from within the party, and that is what many think this is.
The reason - Cuomo is a moderate, or as I believe a conservative.
Personally I don't approve of that sort of tactic, but it wouldn't be a first time.

People in the party are calling for him to step down - I don't think he should.
He's a jerk, yes - but let the process take it's course.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, look! An eighth woman came forward that is two in one day! This one is a female reporter who said Cuomo demanded a blow job in exchange for an interview. Where are the leftists who screamed "believe all women"? Just crickets. As long as it is a Democrat who is the abuser/rapist, well, I guess everything is cool.

Meanwhile Trump said when you are a billionaire women let you grab their pussy and willing sex was terrible. Yet coercion by Democraps? Not a peep.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
NY State's "vaccine czar" called all the county officials in the state to threaten them with withholding covid vaccines from them if they do not vocally support the Gov. Cuomo who murdered 15,000 elderly people and has been accused of gross sexual misconduct by no less than eight women. This is so unethical and corrupt. Now we can all see how corrupt and evil Democrats truly are.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What really pisses my off about the Cuomo situation is his alleged ass grabbing which doesnt mean jack fukin shit to me. Like Saint Trump said, some bitches like to be grabbed by the pussy!

Cuomo is responsible for packing sick people in with old farts and HE KNEW this would kill em! Fuck them dumb bitches that got their beaver fantasized over. I'm sure some other penis gave their vagina the attention it needed!


Domestically feral
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United states
Anyone who thinks Cuomo is a "moderate" or a conservative has no freaking clue what either of those things even are.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
NYC's Democrat mayor turns on Cuomo and Cuomo's "vaccine czar" who threatened to withhold vaccines from cities and counties unless those politicians publicly supported the corrupt and murdering Cuomo. NYC major called that "the very definition of corruption. "

Dems are so corrupt.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If this asshole Cuomo doesnt get tossed STRICTLY for killing old people, then he may as well stay in. If deblasio takes his place, new yourk should burn down to the fukin ground.